just another roomie

Chapter 17 (Rachel’s POV)

What in the all loving hell is wrong with me?

I was supposed to hate Mason.

But when I told that to him, it felt like I was choking out a lie.

Also when he told me he hates me too, it stung.

I don’t know what I was expecting since I told him I hate him.

Ah enough with these thoughts.

I pulled out my phone and shot a quick message to Becky.

Bitch1: hey babes. The situation is all settled. We talked and he told me about Coleen. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me in all these years!! You owe me a huge coffee once you’re back in town. Love you.

It took her only a minute when the dots already started bouncing on my screen, signaling she was typing a response.

Bitch2: yeah, yeah. You will get your coffee. But I don’t feel bad because first: it wasn’t my story to tell, and second: for fucks sake woman you never got along! But I am glad you worked out your problems. After all, you still need to survive at least until your first paycheck. And unfortunately for you I love my brother just as much as I love you, so killing him is not an option. Gotta run now. Love you babes and behave!

I smiled at her text.

Damn I missed my bestie.

Sometimes I wished she wouldn’t be a model but then I remembered how much her work made her happy and I regret even thinking about it.

I put my phone on charge and got ready for bed.

Tomorrow is a new day.


I woke up from a steamy dream that felt so real.

I checked my surroundings more than 3 times before I was completely sure that it was just a dream.I dreamed about Mason.

It was getting more and more difficult to hate him with each time that passed by.

The dreams I had were not the problem though.

The problem was, when I woke up, I wanted my dreams to be real.

So yeah you can bet I was grumpy.

But I got up anyway.

Once I was ready I went to brew myself some coffee, because I really needed it right now.

I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, so it’s no surprise I ran right into Mason.

His strong arms helped me regain my balance but the moment I registered his smell it was like my legs were made of jelly.

And then I was really grateful for his hands.

He smelled like winter.

Ok I know it’s a weird description.

Let me elaborate.

He smelled like apples and cinnamon, mixed with something that was uniquely him.

And to me, that smell was like heaven.

I realized probably a little too late that I was just staring at him, so I shook myself out of my daydreaming.

“Sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts. How was your night?”

He looked at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“Are you ok Rachel? Did you hit your head or something? Did you take any pills you shouldn’t?”

What the actual fuck?

Pills? What is he talking about?

“No to the last two questions and yes to the first one. Why? Did I do something wrong?”

He gave me a megawatt smile with both his dimples showing. And that sight alone, made my panties wet in an instant.

“I just can’t remember you ever being nice to me in the morning. Because I know you are the least morning type of person on the whole planet.”

I chuckled at his words, because for once he was right. I wasn’t a morning person and most of the time people left me alone until I had my first cup of coffee. But today, even though I was grumpy, I didn’t feel as bitchy as usual.

“Well since we made our truce yesterday I thought it would be a good start if I stopped being so bitchy to you all the time.”

He gave me another one of his smiles but then he surprised me with a peck to my forehead.

“You really are something special. Get your coffee and I will go get ready. We leave in 15 minutes. That’s if you want us to go to work together?”

I didn’t miss how unsure he sounded at the end so I gave him one of my best smiles in return.

“Sounds like a plan to me. I will be waiting.”


Our walk to the company was uneventful, I just told Mason about all the new gossip, the progress on the new game and how my first days of work have gone.

It was nice to not walk alone.

Once we reached our elevators we bumped into Aron.

“Hey Rachel. Oh hey Mason. Are you feeling ok? I hope the sickness didn’t wear you down too much.”

Sickness? I guess he used it as an excuse to not come to work the past few days.

“No worries boss. I am as good as new.”

“Good to hear it. I am glad you are back, because we came across some problems with the new game and I would really appreciate your help.”

Mason was completely lost in his conversation with Aron and I used this opportunity to check them both out.

Sure Aron was hot, but he was only a 6 looking at him now that he was standing next to Mason.

What I wouldn’t give to go over those muscles that he hid so well under his baggy clothes.

“Rachel? Did you hear me?”

I looked up to see Mason watching me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“What did you say?”

Mason chuckled under his breath before he answered my question.

“I asked you, if it’s ok for me to come get you once I finish work and we can go home together?”

“Oh yeah sure. That would be great. Thanks Mason.”

He waved us goodbye and exited the elevator, while me and Aron had 3 more floors before we reached our destination.

“Are you two a couple?”

I looked at Aron with shock.

“No! Why would you think that? He is my best friend’s brother, and we share a house at the moment. But nothing more.”

His look was full of amusement and suspicion.

“Ok. If you say so. But just so you know, there is no rule in our company about dating coworkers. Just in case.”

With those words he exited the elevator as well and left me there with my mouth wide open.

Was it that obvious that I was lusting after Mason?

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