just another roomie

Chapter 18 (Mason’s POV)

I was lost in my thoughts.

Wanna bet who was the main star in my day dreaming?

Ding ding!

You guessed correctly.

It was Rachel.

Weird right?

That was some hard sarcasm if you didn’t notice.

But yeah I was daydreaming about her instead of focusing on my work.

So of course I received a slap on the back of my head.

And yes it was Brandon.

“Come on man. Stop dreaming about Rachel and focus on the task at hand.”

I was taken aback by his words.

He saw our interactions only once and he already put together 1 and 1.

I was trying to hide my feelings for Rachel for years.

Especially in front of her and Becky.

I was even more of an asshole around them than usually.

But one Brandon was enough to ruin my facade.

“Even if you were right, you don’t have to be an ass about it, you know.”

He raised one eyebrow and spoke slowly like I was an idiot.

“You need to get your head out of your ass. She likes you just as much as you like her. I have no idea what it is with you two, but you need to make a move if you want to have any chance with her. Women like her don’t come around everyday you know. She is gorgeous, smart, has a weird sense of humor, just like you and she is honest. What else could you look for in a woman?”

He did have a point. But she also had bad qualities. We all have them. Because let’s face it. No one is perfect!

“Sure I agree. But she also has bitch attitude, likes to throw accusations around and will never admit her flaws.”

He outright laughed at me.

What the hell?!

“You know, you described yourself right? You are an asshole most of the time, you never admit that you are wrong and you like to come to a conclusion before you have any evidence.”

When you put it that way…

“Fine. You are right. But still all the things you said have no sense. What is that supposed to mean for our relationship?”

He started shaking his head before I even finished my sentence.

“Sometimes you can be a real idiot, you know that right? I am telling you, make a move if you want to have a chance with her.”

“Who said I want a chance? I don’t like her in that way. And you know I am not a relationship guy. But I know Rachel. And she is dreaming about a husband, kids, a picket fence, you know the whole package. And I can’t give her that.”

His look told me he was disappointed.

“Like I said. Stupid. You will come to your senses one day. I just hope it won’t be too late.”


I was thinking about Brandon’s words all day long.

I know. I was not focused on my work again.

But thank God I knew what I was doing anyway.

Coding was probably originally programmed into my brain.

So I was doing my work as usual, but my brain was thinking about other stuff.

Maybe, just maybe, Brandon was right.

I should give it a try.

Maybe we can have a frenemies with benefits situation.

We were not really friends but neither were we enemies anymore.

I have no idea how else to label us as frenemies.

Something between enemies and friends.

So I was thinking this might actually work out.

It looked like neither of us had any interest in going to clubs or even having one night stands.

But we were both sexualy frustrated.

So maybe we can make a deal.

We could take care of each other’s needs, and leave out the part where things get ugly and emotions get involved.

Because I was telling the truth.

Ever since my ex fucked me over I was kind off a comitment phobe.

I was afraid of falling in love if I am being honest right now.

And with a girl like Rachel I guess I didn’t have to worry about that.

Sure I had a crush on her but it was totally physical.

She was hot and that was what attracted me.

I know I sound lame but at least I am honest.

And from what I gathered through the years from Becky, Rachel also didn’t want to be in a serious relationship until she built her career on solid ground.

So in my opinion it was a win-win situation.

But I still had 3 hours of work before I could do anything about it.

So I better come up with a good plan in the meantime.

Time for brain storming.


Last 3 hours passed by sooooo fucking slowly, that I started to lose my patirnce with the clock.

But it finally showed 5pm, and it was time for me to put my plan into action.

So I went 2 floors higher to “pick up” Rachel.

When I reached her floor she was speaking with Aron and they were laughing at something.

I could feel a weird thing in my stomach, but I had no idea what it was.

I just knew it didn’t feel good.

Maybe I should go see my doctor and ask him about these weird feelings in my stomach.

I approached them and greeted them loudly.

A bit of irritation could be heard in my voice.

Probably because of those last 3 hours.

Yeah I am sure that must be it.

Rachel aimed a huge grin my way and suddenly that pinching feeling in my stomach was gone.

What the fuck?

She grabbed her things and said goodbye to Aron.

When he turned my way he gave me a smirk that indicated he was on to me.

But what did it mean?

I had no idea, but wasn’t about to question things either.

I have a more important task at hand right now.

All the way to our house we spoke about work and our coworkers which was fine with me because I had to build up my courage.

Once we reached our house Rachel started preparing dinner and I went to take a shower.

Once I was done and dressed I gave myself a pep talk.

“Ok asshole. This is it. It is now or never.”

With those words and a false bravado that I don’t feel at all (fake it till you make it I guess.) I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey Rach. I have a question for you. But before you give me an answer, think about it, ok?”

She was just about to cut some vegetables when I interrupted her.

She turned my way slowly and there was some curiosity in her eyes.

“Oooookeeeei. Hit me.”

I chuckled at her choice of words.

“So here is the thing. It seems we have no interest and no time to look for one night stands, but there is so much sexual tension in this house that you can actually feel it. So I will just blurt it out. Let’s make a frenemies with benefits deal.”

She looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

“What the hell Mason?”

Even though she was resisting I could see it in her eyes that she was interested.

So let’s elaborate and seal the deal.

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