Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Onward, ever onward.

Had they been here that long to so easily lose track of the time?

“Five minutes notice, or whatever, for us. There will be only the three of us for dinner, so we can take our time." She grabbed at his waist to stop him from retreating from her.

“Don’t leave me just yet! Gran will wait.”

She held him firmly in her, not wanting him to pull out of her so suddenly, until she was ready. She slowly relinquished her grip on him and he steadily backed out of her, but hadn’t wanted to. She watched him go; that very large gift that would keep on giving to her, over and over again for the rest of her life.

She didn’t like that feeling of him leaving her body, but he did kiss her breasts as he retreated, but then came back to kiss her and to go into her easily again with a sigh. He didn’t want to retreat from her with her labia so engorged and shiny, always inviting him back into her again and again. He didn’t want to go so soon either; wanting to be greedy.

“I’m afraid I left a lot in you that time with my balls working overtime in anticipation of us doing that when we next met.”

Of course he had. Just as he had in that motel room each time he’d made love to her.

She blushed up at him. “I’ll have to use my panties to catch you, and then I’ll go and change them, but you’ll have to let go of them first.”

He grinned mischievously at her. “Why bother with them? No one will know, except for us. There will only be us three for dinner. It isn’t as though we are going out into public.

“I can look after them for you. You don’t need to wear any panties around me, ever." He was outrageous! And wonderful!

“I promise not to take them out of my pocket to sniff at them at the dinner table between courses... unless I fold them into my napkin.” She couldn’t hold her shocked laughter back. Would he do that? He was incorrigible! He and her grandmother had a similar sense of humor, always too close to the bone and always ready to shock. It was a good thing her parents were not there to be offended.

“We have time for me to show you my rooms, which will also be yours, but first I’ll warn Gran that we will need another ten or twenty minutes before we get dinner. She will understand.” She'd have to.

Her eyes sparkled at him. “Do you think you can manage a repeat performance in that time. It felt like a lifetime without you.”

For him too.

He grinned at her as he pulled his clothing up on himself after wiping himself off with her panties and passed her clothes to her, holding her panties firmly between her legs to catch him when she stood up, almost falling over with his attention to her there.

“Let’s find out.” He was always ready for that kind of challenge.

She led him up to their bedroom, feeling his hand rising under her skirt as she mounted the stairs, setting her whooping and squirming as he followed her up the stairs (she hoped her gran really was in the kitchen) and showed him the albums she’d printed off his phone, of him and Jen. She felt uncomfortable, sensing him leaking steadily from her over the next few minutes, but he made up for everything by continuing to pay her intimate attention.

He soon calmed down enough to take note of what she was telling him and showing him, feeling surprised and so grateful for the effort she had put into it.

“I hope you can forgive me for doing this. I should have asked.”

He still kissed and touched her in so many places as he looked at her. “No, you shouldn’t have asked. This is wonderful, and unexpected. Jen would have done this, but we never got around to it.”

“I had to keep my mind busy somehow, to stop myself going crazy waiting for you.” He understood the feeling, but they could make up for that now.

“I also put this other album together. It’s just for us, and I think you’ll understand why, when you see it.” She showed him the second one which also had many hand-drawn scenes in it too, and watched him turn the pages as he looked at her in pleasant shock. “Of us, of course, and the wonderful time we spent together." She fluttered her eyelashes at him, sensing his approval.

“I told Gran about my conversation in that dream with Jen. I’m not sure she believed me. Then last night I told her more about that dream and about me being pregnant. She had more difficulty with that and couldn’t accept that I could possibly know that I was carrying twins.”

He stroked her face and kissed her. “Then don’t say anything more to anyone. We only have to wait, to find out for ourselves.

“You could be pregnant anyway, considering what we did almost from the beginning and so often. Time will reveal all. It usually does.”

He turned the pages. She would show him her journal of personal recollections next, or would leave that for after dinner, considering the effect she was already having on him again.

“You took more photographs than I realized; even of me that first morning at the beach.” When he had not been fully conscious of his nakedness, or how much he was shocking her. He looked at each of them. “Were you so nervous of me?”

She nodded. “At first I was. I’d never seen a truly naked man before, and not the way you were. You were aroused, even then.” She had no difficulty discussing it now, but still blushed. "However, I soon got over that."

“Aroused?” He laughed at that word she had used. “Aroused? I was massively erect and so hard for you I thought I would burst out of my skin; priapic to the first degree; as stiff as a bloody flagpole!"

He was getting that way again. Her being close to him would always do that. "I remember that, but I also half-believed that you were Jen, and that we would soon make love again. That was why I was like that. You’d already got through to me and I was ready for you.”

“You don’t scare me anymore, Royce, although in the conservatory, a few minutes ago you surprised me. I didn’t remember you being that big, but I had no difficulty taking you.”

“I went carefully. I’d missed you, so I knew I was likely to be too damned eager to get that next intimate step behind me, and that I might hurt you if I was too pushy.”

She chuckled nervously.

“I’d hate to think what it would have been like if we’d been apart for longer.”

He reached up under her skirt and teased her panties from between her legs. “I think they’ve had long enough. My turn now.” He raised them to his face as he looked at her, waiting to see her smile at what he was so outrageously doing. He was not disappointed.

His mind was in a far-off place. “Almost the right bouquet, with a hint of this, and a dash of that. It needs just a little more of both of us, to ripen better. I am going to confiscate these and all other pairs of them too. You won't need them anymore around me. I will soon get used to you not wearing these dreadful things, or anything else for that matter when we are alone.”

It was fortunate that her parents couldn’t hear him, or he would be shown the door.

He turned a few more pages.

“You draw too. So do I. I worked on one drawing of you, even as I ate, and in the few breaks I got, though I rarely had time to stop doing what I was there to do, but I had good people around me who made sure I took breaks, as others picked up the slack, and left the difficult stuff for me to do.”

He paused. “What are these?”

She sat on the love-seat beside him, leaned into him, and explained.

“They are drawings of the dream I was telling you about.” She pointed.

“After the court room, where I was on trial for neglecting my 'special' duties to you,”—he remembered her telling him something of that—“there was this auction room.

“There were three items I had to bid on. This was how I saw them.

“I even captured that auctioneer’s face as I saw it.” She had indeed. That would be difficult to see in a dream where everything usually seemed so ambiguous, hazy, and unclear.

He tapped the first drawing. “That is obviously a drawing of Jen. I can easily recognize her.” He said nothing of the third one, though it was obvious that it was him, with that characteristic mole on his shaft, but only part of him, the priapic part she’d just been entertained by, as well as his testicles, and that even then was rising to the occasion, and was becoming ready to entertain her again.

She explained each item. and went into a little detail as he smiled at the unusual inventiveness of the narrative from that dream as she went into more and more detail of that auction, especially about that important part of his, though each scene had been important.

“That was why I knew I would soon be pregnant, and even when. They told me when it would happen; when it had to happen. They gave me a time limit, and it was to run out on that Thursday at noon, which was why it was important we did what we did that same morning, and made love properly and fully.” And they had managed to do it before that deadline.

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