Justin Time and the Time Trappers

Chapter 14

Olga told me the low down that there were only a handful of people who could have time napped me. She was telling me as she was helping me get my gear on.

“I’m wondering something, if you’re here where’s the Olga of this time?” I asked, and Olga stopped as she strapped my oxygen bag to my back.

“You’ve never gone back to a current era?” Olga asked.

“No,” I said.

“In the current era your consciousness gets transferred to your body at that time.” Olga said as she continued to strap my bag.

“So, your telling me you from the future in your current body?” I asked.

“Pretty much,” Olga said.

“Can you take that stupid thing off?” I tapped on her helmet as she turned to face me. “I already know it’s you.”

“Ugh why?” Olga said.

“I already know it’s you,” I shrugged.

“Fine,” Olga reached up and pressed on these two side straps on her helmet. It hissed, and she pulled it off. She shook her hair out and looked up to me with her beautiful black eyes. “There happy?”

“Super,” I smiled.

She was a lot prettier than I though she was. I remember her being a super snooty bitch. So, I always avoided her like the plague. But when she was right next to me. She was super beautiful.

“Hey no funny business!” She smacked me on the chest.

“What?” I asked.

“You were fantasizing about me,” Olga said angrily.

I realized when she was angry or flustered, her Goloridan Omicron accent flared up. I thought it was super cute, and hot.

“No, I wasn’t,” I said innocently.

“Don’t kid around, that is how you kept jumping around,” She said.

“What the hell?” I said. “You mean I would fantasize about someone and I would jump in time?”

“That is exactly what was happening,” Olga said.

“That I so awesome!” I said.

“Oh, you are such an idiot!” Olga said slapping me again her accent flaring up again. I thought it was adorable.

“Ow okay fine,” I said holding my hands up. “Sorry, okay.”

Olga stopped slapping me and flick a strand of hair around her right ear.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked.

“I had the same thing happen to me,” Olga said.

“You were time napped?” I asked.

“Well, no I was displaced in time,” Olga said.

“Oh, wow, I didn’t know that,” I said

“Few do,” Olga said and then she very cutely and suddenly acting like a shy girl she a strand around her ear again and said. “It’s not like I’m helping you because I like you or anything you idiot.”

“Woah are you actually secretly a nice girl?” I said very enthusiastically.

“No, you idiot!” She started hitting me again.

After getting slapped around a bit. I had concluded that Olga was secretly a nice girl, and not only that she was very cute nice girl. I wondered if that snooty bitch mode she had, was her trying to push people away from recognize who she really was.

“So, the plan is…” Olga asked as I stood outside where the chronotraveler was. Olga held one of her arms and leaned on one of her legs as she waited for me to respond. Man was she beautiful!

“Go through, find the monkey girl,” I said. “If she attacks me check my suit for tears.”

“Whoever is time napping you will need to change strategies,” Olga said.

I nodded and walked into the portal. I tried not to think of her so much as I was getting myself ready. But it was hard not to think about her she was so damn sexy. Her tight butt, her smile, her body was fit as hell, she was a fucking goddess and I wanted to literally bang, the shit out of her. I shook my head and thought of boring girl.

I had to focus at the task at hand. I shook my head I got myself ready by putting my helmet on and tapped in the time coordinates and a portal opened in front of me. I walked into it and appeared on the other side. I scanned around trying to find any temporal distortions.

“There you are,” I found a faint temporal distortion and started heading over there. As I was getting there, I was wondering what would happen if I got there and she was in the middle of fucking the cave-man what did protocol call for?

I couldn’t kill the caveman, article 38214 was to not kill anything native to the timeline. But I couldn’t let the chick fuck him either. Article 31722, time nappers who traveled for the purpose of sexual deviancy shall be stopped at the utmost urgency, or something like that.

I was lucky last time, I remember that I had managed to stop that idiot who tried to fuck his own grandmother before he even found her. Maybe I would be lucky again and stop this chick before she could find the caveman. I watched my step and started looking around making sure not to accidentally squish an ant which will create a butterfly effect thing that would like cause us have eight legs or something.

That was one thing about being a Time Trapper and not a time napper. A time napper didn’t care about the consequences of what they were doing when they fucked with time. Us time trappers, yeah, we had like drills pretty much every day that drilled us on making sure we didn’t accidentally squish something. I suddenly remembered when I came back, I had to go to the mandatory drills.

“Shit that’s going to be boring,” I sighed. Then I realized maybe I could do the drills with Olga. I smirked at that idea. I was planning on asking her out once this mess was behind us.

I followed the readings I was seeing, and I soon reached where the readings were coming from. It was coming from behind a bush. I didn’t hear any sexual sounds, so I thought I was lucky. I pulled out my gun and slowly walked through the bush. On the other side I watched. It was the girl…or was it?

I cocked my head curiously trying to figure out if it was the girl or not. It looked like her…but it didn’t look like her. She was naked, completely naked and she wasn’t like super-hot naked she had these patches of fur all over her body. Muscles could be seen under those patches, she looked super fit, but I was confused why did she look so hairy?

“What the shit?” I said, and the creature turned to me and gave this horrible scream. It was literally a monkey-girl. Just like Olga said. Monkey girl looked angry and charged at me. “Oh fuck!”

The creature ran at me full force.

“Stand back, hand where I could see them!” I said. But monkey girl didn’t give a shit she attacked me. She gave these crazy monkey screams as she lashed at me.

I managed to block the damn thing from hitting me, I then hit it with one of my batons and smacked across her face. The monkey thing fell to the floor unconscious. I quickly checked my suit. On my arm where I had blocked it was a tear.

“Ah ha!” I said. I grabbed a mesh tape repair kit from my belt. I wrapped it around the tear and checked the rest of my suit. I even did a scan of my suit to make super sure I didn’t miss anything.

I felt stupid that future me had not done this. After the scans turned out with nothing, I turned to the monkey girl

“What the fuck is that?” I asked, and I scanned this thing to make sure it was her.

“80% match,” the computer said.

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked.

“DNA of subject has been altered,” the computer said.

“DNA has been altered?” I said looking at the monkey girl. What the hell did that mean? I wondered.

I quickly put up a time trap and opened a portal. I scanned around making sure no random fly would come in with me and pulled the monkey girl with me. In few moments I appeared on the other side pulling the monkey girl with me.

“What the hell is that?” one of the scientists said who came to meet with me.

“You tell me,” I said.

“Is that the subject?” The scientist asked.

“Again, you tell me,” I said.

“Understood,” the scientist said and started scanning the monkey girl.

I looked at this thing confused. I had no idea what the hell this thing was supposed to be. It was breathing softly, and it totally did not look like the dorky girl well it did if she had been spliced with a monkey.

“80% match,” the scientist said and then to the other scientist. “Take her to the lab.” Then the scientist looked over at me. “Please get me your report soon.”

“Sure doc,” I saluted, and he rolled his eyes and they moved the monkey girl out of the space. I couldn’t help to notice he seemed irritated.

I dismissed his irritation and wondered what the hell that whole monkey-girl thing was about. I didn’t see anything in her record that she was secretly a monkey girl. So that meant she had been turned into it, at least I think she was turned into it. Of course, in this neck of the woods, that was not something that was uncommon.

The damn Project Rho, had a habit of trying to turn people into super soldiers, but as far as super soldiers go, why this geeky girl? And then to top it off why send her back in time? I had no idea, but that was not my problem, I figured. I wrote my report and headed out for the day. Then I remembered, I thought Project Rho was shut down.

“You did it!” Olga said as she came running in after the lugged the monkey girl out. I noticed that irritated guy, what the hell was his name? Norman? He watched her walk past him.

Yeah, he was named Norman, I remember him because he had green hair for some reason. It wasn’t like neon green hair either. His hair was like if someone puked out green goo and made it into hair and put it on his head. Norman’s eyes looked like a light bulb had lit in his head. I almost started to wonder what that was about, but Olga had reached me and distracted me.

“What next?” I asked.

“Now we wait,” Olga said.

“I know something we can do, you know to waste some time.” I smirked. Olga gave me a mischievous smile and nodded.

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