Just Be Mine

Chapter 2

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I walked out of the restroom, still scared out of my wits. I’m sure those two are vampires, it wouldn’t make sense if they weren’t. No one’s eyes just turn red like that. I wiped my clammy hands on my pants. I still felt sick to my stomach.

They had two girls with them now and I believed they would just turn into food for them later. It would make sense. I can’t save them though, it would be the stupidest move I’ve ever done if I try and get to those girls. I guess they can’t help but be attracted to them. This put a frown on my face.

I went back to the group that was with Toby. He finally got to those girls. I tried to distract myself with this as much as I could. I sat down and took my guitar from Toby. I told him not to play it, why would he just do that? Whatever.

“So Pierce, can you sing too?” a brunette asked me. I guess she’s cute. She had freckles and a button nose. Her face was small and round, a baby face basically. The only thing off was her full lips but hey, it works for her. I don’t know if she was crushing on me or what. But she knows my name and asked me a question. Say I’m cocky but I guess she likes me.

“Oh no, all I do is play guitar. But this guy here can sing like a god.” I patted Toby on the back. I wasn’t bluffing when I said that either. He really can sing. One reason why he’s majoring in music. The girls giggled as Toby took in the attention. I strung up some random chords as I looked up to see the two vampires. How can no one tell how shady they are?

The one with the crazy hair glanced at me, his eyes were a bright red as he bit his lip. Shit. I was staring and I wasn’t supposed to be. It was already too late when I looked down. He noticed me staring at him already. What is wrong with me? I couldn’t help it though, I had to stare. He’s a vampire for real, I saw his fangs in his mouth. He was basically showing them off. I just wanted to know why they would just come here. Why can’t they find food somewhere else?

The two took the girls out with them. I guess that’s the end of their life now. I hope I don’t see them again. No, I hope they get staked. It sucks that they can’t burn in the sun, the problem would have already been solved if they could be. I don’t want to come across them or any of their kind.

I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave. I’ve been anxious all night just because of those two I saw. I knew this wasn’t good. There’s probably two girls laying dead in some alley way and the news will probably be covering it. I just didn’t want to think about it much.

“Dude, what's up? You’ve been out of it all day.” Toby sat at on of the tables, rocking his chair back. He’s not even helping. Whatever.

“Think I might be sick.” I muttered.

“Really? Guess you’re not sleeping in the room.” he got up and went around. The apartment has two huge rooms. Toby and I share one and Jeremy has his own even though its like he doesn’t even live with us.

“I’ll bring Jesse over and we can share the couch.” I only said that because it would piss him off. Toby flipped me off as he pulled out some left over muffins. “Hey put those back, we can’t afford it.” I shouted.

“I know.” he said with his mouth full of the muffins I told him not to eat. I told him not to fucking eat them. This idiot. I sighed and sat on the floor, Marium is going to see that everything is gone and will most likely blame me for it.

“Toby, you’ll get me fired.” I groaned. He was just grabbing everything.

“Look look.” he went in his pocket and pulled out some cash. It was probably only ten dollars which is not going to cover everything. I sighed again, running my hand through my hair. I rose to my feet and brought my guitar with me. I can’t just let him raid the counters like that.

I got up and walked around the counter, grabbing him by his shirt. He already got enough, now we can go. I pulled him out through the back door; I really hate this ally way but we just had to leave. We walked over boxes and trash that’s been here for months. Smoke was moving around from other buildings and it was clouding my lungs. Toby noticed my sudden choking but did nothing.

“Man, I just want to sleep.” he yawned as we made it to the street light. Not a lot of people were walking out here tonight but it was enough for me to not get terrified. I was still on edge about earlier today. I didn’t like seeing those vampires let alone know who their victims were. I wish this wasn’t happening.

I saw them walking on the other side of the street. My eyes just darted in a different direction. I wanted to forget all this, that I know who they are, what they are, and what they just did. Toby was talking but I ignored him. I only tried to keep my heart rate down before I blow up. All this isn’t needed, its already pointless, I’m not being threatened here. They don’t know who I am. They shouldn’t at least.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“You’re just going to get us in trouble.” Layne grumbled.

“I wasn’t the one who made you feed,” I said, moving my arms behind my head. He didn’t have to, he chose to. I can’t be held responsible for what he does.

“Dante is already mad that you kill too much, this is just another addition to your numbers.” He argued. Dante can kiss my pale white ass.

“You clearly didn’t hear me then. I can’t be held accountable for your kills and you did in fact kill a human.” I said slowly because it seemed like he wasn’t understanding me much.

“You can be such a bitch, Kellin, I swear.” Layne shook his head. Well thank you. I only walked ahead of him, away from the scene of the crime. Girls should know not to advance to strangers, it can be dangerous really. But we can’t help that. Its nice when prey can come to us instead of us hunting for them. This was too easy.

“You think Dante cares where we head off to tonight?” I asked him but clearly didn’t care if the answer was yes. Layne stared at me with shock as he started his statement. He was going to lose it about now.

“Of course he cares, we can’t just-” he growled pulling on his hair. I didn’t think his irritation level was that high. I rolled my eyes as he took a breath to calm down. “He’ll care.” he said calmly.

“Oh well then.” I was messing with them. Layne will probably be the one killing me if Dante doesn’t do it first but I expect that actually.

Pierce was with his friend as he walked on the other side of the street. It was funny how fast he noticed me and Layne. His heart was going off as he tried to cover up his fear. How cute. He’s scared. This made me smile. He should know I’m coming for him.

“Kellin, what are you doing?” he asked suspiciously. “I hope you aren’t thinking of interfering with the human.” he said cautiously.

“Well no, I can’t do that.” I said it but it was going to happen anyway. The smile still lingered on my lips as I watched Pierce. He was still anxious.

“You will get us all killed.” Layne said.

“Oh that sucks.” I was sarcastic. I do not care what happens.

“Do not go back to that human, Kellin.” Layne warned. “He’s already been through enough. And if Dante finds out about this, he’ll kill you.”

“All you worry about is death.” I complained. I feel like Layne has real emotions when he really isn’t supposed to. So what I’m watching a human, any other vampire would just walk away. But No, Layne has to get all protective when its not needed.

“Just don’t go near him.” he gave up. Whatever. I’ll do what I want. I won’t take long to get to Pierce, he’s easy to corrupt. Layne’s warning means nothing to me. He should know not to waste his time on me.

At four in the morning, I just broke in to Pierce’s apartment. Its not like I would steal anything, everything here is useless. I touched around, drawing my finger on things. Pierce doesn’t have things he can remember his childhood by. He’s been in foster care most his life so there was nothing he could keep. The only thing he’s kept is his guitars which were gifts by the other orphans. I could have actually taken him but he would be dead by now, my control for blood is usually lacking and its not surprising. But why can I smell Jeremy’s scent in one of the rooms. He can’t keep tabs here, we’re going to have a serious problem if he thinks he can kill Pierce. The other guy I don’t care about, he’s just irrelevant. Jeremy isn’t here but his scent is mixing around faintly, he’s been here before. What secret is he keeping? I wouldn’t rat him out to Dante but I could always black mail him. That can work.

I walked into Pierce’s room, keeping the lights off. That friend of his really knows how to snore, its amazing how loud he is, I could hear him from a block away. I moved slowly towards Pierce’s sighed. He was sleeping soundly; I don’t feel like giving him nightmares tonight. That’d be cruel. I loomed over him, looking over him. Strands of his black hair covered his face partially. His pink lips moved slowly as he muttered something from his dream. I could feel his body heat from here, I could even feel his blood moving. I licked over my teeth and my fangs sharpened. I wanted to bite that neck of his, I wanted to taste his blood. And if he’s anything like his mother, then I know drinking from him is worth it. He shuffled, moving slightly under the sheets as he murmured something. He just gave me the perfect intake. I could bite him right now but why destroy a good human? I want him to live for me, know me, only want me. That day will come and he will be mine.

His eyes fluttered open slowly and looked up. He didn’t have the time to see me because I moved out of viewing range. His heart rate didn’t change, he just probably woke up from a bad dream. He sat up and ran his hand through his hair. Makes me wonder if he knows more than he actually should. I tilted my head towards the side and watched him think for a moment. He must be thinking about what he saw today. I showed off today which wasn’t a mistake. I know I made him uneasy and I’m fine with that. He should know who he’s going to be dealing with.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I felt uneasy for a reason. There’s nothing I should worry about but I felt like I should fear for my life. Its because of today, I know it is. My hands gripped the sheets tightly as I looked around the room. I want to not be scared, but the feeling was too strong. I had to deal with it for now. A sigh reached through my lips as I laid back in bed. I should just think about it tomorrow.

Sleep didn’t come last night after I woke up. I couldn’t drift and now I feel the out come of it. My eyes dragged as I tried to get dressed for class this morning but I couldn’t sleep. Two bad days of no sleep, I don’t need this. I trudged out of the bathroom, probably looking like the mess I was just before the shower.

“You look bad.” Toby said. And here he was in his designer clothes, looking preppy as shit. I hated how he could just look all nice and I was the bum.

“Fuck you man, I can’t look like you,” I complained as I pointed out the shit he had on. He looks like this everyday, yet he can’t cough money for rent or anything else. Its just clothes to impress girls he can’t even get to.

“Suck it up and take it.” He fixed his jacket. I ruffled my hair; I was okay with this now. I’ll make it through the day I guess.

That’s if I don’t see those two vampires today. Or ever.

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