Just Be Mine

Chapter 5

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I think it might snow today. The temperature dropped dramatically from this morning. I was hoping this wouldn’t happen, it looks like I might be snowed in at the café tonight. Marium had to leave since her daughter went into labor so I’m here by myself, everyone just cleared out. I sat around, not feeling like going in the cold. I played guitar for most the time, I know no one is going to come in here so we’re closed.

My phone was vibrating on the table, it was Toby. Probably worried about me or something, yet he can’t come keep me company. I sighed and picked up.

“What?” I sighed, retuning my guitar.

“Its raining ice man,” he shouted.

“Fuck you bro, you know I’m stuck here.” I yelled into the phone. He doesn’t have to make fun of the situation.

“Sorry,” he was laughing. “Can you snag some food from...” I tuned him out when I heard shuffling. I turned in my seat and saw Kellin leaning against the wall, his hair soaked in water, mashing around his face, his clothes stuck to his skin.

“Toby,” I cut in. “I’m going to have to call you back.” I said and hung up. My eyes stayed on Kellen as he looked at me. “Why?” I finally asked.

“Why not?” he shrugged. I fucking hate this man. I don’t want him here especially when I’m alone. I don’t need a repeat of yesterday, he broke my boundaries and if he does it again, we might have a problem.

“Can you not be here or is that too much?” I asked bitterly. He smiled, amused with me. Well then. I hated how he was here and that I couldn’t stop him. I hated how weak I am compared to him. I hated how he’s in love with me. Where the fuck does that actually come from?

In a second he was gone, but he was next to me. That pissed me off; I balled my hands up in anger as I tried to calm down. He hasn’t done anything yet so I don’t have to go off. Just keep calm. He stared at me closely, but I don’t know how he could see with his hair covering his eyes.

“You’re pretty normal,” he said plainly. That did it. I know he can probably be the judge of that cause look at him, he’s not even human.

“You seem annoying,” I held my guitar tightly. His smile widened. I was compelled to look at him and his sort of perfection. I mean, his hair might sort of, kinda, be cool and all with the blond at the front but everything else, no. When the flawlessness is unreal, that’s how someone can tell who’s a vampire.

“Really? You’re the first human to say that,” he was impressed. Fuck that mess.

“I’m sure I’m the first human to actually talk to you without being killed,” I said silently under my breath as I looked down at my guitar. That wasn’t meant for him to hear but of course he was going to hear it. He laughed in response to my grumbling.

“You’re the first human I’ve fell for,” he said freely. He’s too direct. It makes me mad.

“That’s not funny,” I snapped. He stopped laughing. “I’m not going to plead for my life if that’s what you’re looking for. Just please stop with this,” I said. This game isn’t fun but for him it might be.

He touched my hand and that set me off. Right when I was going to smack him away I noticed how warm he was. That can’t be. I stared down at his hand; pale and white, like it should be. But his touch had heat and I didn’t expect that. It shocked me for a moment and I couldn’t recover.

“Your hand’s warm.” I said silently.

“It is,” he said like I should’ve known.

“How?” I asked. He moved his hand from me and sat back.

“Blood makes us warmer, probably the closest to being human.” he said; he wasn’t smiling now, it was a touchy subject.

“So if you had enough-”

“It could restart our hearts.” he finished for me. If there’s enough blood, the heart could start pumping again. “Well that’s true but that would cause it to explode and kill us so that’s why we don’t overdose on blood.” he explained. If every vampire could die like this the world just might be a tolerable place.

“You should try it some time.” I muttered heartlessly. I honestly would not care if he died right now. He’s technically already dead.

“You can be first,” he said in my ear. When the fuck did he move? I shoved him away and he didn’t fight me on it. He laughed actually at my reaction. I don’t like this guy.

“I’m not gay,” I said.

“I can always make you,” he said confidently. Fucking pissed me off. I felt the annoyed tension build up inside me, I just held it in as much as I could. I don’t know how far he would go.

“Why do you l-” I wasn’t going to say that word, its too much. How does something like this happen? “-like me?” I finished. I felt sort of hot, like I was embarrassed by this. I don’t show this side of me, I left that back a long time ago. One person shouldn’t make me feel like this.

“Its just a feeling.” he shrugged. Great answer. “I can list a whole lot of things but it would piss you off.” he said and he was right. How can he get a list?

“How long have you been watching me?” I asked, looking at the ground.

“A while,” how vague. But I couldn’t ask for more. I shoved my curiosity far down in my soul and remembered why I hate the vampire existence.

“This can’t work, you can’t keep following me.” I said.

“Mmm, I’m going to have to disagree with that.” he said without shame. “Its an obsession, don’t expect me to get over you. I won’t even try to.” he said. Fucking piss off. My teeth were grinding inside my mouth. Does he know how direct he is?

“You know-”

“I love you,” he cut me off.

“Stop it,” I shouted as I got up. This guy pisses me off, telling me that he loves me. Bull shit. I put my guitar up as I murmured curses. I’m fucking done with this now, I can’t do this. I’m leaving. I headed for the door, leaving my guitar in its case because there’s no way I’m bringing it home like this. Hell no.

“Hey,” he said. Now what? My hands tightened as I turned around. He was taking off his sweat shirt in front of me. Fucking why? My eye twitched as I watched him strip off. He wore a shirt under it so it wasn’t anything weird. “Take this, its cold outside,” he said, holding it out to me. I stared at it with disgust. He can’t be serious. He gave a sort of sad look, no, more like caring helplessly. I hate this.

I snatched the blue sweatshirt from his fingers, cursing from giving in, and pulled it over my head. His smell filled me before anything and it smelled nice, plus it was warm too. Why is it so cozy? Fuck this. But whatever, let me just get away from him. I still cursed as I walked out; it was cold as hell out here but it wasn’t going to stop me. I’m leaving. and I hope he doesn’t follow me anywhere.

It stopped raining but it was still sort of bad. There were people in the streets complaining about loss of power; this is just great. When did the power go out? I walked home quickly to get out of this cold weather. It was dark in the apartment building, it must be taking a while to get the generator running. I walked up the stairs to my apartment. No lights here either. But Toby had lit a shit ton of candles. I sighed.

“Oh dude, you’re here,” he came out of the room a bit tired, just panting and gasping without a shirt on. I rolled my eyes.

“Get her out,” I said.

“What? That’s not-”

“You can tell me not to bring Jesse over but I can’t tell you when to make your girl leave?” I asked loudly. “No man, get her out.” I repeated. He can’t fool me with that. He groaned a ‘fuck you’ to me and told his friend to leave. And apparently, that wasn’t the same girl from before, at least I don’t think so. He should be ashamed but I said nothing to him as I walked in our room. My side was still good.

I went and took a shower. There was still hot water left for me to get clean. Candles were lit in here too and it just made me a bit uncomfortable. Its weird to me. When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist. The sweatshirt Kellin had lent me was laying there on the counter; I was trying to figure out how I feel about that. I hate vampires, and I hate Kellin just as much, but it was sort of nice I guess that he would do that for me. I disliked how I was starting to turn red. Now I was confused.

The candles flickered uneasily. A rush of cold air past me and soon I was being pulled. There were firm lips on mine; they were kind of warm but chilling at the same time. It took me a while to see that. Then I realized Kellin was kissing me. He’s kissing me! And he wouldn’t let me go. He just passed my boundary. I clenched my hand into a fist and brought it up with all my strength. Little did I know it would be like punching concrete. I heard a snapping sound and I know it wasn’t his face. He pulled away from me quickly and put his hand to my mouth before I started screaming. My hand was on fire; the pain hurt, I think I broke it something. He let go of my mouth and took my hand lightly, laughing at what I just did.

“Look what you did,” I raged.

“I didn’t think you’d attempt to punch me.” he laughed at me. I went red with embarrassment but also anger. He could have stopped me in the process, doesn’t he have super speed and sensing. I pulled my hand from him.

“Get out,” I hissed.

“You don’t want me to fix it?” he asked. Fix? I paused. What stupid reason could I give Toby for breaking my hand? But what is Kellin going to do? I remained quiet as I thought. Then I extended my arm so he could take my hand again. It was already swelling. Fuck. And it still hurts.

All the candles in the bathroom went out and it was just us in the darkness. Did he blow them out? What is he doing? I don’t want to be with him like this. I want to at least know what he’s doing. Something cut over my knuckles and it made the pain so much worse than it would’ve been.

“What the hell are-” he covered my mouth again before I could finish. He didn’t say anything in response to my raging. I was bleeding so how could he be here? Is he holding his breath? I wanted out of this now but he wasn’t going to let me go. He let go of my mouth and moved. Something wet moved over the cut on my hand. DID HE JUST LICK ME? I clenched my teeth to keep in my outburst. The hell is he doing?

“Done,” he let go of my hand. I was able to move it but it was still numb. The excruciating pain was gone. I choked up, not believing what just happened.

“T-thank you,” I murmured bitterly. He keeps doing nice things. How the fuck am I supposed to hate him?

He moved his arms around me and pulled me closer. No no no. His nose was on my neck, just sniffing me. Is this the part where he bites me for compensation. I fidgeted and tried to get away but his grip was like iron. There’s no running away. It was weird being like this in the dark. It was even scarier to have him sniff me like this.

“You smell so good,” he said hungrily. I trembled slightly. Why would he say that? If he’s going to bite me, can he get it over with? He was scaring me and I’m not going to lie about it. I tried to keep as still as possible but I was just too frightened. His tongue trailed up my skin, giving me goose bumps. I almost screamed, almost. I held in my fear. I felt his lips on me now; his arms tightened around me as he kissed my neck. I couldn’t take it anymore, this was going to be the death of me.

“Stop please,” I begged quietly. I’ve never been more frightened. His arms loosened and he stepped away from me. I was shaking as I stood there, he said nothing about it. I can’t be here anymore, not in this atmosphere; I reached for the door and left. I don’t know why I was so traumatized but I was, this isn’t like me. But a vampire was just about to bite me. I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to focus; this can’t faze me as much as I’m freaking terrified. I just have to calm down.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“You smell like him again,” Layne said.

“Oh,” was my only response. He knows not to piss me off about this. His silence drew long as he followed behind me. I’m not going to torture Pierce for my own selfish desires but I don’t know how long I can keep it up. I almost bit him back there and I really wanted to. But we’re getting somewhere with this and its been a day.

I felt so relieved, it was nice. For once, I was enjoying this. Layne was still against it and all like usual. I can’t make him not be but he doesn’t have the right to say anything to anyone about it. He should know that much at least.

“Jeremy’s coming.” he said. I sensed him too. And he wasn’t alone; I should have known Dante was with him as well. That’s how it mostly is. I just walked by like I noticed nothing, Layne was good and walked behind me like he should. No contact was made, none what so ever. It would have just been a fight I would have lost. For now I have to be really good or it will be a death wish for me.

“I thought you were going to do something,” Layne said when we were far enough away.

“Why would I want to?” I asked.

“Kellin, how about you just stop this? You will get killed.” he warned.

“Okay,” I said. Hell no. What is he thinking? He groaned when he realized I was just saying it. Pierce is what I want, everything else is nonexistent when it comes to him. That’s how it is.

“Seriously,” he urged. I stopped and turned to him. He seemed really stressed, I can never tell if he’s thinking about me or just himself.

“Layne, I completely understand your fear of death,” I started but I really couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that statement. He won’t die because I won’t kill him. “But do you really think Dante will be the one killing you?” I asked. Layne will be the type to kiss ass so the answer should be no.

“Not really,” he looked away.

“Exactly. So shut up about my affairs,” I continued to walk on ahead. He made an approving sound which forced me to get mad. I really hate it when he gets judgmental.

“I’m not okay with this, Kellin.” he said.

“You don’t have to be, its not about you,” I said obviously. He didn’t say anything about it after that. That’s good. Layne just needs to not.

I can handle this on my own if I have to. Pierce is all I care about right now, death isn’t going to get in my way of what I want.

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