Just Be Mine

Chapter 12

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

Today is December seventeenth, the last day I have to wake up early or stay up late. The last day for me to have to stress out over some grade for the semester. Also will be the first day of Christmas break. And today Toby leaves me alone. He goes off to his family up in Minnesota while I’m stuck here by myself. Its better than nothing, I’ll get peace. Somewhat.

Kellin will be here twenty four seven which will make me want to jump a cliff. I can already feel the stress of it all. Who knows what he’ll do to me. I have to lay down a strict line and tell him absolutely not.

“Make sure you eat, man.” Toby told me.

“Because I wouldn’t feed myself.” I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. I can’t just die in the apartment. That would be sad for him to come back and see that happen.

“All you do is study, I’m afraid you’ll forget to eat.” he laughed. Wow, okay. But that has happened before. It was my first week and I was overloaded on work, I forgot how to chew a piece of bread.

“You know what Toby? Go, its cold and I want to go back inside.” My teeth were chattering out here. I was basically forcing him in the taxi; I’m not dressed for snow weather. My toes and fingers are dying so he has to hurry this up before I die of frostbite.

“Whatever man, go be alone,” he said and got in. I basically took off inside after that. It was freezing outside. I need to wear socks with my shoes now.

I tried to warm up as I walked up the stairs. Next time, I should take a jacket with me when I’m going outside, all this cold sucks. Can I go back to California, please? I sighed as I fished in my pocket for my key. Its still cold. I unlocked the door and walked inside, only to find that Kellin was already here. I groaned, feeling pain in my head just from looking at him on my couch. He’s already annoying the fuck out of me and he hasn’t even said anything. Why is he here for?

“Get out,” I said as I slammed the door shut. His smile grew wide on his face as he got up. I wanted to back away but there was no place I could actually go to. He just came closer to me, a devious smile on his face. Lately, he’s been experimenting with me, figuring out what I like and don’t like. It makes me terrified how he’s doing it. It makes it even worse how I learn things about myself that I would have never known. I wanted him to not come near me. But it was too late.

“We have this whole place to ourselves,” he said, a sort of hint to his voice. My eye twitched as I turned bright red. That’s not something he should be saying.

“That has-”

“I wonder what day will I completely destroy you,” he thought. That made me nervous to hear actually.

“How about you not?” I said, glancing away. He knows how this kind of thing makes me nervous. Its sick and I hate it. He moved his hands on the wall as he pressed his body to mine. Right now he was sort of cold, but not quite there. But it still felt like there was a body with life on me. That made me uncomfortable as well. It was just not okay.

He nibbled on my ear lightly as his finger traces down my neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps. My voice was paralyzed, I couldn’t tell him to stop this. Lately, I haven’t though which worries me, he’s broken me open and now I can’t even stand my ground. He kissed my cheek, then my jaw, and reached my neck. I had no clue what he was thinking now but he means it when he says he will do everything in his power to make me say I love him. How long will I fight this battle with him?

I felt the shaking in my legs. Gravity was pulling me down to the ground; I was too nervous to the point where my legs could not hold me. I began sliding down the wall to the floor but he just came right with me, his lips finally touching mine as I hit the ground softly. He always tastes so sweet, no matter what temperature he has, his taste is the same. I’ve never tasted anything sweeter than his lips. This was drawing me in, bringing me down to his level. My body ached for some reason, wanting to be touched only because he’s been doing this kind of thing all the time. I can’t be ashamed anymore, not of this. Not of the way he holds me or kiss me. Not of how he’s so nice all the time and follows me around. Not of how much time he puts into me. I can’t be ashamed.

I like him.


I panicked. I’m not supposed to get used to him like this, let alone ever. I don’t like vampires, I know that much but he’s breaking every single barrier to get me like this; on the floor and weak for him. And I was.

His hand moved up in my sweater, pulling it off me; I moved my arms so it was easy for him. Why am I letting him do this? I wasn’t sure. I would like to think he has me under some kind of spell, but in reality, I’m just giving in to him. His lips touched my neck softly, leaving small kisses as he got lower and lower; his hand just trailed my body. I felt hot despite his touch, too hot. I shouldn’t be like this. How does he do it? My body was trembling under him like this.

His tongue swirled on my nipple. I covered my mouth quickly to hold back the involuntary sounds. Another weak spot. He took my hand from my mouth, pinning it down on the floor. I was unprotected from this. He was nibbling, biting, sucking, licking, all of it. And I was in fact liking it. It did make me scared to know that I could be so hot and probably red, that I could even moan so loud like this. I’m not supposed to sound like this. But no matter how hard I clench my teeth, I could still be heard. Its not good. His hand was moving in for my pants; he hadn’t gone any further than this, where is he intending to go? I used my free hand to push against him but he was ignoring me and doing this on his own.

“Kellin stop,” I begged, gripping his shirt. I wanted him to move away from me but he didn’t. His breath was on my neck now, kissing me hungrily as his hand slithered in my pants. This was a whole new level of terror.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

I didn’t want to stop. It was taking every bone in my body just to try and listen to him. I wanted him now, I wanted all of him but I could feel how scared he was. Pierce would never want to do something like this with me; its like a catch, I can have him but not like that. I can’t fully have all of him. That isn’t something I’ll stand for. I can’t wait for him to give in to me, it will take forever. The urge was so much to hold in but I had to try for now. I don’t need to start back at point one again.

I let go of the grip I had on him and moved away. I couldn’t take seeing his face when I know he’s scared like that. It would just make him mad if I try anything else and I don’t want that. I wish he knew how I felt but he never will, he won’t consider my feelings towards this, but I shouldn’t be surprised by that though. Wow, I turned soft.

“Wait, Kellin,” he said quickly. I stopped but I couldn’t turn around. I couldn’t take seeing his face when I know he’s conflicted. Is he tempting me? He knows I can’t control myself; he’s lucky I was able to instead of just tying him up and doing what I wanted. He can’t expect me to wait like this, he just can’t.

“You know I won’t hold out for long,” I said, keeping my back towards him. “I can’t just wait for you to feel the same about me, Pierce. If I have to, I might use force.” I had to say it, I don’t want him to be surprised if I do.


“You can make this easy on yourself if you want but don’t expect me to wait for your answer.” I said. He stayed quiet, just thinking. He always thinks about it but that takes too long. I just want to turn around and take him, I really do but I don’t need this to be any worse than it is.

“I can’t.” he sounded disappointed. Well, I guess I have to make him. That’s my only option right? I won’t think about it now. I should just go. Its better if I do anyway.

I left through one window, its not like he could see me. I landed in the snow; I could barely feel the white fluff but I knew once I fed, I’d be able to feel the weather again. Somehow, my mood had gone down but I knew how. I know what I’ll have to do, he can hate me forever but I have no choice.

“Uh, Dante wants to see us.” Layne was walking behind me. He smelled like blood so I wondered if he went hunting without me. That isn’t fair. And Dante wants to see us? Including me? I grabbed Layne quickly, rubbing on his arm and back. Pierce’s scent is basically all over me. I can’t get in trouble like that.

“Can you stop?” Layne asked, getting uncomfortable.

“I need to get his scent off.” I said, rubbing his hand on my shoulder and arms.

“That’s your fault.” he snatched his arm from me, taking a wide side step away. I pulled on his scarf, taking it from around his neck and put it around mine. This should give me some time. I just need a few hours for Pierce’s scent to ware off. Knowing Dante though, it only means I don’t have that kind of time. Layne glared at me but let the whole thing go. He knows I need this.

We walked to where Dante usually was. Of course there would be others there like usual. He looked so pissed and it was scaring everyone, maybe intimidated me but I was cool. He just went around, cursing without a care. And now he wants to see us. No. He stopped short to turn around and look at us; his eyes were a blood red as he glared down at me. Automatically, I looked away, I didn’t do anything though.

“I need a favor,” he said. I put my hands in my pockets and just turned around to walk away. No way in hell am I doing favors for him.

“Kellin,” Layne complained, calling after me.

“No way in hell,” I called back to him. Dante was in front of me in seconds but I knew he moved. He kicked my leg from under me and I fell on my other knee. This is how he does it though. My leg felt cracked from where he kicked me but it would heal. I can’t yell or scream at him because he is the leader. But damn, I’ve never felt pain like that. His hand grabbed a fistful of my hair as he brought my head up. I bared my fangs at him, threatening him to let go but he only tightened the chunk of hair in his hand.

“Its not an option, do it,” he growled. My lip twitched as I wanted to deny him but he wouldn’t let me. I do what he says or I die, that’s how it is.

He threw me to the side, letting me fall to the ground. I blew my hair out of my face as I hissed silently. I wanted to kill him for that but who am I to challenge him. He’s a lot older and probably stronger. I’m not stupid. He walked around me, crossing his arms. What? Is he threatening me for real. I stared up into his red eye as he looks down on me like the dog I am.

“I mean it, Kellin.” he said.

“I don’t even fucking know what you’re making me do.” I shouted as I moved my hands on the ground to push myself up. Next thing I knew, his foot was on the back of my head, pushing me back down. I growled as I tried to fight him but the force on me increases and I’m back on the ground again.

“I’ll tell you when you get back.” he said.

“Where the hell am I going?” I hissed.

“Wherever I tell you, brat.” he pressed down harder, my face and the ground actually started merging. The more I tried to fight, the more force he put down, causing cracks on the concrete ground. I clenched my teeth down, holding in my scream as I felt my skull cracking too. “I need you to do some tracking for me.” he said and let up on the pain.

“The hell can’t you?” I asked.

“What’s with the disrespect, huh? I know you don’t want to die now so do what I tell you without asking questions.” he said, moving his foot off me. I have fucking hair, does he know what he just did to it? Now I have to go through the trouble of finding a mirror. Dante pisses me off. I got up after I was sure he wouldn’t kick me down again. I’m not surprised Layne didn’t do anything. He stood there, pretending he didn’t see anything. Whatever.

“Who am I tracking?” I asked as I brushed the crap off my clothes.

“That piece of shit kid who still lingers around here.” he spat out. Lucas? I knew he was still here. The death rates in this city went up tremendously. I did fucking say he would not leave, asking politely doesn’t help the situation, I hope Layne knows that though.

“Chances are, its going to end up like a chase. I’m not-” I started but he turned back to me, glaring with those demonic red eyes. It made me cringe and back up quickly. Dante hasn’t been in the mood lately, and its because of Lucas. “-never mind.” I said, moving my eyes away. I hate it when he’s such a moody bitch, I swear. The only reason he wants me going out there is just in case I do end up finding him, it’ll turn into a fight and we’ll most likely, kill each other. That’s one idiot gone, right? That made me a bit mad. Early in the morning and I have to deal with this shit. I hope he knows I actually do have a life worth living. No, he can’t know that.

I rotated on my heels and turned around as I pushed my hair back from my eyes. I don’t want or need to be here.

“Where the hell are you going?” Dante shouted. I don’t need him booming, attracting attention when its clear we don’t need it.

“I’m hungry, I need to eat,” I said, rolling my eyes but I know he won’t see. I heard his growling as I walked away but he didn’t attempt to come after me. He can’t deny the fact that I have to indeed eat. If I’m tracking, I know its going to take most my energy so why not fuel up. I’m going to need it. I guess for once, I have a serious excuse for taking someone’s life.

Layne tagged along behind me after I cooled off. He had something to say though but he was waiting for the right time to get it out. Whatever it is just might piss me off, or make me think. I’m not stupid, I just don’t like using my brain when I don’t feel it necessary. That’s why I have this guy, so he can do all the smart work for me.

“Jeremy hasn’t been around,” he mentioned.

“Well Lucas has,” I said, concentration on finding game.

“Are they really affiliated with each other? I mean, Lucas might have dropped hints before but now I’m not so sure,” he was confused now as he got into deep thought. I stopped walking and looked at him. He was dazing off, looking right through me.

“For right now, all we have to do is track Lucas. Maybe Dante will handle all this, see his friend is a dirty traitor even though we have no clue what he’s doing, and then it will be over.” I shrugged.

“He’s not in contact with the boy?” Layne asked. That annoyed me. The boy has a name. But Layne has a new way of addressing humans. I’m surprised he hasn’t said thing all this time.

“I haven’t smelled his scent for miles. Maybe he just left.” I shrugged, hiding the fact that I was sort of pissed.

“Dante wouldn’t let Jeremy just leave.” he pointed out. That is true. I put my arms behind my head and walked on. There’s no way I’ll find game standing around, doing nothing. I can blow this whole situation off for a while, I don’t intend to be even more spiked about Jeremy choosing to probably end my existence. Its not like I do anything to the guy anyway, he’s just there and I kind of do hate it some. Layne walked behind me in silence; he’s probably still thinking about it when he really doesn’t need to much. It should go away.

The whole day was a bust. I got the hunt like I needed, I probably even overdosed, maybe got close to it. My chest hurts but the pain will go away. It was about eleven and my feelings were out of whack. Having too much blood will do that, and cause us to over heat. I felt like the sun was actually affecting me and its not even out. This is one time I wish I could sweat, this heat was sort of killing me. Now I know I went over board with all that feeding.

“Where are you going?” Layne asked, tagging along like he has been all day.

“To do something,” I murmured.


“Is not my first priority, I know you know that.” I turned to him. He looked away, up into the sky to avoid looking at me.

“I’m just saying that you’re putting yourself at risk,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“Risk my ass,” I moved on without him. He wasn’t coming with me now because he knows where I’m headed. I’m just making a quick stop first, nothing will happen. Maybe. I do intend on doing something, now that I can at least.

I walked on to Pierce’s place. He wasn’t sleeping, I could feel his heart from outside. He was more confused and stressed out more than anything. I’m probably going to make it so much worse in about a minute but I did say I wasn’t going to wait on him. He should expect me to act on it. I climbed into his room; it was dark and quiet. He was just laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I got close to him and he finally saw me, his heart rate going up high from fright.

His skin was pearl white in the feint moon light. And oh his scent is the greatest. I had to not breathe or I could hurt him. My fangs were throbbing but not for the usual reason, this was different, something I hadn’t experienced yet. And I was so ready to get this chance. I know this will be the stupidest thing I do but I warned him.

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