Jen's Legacy.

Chapter No one will ever believe this

He looked at her.

“You realize that no one will believe any of this.”

“I know, which is why I had to write it down and preserve the memories. I did tell Gran some of it, probably unwisely, and she was taken aback by what I told her and about my being sure about what I knew, but I had to tell someone.

“Nothing that happened to me last week, ever happened around this family before that they would ever want to talk about. It had never happened to me before.”

“But it will happen often, now, my love. Very often. I can promise you that. I guess we’ll just have to keep trying and make sure that you are indeed pregnant.”

She knew why he said that. He was feeling horny again. He was constantly horny when he was close to her. “In a few more days we’ll know, when you can take that pregnancy test, when you pee on that strip, and then in a few more weeks we might just be able to detect a fetal heartbeat or two.”

“Or three.”


“I can take that test now if you would like to help me?”

“It might be too soon.”

“It might not be, and I need to know. I’m not that sure about the dates.”

She led him into her bathroom as she undid her skirt, took it off, seeing his inevitable interest in her again, sat far back on the toilet seat and waited, taking one of those strips from the pack of them left there, giving it to him to deal with.

He knelt in front of her his hands on her legs, moving them apart, causing his excitement to build once more by that simple act, then reached out to her, parting her still swollen labia-- no hairs to move out of the way this time-- touching her to expose her urethra, and then waited for her to pee as he held the strip ready in one hand, and gently held her labia apart so she could pee, with the other. He leaned up to kiss her.

He'd done this before, too. In that gully, helping her to pee.

It took her a short while to begin, with him being there and touching her.

She peed.

He waited for a few seconds then held the strip in the ragged flow, getting his fingers wet as he counted to five (he didn’t mind them being wet from her), and then let her finish.

“How long do we wait? The package says it might take from five to twenty minutes.” Her face was flushed.

He looked up at her and kissed her.

’Then we wait. However, while we are waiting…?”He raised an eyebrow. “We have time if...? We could try and make doubly sure.” She knew what he was thinking.

He passed her some tissues and led her back to her bed, seeing her strip the covers back and to bring him into it on top of her, except he rolled with her and began to undress her again as she moved his trousers out of the way and settled back onto him again, moving down over him and getting him into her.

They lay there exhausted once more as he kissed her breasts above him, playing with her nipples with his tongue as they smiled at each other.

“Another exciting episode in the Healey, Prescott adventure.”

He produced her panties.

“You’ll need these again, though they are already damp.” He pushed them between them for when he eventually left her.

Enough time had elapsed by now. She picked up the strip from her side-table and looked at it.

“There are two bars here already.” She looked at him, knowing what that meant.

“I’m pregnant!”

He laughed, feeling her dribbling onto him as she’d moved before he was able to push her panties closer into that space.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Healey-to-be. You are actually showing ‘pregnant’. Maybe you made a mistake about when you began your period.”

She frowned. “Anything is possible. Gran will be surprised. I think. Or maybe not. I should tell her again.”

“I agree. Now let’s you and me climb into that bath together and get the shower head going to wash the evidence of our last skirmish off our bodies before we go back down for dinner, and before your grandmother comes looking for us.”

She held him from moving away. “I feel complete now, Royce, knowing that I am carrying the first of our children.”

“So do I.” They kissed again.

“I suppose I should tell Gran, that we confirmed it. There is no point in trying to keep anything like that a secret.”

When they appeared in the dining room, Claire showed Mrs. Prescott that test strip as they sat down for dinner.

She was surprised. “So you were right on one thing.”

Maybe it had been a good guess on Claire’s part, unless she really did know something her gran didn’t.

“Did you make a mistake on that date? The third, or fourth, you said?”

“I could have done. I must have done. It might have been the first, or even the last day of August.” That would explain it. “It doesn’t matter now, anyway. I’m pregnant.”

“You are sure you want that; to be pregnant, I hope.”

Claire nodded. “Never more sure, Gran.” She even looked happy, and they were both flushed. It was obvious what they’d been doing with each other again, and it would continue all night for the next few days and weeks and months and years.

“Then let’s throw the fox in with the chickens. After dinner I’ll phone your mother, tell her, and get her started on wedding plans. She won’t like to hear what I have to tell her, but it’s out of our hands now. You’ll really be put under the spotlight too, Royce.”

He’d have been surprised if he hadn’t been.

“You’ll soon have the appetite of a horse, eating for two, but you’ll both need feeding up. I expect you’ll be eagerly burning a lot more calories with my granddaughter after this, so we’d better get you fed too.” He almost choked over her suggestive comment. He’d soon get used to her ‘on the mark’ comments.

She’d heard what they’d done to each other in the conservatory; live-time, play by play. She’d heard it over the intercom she kept there to talk to her plants and also to talk to the kitchen staff about lunch or dinner as she saw to her plants out there, but wouldn’t tell them about that.

Royce ate as though he hadn’t eaten for a week as Claire waited on them both, his eyes constantly following her wherever she went.

Her grandmother noticed even more as Claire leaned over to pick up a napkin.

The little baggage didn’t have panties on! Or a bra!

She’d heard that part of their conversation too, and saw the way Claire jumped when she stood close to Royce at the table, serving both him and her, and he’d touched her under her skirt, setting her dancing, and almost spilling the soup into her grandmother’s lap.

Mrs. Prescott turned her head and smiled. Some things were better not to be too obviously noticed.

Her gran saw the exchanges and the interchanges, their knees touching and their hands often meeting each other as they sat together at the table, but at least they ate well, to prepare for the busy night ahead. The whole bloody house would be bouncing, rocking, and reverberating throughout the night with their coital escapades. She should make sure that all the intercoms were turned Off.

Or not.

No, Off! She wanted to get some sleep tonight.

They’d plead to go to bed early of course, after helping her clear away after dinner, but that suited her. She could talk to Claire’s mother and fill her in, tell her everything; bring her up to speed on a lot of things, while those two were busily fucking each other like a pair of weasels upstairs.

That evening they retired early, both of them pleading that they were tired.

They undressed each other slowly, to stand naked together.

Claire sat on the bed as he slowly moved to kiss her and nuzzle at her, putting her legs apart, for him to commiserate with her poor vagina and kiss it better after all of the punishment he had been for it, as he looked up at her.

“We’ll need to make another appointment with the razor in the morning when we bathe, my love. That one of mine wasn’t a new one, and I may have missed a few hairs.”

She laughed at his transparency.

He’d not missed a single hair on her, any more than she had on him, but already he was pleading that she felt sand-papery on his lips. She would go along with it.

“We’ll get everything later, in the hot tub.”

Yes, they would.

He warned her about something.

“You do know we are likely to make quite a dog’s breakfast of your sheets, don’t you?”

She stroked his head.

“I’ve got that covered. There is a plastic cover on the mattress, and lots of tissues, and I can wash my own sheets so that others won’t see them.”

He perked up, listening to something. “Hark! What was that sound? A voice pleading with me! I think I hear a warm and moist place calling out to me, needing to be comforted by a desperate and lonely pilgrim who also needs shelter from the raging storm outside.” He imitated the noise of thunder moving around them as he snuggled into her breasts, kissing them, mouthing at them.

She went along with what she knew he was doing. “I think I know of such a warm place where he can do that, Royce, where he can take refuge from this cruel world.” So did he.

She moved beneath him. “Yes, my love, exactly there. A nice warm place of refuge.”

Game, set, match.

“One other thing, Royce.”

She gasped as he pushed slowly but forcefully into her.

“What’s that, my love?”

“She spoke in a disjointed way. “I know… you… and… Jen…” He moved her with each push. “… didn’t… marry… for a year, but she… wasn’t… pregnant.

“I… should warn you… that gran is… going to broach… that subject… over breakfast tomorrow…, to you… about us getting married…, and when… now that she knows… that I am indeed pregnant. She’s already… discussed it… with my mother and father by now.”

Royce kissed her again. “If she hadn’t, I would have done. Your father will object to being left out of this process and will be wondering who this man is, who is relentlessly and repeatedly ravishing his daughter just as often as he can. Parents are always concerned about that.”

“Gran already… told him… by now…, and my mother. They knew… everything… within ten minutes… of us leaving… the dinner table. They’ve accepted you already. They had to. Gran… wouldn’t give them a choice. If they don’t… break our door down… tonight, to rescue you of course…, not me..., then they’ll be here again… this coming weekend… to meet you.”

He groaned and his voice changed as his breathing became more labored.

“Speaking of ‘coming’, my love….”

She chuckled, feeling what was happening and stroked his head as he suddenly went into rigor upon her, groaning, stiffening on her, coming yet again. They were getting even more of a good start on working on Jen’s Legacy to them all.

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