just another roomie

Chapter 6 (Mason’s POV)

It was the middle of the night and I woke up because it was too hot for this time of the year especially in London.

Once I opened my eyes I realized I wasn’t even in my bedroom.

What the hell is going on right now?

Then it suddenly clicked.

I was in Rachel’s bedroom.

The soft pillows under me should be an obvious sign of that but whatever.

Let’s blame it on the fact I just woke up.

And nke to answer myself and you guys why I was so hot?

Because she was wrapped around my body like a little koala bear.

Even though we hated each other, I must admit she looked really adorable.

But enough with this nonsense.

If I stay in her bed until morning she would lose her mind when she finds me next to her.

So I had a new mission on the horizon.

The mission was: extraction.

No judging people!

It was a mission and it was a hard one no pun intended.

I moved away from her and as soon as I was out of her reach, she started searching for me to cuddle back.

Huston! We have a problem! SOS! SOS!

Then a light bulb flickered in my mind.

I quickly grabbed the nearest pillow and pushed her under her searching hand.

Thank God it worked.

She grabbed it right away and cuddled closer, hugging the pillow the same way as she was hugging me a moment ago.

I sighed in relief.

After my successful mission I tiptoed to the door and opened and closed it behind me without a single sound.

First time in my life I was thankful to be back in this house.

I knew it like my own pocket so I knew how to move inside it without making a sound.

A thought occurred to me.

Rachel mentioned that the company where she interviewed today knew what was the reason behind her unemployment.

So since I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep any time soon, I decided to check in her former company’s records if there was any trace.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed myself a snack and one of my energy drinks.

Let’s get down to business.


That boss of hers was an asshole.

That’s the only thing I could think of.

It’s been 3hours since I started digging into her former company’s records and what I found was disgusting.

Seems like Rachel’s ex boss didn’t like to be told no.

Each employer that had some kind of complaint registered with the HR team was fired the next day.

So something clearly wasn’t by the rules.

So yi rug a bit deeper.

And I found all those complaints.

Each of them was the same or close to what Rachel told me.

Every single one of them spoke of harassment caused by Mr. Boss himself.

But each woman that reported him faced horrible consequences.

And all of them were still unemployed up until today.

That fact was a clear alarm of something being wrong even more than it was before.

After 2 more hours of work I finally found the problem.

Mr. Rigson (Rachel’s ex boss) wrote a really “kind” letter of recommendation for every woman he fired.

The letters were of course seen to anyone who wanted to employ them.

In those letters it was written that many of their coworkers complained but the boss didn’t believe those complaints, until one day the women started harassing him and trying to seduce him.

I was sitting there, staring at my computer screen and couldn’t believe what I just read.

How the hell did no one notice this?

Same letter was written for all 15 fired women.

If no one else was going to believe or help them, then I sure will.

I got back to work.

I started by deleting any trace of reports made by the woman.

After I was done I started deleting all the letters of “recommendations”.

I had to make sure there would be no trace left behind.

I didn’t want my work to come back and bite any of them.

They suffered enough.

The first one struggled to get a new job for more than 5years.

After I deleted everything and hid all the evidence of my digging I started with the best part of my plan.

I wrote new letters of recommendation that were actually complimenting to a person.

When I was done and looked at the clock it was almost 9 in the morning already.

I decided to take a break.

When I emerged from my room there was Rachel sitting in the kitchen, looking like shit.

“Long night roomie?”

She looked my way but held her head.

“Can you please not shout?”

I chuckled lightly, it was obvious she was hungover.

So I went into the bathroom and took two pain killers from the cabinet.

I put them in front of her and got her a glass of water.

“Take those and go back to bed for a few more hours. And I promise to not be a prick today. But tomorrow when you’re back to normal all bets are off.”

With those words I left her in the kitchen.

I had a lot of work to do if I wanted to help all of those women to get back their lives.

That also included Rachel.

Sure we hated each other, but she still didn’t deserve what she got served from her boss.

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