just another roomie

Chapter 5 (Rachel’s POV)

I hate him!

I hate his words!

Hate his body!




But damn.

That body of his sure is a masterpiece.

It must be some kind of sin to hide such a body.

Remember how I told you he was probably skinny?


Who would have thought a geek like Mason could have a body like that?

Because watch it, he didn’t have a 6 pack, THERE WAS A FREAKING 8 PACK!

And those words.

Never in my life would I expect a guy like him to have such a dirty mind.

And I am ashamed to tell you but he managed to turn me on.

Even before he said anything.

There sure was a lot of chemistry and passion between us.

But there was no chance in hell I would admit it to him.

He was still a man whore.

Even though when I looked back at our conversation from moments ago he seemed hurt by my words.

It’s not like I made that up.

It was well known knowledge all over the campus when we were in high school and later in college.

And that description just stuck with him.

Not my fault.

But still I couldn’t help it. I felt bad for things I said to him.

Especially since he was right.

I was sexually frustrated and I used him to relieve my anger and frustration.

I promised myself I would make up to him somehow.

But right now I need to go get ready for a job interview.

When I passed by his room the door was closed but no sound was heard from inside.

So I just went into Becky’s room that was mine at the moment and got ready as fast as I could.

First I didn’t want to be late, and second I wanted to avoid Mason for as long as possible.

So I was out the door in record time.


To say my interview didn’t go well would be an understatement.

On my way back to the house I called Becky and asked her for Mason’s favorite dessert.

She knew right away something was wrong.

And with a heavy heart and lump in my throat I told her everything.

And you know what she did?

She laughed!

And not a small laugh, but a big belly laugh!

After a while she finally managed to calm down so she could tell me he loved muffins with chocolate.

But what stuck with me were her final words before we said goodbye.

“Don’t believe everything you hear Rachel. Keep your mind open. And no matter what happens remember we will always be best friends.”

I had no idea what she meant with those words.

But I had no time to find a deeper meaning in them.

So instead once I reached our house I started preparing muffins as a way to apologize to Mason.

After they were safely on the counter cooling down I grabbed myself one of 3 bottles of tequila I bought today and started drinking.

It was my pity party after all.

I almost emptied the whole bottle when Mason came home.

So you can guess he found me on a good way to get shitfaced.

“Heeeeey roomie. I made you fookies. No wait. Cookies. Yes cookies. I made you cookies.”

He was just standing there frozen for a moment.

“Rachel. Are you drunk?”

What a boring man he could be. I could hear it in his voice. He was judging me.

“Not yet my darling but I will be once I finish another bottle of this amazing tequila. You want some?”

I stood up to get myself another bottle from the kitchen but two strong hands stopped me in my tracks. Damn those hands looked sexy.

“Oh no you won’t. Come on, let’s sit down. Tell me why are you shitfaced at 5pm?”

“Heeey I’ve told you I’m not shitfaced…yet! And ok if you really want to know.”

I took one last deep breath before I started telling him all about my interview.

“You see I had an interview for a job today. Or is it a job interview? Ah never mind, that’s irrelevant right now, we will come back to this issue later. So I had this thing and it was all going smoothly, until they asked for my former jobs. I was honest with them and told them where I worked. And after that they’ve told me, they can’t afford to hire someone who is sexually abusive towards their coworkers. Me! Sexually abusive! I didn’t even get laid in the past 3years! God damn it I miss sex”

Then I remembered I wasn’t alone and looked at Mason.

“Hey you are a man!”

He looked at me weirdly.

“No shit Sherlock. Did you just realize that?”

He was so funny. But my mission wasn’t finished yet.

“So that you have a dick!”

His face still showed a huge amount of shock but he didn’t interrupt me.

“Have sex with me Mason!”

“Ok Rach. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Wait. What? That was fast!

“Hey I am not that easy. I want a long steamy foreplay, you know.”

Since my legs were like jello he picked me up bridal style and started carrying me to my bedroom.

The moment he started walking I started kissing and sucking his neck.

I have no idea what came over me. I just know I was a horny drunken mess.

“Rachel, please stop it. You are drunk and we need to get you to bed. Please be a good girl for me.”

“Nooo Mason, I don’t want to go to bed. I wamt to have sex. Like right now. Why don’t you want to have sex with me. Don’t you think I am beautiful?”

He muttered something under his breath which sounded like he said : “Dear lord help me survive this temptation!”

Once we reached the room he put me gently on the bed.

I began pulling up my T-shirt but he stopped me.

“Rachel please go to bed. We can talk about it in the morning. But right now you need to get some sleep.”

I tried pouting, puppy eyes, but nothing worked.

So I gave up.

For now.

“Would you at least stay with me tonight? No sexy time I promise. Just cuddling? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

He hesitated for a few moments but then started undressing.

Once he was only in his T-shirt and boxers he crawled into bed next to me and pulled me closer so I was lying on his chest.

My body relaxed right away. It felt so nice.

“You didn’t answer my question Mason. Why don’t you want to have sex with me?”

He just groaned but didn’t answer.

But it’s ok.

I would ask him in the morning.

Just as I was drifting off to dreamland I think I heard his response.

“I want Rachel. I really do. But I want you to be all in and remember it in the morning.”

But maybe it was just my wishful imagination.

Who knows.

I will ask him in the morning.

I promise.

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