Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 24

(Chapter song ‘Ride It’ by Regard)


I stand and look over the mess of my tower. Everything’s cleaned up and repairs are started. The images of the fight play in my mind. I’ve never felt so helpless then I did in that moment. I shouldn’t have done it and I won’t do it again.

I walk under the scaffolding and nod to security as I pass through the plastic sheeting.

The lobby is still broken from the bombing and the fight, it’ll be weeks before everything is righted. My heart aches that this happened. I should have known better. You can’t really have something like this without it getting out. Obviously our vetting process is flawed. After we find the Jaxtium, I’ll need to plug that leak.


I meet him at the door to the conference room. “Rey. We issued the refunds and shredded the contracts. A lot have said they’ll come back when the Jaxtium is found, but this did scare off some of our biggest clients. I’m still adding it up, but the loss is well into the millions right now.”

I sigh and rub my forehead. “Ok. Contact the insurance company and pull from the emergency account. Get a rush on the next payload and tell everyone they won’t be without for long. We can get them back. I also want deeper background checks on everyone. I want everything. This can’t happen again.”

“Also, there’s a reporter in your office. She’s asking about the White Mace.” He informs me as we walk to the elevators.

“OK. Thank you.” I say as I step on.

“The reporter is Colleen Decker from Channel 6.” Chet informs.

I roll my eyes. “Wonderful.” She’s so annoying. She’s not even a crime reporter. She runs the sport pages. I shake my head and cross my arms as the doors close.

I stride into my office. “Colleen.”

The young brunette stands with a big smile. “Audrey Oakland. Nice to see you. How’s the tournament?”

“You tell me. You’re the sport reporter.” I smirk and sit at my desk.

She sits and nods. She presses her phone screen and sets it on the desk. I eye the record my words will be recorded on.

“I notice both you and Alpha Dupree have been missing from the tournament. Anything we should know?” She smiles.

“No. Not on record anyway. The Alpha and I are very busy people.” I say as I fold my hands on my desk.

“I see. This business wouldn’t have anything to do with White Mace that was at the attack on your tower?” She adjust herself in her seat. “I only ask because both of you were seen with the mace.”

“Alpha Dupree was here to talk to me. The Mace was saving our lives. That’s all.” I say with conviction.

“Can you explain this?” She flips the screen on her phone to a picture of Jax, the back of Sophie’s head and I.

I instantly heat. “Where did you get that?”

“A source. The Mace is a she?” Colleen leans back in her chair.

I internally collect myself. “I appears so.”

“Who is she?” She asks.

“I don’t know and even if I did, I wouldn’t say. Clearly, she would like to keep her identity a secret.” I answer.

“Ok. I must say I find it convenient that she was here just as the Lycans attacked.” She eyes me as I search for an answer.

“There are hundreds of people coming in and out of this building. If she was here then it was purely by chance.” I glance back at the photo then up to her.

“Now, why would a vigilante be conducting business with a precious metals company?” She tilts her head and smiles.

“I can’t answer that. I’m sorry.” I lift my chin and chew the inside of my lip.

“I think she’s working for the lycans. She’s staging attacks and pretending to be superhero to gain access to this city.” Colleen says.

“You would be wrong.” I say sternly.

“Oh? How can you be so sure?” She asks.

I lean back in my chair. “Because she’s saved countless lives.”

“She’s also ruined a lot of innocent lycans. Lycans that wouldn’t join Vincent Vinelli. I wouldn’t call that helping.” She crosses her arms and stares at me.

“True. There may have been…unnecessary attacks, but I do believe she’s on the side of good.” I say.

“Because she saved you and the Alpha.” Colleen suggests.

I nod. “Yes. She put her life on the line for the people in this tower. I will always commend her for that.”

“Now, what about the Black Mace. Why wear white? Is she the black Mace or is she working with him?”

“You'd have to ask the Black Mace that question.” I can feel this interview is going to get worse before it gets better. I need to end this now. “Now, if that’s all…”

“One last thing…Six years ago, Horizon purchased black, military grade Kevlar and a 2014 Harley sport motorcycle…Black. Why?” Colleen sits up in her chair.

“Why not? We conduct many experiments with metals and armor. We also help the auto industry with developing safe and durable frames using our metal alloys. It’s business.” I say with my hands out.

“Business.” She arches a brow.

“Exactly.” I confirm.

She collects her phone and stands. “Well, thank you, Miss Oakland. This was certainly informative. I'll call when the report is done.”

“Thank you. Have a good day.” I watch her leave my office and sit back.

She’s too close. Just another hole I’ll have to plug before the dam breaks.



He turns just before he headed into the locker room. He beams a big smile. “There she is.”

I walk into his arms and kiss him hard.

He pulls back. “Mmm…I love kissing you.”

I giggle. “I love kissing you too.”

“How’s the tower?” He asks.

“A mess, but we’re dealing with it. I got a visit from Colleen.” I say and pinch my lips.

“Oh great. What did she want?” He slides his hand behind my hair and rubs my neck.

“She has a picture of Sophie. She accused her of working with the lycans.” I shrink a bit waiting for a blow up.

“Well, she’s wrong. No way Soph would work with the Lycans.” He tries to comfort me by rubbing my cheek.

“I know. Just…she can’t do this again. She’ll get exposed. People already hold apprehensions. She needs to be careful.” I look into his eyes.

“I’ll talk with her.”

“Thank you.” I breathe.

He slides into me. “Now, where were we.” He kisses me again and I fall into him.

I gently push him back. “Don’t you have a game to get to?”

He smiles. “I have a half an hour. You…wanna pop into the locker room again?” He wiggles his brows and licks his lips through a sultry smile.

I slap his chest with a chuckle. “You have responsibilities and I have rocks to find.”

He kisses me quick. “Fine. But you’re taking care of this rock later.” He points to his jeans and smirks.

“At least I know where that one will be.” I blow out a breath.

“Yeah.” He presses his hard body on mine. His hard manhood hits my thigh as his softly places a finger on my bottom lip. “Right…here.” His lips graze mine as I let out a shaky breath. My arousal rises as he teases. He slides a hand down my body to the apex of my thighs. “And right here.” I whimper as his fingers press on my pussy through my dress pants. He dances his lips across mine and I feel my panties get wetter.

I snap to reality. “That’s enough mister. Get going.”

He laughs. “Ok. See you on the field?”

I nod as I try to contain the heat I’m flooded with.

He kisses me. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” I smile.

I watch him walk into the locker room and think of how lucky I am to have a man so understanding as Jax. I feel most wouldn’t be so accepting of his younger sister being a vigilante. He seems to be taking it in stride. I was expecting a much bigger fight considering his positions on women fighters. I wonder if I’m growing on him.


“GO, JAX!”

I sit in the stands as Jax passes the lacrosse ball up the field and runs after it.

He’s checked and falls, but saves the ball.

The attackers descend on the opposing net and surround it. They pass the ball back and forth. Dodging the defenders and trying to find the net.

Jax spins around a defender and they try to hit his pole. He jumps and dekes. He passes, gets close to the goal circle and receives the ball back.

He shoots and the goalie hits it out. Another Lumber Jax grabs it and fires. It just misses the goalies head and goes in.

The crowd leaps to their feet and so do I. Cheers fill the stadium.

This is the last game before the finals. The Lumber Jax will be playing the Roughnex. Me and him. This will be a test of wills. If he truly has changed, it will show in this game.

My phone rings as they set up for the next faceoff. “Chet.” I answer.

“Audrey…we found it.”

“Where?” I sit and look wide eyed at the field.

“New York state. Audrey…there’s something else. I’m sending it to your phone.”

I drop my phone to satellite images. They zoom in and my brows stitch together. “Chet…is that?”

“Vampires. Headed this way.”

I swallow and whip my head to Jax on the field.

“Rey, they’re looking to intercept the Lycans in a matter of hours.”

“There’s so many.” I whisper.

“We have to inform the council.”

“We will. I just want a better look first. I have a feeling this isn’t an attack.” My face softens as I watch Jax smile and clap his teammates back. He won’t be happy with me at all, but I don’t need him to be. I need him to understand. I put my phone to my ear. “Prepare the bike and suit. I’ll be there in an hour.”

I hang up and leave the stadium. I turn back just before I leave the field. My brows stitch up as I watch Jax run up the field with the ball.

What I’m about to do could get me killed, but the Jaxtium is more important than any of us and I will get it back.

Even if I have to fight my way through a million vampires to get it.


I rush into the garage and shove off my jacket. My eyes stare at the black motorcycle behind the glass wall as I stride up the white hall to where Chet is.

I push open a white metal door and walk into a room with monitors covering a wall. On the other side of the room is a conference table and a change room.

In the center of the room is a clothing stand. On it, a black motorcycle jacket and black leather pants. They’re hooked up to blue, glowing wires. I stare at it longingly, running my fingers down the chest.

“The program.” I say as I whip my head to Chet.

“Installed and performance is up 76 percent. We've perfected the new metal plates and you’ll feel the punch, but no bullets are getting through.” He informs.

I walk up to the jacket and unhook the wires. I pull the zipper down. “Excellent.” My eyes light up as I eye the jacket.

After removing my clothes, I close my eyes and my body melts into Jax. I grab the jacket and pants.

“I’m on the road in five.” I say as I turn to back to him.

He smirks at me. “You have been changing into him for years and it still creeps me out.”

“I have to fill the suit somehow.” I smirk and tick my head as I look myself over. “I can’t fake these spectacular muscles.”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Ok. Just no. Get going. I’ll have the information delivered to the helmet.”

I chuckle and change into the suit then head to the bike.

“The lycans are gathering at an abandon property just beyond the state line. The GPS is programed.” Chet says as I get on.”

“Does the council know?” I ask in Jax's voice.

“I’ve been monitoring communications, but nothing yet. It won’t be long. The Vamps are practically holding a parade.” He says.

I put the helmet on. “Ok. I’ll be back in four days. Tell Jax I had an emergency business trip and I’ll apologize after I get back.” I slam my mace on my back.

“Yep. I will.” He presses a button on a door and it opens to a sewer.

“Here goes nothing.” I tick my head and Rev the throttle. I peel out and my bike hits the sewer floor. Water splashes as my bike races through the dark tunnel.

After about a mile, I hit a button on the consul of my bike. A ramp descends in front of me and the roof opens. I gun my bike and speed up the ramp. I surface in and alley, slam my brakes and make a 90 degree turn just as the road closes. It’s well away from Horizon and this Alley is barely used.

I squeal my tires out onto the street and a horn honks. My determination guides me to the south bridge.

My instincts tell me I’m riding into the heart of the beast and I will slay it with everything I have.

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