Just Be Mine

Chapter 6

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

The weather was still bad the next morning. I was thankful that I didn’t have to leave the apartment for anything. I practically laughed in Toby’s face when he had to go for his classes. Its funny because its really cold outside and neither of us like it. I’m staying here the whole day and there’s nothing that can stop me. I walked around in heavy clothing and had sheets wrapped around me, the power was still out in some places and our place just happened to be one of them. This sort of does make me mad because I don’t like the cold much, its hard to stay warm like this.

My phone was ringing but it was just about to die. Maybe I can charge it on my laptop. But its almost dead too. I sighed and looked at my phone, it was Jesse. How much trouble would I get in if I ignored her call? A lot maybe. I groaned as I slid my finger on the green button. What does the women want?

“Yes babe?” I tried to sound the least bit interested but what’s the chance of that happening?

“Where are you Pierce? Are you not coming?” she asked. I went into shock; how can she think that I’m going to want to leave this place. It didn’t snow yesterday but there was the worst storm going on. If she thinks that I will step foot out into the world in this weather then she must be out of her mind.

“You honestly think I’m going out in this weather? Have you seen the sky right now? No, I’m not leaving.” I said quickly. Its really cold outside and I don’t like it. She groaned on obnoxiously.

“Really? How long have you been living here?” she asked.

“Jesse it has been four months here, kay? Do not get mad at me for that.” I said.

“Whatever, be a wimp and stay in your comfy place,” she gave up. There’s no heat; how dare she say comfy. “But you’ll miss the fun,” she hinted.

“Okay, bye.” I didn’t care.

“Fine,” she snapped and hung up. She’ll get over it. Once the weather clears up, I’ll be back outside. It just makes me iffy. I didn’t think it would get this bad, hell she told me it gets decently cold not below fucking freezing. I hate this so much.

“Well she’s annoying,”

I screamed, throwing my phone. Kellin just made my heart erupt and I think I might die from blood loss. When the fuck did he get here? Why is he so close next to me? Why the fuck is this happening. I took a shaky breath and looked at him slowly, clutching the sheets around me. How can he look so casual like this? It pissed me off. And did he just call my girlfriend annoying?

“What the hell are you doing here?” I shouted when I could regain my sanity.

“Bored.” he said. And now he’s lounging on my couch like he lives here, no I won’t have that. Can he not be here? Can his existence not exist. “You don’t really love her do you?” he asked plainly.

“Excuse me?” I raged. He can’t just tell me that I don’t when I most definitely do.

“You don’t really care for her.” he said.

“Get out,” I looked away.

“But its true though. I can tell your feelings when you’re around her and there’s not an ounce of love there.” he said.

“Like you would know anything about love,” I spat out. He moved his arms from behind his head as he looked at me with red eyes. I think I snapped something on the inside. Should I be scared now because I was about to piss myself. This is why I didn’t want to deal with this in the first place. Its pointless. Now he’s giving me a death glare and I can’t get away.

“Seriously? What do you feel for the girl?” he asked me. I remained silent as I kept my gaze away. I like Jesse, we’ve been together for a while and she’s cool. What else is there? There has to be nothing left.

“What are you trying to gain out of this?” I asked quietly as I played with my hands. I could feel my unhappiness rising because of him. He makes it worse.

“The only way to prove that I love you is if she’s out of the picture first.” he said. That sliced right through me. He’s too fucking direct! Doesn’t he know that? I hate that trait about him. I just hate him. And how can he honestly think I would fall for him so easily. I hate his kind and I hate him. There’s no way it would work out even if I didn’t have this amount of hostility.

“Listen here, I’m not gay, okay? And I’m not going to break up with my girlfriend just so you can make my life hell,” I yelled at him. Piece of shit. He continued to look at me, no expression on his face. He was just bland despite everything else.

His hands touched my face and it made me grimace; he was cold and I hated it. Why is he touching me first of all? He knows I despise him, yet he was doing this. It made me angry and nervous. What is he planning on doing? I didn’t want to look in his eyes but he was making me, I couldn’t tear away from me.

“Please,” he said, like he was begging for this opportunity. So Jesse has to be out of the picture for this. What actions would he take if I told him that I wouldn’t break up with her? Of course I wouldn’t do it for him, I don’t like him. Him asking for this is pointless, I’m not going to give up a relationship to be with a vampire that I don’t even know. I moved his hands from my face and turned away, not giving him an answer. Its just too much.

“Your hostility is cruel.” he muttered. I felt sick.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“You know I have a fucking reason for being like this. My parents were killed by vampires, so if you think I’ll ever be with you then try again.” he said and got up to get his phone off the floor. If that’s what he thinks then I know it won’t ever be like that. He won’t resist much, after some time he’ll give in to me. Pierce won’t fight long.

But I am held responsible for his hatred. Well partially. He has the complete right to despise us all and I can’t say anything about it. But I won’t just keep watching anymore, he can’t think I won’t make a simple move. I know his consent is needed but if he takes too long, I won’t wait for him. That’s how it might have to be anyway. I’m not going to let his feelings decide this for me, I will change how he feels before anything.

“You won’t get anywhere hating me,” I sighed.

“Oh really?” he tested. “Fucking try me, Kellin. If you touch me one more time, I’ll kill you myself.” he threatened. That was the hottest thing he’s ever said to me. That’s a turn on. I kind of zoned out for a second and it was hard to stop. But he’s feisty, I like that.

“You remembered my name,” I smiled. His face turned bright red as he stammered for words. It was making him angry how I was doing this but seriously, it was hot. He can’t just say that to me and not me to say anything about it. Its cruel.

“Get the hell out,” he shouted.

“I leave on one condition,” I said. His lip curled, not even liking that I was even bargaining for something. But he waited for my request. I know I can’t ask for anything specific because that would push it so far. My first thought was sex but that would only get a stake through my heart. I can’t have that. “Come here,” I said. He was hesitant, being cautious with me. I can understand that. I pulled him down to me and pressed my lips to his. He went still but his heart took off. His hand moved, just about to punch me again but I caught it. Didn’t he learn from last night? My fangs came out immediately but I didn’t let that stop me, I gave him all that I could but that seemed to piss him off even more. I was happy anyways. He tasted better than anything; I really would have bitten his lip but I controlled myself. He wouldn’t let me go that far so easily. His blood boiled under his skin as he raged but maybe he should just use that energy to kiss me back instead. He would never.

I let go after I thought I had enough. It was enough for today, maybe a couple hours. His face was red as he tried to hold in his anger. He wasn’t doing a very good job of that anyway. I shouldn’t patronize him anymore or I would end up at square one again. It wouldn’t be fair to me after I took the time to crack his shell.

“So?” I asked, getting cocky. He has to say something about it at least. He owes me that much.

“Get the fuck out,” he yelled. I got up. I can do just that for now, I get it. But he’ll want me to stay around, I know he will.

I left like how I was instructed to. I don’t need trouble right now. I walked around on my own, I couldn’t sense any vampires near by here so I’m really alone. I was hungry but I might as well not go hunting tonight, Dante doesn’t need a reason to choke me again. I can go without feeding for a couple hours I guess. No one’s barely outside anyway, its only a few people who actually like this weather. I wonder what it would be like to feel it again. What’s it like to be human again? Its been so long this way? That put me in a depressing mood.

“Kellin,” Layne had said. I looked up from where his voice came from. What’s he doing up there anyway? He tipped down the ledge, coming to meet me. He looked serious about something. I kept my hands in my pocket as I looked at him. Whatever it is must be pretty significant.

“What?” I asked when he didn’t speak.

“Did you know Jeremy lives with the boy?” he asked. He knows too. I pursed my lips tightly, holding in my surprised reaction.

“How’d you know?” I asked.

“Sometimes I see him leave from there.” he admitted. That pissed me off.

“And you ne-”

“You haven’t come into contact with him till recently so I’m telling you now,” he defended himself quickly. I need patience, I need a fuck ton of it.

“Does Dante know?” I asked through my teeth. He shook his head. Well well. Our little Jeremy is keeping a secret from Dante. Lets see how we can make him crumble beneath our feet. Layne probably won’t participate but I will; I can use this to my advantage now, at least I hope I can. But what’s the worst that can happen in this situation?

“Jeremy isn’t the one for tricks, Kellin. He’ll just get straight to the point,” Layne warned. That’s true but I can be careful about it. Jeremy won’t be the one taking my life and I know that for a fact.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I threw the sheets on the bed and stretched. I’m unbelievably pissed. Kellin draws the line, the fucking line. I’ve never been so mad. I dropped my phone on the bed and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. He doesn’t get to kiss me like that first of all, just cause he’s a vampire doesn’t mean he can invade my space. I just want to go somewhere now, anywhere is better than here. I hate all of this.

I put real clothes on. I might do something useful and get my guitar from the café. It shouldn’t be a long walk. I hope I don’t see Kellin, I will run into a wall if I have to. Dealing with him isn’t something I’d enjoy much. I sighed and put my beanie on as I grabbed a scarf; I need to stay warm! I headed for the door when I was ready but someone came in. Oh.

Jeremy’s back. I wonder where he goes or what he does. Probably a drug dealer or something. He isn’t suspicious of it but I bet he’s down in the train stations selling weed or something. He passed me, giving a flimsy wave. He doesn’t do much, he just stays in his room. Sometimes, I’m not even aware that he left. But that’s him. He wasn’t wearing the same clothes from when he left two weeks ago. They were decent for once instead of all that black. He had his hair pulled up in a very sloppy bun but it looked like the most manliest thing ever. Can I be him or what? He’s just so cool. That’s what I think. Toby is scared shitless of him. Jeremy’s chill even though he does have a threatening demeanor; its like he has dark aura or something. But it works for him. I wish I could pull that off.

But all I have is a slim waist.

Whatever. I turned and walked out. Hopefully Jeremy will be here when I get back so I can ask him what he does with his life and if I can be a part of it. Seriously, school is tiring.

I got my guitar and was heading back. It was windy and the air was icy. My breath came out it puffs like I was smoking. My balls are freezing out here, I want to go back inside but its still a long walk. Its just - why did I come out here in the first place. I couldn’t leave ol' baby blue by herself though. All my other guitars missed her. It was traumatizing to be away like that.

My phone rang in my pocket. I have one hand freezing already from caring the case. I really don’t want to pull out the other one to get instant frostbite. But this was Jesse’s ring tone so I had to. She better have something important.

“Hey hey hey, babe, hey hey baby,” she sang loudly before I could utter the first word that is hello. I groaned.

“Are you drunk?” I sighed.

“No,” she said rudely. Okay, she’s good then. “I’m in a really good mood right now.” she said lowly.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Come get me baby, I’m lonely.” she whined. I sighed again as I stopped on the sidewalk to look around. Its really cold and I’m freezing but what can I do about it?

“Alright, where are you?” I asked.

“Downtown.” she cheered up quickly. Dammit, I have to take the train. I don’t have time to put my guitar up now, I might as well leave and go to her.

“Fine,” I muttered, giving in to her. This sucks but whatever.

The ride back was silent. She had fallen asleep on me. No one was in here with us so it was just quiet. I wanted to sleep too but I’d be out completely and someone has to wake us up. I strained to keep my eyes opened; it was just so comfortable this way, peaceful and all. But I had to suck it up. I moved my head off hers, snapping out of my daze so I could stay awake. She was warm against me as she slept soundly.

How could I want something other than this? The thought of Kellin pressuring me filled my head. How am I supposed to get rid of him when he knows the human tricks. He’ll do anything. He’s probably watching right now. What can I do to make him stop? I won’t say yes to him ever, I don’t want vampires near me. My life was basically ruined and I suffered on my own. I don’t see any of them helping me. Exactly. Kellin can just leave me alone because I won’t agree with any of this.

I shook Jesse up when we had to get off. There’s no way I could carry her with one hand. But she got up finally and we left together. She was still leaning on me, dragging her feet but she walked. She doesn’t live that far from here so that’s good. We walked in silence. I was still thinking about before, in fact, I couldn’t get Kellin’s existence out of my head; on the inside I wanted to die. Its not fair that this had to happen, its not fair that this is happening. It made me frown. Let me just get Jesse home so I can go on with my sad life.

She started to drag herself up the steps when she turned to me. If she asks me to come inside with her, I’m just walking away. I know she was too tired though, whatever she was doing earlier wiped her out completely. But she looked at me and smiled.

“Thanks for bringing me back,” she said. I was confused; I never just leave her out in the city but then again she doesn’t thank me much. I smiled back at her and she went inside her apartment building. Well then its time to go home then.

It started to rain hard. I literally had no protection in this weather. And my guitar, no. Walking in this rain will be the death of me. But I realized I wasn’t getting wet. The rain was pouring but not on me. I looked up to see a black umbrella over my head and then I saw who was holding it. Kellin. He didn’t have it over himself so he was getting wet. I’m not king or something, I’m just a simple person. It pissed me off how he was doing this but I sort of felt bad. Since he “loves” me, he’ll do absolutely everything to get me to love him back. And I’m sure its the simple things too. I just didn’t like how he was holding the umbrella over me and not himself. He’s going to get soaking wet, his hair was already sticking to his skin and so were his clothes. I didn’t like the way he looked at me either, like he had no choice but to do this. Is he sad about it? He probably just can’t get away from the feelings, but he said he wouldn’t try to. It made me conflicted but I’m not going to let him make me out to be someone higher than him, if anything I’m lower. He doesn’t have to take pity on me either so for right now, I guess I can pretend we’re equal.

I moved his hand so we could share the umbrella. I’m not cruel like vampires are and he isn’t my servant. He should be grateful I’m being nice to him though or we would have a problem. I started walking and he walked beside me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I looked away. It got even darker, making it seem like night. The rain fell harder and harder but it wasn’t as cold as it was last night.

“I saw that it was going to rain,” he answered.

“You knew I was here,” I said.

“Not really but it didn’t take me long to find you.” he said. I pursed my lips tightly. Is that an insult? I let it go.

“You didn’t have to come,” I muttered.

“I wanted to,” he said. Of course he would want to, it makes sense. I said nothing to that, I said nothing period. I had nothing and I wasn’t going to force conversation when I don’t even want to talk to him.

We walked in silence but it didn’t seem awkward. It was the most normal thing to happen. I didn’t feel antsy or nervous, I was calm. I even forgot he was a vampire for a second. But I kept my guard up, he could do anything to me and I don’t need that. His kind are tricky and ruthless, they don’t show any kind of mercy towards humans. I would know this. Kellin is just probably baiting me somehow. Is this a game? Is he betting with someone? I’m going to die right? I moved the negative thoughts out of my head and focused. Lets just leave that alone for now. He’s being nice and I can’t forget that but I won’t reward him for it if that’s what he’s thinking.

He stopped when we reached my building. I assumed him to actually come up with me since he invades privacy but he was withdrawing from that. He held a straight face as he looked at the ground. What’s wrong with him?

“You aren’t coming?” I murmured. Its not like I want him to in the first place, I found it odd that he wouldn’t. It doesn’t seem like him but what do I know?

“I probably shouldn’t.” he was holding in anger, that’s what it is. He’s mad. His eyes flickered red and went back to silver quickly. Is it because of me? I don’t think so. There’s something going on that he can sense so I guess he should go take care of it.

“Whatever,” I said and walked up my steps. He didn’t say anything after that but he was still watching. I went inside, feeling the heat overthrow me. The power’s back on. Thank goodness. I walked on up to my apartment and heard Toby and Jeremy talking when I opened the door.

“...completely harmless actually. No one finds out and the body’s gone too,” Jeremy said. I knew something was up. Who knew he was in the killing business.

“So Pierce, our roommate knows how to kill without getting caught,” Toby said to me. He’s really scared of Jeremy but I think he’s harmless. Jeremy wouldn’t hurt....us. I honestly don’t see his violent side but he seems like the type.

“I mean, I’ve never really done it,” Jeremy said slowly. He’s only messing with Toby for fun. Toby looked at me in panic; just for fun. I took off my jacket and put my case down. I think I might take a nap or something.

“Our roommate’s a killer,” Toby whispered as I walked by. I rolled my eyes as Jeremy laughed. Toby’s gullible.

I have to get up early tomorrow so I might as well get some sleep. I was just distracted by the thought of Kellin though; maybe it will blow off. He’ll find someone else in due time.

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