Just Be Mine

Chapter 3

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

The deaths of the girls were reported this morning. Police made it seem like animal attacks but animals can’t drain someone completely of their blood. People aren’t going to see the whole truth and if they do, they’ll just cover it up so they don’t scare the public. Its useless having all this kept a secret when the cause of death is a vampire. Humans are stupid. I turned off the tv when I had enough of the idiocy.

“I could’ve sworn I seen those girls before,” Toby narrowed his eyes at the blank screen. We all know them, they lived in the area, sure this place is filled with way too many people but its obvious who is who. “Anyway man, I gotta go,” he got off the couch and patted my shoulder. “I’ll see you later.” he said as he grabbed his bag and left.

I’m alone.

I think I just might be paranoid. Vampires killed my parents so of course. And now this starts happening. I can’t report those two as being vampires, I’ll just get called crazy. They won’t notice me if I stay out of their business, that’s all I have to do.

I put on my jacket and took my bag. Today’s going to be busy with all the work I have to do. At least it will get my mind off of everything, that’s something I can look forward to. I just need to get away from this sucky reality and forget everything that happened yesterday because I don’t need any of that.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

I followed behind Pierce discreetly. He was heading off to class right about now then he meets with Jesse at the café. I wonder how I should approach him today because I wanted to. Watching him from far away for the last fourteen years is really annoying so I’m going to get contact. I want him, I want him to be mine and that’s all he’ll ever be. Just mine and that’s it.

I jumped over ledges when they happened to be in my way. I wanted to talk to him now but I held in the urge, every urge. All I can do right now is watch him. And I did. I saw the blood rushing to his face in the cold weather, his cheeks were turning that feint red color from the cold air. His hair is jet black in this winter weather; its gotten longer over the years. Now he plays with it more, pushing it back from his eyes. He’s also gotten taller, we’re just about the same height, its different from when he used to be so short. A lot has changed, he grew up and now I can do all the things I want with him and not feel awful for it. Its not like I would feel awful if he was still young, it would just be considered morally wrong even though I don’t have morals either.

Layne had crossed my path and it snapped me out of it. I felt my fangs press against my lips as I bit the inside of my mouth. What is he doing? Why would he just do that? Can’t he see that I’m busy? I growled as I lowered myself in a crouch. He’s a threat.

“Are you kidding, Kellin, you’re growling at me?” he asked shocked, is it that hard to believe. He sees that I’m busy stalking but he decides to place himself in front of me. It pissed me off so he can’t be surprised that I’m doing this. He hissed at me, his eyes glowing red as he opened his mouth to show his fangs.

“You know I’m busy,” I said through my teeth.

“You can get killed,” he said.

“Cut that shit out, Layne,” I straightened up. “You know I really don’t care,” I said like he should have known and he really should’ve. He shook his head, disappointed.

“Your obsession with that human isn’t healthy,” he warned.

“Yeah well I like him okay?” I admitted and I’m really not ashamed of that. I do like Pierce. Its the only reason I’m trying so hard. If I didn’t care so much I wouldn’t be doing anything about it. He’d just be another human I could feed off of and kill afterwards but he’s not. I want him and I want him to want me. He will though.

“Dante will-”

“Kiss my ass,” I finished for him as I walked by. He’s interrupting my stalking session. I need to get my dose of Pierce before I can’t get near him. I like to keep the fact that I’m even existing away from him but after what happened, he knows what I look like and what I am. I don’t care, better to know now than later.

“Come on Kellin, don’t do this,” he called. I didn’t give it a second thought, I know what I want and that’s him. If Layne wants to call it obsession then fine but I just call it experiencing feelings for the last fourteen years that causes me to continue stalking. I sniffed out Pierce sent and followed it from above. He already met up with that blond girl he calls his girlfriend. See what Layne does! I can’t wait to kill the girl, it will bring me so much excitement just to do that.

I watched them as they laughed and giggled. If I could take the girl’s place and make him smile and laugh, I would. I wanted to know what that was like. I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it back as the wind kept blowing it. Does Pierce really care for her? I never sense a change in his heart beat when he sees her, his feelings don’t change, he’s just there putting on the motions. Now I know I can take her place. It should be easy if he submits to me.

I turned away and went a different direction. I wanted to feed but Dante’s probably making this hard on everyone. I just have to get by and not kill anyone. Maybe I can have Pierce. The thought made me chuckle. I’ll have his blood too one day. Just wait on it.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

“C’mon baby, lets go somewhere,” Jesse clutched on to my arm and started pulling me the other way.

“As much as I want to, I can’t.” I stopped her from taking me. She really isn’t that strong anyway; she turned and pouted, giving me pleading eyes. I wish she wouldn’t do that right now. I’m going to be late.

“I won’t take long,” she hinted, rubbing up on me. I sighed. Does she ever stop.

“Later, Jesse I promise but I have to get to class or I’ll be late,” I took my arm from her grip. She still gave me that pouty look, her bottom lip stuck out as her pleaded. She’s making this hard. “No,” I said finally. She groaned, rolling her head around as she threw a fit.

“Fine, I’ll see you later,” she gave in as she stretched up and kissed my cheek. Its about time. Its hard being indecisive with her, its like hell. I would love to go with her but I need to make something of my life so I don’t end up like trash. Plus if I fail then I lose my scholarship and I can’t have that. I’ll be finished with school. Jesse just has to wait on me.

My mind was clear all day and its nice to have that. I didn’t worry about having to go to work today, I was calm and collected. Everything is fine. I’ll see Jesse at work and everything will go smoothly. All I have to do is think like this and it’ll all be okay. Nothing can scare me, I don’t have to be scared.

“Pierce, can you take over the register, I’ll be right back.” My manager said. I quit tuning my guitar and put it down so I could go behind the counter. Today was sort of slow but that’s fine too. I leaned against the counter as I watched the people blandly. Then a flock of girls interrupted my view. There were so many coming inside, it was amazing. What’s making them swarm like this?

I saw the two from before, the blond and the dark one. My eye twitched as I watched them walk in. No wonder so many girls are here, they were coming. My stomach churned as I tried to calm down, I was blowing up right about now. This is not good, its the second day this is happening and its not supposed to. Who’s their next victim? I think I might be sick. A line of chattering and flustered girls formed in front of the counter, I had no choice but to suck it up and do my job. I heard how most the girls were talking about the two “hot” guys here. Apparently they don’t know what those guys are capable of. I know cause I’ve seen it. Killers and murders, that’s all vampires are good for, nothing else. They can’t do anything else. I kept my cool as I took orders, I just wondered how long they were going to stay here; I’m getting paranoid.

I finished the idiot brunette who was talking to her friend about the two vampires. I thought it was my last customer, but there was one more. Him. It made me sick how he was standing in front of me like this. It made me just want to pretend he wasn’t there but I have to serve him like everyone else. Marium just had to go somewhere.

“How can I help you?” I asked, my tone changing from how I asked everyone else. I struggled pulling that out of my mouth, it disgusted me.

But at the same time, I was frightened. He can do anything he wants and get away with it just because he’s a vampire. Its not hard to tell that he is; he’s flawless, everything about him is. I’m ashamed to admit it but he was the sort of beautiful that everyone would just want to have. His hair was a sleek shiny black that was pulled back today, it was long enough to reach his neck and possibly cover his face. I saw the hair dyed white underneath in layers at the front. His eyes weren’t blood red, they were silver, almost clear. No one has eyes like that around here at all. He didn’t have a scary face but I could tell it could become that way. His lips were full and had this sort of light red tint to it. Let me guess, from all the blood sucking. Up close he was still skinny but he had more muscle than I would ever obtain; he was a couple inches taller than me but not much. He seemed harmless but we both know he isn’t. He kills for his own satisfaction and I know that.

I got this deja vu feeling from this but I tossed it aside as he told me his order; his voice was sort of rough and horsed, like he’s an intense screamer. Of course he’s getting what those two blond girls wanted; they sat with his friend who of course doesn’t eat just like this guy. For some reason he put me at ease when he talked but that can’t be the case. I kept my guard up high. I can’t let anything happen.

I handed him his stuff. I tried to avoid his eyes but they were so tempting; a bright red flashed like they did before and it gave me goosebumps. Is he even trying to keep himself a secret? Fuck that, I can’t take this. I need to probably sit down, maybe for an hour or two. I didn’t know how to handle it but thank goodness he walked away. I just have to get through this, hopefully I can because I can’t feel my legs.

“Pierce,” Jesse was in front of me. Did I zone out or something? I was confused. Her friends giggled when they saw how confused I was.

“You’re here early,” I ran my shaky hand through my hair to try and distract how anxious I was. This isn’t a good time.

“Yeah I know.” she wasn’t paying attention now, she was looking for something. I sighed as I leaned forward onto the counter. Even my girlfriend is looking for those two. Girls are so frustrating some times. I had said that out loud and she patted me with sympathy.

“Its okay baby,” she reached over for me and kissed me softly. A peck was all I got. Is she really that distracted. I’m sorry I can’t be fucking beautiful. “Can I come over tonight or what?” she asked.

“Toby doesn’t like it,” I said as an excuse. I need to sleep because I have three exams tomorrow. She’ll just tell me to blow it off like its nothing.

“Toby doesn’t like anything but whatever, I’ll still come anyway,” she said. I rolled my eyes. That’s great. She took her friends and they sat at a table close to those two. I wanted to bang my head against the counter. Why? Why are they here for? Please someone make them leave? Or can I go back?

I sighed when I saw Toby. He’s not going to help me out, he’ll only want to stay for the girls and that’s not fair. I frowned as he started to get excited about it. I don’t want to be here right now.

“Holy fuck, why are all those people here,” he asked surprised. I gestured to the two vampires. Toby didn’t believe it. “Dammit, now there’s competition.” he groaned.

“You suck at this kind of thing anyway,” I said and he frowned at me.

“Your girlfriend is over there,” he pointed out.

“Fuck you,” I hissed and stood up straight. Jesse can do what she wants, I won’t stop her. But the day she cheats, we’re going to have a problem.

“I’m about to go score, I’ll be right back.” he said. He’s not going to score shit. I just watched him walk over to a couple girls at one table near the window. They didn’t seem surprised they were being hit on, he did chose the most likely set of girls. It was when one girl got up to talk to him privately that I was shocked. Okay. I guess he got game. He glanced at me, giving me the look. I shouldn’t wait up for him tonight, that’s what it basically is. I rolled my eyes.

I don’t know if being alone is something I want to put up with but I can if I have to. Nothing should happen. It won’t.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

He’s conflicted, scared and pissed off. I killed his mother so of course but he doesn’t know that. And he probably never will. He wasn’t going to treat me the same way because I’m a vampire and everyone else is not, he hates our kind to the core just because of what he did; I saw the hatred covering up the terror in his eyes, its more powerful than that. I might have to be more direct with him now that I see how tough it will be to break his shell.

His nervousness calmed down a bit after thirty seconds but he was still angry. He wouldn’t try to kill me would he? I hope not cause I’m sure he’d have the persistence to do it. But he was warming up to me now. He looked me in the eyes hesitantly when he gave me my stuff and as a treat, I let him have the satisfaction of seeing my eyes turn red. He held his breath as I walked away; his heart rate had gone up too. He’s scared.

Layne didn’t want to be here, yet he’s charming the two girls. I just need to eat, I care about nothing else. He can do whatever but I’m still taking one of them. I saw the girlfriend walk in with two others. Her scent literally hit me; my lip twitched as I tried to control my hunger. When can I kill her? Something hit me under the table, Layne had kicked me without making it noticeable but that shit hurt for real. I felt a threatening growl in my chest but I held it so I wouldn’t seem weird. I looked back to the girlfriend and Pierce, he doesn’t want her, I know he doesn’t. If he cared, I’d be able to feel it but I don’t. She’s just someone else I can push off to the side so I can have him and I will and I might just start tonight.

It was the middle of the night when Dante caught me sucking the life out of one of the girls from the cafe. I dropped her limp body to the ground when I saw him and held my hands up cause I’ve been caught. Blood dripped from my lips down my face before I could catch it. I guess this is considered shameful but I just didn’t want to get killed.

“What did I tell you ab-”

“I have to eat, Dante, or I’ll starve,” I said quickly. He was coming to me but I was backing away. He will probably kill me now.

“I didn’t tell you not to eat, I said stop killing, but you refused to.” he was close enough to grab my neck. He pushed me against the wall, causing it to crack on impact, as his hand started to crush my neck. I struggled, gripping his hands as I tried to remove them but I can’t fight Dante, I don’t have the strength to regardless. “I warned you.” he said lowly throw his teeth. He was killing me.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I apologized in attempt to save myself, I didn’t really mean it and I’m sure he knew that. His hand tightened and I choked, still pleading for my life. I know its low but I had to if my plans were going to work. I won’t die for a stupid reason.

His hand released the tight grip on me and I fell to the ground, forgetting it was there. He stood there, looking over me with a grimace, he was more than angry now.

“One more time, Kellin, just one more,” he shouted.

“Alright,” I backed away. He could hurt someone like that. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked away from me. I waited till he was gone to get up, I don’t need him coming back for me for no reason. I swear he hates me but that’s fine, I can handle it. The only thing I have to take care of is staying alive, if I can’t then I won’t have Pierce. And that’s all I want.

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