Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 25

(Chapter song ‘Hero’ by Skillet)


“Hunt…Thanks. Right. We'll meet you there.”

Finn hangs up and calls up the holographic monitor.

After the game, I went to find Audrey and when I couldn’t find her, I called her office. They told me she had an emergency trip. When I saw no text on my phone, I got suspicious. It wasn’t like her. So, here I am at the Hub. I was going to try and track her, but something else came up that’s making me start to think Audrey’s disappearance isn’t a coincidence.

As I listen to Finns conversation, I rub my lips. I sit back and pull out my phone.

YOU: Have you spoken to Rey?

SOPHIE: No. Why?

YOU: She’s gone and the lycans are up to something really shifty.

SOPHIE: Ok. I’ll meet you.

YOU: No, Soph. I need you to stay put in case Rey shows. I don’t need you both in trouble.

SOPHIE: You think she went after the lycans.

I go over everything that’s happened and I’m starting to question.

YOU: I hope not, but on the off chance, just stay where you are. Call me if you hear from her.


YOU: I mean it, Sophie. Stay out of it.

SOPHIE: I said Ok.

I close my phone and put it in my pocket. If what I suspect is true, I need to get there now.

Finn walks into the circle. “So Phoenix just informed us that an army of Vamps and soldiers are headed our way. They suspect that they’re meeting up with a Vamp God named Lefu. He’s been running in the background shoring up the Lycans and helping them create the Dire Wolves.”

“Fuck. That would’ve been helpful a lot sooner, Finn.” I scowl at him for being a prick to everyone else.

“I know, but we know now. Phoenix is on it’s way with a group that apparently is capable of taking down Lefu. The plan is we take care of everyone else.” Finn turns to the monitor. “They are coming from the mountains. From the Intel, these guys are Falcons.”

“Falcons? What bullshit is that? When did they join Vinnie?” Marcus growls.

“It’s not our Falcons, but Falcons from some mirror world.” Finn informs.

“Mirror world?” Noah arches a brow.

“Yeah…you know…like our world, but different. These guys look like Falcons, but they’re evil.” Finn wraps his arm around himself and motions to Noah.

“My head hurts.” Eddie rubs his forehead. “So there’s two Falcon Armies?” He flops back in his chair and whines at us all.

“Looks like it.” Finn pulls up a map of an area with a town called Vespra just inside the state. “We pinpointed Vinnie here.” The satellite lights up an area outside of town. “This is the projected destination of the Vamps. We can’t tell if Lefu is there, but let’s assume he is. This guy is old, huge and risen by the Vamps during the Eternity shake down. Apparently, he rose during the blood moon and this group…”

He pulls up a group of 8 people. I don’t know the 7, but the one, Graham Mitchell, he just came back from the dead.

“We all know Alpha Mitchell, but the rest…Quinn Preston, Alpha son of Gideon, Wes Andrews, Beta to Alpha Grey Andrews, Nala Batista aka Jesse Ferguson, Shape shifter, Alpha Cass Raven, Alpha Deacon Riley and Alpha son, Adam Spencer.” Finn points to each one.

“Adam. That’s Hunters kid.” Marcus says.

Finn nods. “I don’t know the details, but apparently, he’s leading this.”

“Wait isn’t he like 12?” I scrunch my brow.

“He’s part Lycan. Growth spurt.” Finn supplies.

“One hell of a growth spurt. He’s massive.” Griffins brows go up.

“Anyway, this is the Lefu group, we have the lycans and Phoenix will take the Vamps.” Finn crosses his arms.

“Where’s Falcon?” I ask.

“They’ll be shoring up Phoenix. They’ll be wearing red markers to be easily identified. If they shift, be careful who you kill.” He eyes us all.

“Sounds like a piece of cake.” Eddie grins. “Speaking of which…it’s snack time.”

Finn groans. “Alright. Go…eat.” He waves us off. “Brush up on Vamps and Lycans and meet me on the tarmac. We leave in an hour.”

We all stand and I head to the door. Marcus is typing on his phone.

“Hey, you heard from Sophie?” He says as he catches up with me.

“Yeah, I was just talking with her.” I stop and give him a confused look.

“Huh…” He looks at his phone.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I cross my arms and lean to him.

“Nothing…at least…I don’t think so…I was texting, she left me on read and hasn’t texted back.” He raises his head. “Is she…ghosting me?”

Oh, no she didn’t.

“No, but when I catch up with her, she’ll wish she was a ghost.” I growl and turn to the door.

Great. Now I got two stubborn women to worry about!

What is with these girls?!!


After texting and texting again, I get no response from either of them and I’m getting fucking worried. If they’ve gone off to get themselves killed, they could of at least told me.

I pocket my phone and sit in my plane seat, my guts twisting as I think about Audrey and Sophie. These two women just enter and upend my life like it was nothing, but for some reason, I don’t want it to end. Of course, my sister will never go anywhere, but Audrey? I swore up and down a woman like Audrey would never make it into my heart. Well, that’s a huge lie because she just tossed her shit in there and moved in. I don’t want to kick her out. For all her faults, I love the hell out of her and I’ll be damned if Vinnie is taking that away from me.

After I kill his ass, I’m kicking hers. I’m putting my foot down. I don’t care how well she can fight. She’s a Luna and she’s going to start acting like one.

Yeah, I said it. I’m starting to really believe it too. Audrey could be an amazing Luna if she’d just stop trying to control everything and allow me to be the Alpha she needs. After this, I’m telling her that. I want her. In every way possible, but this will have to change or we won’t be under the moon when it shows up. I know she can be who I want her to be so, I have to have some kind of faith that she’ll listen and change.

I hope she will because if she doesn’t…

I’m standing under that moon with her anyway. Fuck it. She’s mine.

Finn stands in the aisle and faces us. “We'll be landing in a field. It’ll get bumpy so hang on.”

“I hate bumpy.” Marcus scowls.

Finn smirks. “I know.”

Marcus narrows his eyes. “I hate you.” He grits.

I chuckle and elbow him. He hates flying. He elbows me back and we turn back to Finn.

“Once on the ground, get the supplies out and suit up. We push off in 15 minutes. The property is thirty minutes up the road. Falcon and Phoenix have already landed and unloaded. We will meet up and then deploy.” He sits back down and the plane starts to descend. The cabin shakes as the turbulence his. Marcus is white knuckling his seat and the others all look like they’re on a joy ride.

I’m too concerned about Audrey to care. I’m this much closer to her and she better be alive when I find her.

The last leg had me hold my breath as the plane ran over the uneven ground. We were tossed in our seats and a few of the guys groaned at the feeling. I know we have an excellent pilot, but for a second, I didn’t think he’d land it.

The door opens and we all pour out. Marcus looks like he’s about to toss his dinner. I clap his back and go look for my case.

After getting dressed, we meet up with the other Alphas.

I’m immediately met with stern, cold eyes.

I cross my arms with my mace inside them and raise my chin.

He stands in my space and smirks. “How’s it going, princess.” He flicks his nail off my armor as I chew my lip.

“Oliver. I’m surprised you showed. I really thought you’d be in prison by now.” I tick my jaw as I stare into his dark eyes.

“I’m too good for prison. Hell, on the other hand, I’ll meet ya there, twinkle toes.” He huffs a chuckle and the boys behind him do too.

I drop my mace to my side and step to him with a curled lip. My chest puffs out and tilt my head in a challenge. If wants to fuck around and find out, I have no problem with that.

“Ok, Jax. Save it for the field.” Finn steps between us.

I point my mace at Oliver. “I have a special swing stored up for that bitch face of yours.”

He laughs. “Try it and these guys will squash you like a bug…then eat you.” His boys stand beside him and their eyes glow gold. Their Dires are pouring off them and I back off.

“Just…go kill Vamps or whatever.” I growl.

He smirks again. “Let’s go.” He turns on his heels and the guys eye me as the follow him.

I will never turn my back on that guy.

I push Oliver out of my mind as I watch Finn talk with Bastian, Jake, Owen and Adam.

Adam looks pissed. His dad, Hunter, tries to calm him down, but it turns into an argument between them.

“Stay out of my way!” Adam growls and walks off.

I stand beside Marcus and we both watch. “I wonder what’s up with that?”

“I feel his anger.” Marcus turns to me. “I hate my dad too.” He adjusts his ball pack and joins Eddie.

“LET’S GO!” Finn yells as more planes land and more of our fighters pour out of them.

The sky booms as Eddie leads an air assault with 50 more on hover boards. They blast off with passengers into the dark.

The rest of us activate our jet boots and kick it into high gear. An entire army skates behind Finn and I and my wolf growls in my chest.

I can’t wait to crush Vinnies chest with my mace.

Engines roar and I turn my head to see Falcon and Phoenix trucks pull up beside us. They’re full of fighters hundreds willing to die for the world. If I wasn’t so worried about my family, I’d be impressed.

I clench my jaw and skate harder in front of the pack.

We hit the road and our boots almost crack the asphalt from the push of the repulsion. Sounds of armor clanking and breaths panting come from behind me.

The night air is cold enough to steam the sweat off our skin as we jump over a ditch and hit the trees. We spread out and the forest is filled with howls and growls as our wolves sense the enemy is close.

My eyes glow and I join in. I glance at Finn and he holds out his goalie sword. I hit it with my mace and we max the power on our boots.

The trees start to thin and I smell them. Filthy lycans. There’s over a thousand. This is a long time coming and I can’t wait.

I hear some of our fighters breach the trunks before us and they clash with lycans on the other side.

I jump a log, fly out of the trees and aim my first target. The black Lycan turns and I lift my mace over my head and bring it down on his brain. He crumples to the ground and his skull explodes like a melon.

I’m tackled by another and sent to the ground. He’s snapping and biting at me as I grip his fur. I glare into his glowing gold eyes as my lip snarls and sweat beads as I fight him back. I manage a left hook to the side of his head and he pauses. I was about to swing again when he’s hooked and thrown. Finn cuts him in half and he screams bloody murder. I drive my mace into his muzzle.

Just as I turn, a set of teeth wrap around my side.

“ARRRGGHH!” I grab the top of the muzzle and try to pull him off as he lifts me up. “FUCKING DICK!!” I growl as I thump fists on his nose. Pain fills me as he applies more pressure and I arch back screaming. I feel my spine threaten to give.

He throws me as gunshots ring out. Griffin fires multiple iron round into him and his skin burns. He hollers out and goes quiet when Griffin lands a bullet in his brain.

I roll onto my stomach, holding my side as I huff out the pain into the dirt. The punctures are healing, but it hurts like a bitch.

“Need a hand?”

I raise my head and the White Mace is standing with my mace in hand.

“Sophie…” I groan as I place my hands in the grass.

She squats down and grabs my underarms. “I came to help.”

“I told you…” My face turns to grimace as I look down at the blood pouring out the holes as they knit together.

She slams her visor up. “I know what you said, but you can yell at me later. Let’s kill these bastards…for them.”

My eyes meet hers and my grief fuels my anger. “For them.”

She holds out her hand and I take it in a side clap. She lifts me to my feet. “Let’s go.” She readies her mace and I ready mine.

The two of us target the Lycans and run at them to deliver some sweet Dupree revenge.

Sophie swings her mace and two lycans fly to me. I pull back and swing at a head as they line up with me. It separates from his shoulders and flies off in the opposite direction of his body. The other lands on the ground with a thud and I straddle him. I drive my mace into his chest. A 12 inch hole remains when I pull it out.

Sophie and I tear everything apart.

We hear shots fired from the east side of the battle.

Thirty lycans come out of the dark, firing guns at us. Our gunners fire back and I see a wave of lycans explode into the air. I stare at the epicenter and watch the Black Mace get over taken.

“AUDREY!” Panic sets in as I run to her, but I’m blocked by a wall of lycans.

My wolf takes over and I burst out of my armor. Blood, flesh and bone fly from my jaws as I shred my way through.

I spit out a throat and look up just in time to see a gunner fire and Audrey drop to the ground.

The passengers on the hover boards all jump off them in sync, do a roll in the air and fall feet first to the ground. The others on the boards throw knives along with Eddie as they fly around the battle.

“NO! AUDREY!!” Now I’m pissed. My wolf feels like he doubles in size and he’s like an our of control bulldozer.

When I get to where she fell, she’s not there. My wolf looks around wildly. He sniffs the air and can’t smell her. He runs through the fight and breaches the side of it.

He licks his lips and sees her she’s crawling into the trees.

‘Audrey!’ I link.

Just then explosions happen behind us.

My wolf turns and a large man in a dark cloak appears. He rips off the cloak, tosses it and growls loud. “You can’t win! We control the Gods!” He throws out bottles and they explode in the battle. Bodies fly in all directions.

Shit. A Shaman?

I look back at Audrey. I watch her boots disappear into the dark.


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