Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 8

(Chapter song ‘Block Rockin’ Beats' by The Chemical Brothers, ‘Summer Girls' by LFO, ‘Bad Girlfriend’ by Theory Of A Deadman)


“I'll fucking kill him!”

I storm into the Hub the next morning, head straight for the net room, pick up a ball and hurl it with a growl at the net.

“Jax...Something wrong?” Finn starts.

“Wrong?” I stride up to him and glare. “Something’s definitely wrong. That guy from Phoenix…He’s here!” I point to floor aggressively.

His eyes widen. “Wait…The guy in black? How do you…”

I point aggressively to my head. “Because he almost took my head off! That’s how!”

“Ok…Calm down.” He holds a hand up to me.

“Don’t tell me to calm down, Finley! After what I saw, you’d be just as pissed!” I growl as pace around the table. I’m so agitated, I didn’t even think of the tournament until now.

“You saw him? Was he cool? I heard he’s cool!” Eddie lifts his brows and leans on the table.

I scrunch my brows. “No! He’s not cool! HE STOLE MY FUCKING GAME!” I throw my hands up.

“JAX!” Finn yells. “Cool it down and tell us what you saw.”

I blow out a breath and stand in front of the table. “He’s my height. My build. He knows my urban runner moves to a T and he has my mace on some sort of recall device.”

“That’s impossible.” Finn arches a brow.

“I saw it with my own eyes. It ripped itself out of a brick wall, flew back to him and he caught it.” I made flight motions with my hand.

“It might be magnetism.” Marcus offers.

“Right?” I hold a hand out to him. “That’s what I was thinking.”

“Again, it’s not possible.” Finn crosses his arms.

I hold my arm out to the side. “Finn…There’s a guy out there, running around in black with my moves and THOR’S FUCKING MACE!”

He rubs his forehead. “There’s been breakthroughs in magnetism for sure, but I doubt we can make Hollywood real, Jax.”

I narrow my eyes and point at him. “Oh, it's real, Finley…AND I’M PISSED!”

“Electromagnetism could possibly do it, but it would take a lot power if the weight is the same. Did you get a grip on it?” Griffin leans back in his chair.

“No, but buddy was swinging it around like it was nothing. I’d say it wasn’t the same material, but it smashed through a brick wall. I can barely do that with the Titanium without it threatening to fracture.” I inform.

“Hm. I’ll have to check the database.” Marcus pulls out his tablet. “As far as I know, your mace can’t be successfully made out of anything else to hold up in a fight at the specs you want. I’ll see what I can dig up.”

“Jax. Did he say anything?” Finn asks.

I shake my head. “No. He took off after trying to kill me, though it did feel like he didn’t want to. He just wanted me off his ass.” I cinch my brows and cross my arms.

“You aren’t his primary target. He didn’t want his cover blown.” Finn rubs his chin. “Now, that he’s here, we need to catch him. The lycans in the city have enough to worry about.”

“I’ll put out an APB for a cool guy in black leather.” Eddie grins.


“Or…He's showing you how it should be done.” Eddie shrugs.

My mouth shrinks and I crook a finger at him. “Come here, asswipe.” I growl and rush him.

He leaps from his chair and over the table. He runs out of the circle and out the door. “It’s just an observation!” He cackles as he rounds the frame to the hall.

“Get back here!” I yell as I hit the hallway.


I’m still fuming at the insult this Black Mace idiot dished to me. You can’t just copy me. I’m Jax Dupree. There can be only one. Now that I’ve seen him in action, the kid gloves are off. He’ll beg to be arrested when I get a hold of him.

I stride up to the Stadium doors for the tournament luncheon. I’ll just pop in, shake some hands and hit the gym. I’m not feeling really sociable right now.

As I enter the dining area, the room disappears. My brows go up and my face softens. I swallow at the sight walking toward me.

Damn it.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as Audrey walks into the luncheon from the other entrance. I slowly shake my head as my eyes flow over her soft pink sundress. It’s that perfect pink I absolutely loved on her.

She has her hair pulled up in a neat bun and her long, tanned, sexy legs carry her into the room to her table. Her baby blue eyes sparkle in the lights and her smile lights up the room as she talks to people.

No…Jaxton…Look away. We don’t want this.

My mouth waters as she sits and crosses her legs. Damn, she’s fine.

As my brain tries to talk me out of it, my feet walk me to her table.

She talking with other players when I approach.

“Audrey.” I mumble.

Her eyes meet mine and her smile fades.

“Can I…you know…sit.” I grumble with a shrug.

She motions to the seat across from her. “Be my guest.”

I sink into the seat, lean back and cross my leg. With my arms folded, I look around the room. I don’t know why I’m here. I have nothing to say. I just wanted to sit next to her.


I turn to her and I’m struck with her beauty again. I almost forgot what her eyes did to me. My heart races as I think of a response.

“Hi.” I say and scan the room again.

She smiles. “Did you need assistance?”

“No.” I casually play with my laces.

She leans back. “Oh. Alright.”

The silence is deafening.

I make one more scan around the room then find her eyes. “How's Chet?”

“I wouldn’t know.” The tiniest of smiles play at the corner of lips.

“You’re not with him?” I mumble.

“Not for a long time now.” She sits back and folds her arms under her breasts.

“Oh.” I take a deep breath. “Can I ask why?”

She smirks. “He just wasn’t what I wanted.”

I nod and grow silent again. Figures. Ditches me for someone she didn’t really want.

“So…Are you seeing anyone now?” I glance at her then back at my runner.

“Jaxton. While I appreciate the effort in small talk, was there something you wish to say?” She tilts her head and stares at me.

“Just…Good luck tomorrow.” I chew my cheek and look around. “I’m…going to the gym. Um…see ya around.”

I get up and turn away from the table.

“Hang on.”

I stop and prepare for a fight, turning back around.

She gets up and joins my side. “I was headed there myself. Mind if I tag along?”

I don’t know what to think. “Sure, I guess.” I mutter as I head to the door.

“Good. I could use a sparring partner.” She says as we walk around players.

“Sparring. You don’t spar.” My brows come together as I glance at her.

“I will have you know, my skills as a fighter are greatly improved since you and I last spent time together. I’ll be happy to demonstrate.” She fixes her dress and turns with me down the hall to the locker room.

“Women don’t fight.” I state as I open the door for her.

She walks by me and her scent wafts right into my head. I close my eyes and absorb the feeling it gives me.

“Women often make much better fighters than men.” She waves me off and walks down a row of lockers.

I stop at mine at the end of the same row. I didn’t think her locker was down here.

“Women distract and manipulate. They aren’t strong enough and don’t have the logic needed in a fight.” I say as I open my locker and pull off my t-shirt.

“That’s not true in the least!” She scoffs.

I glance over and she’s pulling the straps of her dress off she lets them go and reveals a tiny baby pink thong on her perfect tanned ass. When she bends over to pick her dress up, I shoot my eyes forward.

“Tan lines.” My mouth falls and I start to feel heated. Oh God. Calm it down, Jaxton. Calm it down.

“Did you say something.”

I shake my head and pull my shorts off. Grabbing my gym clothes, I throw them on quick to hide the semi in my boxers. “No. Nothing.”

I close my locker and turn to her just as she’s fitting her large, soft breasts into a sport bra. Um…crap. I take deep breathes as my semi twitches more.

Focus, Jax!

“I meant…you guys let your emotions run you.” I cross my arms and admire the shape of her hips and legs in the spandex leggings she put on.

Again, I bite my lip as my gaze follows the curve of her ass as she puts a foot on the bench to tie her shoe.

Bad images float across my brain. Stop it!

I lock in a stare and didn’t realize she stood up.

“Jaxton? Ready?” She puts her hands on her hips.

“Uh…yeah.” I blink to break the trap I’m falling into.

She joins my side. “Women are more agile. Lighter, quicker and not ruled by ego.” She states as I hold the door open for her again.

“Oh, that’s bullshit! You women are flooded with ego.” I scowl.

“That’s where you’re mistaken, Jaxton. Men always perceive a confident woman as having an ego.” She holds her chin up as we head to the training gym. “Just because a woman can best a man, doesn’t mean she’s egotistical.”

“No, it’s constantly thinking and saying you can do things men can do better than men. That’s the ego part. Then you guys whine and turn all mushy when you lose.” I motion to her as we walk around people headed to the luncheon.

“That’s not true!” She glances my way and grabs the door handle to the gym.

“Let me.” I eye her and she lets go. I open the door and she gives me a once over as we walk in.

“Women accept defeat just as much as men do. When men refer to ego, they mean the challenge. A woman standing up to a man has an ego. If she has an opinion men don’t like, she has an ego. If she is successful in a man’s world, she has an ego. Rarely do men accept the fact that there are women in this world that can best them. That’s a man’s ego being hurt.” She heads to the sparring room.

“Ok. So you’re not going to admit that women act like they’re superior to men. That’s an egotistical woman in a nutshell.” I drop my water bottle and towel on the floor.

Audrey spins around to me and stretches her arms out. “That’s ridiculous. Just because a woman is confident in herself and her skills, it doesn’t mean she’s superior. Men strut around like bloody peacocks, even when they act like trash that’s been brought to the curb, all while thinking all women want them. That’s what the egotistical man does."

“Oh my God. We don’t strut.” I scowl and walk to the sparring floor.

“Yes, you do strut. You’re doing it right now.” She points to me and I look at myself in the wall mirror. I stand tall with my chest out.

“It’s not strutting. I have good posture.” I wave her off. “We fighting or what?”

She chuckles and gets on the mats.

“Take…offense.” I motion to a spot in front of me.

She squares off and I stretch out my chest.

“You better be good.” She smirks.

“I am good or you wouldn’t be here right now.” I tick my head with snark on my words.

She rushes me and swings out four punches. I had to take steps back as I block them. OK. She may have skill. She spins one way and tried to hit my head then spins another way. She spins with high kicks and I duck under them. She tries a stomp kick and follows with a left hook. I block with my forearm and take my own swing at her. She leans back and I grab her knee and pull it up. She thuds onto her back.

Without hesitation, she gets up and drops into a spin, kicking out a leg, faster than I could process. She knocks out my ankles from under me. The next thing I know, I’m on my back.

She straddles my head and hooks her thighs around my neck. I feel her squeeze as I struggle to get her off.

“Give…up!” She huffs as she locks her feet.

“Fuck…no!” I say just as my face starts to turn red.

I grab her thigh under my chin and roll us over. Digging my fingers into her meat, I hit the ligament behind her knee. She growls loud and loosens.

I rip my head out and reach up, grab her arms and pin them to her sides. I lock them with my legs and I grab her chin, pulling her head up, she winces at the pain.

“You…give up.” I growl in her ear.

“Never.” She grits.

“You can’t beat me, Rey. Might as well tap out.” I skim my lips on the edge of her ear. I try to not get turned on, but it’s not working. I should stop this.

“I can best you, Alpha Dupree.” She clenches.

“Doesn’t look like it from where I’m sitting.” I smirk.

She tries to free her head. “Judging from what I feel on my backside, Alpha, it seems you’re a bit too emotional to fight right now. So, I suggest we call it a draw.”

“I’m not emotional.” I drop closer to her face as her scent intensifies. The tip of my nose grazes her cheek.

Her blue eye meets mine and I see her pretty pink lips swell.

“Your pants deceive you, Jaxton.” She breathes with a smirk.

I barely realized, I loosened my grip on her arms and she pulled them out.

“Trust me. It’s not you.” I quietly growl. “I could fuck you right now and not feel a damn thing.”

“Oh yeah?” Her eyes narrow as her red cheeks get redder. “Prove it.” She spits.

“You’d just love that, wouldn’t you?” I brush the light hairs on her soft skin.

“No. I’d much rather have a hot shower.” Her jaw ticks and her eye locks in a stare.

“Me too.” I say as I nip her ear.


After dragging her to the locker room to ‘prove my point’, I locked the door and turned on the shower.

“I’m fucking the hell out of you.”

I slam her back against the shower wall and pick her up. Her legs wrap around my waist.

Damn it, I missed that.

I shove my tongue down her throat and pin her wrists on the shower wall.

“God, you smell so good.” I purr as I kiss down her neck and across her chest. Her arousal is even thicker than her scent.

“Yess…” She moans as she rolls her head back.

The water soaks us as I let her hands go and grab her amazing ass.

I slide my hand between her thighs and she’s soaked. Oh, hell yes. “You want me, baby?” I play with her lips as our dreamy slit eyes meet and my fingers slide around her juicy clit.

“God, yes.” She squeaks.

“Yeah?” I press my raging hard-on on her pussy and she moans even louder. “You want my dick deep inside you?”

“Yes, Jax…Yes.” She pants harder as I rub her faster.

I bite her lower lip. “Turn around.” I growl.

I drop her down, spin her and plant her hands on the wall.

Her wet, stringy, blonde hair is matted to her back as the water from the shower splashes on her lower back.

I scoop her hair in my hands, wrap it around my palm and swat her ass before yanking her head back.

She moans as she arches. I drag my nails down her back. “That’s it, baby. Show me that pretty pussy.”

I squat down and press her ass up. My tongue runs up and down her slit. I tickle her entrance and her juices flow.

Fuck. Did she always taste this good? Hot damn.

I spread her and suck on her clit.

“Yesss! Jax…Right there!”

Her moans echo in the room. I hope no one is outside the door, but I really don’t fucking care. Her sounds are driving me insane so I’m not stifling her. People can move on.

I flick my tongue and suck on her pussy, indenting her ass with my fingers as I do.


I screw a finger into her entrance and pump her.

“You want to come, baby?” I smirk as I squeeze her ass cheeks.

“FUCK, YESSS!” She arches more as I pump my finger faster.

“Good, but you’ll come on my dick.” I growl low as I stand, fist myself and shove my girth into her tight entrance.

“God damn!” I clench as her walls tighten around my shaft.

She never felt this good before. My body feels like it’s in fire. Her skin is electric and spectacular.

I fist her hair with one hand and wrap my fingers around her hip with the other. My hips slam her ass as I give it to her hard and fast.

“Fuck…Yes, Rey…Damn…your pussy's so sweet.” I huff as throw strokes into her.

Our wet skin slaps and she screams as I let go of her hair and slide my hand around her throat.


“I'll give you fucking harder.” I grind as I push her ass cheek and pull on her throat. I watch my dick pound her pussy as the shower pours over our bodies.

I scoop her leg up on my arm and lift it, spreading her wide.

“Come, baby. Squeeze that cock.” I drawl as I pant.

I thrust faster and deeper as she gets tighter and wetter. “Damn, Audrey…”

I glide my hand to her shoulder and pull her into me as I hit her harder.

She shakes and her body tenses.

“Give it to me.” I growl. I pound her deeper and her walls choke my dick.

“So fucking tight. Soak my balls, baby.” I lean down and nip her back then kiss her spine as I fuck her.


I feel her warm come all over my concrete dick. Her orgasm rips through and her walls clamp around my length. Fuck, I can’t hold it.


I drop her leg, grab her hips as my balls pull up and my thighs tighten. “Take it, baby!” My dick explodes inside and my chest vibrates as my climax fills her.

I pump out the last of my shots and slide my hands up her sides to her breasts. I cup them and squeeze her nipples.

I kiss her back as she tries to breathe.

“That…was…” I about to say amazing, but stopped myself when she pulled away, turned and leaned on the shower wall.

“That was…good, Jax.” She pants as she tries to catch her breath. “Now…if you tell me you didn’t feel anything after that…I’d know you’d be lying.”

You know, I was going to tell her I did feel a little something, but hearing the smugness in her tone…Nah.

“No. You’re right. I did feel something.” I grab some soap from the dispenser on the wall and clean myself up.

A smirk grows on her lips. “I knew it.” She says with attitude as she crosses her arms. She leans on the wall as I rinse off.

I walk up to her and thread my fingers into her hair. My lips graze hers. “I feel hungry. I skipped lunch.”

I push her away from me as she narrows her eyes.

“See ya around, Rey." I tick my head, throwing attitude right back at her. I toss my towel over my shoulder and leave her fuming in the locker room shower.

Nope. She may have the world’s most amazing pussy and fucking her is like a dream, but I don’t and won’t ever have feelings for her.


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