Just Be Mine

Chapter 11

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I woke up to brightness, then I knew the snow was still there. I rolled out of bed to look out the window; the sidewalks, cars, buildings, even people was drowned in snow. What is this? Wonderland? I sighed. I’m not going anywhere in that mess.

“Did you see outside Pierce?” Toby came in the room, shouting with excitement. He’s never been so happy before, except when he sees snow. That thanksgiving weekend was hell with him all excited like that. “Can we go play in it?” he asked.

“You’re a grown ass man,” I muttered as I ran my hand through my hair. He should know not to be stupid. Playing in the snow? Me? No. Its cold outside and that hurts.

“You should have a little child left in you.” he said as I walked by him. My childhood was not frolicking in snow and throwing it at other kids. What I had was work and depression. But I didn’t say that to him out loud, it would just make him sad.

“You know Toby, your snow balls are like rocks. It hurts getting hit by them.” I said instead of what I had in mind.

“Whatever man, be a bum.” he gave up on the subject.

I wouldn’t have to be anywhere till noon so I’m good for now. I turned on the tv and flopped on to the couch as I heard Toby rummage through the fridge. The channels were only filled with news which I really didn’t want to see. But I just stopped to look at what was there. Apparently six people were found dead last night. Wait.

“...seems to be an animal attack. These bodies were found mutilated at the scene.” the news lady said. I perked up from my slouch when I heard that. There’s only one thing out there that’s capable of that. Vampires did it. I refused to believe Kellin might be one but I remember those two girls. Its obvious something’s going on. “None of them have been identified yet but we have confirmed some identities.” she said. This didn’t seem right. How come its the first time its gotten so bad? My hand gripped tightly on the remote as I tried to remain focus on the subject. Panic ran through my quickly; I’m getting that scared feeling again.

Toby had just gone back into the room so now I’m alone. What kind of thing is happening? I rubbed my forehead as I tried to calm down. Nothing will hurt me, it’ll be fine. It should be fine.

Something touched my shoulder and I was just about to let out the most blood curling scream when my mouth was covered. The hand was warm so I wasn’t sure. I looked up and saw Kellin’s face. He scared the shit out of me, why would he be so stupid to do that? But right now he didn’t care, he looked as serious as ever. And threatening. He didn’t kill those people did he?

“I’m sure you saw that,” he gestured to the tv. I nodded. His hand was removed from my mouth; he was next to me in a second.

“You didn’t do that?” I asked nervously, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“No, but I know who did.” he said, keeping his eyes on the tv. He was pissed off about it clearly. It was like his red eyes were burning holes into the tv.

“What’s going on?” I asked silently.

“There’s apparently another group who thought it was okay to come here when its already claimed territory.” he said bitterly. Its clear vampires can be selfish and wouldn’t want to share. I looked back over to the tv. The news lady was still talking about the horrible incident. Those people had families, loved ones, friends, how can vampires be so cruel as to take these people from the ones that care about them? My heart twisted and I felt like I was suffocating. It all just reminds me of my parents and how I couldn’t stop it.

“If you’re worried you might get hurt, I won’t let that happen.” he said. My safety is just another thing to worry about.

“You shouldn’t-”

“I don’t care. If that means you don’t get hurt than I’m fine risking my life for you. You should know I would.” he said. All people do is risk their lives for someone they care for.

“Why?” I asked as I looked at him. “Why would you when I don’t feel the same, Kellin? Why would risk your life for someone who would never feel the same?” I asked. It makes no sense when I will never feel the same. He shouldn’t waste his time on me because my feelings won’t change. But he stared down at me with those red eyes, the one that sends me into immediate fear and said the three words I don’t like hearing from him.

“I love you,” were the words. He said it so proudly and with so much meaning behind it. What is there to love about me, I’m not in any shape or form special let alone lovable. I lost the two people who loved me most and I hate to fucking say it but Kellin isn’t going to be next.

“That much?” I asked quietly, almost a whisper. He looked sort of sad, maybe disappointed that I asked that.

“I guess you wouldn’t understand,” he looked away from me, taking a breath. Is he fed up with me? Is he annoyed by me? Is he frustrated with my lack of enthusiasm for his kind? Its true I don’t understand how he can love me so much when I’ve only known him for a short while.

“Then teach me because this is ridiculous. You cannot just lay your life down for someone like that. Are you stupid?” I asked.

“I am,” he answered. I stared at him. He wasn’t looking at me, he refused to. He feels all this just for me? He’d be willing to just fight anyone for me? He would get killed for me? I can’t allow that when its just a waste. Its all a waste. Why have all this feeling for someone who won’t acknowledge it?


“I hope you understand that I don’t care how you think about this. I won’t change anything and leave you cause you honestly don’t know how many years I had to put up with this,” he said.

“Years?” I asked. He’s been watching me for years? All this time he’s been following me. I couldn’t breathe when he looked at me. He was determined to get his point across.

“Yes years,” he said. I stayed silent and I guess that upset him. I couldn’t say anything, I didn’t know what to say to that really. “Please, Pierce just let me do what I have to without you fighting me,” he looked away again to the tv as he ran his hand through his hair. I opened my mouth to say something but I just closed it. I don’t want to make him upset when he could do something. This would have been so much easier if I wasn’t even born.

“Sorry,” I murmured quietly under my breath. He didn’t say anything else as he just watched the news. Wow, I feel bad for making him pissed; I never thought the day where his emotions affect mine would come. But it does kind of hurt to have someone mad because of what you did. I just stayed quiet next to him. It made me wonder if I should say something to make him understand why I feel so strongly on this but what would that do. It would probably provoke him somehow. But I have to.

“The only reason I don’t want you being stupid is because it isn’t worth it.” I muttered quietly. I know he heard me though. “I already lost two people, I don’t need someone else I ca-” I choked. What the hell was I going to say?

“I didn’t hear that last part,” he said quickly, almost desperately. I looked away from him just as his eyes met mine and blew air into my cheeks.

“I wasn’t going to say anything else.” I said, my face burning. Dammit, I just had to speak freely. I know what I was going to say. I “care” for him. Wow, can I punch myself?

“You shouldn’t hide how you feel from me,” he urged.

“If I had feelings for you,” I said.

“One day,” he said, shaking his head. One day my ass. It will never happen. I crossed my arms and leaned back into the seat more. He only smiled at how childlike I got. He moved his arm on the other side of me and twisted his body over me; he’s coming closer. I braced myself for what was in fact a kiss. This is an everyday thing now. He’s always kissing me like he can’t get enough. What’s next? Oh god, I shouldn’t think about that, it would just make me nervous.

He was so warm on top of me. I felt the heat that wasn’t his to give off but it was sort of nice; it makes me forget what he really is. He kissed me slowly, not pushing his luck but it was still being pushed. I was becoming flushed like this. He’s just so close and he’s kissing me. How can I not be embarrassed about it? But I have to say I’ve got used to it a bit. I want to say its sort of reassuring when he kisses me....no, forget that. I won’t deny that I like it because I do cause when he kisses me, I just stay put like I should. But that’s on my own will, he doesn’t force me to or bribes me anymore. I take it how I should. I got used to all of him. His scent, his sound, his taste. Everything about him. It feels like I’m liking everything too.

I let my lips move with his. Of course he would approve. His tongue came across my teeth, wanting more of an entrance. That was something I wasn’t going to give but he got me to open up and soon I felt his tongue on mine. His sweet smell filled my lungs as I took him in. His breath was warm as it mixed with mine. Why am I letting him do this? I couldn’t find the will to stop, he was making me hot for the first time. My body was giving off for the first time and it was frying my brain. I couldn’t take it.

“Hey Pierce?” Toby called. Shit shit SHIT. I pushed Kellin from me; he was smiling and I knew he was going to fuck up. I covered his mouth quickly; if Toby was going to come over, Kellin would know and I would make sure he’d be gone before Toby saw that there was a vampire on top of me.

“Yeah?” I asked. My voice didn’t sound right though. I was high off of this fucking idiot. I felt his lips move on my palm, he’s enjoying this so much. This better be a one time thing, he will never be this close to me. I’ll make sure of it.

“You working today?” he asked.

“At noon,” I answered. Kellin’s tongue was on my hand. I just wanted to punch him in the face for licking me. Its torture. I glared at him but he only winked, causing me to turn bright red.

“Good, I need a girl, man. I’m bored.” he said loudly then began murmuring stuff as he went back into the room.

I wasn’t focusing. Kellin continued to lick my hand then he got a hold of my index finger. I didn’t know what to do; I went blank as I looked at him. His warm tongue wrapped around my finger and soon licking became sucking. My finger was in his mouth. My body blazed. Why did I find this....a turn on? It was though. I wanted to avoid this but I ended up looking into the lust filled eyes. He was enjoying this and at the same time I was too. It just made me nervous how he looked at me, it was different. Not like food but in a sense he seemed like he wanted to devour me. I could feel the want in my chest. My lip twitched and I felt the need to press my finger down on his tongue. He bit down slightly, holding my finger between his teeth and licked what was in his mouth. My chest wrenched more and more as my heart beat faster, I was getting so nervous but at the same time, sort of horny. He’s good with his mouth. He let go, leaving my finger wet. I didn’t have anything to say, it stunned me. But shit that really was a turn on. Can he feel it or what?

He licked my neck, still using that glorious tongue of his. I know he was getting right over my bite mark that he gave me. I kept my mouth tightly shut so I don’t get another incident like before but I felt the noise in my throat. Its a weak spot he was hitting, a sweet spot. A place where I could see stars. Not now, not now.

I pushed him away from me before I couldn’t control myself. I know I was going to reach that point soon enough. But not now. Or ever. I would never let him do the things he’s imagining purely because. Its just not right. I still don’t know how I feel towards him but I won’t deny how he makes my body feel. I just have to stop him.

“That’s enough,” I said quietly. Any more and I’d be unreachable. He got off me obediently without a word. He’s like a trained dog or something. But he was smiling really hard, and I really do hate it when he does that. It makes me feel like he has the upper hand when he probably does. It frustrates me.

“You li-”

“Shut up,” I said quickly. His smile got wider and that pissed me off. I got up, ready to ignore him but he ended up in front of me. His super speed is a drag when I’m trying to get away from him. His arms moved around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

“Go away,” I hissed.

“I will,” he said. Meaning in the near future. I meant now. His hand moved in mine, his fingers in between mine. Is he holding my hand? I didn’t say he could do such a thing to me. Then all of a sudden he had me against the wall; his body was pressed behind me. I felt the heat brighten my face up.

“The hell are you doing?” I asked, trying to get away. He pinned my hands up on the wall.

“About to leave,” he snickered and his lips touch my neck. How fucking dare he! I couldn’t shove him away because of how he blocked any movements from me.

“Don’t-” I choked when he rubbed against me.

“Don’t what?” he asked, teasing me. His body against mine. I felt what he was doing and on purpose. His crotch on my ass. Dammit, he’s sneaky. I couldn’t get another word out of my mouth; my body rippled, a shiver going down my spine. This hasn’t happen to me before. I have not once had a guy rub against me like this, let alone a vampire.

“Kellin, stop,” I pleaded. But he only continued to. How does something like this feel good? It was making me drool. God, why? What have I done to deserve this ridicule?

“I will,” he said and rubbed slower, grinding behind me.


This needs to stop now but what could I say? I bit my lip to keep from moaning. He knows what he’s doing to me and I hate to say it was good. I won’t say that to him though but I’m sure he knows I like this by how I was moving my own hips. What could this kind of thing mean? I swear I don’t want him to fuck me but I could how my body likes this. He knows how to do all these things doesn’t he? He knows how to make me weak. His hands let go of mine and now it was happening from my own will. I remember how I shouldn’t let him get to me, no matter how close I get to a fucking boner. He needs to back off.

My rage flared when he laughed at me and backed away. I turned around and was just about to punch him when he caught my fist. I wanted to be stronger than him so I can beat the literal shit out of him for taking advantage of me like that.

“Don’t you remember last time?” he asked, a smirk on his lips. I wanted to punch it off but I did remember last time. His body is like stone when it comes down to actually trying to hit him.

“Do that again and I will kill you,” I threatened.

“Well I know where we stand on how you feel about me.” he said. So he got that I wouldn’t mind killing him cause that’s how I feel towards him. “It won’t be long before there isn’t clothes involved.” he said. No. I ground my teeth, hearing the cracking in my ears as I threw my other fist. Why can I not get to him for? He caught my hand then tightened his grip on both. It just made me angry as I glared into his eyes. There’s no use in fighting him. I don’t want my arms shattered.

He pecked me, right on the lips, then made a quick get away. It was basically a big “fuck you, you’re weak and can’t do anything” to me. My hands stayed fist as I tried to control my outburst. He is just so- ugh. Someone get me a wooden bat to hit him with please.

It was eleven thirty when Toby and I were about to leave. I was getting a jacket when he called me, laughing. And it made me wonder what the hell was so funny. Did Kellin do some type of shit?! I walked out of my room to see that Jesse was here, and had a box in her hand. Oh, she brought my stuff. She looked pissed to be here but its okay. Toby started going through the box.

“Dude, did you live there or something?” he asked, still laughing. Whatever. I went back into my room to get Jesse’s stuff which really wasn’t much. Just a couple panties, bras, and a t-shirt. I put it in a plastic bag for her and walked out with it.

“What? I don’t get a box?” she sassed.

“A box isn’t needed for stuff like this,” I handed the bag to her, she snatched it from my fingers and went through it. I looked down into the box, did I really have all this stuff at her place. I see shirts, sweaters, hats, and some of the stuff I bought her from concerts and raves. Oh. There was a jacket I didn’t recognize in there. I picked it up and held it out. No, this was not mine, this is for someone who has muscle and depth.

“This isn’t mine,” I said. Which only raised the question was she cheating on me first? Toby believed it was true already, his laughter roared, not even trying to keep it down. Jesse took that from me quickly, turning red with anger and or embarrassment. Oh okay.

“I knew that,” she said and rushed out before anything else could be said.


“Stop,” I cut him off. It was going to make me sad to know that she has in fact been cheating on me, and used that stupid incident to get out of the relationship. I mean that’s my fucked up life. And Toby does not need to rub that in my face.

“Man, I did tell you she was the worst thing for you,” he patted my shoulder. Everyone told me that. “But its not like you liked her anyway,” he shrugged.

“Why does everyone say that?” I asked.

“Cause its true. C’mon, lets go.” he pushed me out the door. But I really didn’t want to. Well that was just one way to make my day even worse. I doubt it will get any better today, it usually never does.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

Layne and I caught the scent of that Lucas guy from last night. He wasn’t with anyone at the moment. We were only watching him from on top of a building, its not like we’re trying to attract attention to ourselves. Dante can handle if it something happens. I’m just curious about this guy. How come he shows up out of nowhere? Even though this territory is new claimed, we didn’t have a problem before. He seems sketchy too, I don’t like this guy, whether he’s working with Jeremy or not.

Pierce and his friend were walking to that café place and past by Lucas. I noticed his change in direction very quickly. What does he think he’s doing? A growl left my lips as I was just about to jump from the ledge.

“Kellin,” he warned, putting his hands on my shoulders. I wanted to go down there. Lucas thinks he can feed on what’s mine. I don’t care about the friend but Pierce is mine. I shook Layne off me; my fangs sharpened as I glared down at Lucas. He’s actually doing it. I wanted to go rip his head off on the spot but Layne wouldn’t let me since we’re in public. But still, we have to go and stop him. I snatched Layne’s wrist and pulled him down with me, lets just say we’re going to talk to him.

“Don’t snap, Kellin, we’re still-”

“Ya ya, I know” I said quickly, already annoyed. Layne doesn’t have to keep reminding me that I’m not like everyone else, that I can snap someone’s head off without trying. I know this, I live this. Just please, I want to stop Lucas from being a bitch. That is it.

We blocked him from going inside. He seemed sort of confused when he saw us then apparently he remembered our faces. He licked his fang, getting cocky as he looked at us.

“Well well, did the almighty send you to kill me?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

“And here I thought you were told to leave,” I said down to him. He was probably more threatening than me but I can still take him.

“I was but I thought I might eat something first,” he said. My lip twitched as I tried to hold in my anger. I might be the one to kill him before anyone else does. But I just need to keep calm before I lash out and destroy this whole city.

“No,” I pushed him back. He saw that as a threat; he clenched his fist and came for me, just about to hit me when Layne stepped in between us. I would have gladly kicked him in the face if that’s what he wanted.

“We just wanted to ask some questions.” Layne said. No, we didn’t. Let me fight him, lets see how tough this guy is. Lucas looked at Layne as he brought his fist down. Who would want to fight Layne? He doesn’t look threatening but who would destroy a sweet face?

“I got time,” he said, rubbing his hand on his shirt. He thinks he’s all bad ass just because he knows how to mutilate someone’s body. I’ll kill him. He pushed us aside and went inside the cafe. I wanted to grab him by the neck and stop him but Layne grabbed my wrist before I did anything. He’s like a parental figure or something. Why? We followed behind him like he owned us. God, if Dante were here, he wouldn’t stand for this. He’d let us rampage because he finds it disrespectful. But he doesn’t know about any of this.

We sat in front of him in silence and he just watched us. Someone has to speak but it definitely won’t be me, I swear. It just might be Layne who’ll do all the talking because I’ll just lose it here. Why do we have to be here though? I don’t want Pierce to see this if something does happen. Its hard enough getting through him, I don’t need it to be any harder right now.

“Why are you here?” Layne finally asked.

“Just passing through,” he said, sitting back in his seat. I noticed how awkward the shift was; he was trying to lie to us. Well that’s not very smart.

“You’re lying,” I said.

“I have no reason to.” he responded quickly.

“You’re lying anyway,” I looked around, sighing. This isn’t going to work. I know he has a temper because he’s just like me. Its going to be a matter of time before one of us goes off.

“What are you, some kind of lie detector?” he asked snidely.

“Are you a kid? Seriously. How the hell are you going around brutally murdering people? Do you know what kind of pressure that puts on us to cover it up? You’re lucky you’re still alive because I should really kill you right now,” I hissed discretely. No one should know I’m pointing out these facts. He growled lowly at me and I did it back. He was challenging me. Layne pushed me back in my seat lightly.

“You don’t have any ties to Jeremy, do you?” Layne asked.

“Don’t know who that is.” Lucas answered, the same way he did the first one.

“You’re a liar, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Listen, I don’t know your problem with me but I won’t hesitate to-”

“What? Kill me? Is that another lie?” I asked. He glared at me, his eyes burning red. I wanted to gauge them out and throw them but I kept it in. There’s nothing wrong with talking. And when he snaps first, I’ll just take care of it like I should have in the beginning.


“No, he’s going to keep lying if you don’t do anything.” I snapped at Layne.

“What makes you think I’m lying. I said I’m just passing through and I don’t know the guy you’re talking about.” Lucas said. Lies. He’s lying. But I gave up, I couldn’t do anymore.

I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat, just looking annoyed. I’ll keep my mouth shut now. Its getting hard to get through to this guy but I can’t say anything about it. He just pisses me off and I’m really about to lose it here. I can’t believe Layne is standing for this, really? Why is he able to go on like that? Whatever. He can do everything.

“Are we finished here because I’m really hungry,” Lucas said. Hungry my ass, he had someone last night. Its going to hurt him if he overdoses. No wait, he can drink as much blood as he wants. I hope he dies.

“You shouldn’t feed here after what you did,” Layne said, getting up.

“It won’t be much.” he said.

“You’ll be killed.” Layne said; It sounded like a threat from him. I know he implied it. If Dante won’t kill him then we’ll be the ones to do it then.

“Huh, well then. I won’t stay around.” He said. Lie, I saw it. He’s lying again. I bit my lip to keep from yelling. I could feel my anger pooling though. Layne let him go. I guess his attraction to Pierce wore off.

“You’re an idiot, Kellin.” Layne said. I know. “I knew he was lying,” he added.

“You honestly do suck. Sorry not everyone can be enhanced like you can.” I said sarcastically. He ignored my comment as he walked out in front of me.

“Lucas is a threat. I don’t know how big yet.” he was thinking about it.

“Do we tell Dante or what?” I asked but I don’t care much. As long as Lucas stays away from what’s mine, I don’t give a shit what he does with his life.

“For now, lets not,” He said. Okay then, that’s another secret being kept.

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