Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 9

(Chapter song ‘Bad Reputation’ by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, ‘Smooth Criminal' by Alien Ant Farm)



The announcer booms and the fans stand, cheering as the teams enter the field. Their cheers practically shake the stadium and I smile as I run out with my teammates.

As he runs through the schedule and rules, I glance over to the Lumber Jax and Jaxton is waving as well. He gets back claps as his team enjoys the excitement.

As I soak in his body, my skin tingles at the memory of his touch. Our encounter in the shower fills my thoughts. He may not have admitted to feelings, but I know I felt something in there.

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to handle this as I egged him on. Now that it’s done, I think I find myself in trouble of wanting more.

He's a chauvinistic brute, but I will admit that he does have a sense honor. A bit too much sometimes, but honor in a man is a quality trait.

I shake my head and focus on the game. He would never have me, so I’ll take what I got and be happy with that. If he wants to suffer with his emotions, he can do that. I’m not worrying about it.


The audience roars as the first two teams take the field and the rest run off.

Round one begins with the Roughnex versus the Lumber Jax.

I pull my hair into a ponytail and join the side box with my long stick.

I watch Jax talk with his FO/GO man and then jog my way.

He eyes me as he gets in the box.

“Good luck, Jaxton.” I say as I ready myself.

“Sure…Yeah…Good luck.” He mumbles.

“Don’t go easy on me.” I smirk.

“I won’t.” He grumbles.

“Good. The last thing I want is weak competition.” I tick my head as I watch the face off.

“As far as I’m concerned the competition is already weak.” He smirks my way and the ref blows the whistle.

We hustle out of the box and the ball is tossed to the Lumber Jax. They fire it up field and the midfielders scramble for it.

Jax scoops it and was about to pass, but I drop a shoulder and check him. He lands on his ass and I scoop the ball.

“Was that weak? I can’t tell.” I smile and take off.

“FUCK!” I hear from behind me.

I pass to Red and he passes to Justin, our second middie.

The Lumber Jax fight us as we get to the attacking zone.

“BOX IT!” Jax yells.

They surround us and Red feeds the ball into my netting and I hold it up. Jax tries to check my stick and I spin around him. He shoves me and I trip. I don’t lose the ball, but I have to fight for footing while dodging two more middies.

I shoot it to Justin and he runs into the attack zone.

The Lumber Jax defenders go in for the kill.

“BODY!!” Jax calls out.

“GO TO X!” Red yells.

Justin dodges the Lumber Jax defender and runs behind the goal.

I shove a defender out of the way and raise my stick. He tosses it and I catch it. Jax tries to crowd me and I put my back to him.

I swing my stick around his midsection and make a shot on goal. The goalie moves, but misses and the ball hits the net.

The whistle blows and we all start down field.

I catch up to Jax. “Looks like I scored again, Jaxton.” I smirk and bounce my brows.

He narrows eyes. “It'll be the only one you get.” He looks at me. “And I’m not talking about the game.”

He jogs down field and I shake my head. He’s such a liar.

It was a grueling two hours. By last quarter, we were fighting every step of the way. The Lumber Jax really have a great team. I had a small wish I was on it, but it only lasted a second.

“You look tired, Rey. You should go paint your nails or something.” Jax pants as we wait for the face off.

“With the way your playing, seems like you already are.” I shove him as the whistle blows and we break for the field.

Red passes and I jump for it.

Jax tries to knock my stick as I run toward his end.

He runs out then comes in with a side check. I hit the pitch and the ball rolls out.

He grabs the ball. “Wow, Rey. You look good planted on your ass.” He tosses the ball in his pouch and runs off cackling.

“Oof!” I punch the grass and get up.

We fight our way down to our end.


Our defenders form a wall in front of the goalie just a few feet in front of the goalie crease.

I move on Jax and hook my stick on his and push it up. The ball bounces out and rolls across the grass.

“DAMN IT!” He growls.

It’s a scramble for the loose ball. Justin grabs it and feeds it to our defender. He runs it out and we follow.

“NUMBER UP!” A Lumber Jax defenders calls.

We get closed up as we try to leave with the ball.

“FEED!” I yell.

I throw a pass to Red. “SIDE!”

He gives it his all as he runs up the sidelines.

They poke at his stick the whole way.

“HOT!” Justin calls out and Red fires the ball his way.

I get in line on the offensive side. “HERE!” I hold my stick out and he drop the ball in my pocket. Jax comes at me and I duck out of the way. One middie lunges at me and I jump over him.

“GO, REY!”

I enter the zone with my team behind me.

I deke around the defensemen as they try to hit my stick.

“CLOSE THE CAGE!!” The Lumber Jax coach yells.

I get blocked and side step back and forth.

“REY!” Justin yells.

I shoot it his way and without missing a beat, he shoots on goal and the goalie didn’t stand a chance.

The whistle blows and the sirens blare for game over.

The crowd explodes and we all jump and scream.


I’m laughing and hopping my way down to my team.

Red runs to me and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him as he spins us around. Our teams surrounds us and Red puts me down. He and others shake me and clap my back.

I look out and meet Jaxs eyes. His face falls and his eyes narrow. He turns away and walks to the Lumber Jax bench.

“Good game, Rey. Really good play.” Red says as he wraps his arm around me. “So are we celebrating later?”

I watch Jax sit, take a drink and thump his bottle into his bag.

“Uh…Right…Give us a minute, ya?” I smile.

He looks at Jax and then back at me. “Sure.”

He turns away and I swallow my pride. I walk across the field and stop in front of him.


“I’m fine, Audrey.” I mumbles as he packs up his things.

“You don’t seem fine.” I say as he stands.

He slings his bag over his shoulder. “I’m good. In fact, I’m great. Never better. Good game.” He steps over the bench and leaves the field.

I watch him throw the metal door open and I’m left with a feeling of confusion. I turn around and see Red talking with Lumber Jax players.

I look back at the door. I had questioned if Jax was lying about his feelings for me, now I’m thinking that question may actually be answered.

The question now becomes, how do I get him to tell me?


After watching the rest of the teams compete, I felt it would be good to treat myself to a nice dinner in one of Oxfords fine restaurants that are left.

I will admit, it’s heartbreaking seeing my pack so desolate. When I left, I wanted to never think of it again. Lives were stricken that day, but it’s not the dead that suffers. It’s the living. The ones left as orphans and alone. It’s the most horrible feeling one can have.

The fear, isolation and want of loves lost. It turns you. Hardens your heart. You really do live a life in survival mode. Some of them remain in that mode as victims, some of us use it. We change to never become another victim and make sure that whatever we do, no one will be victims. Jax is one of these people.

It's what I admire most about him. His honor to not let those of our pack die in vain. I can only wish to carry that. I carry something else. A black spot on my soul. A hatred so raw, I don’t think I could ever get it out. For that, I had to leave. I couldn’t find the strength I needed to live while being closed off by Jaxton and being reminded of the nightmare that changed my life forever.

I promised myself as I left that I would never be a victim again, but I hold it a different way than Jax. My accomplishments are what I value in my healing. The more I find I can do, the better my mind is to face those who say I can’t. I will always live and no one will ever tell me I won’t.

I clear out the memories and walk through the dark, empty parking lot to my car.

I stop at my door and fiddle with my keys. I was just about to get in when a hear a gun cock behind my ear.

I freeze and see the reflection of a young man in my window.

“Turn around.” He orders.

“Alright. Let’s not be rash.” I slowly turn around and raise my hands.

“Good.” He seems nervous, but I can tell he’s done this before. “You…um…you’re really pretty.” He ticks a small smile.

“Oh…thank you.” I smile.

He aims the gun at my head. “Your purse…now.” He motions to the clutch on my arm.

“I assure you I don’t have anything of interest…” I start.

“Just give me the purse, lady. I don’t want to hurt you." He holds his hand out and crooks his fingers.

I look around the empty lot. There’s not another soul in sight. I swallow and sigh. “Young man, I don’t think you know what…”

“The purse!” He yells and his voice echoes into the night.

“Alright. Just keep your head.” I slowly grab the strap and pull it off my shoulder.

“That’s it. Good girl. Hand it over.” He says.

I look down at my purse and lift my eyes to his. “Just remember. You asked for it.”

I hang the purse from its chain, twist back and spin it out. It hits him in the head and he stumbles back. I drop the purse, kick off my heels and rush him.


His fear filled face meets my angered one as I get in his space, grab his shirt and pull back my fist. Just as I was about to swing, Jax grabs my forearm, pushes us apart and gets in between us.

He glares into my eyes. “What the hell are you doing? Are you insane?!”

I cinch my brows, look over his shoulder at the confused criminal and motion to him. “I’m defending myself, Jaxton. What the hell are you doing?”

He points to the mugger. “He could kill you!”

“Oh…uh…I wouldn’t have killed her, really. It’s not even loaded.” We look at him as he points to his gun. “Bullets are expensive.” He says as he shrugs.

“Shut up!” Jax snaps.

“Right, sorry.” He apologizes.

I glare at him. “I am quite capable of saving myself from a robbery. I don’t need your help!” I hiss.

He points in my face. “He has a gun. You don’t. What if he shot you?”

“Hey, unloaded!” The guy tries to gain our attention.

“SHUT UP!” We both yell.

Jaxton turns to him. “Excuse us for a minute, ok?”

He grins. “Oh. Yeah, sure. No problem. I’ll wait. You guys talk.”

“Thank you.” He says and turns back to me.

“This is priceless. Anytime any woman shows an ounce of strength, men get all offended and rush in to ‘Save the day', but all it is, is a giant ego trip!”

“That’s not it, Audrey!”

“Tell me what it is, Jaxton! What? You think that because I’m a woman, I can’t possibly beat this puny idiot…No offence.” I lean to him.

“None taken." He nods and raises his hand in peace. He stands with his gun in his hands at his thighs while he waits for Jax to grow up. He’ll be waiting a long time, I’m afraid.

“Why is it when a man tries to help, you females get so wound up, you lose your shit all over the place?!” Jaxton throws his arms up.

“Females?” I grit at him.

“Oh, buddy. Shouldn’t have said that.” The mugger warns. “Using female as an identifying remark is insulting to the intelligence of the woman standing before you.”

“Thank you. Mr…” I lean to him.

He smiles. “Oh. You can call me Clarence.” He nods.

“Thank you, Clarence.” I smile back.

“Both of you shut up!” Jax barks.

Clarence leans around Jax. “Geez, he’s rude.”

I cross my arms and scrunch my brow. “Yes, indeed.”

Jax holds his hands in a prayer pose. “I’m sorry I called you a female, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m trying to save your life and you’re pissing all over me!”

“Her life was never in danger. I promise.” Clarence says again.

Jax turns to him. “Yours will be if you say another word.”

“Ok, big guy. What ever you want.” Clarence zips his mouth shut.

“I had it handled, Jaxton! If I wanted your help, I would have asked for it!” I yell.

“God, why must you fight every little fucking thing?!” He growls.

“I’m not fighting! You’re fighting! Right, Clarence?” I look behind Jax and he’s gone.

Jax turns and points. “There.”

I throw up my hands. “See what you’ve done!”

“What I’ve done?” He points to his chest.

I growl loud and shake my head. I break into a sprint. “CLARENCE, GET BACK HERE!”


I watch him jump a fence and I leap, landing close to the top and throw myself over. He runs down an alleyway and hops over parked cars.


He turns around a corner and I stop.

I run, call my wolf and jump onto a porch roof.


I leap up to the second story window and climb onto to the roof. I jump from house to house and stop.

I scan the street below and see him round the corner.

I time his speed and jump off the house. I hit him and we roll into the road.

He gets up and swings at me. I block it, slug him in the jaw and deliver a round house kick to his ribs.

He swings left then right then his second left hook clocks me in the cheek. I stumble back, holding my jaw.

“HEY!” Jax grabs Clarence’s shoulder and spins him around. “Don’t hit a woman, asshole!” He punches him and Clarence goes down.

Jax straddles him and grabs his shirt.

“OK, OK! I GIVE!” Clarence begs.

“I had your ass already, bitch.” Jax scowls and lands a punch to his face knocking him out.

He drops Clarence, his eyes cloud over and he opens a pack link. ‘This is Alpha Dupree. I need Enforcers and medics to Pine and Solwood. Robbery…Suspect is contained.’

I wipe at the blood that’s pouring from my nose and check the tenderness of my cheekbone.

He walks over. “Let me see.”

“I’m fine, Jax. I got it.” I push him away.

“Rey. Let me look.” He insists.

I drop my arms and stand still. I roll my eyes and huff a sigh as he looks me over.

He feels my cheek and I wince. His face fills with a care I never expected to see. “Small fracture. You should be OK in a day.”

He takes off his tank and holds it to my nose. Sirens rise in the night as he holds the back of my head. “That was actually impressive. How long have you been running?”

I take the shirt from him and wipe the remaining blood away. “Oh, I don’t run. I rock climb so, it’s kind of the same thing, just different mountains and rocks.”

He steps back. “Yeah, I guess it could be.”

“You…” I look at the blood on his shirt. I raise my eyes to his and lock his gaze. “Thank you.”

A small smile tugs at his lips. “You’re welcome.”

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