It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 389 Sexy

"You still mad?" Daisy asked Edward, who was going straight toward the bathroom with a long face. She grabbed him and
smiled. This petty man had stayed mad at her the whole night. Fine. She yielded. It hurt to see him with an angry expression.
"No, I'm not," Edward answered without even looking at Daisy. His face told her otherwise. Yes, he was still mad. Daisy knew he
would deny it.
"Really? Then why do you ignore me?" Daisy felt he was adorable when he was mad. And she was proud of herself, because
Edward almost never got angry, and she kept him mad all night.
"I ignore you? You are the one who is ignoring me!" Today he would let her know how it felt when she was ignored. Then she
would stop taking him for a pushover.
"Listen to you. Obviously you are mad about something. Tell me what you are mad about." Daisy pinched his cheek lightly. She
was devil-may-care sometimes and didn't pay much attention to details. Edward had been mad for so long, she didn't think it was
because she and Justin had ridiculed him at Sexy World. It must be because of something else. She decided to find out so that
she could know Edward better and avoid the same mistake. He was the last person in the world she wanted to hurt.
"OK. Colonel, so what is your relationship with Kevin? What do you feel about him?"
His blue eyes were fixed on Daisy. Edward waited, fidgety, afraid that he might hear a reply dreadful enough to drive him crazy.
"Kevin? He's my superior and cares about me like a brother. That's all." Daisy looked at Edward in confusion, wondering what it
was all about.
"That's all? Do you really think he just wants to be your superior or brother? Don't you see that he wants something more?"
Edward felt he might as well drag it out into the open. The truth would come to light sooner or later. If Daisy knew about Kevin's
feelings for her, she would be scared and Leena might get hurt at the same time. Although young, Leena was sensitive to
feelings. As time went by, she might sense Kevin's hidden longing for Daisy. So Edward thought he'd better remind Daisy ahead
of time to avoid problems.
Edward hadn't figured out why Kevin married Leena, but he was sure Kevin didn't love her, because he had lost his heart to
Daisy and he couldn't have shifted his affection to another so soon. Edward hoped Daisy would realize it and keep a distance
from Kevin from now on so that Leena wouldn't have to worry.

"That's crazy! Edward, are you sick? Why are you talking nonsense? Kevin always sees me as a sister. It's impossible for him to
have other feelings for me, "
Daisy said. But actually she started to realize something. The last time they trained, Kevin had been strange around her and had
uttered something confusing. He had also become mad at her all of a sudden. She remembered all this yet had been unable to
figure out any of those puzzles. Now, hearing Edward's words, she wasn't sure about her thoughts.
"That's what you think. Anyway, he definitely has a thing for you. It's not that I don't trust you. I just want to remind you of it in
case Leena misunderstands anything. You know how much that girl looks up to you. If anything goes wrong, she'll be
devastated. So let's do our best to avoid it."
Edward frowned. He really hated telling Daisy about Kevin's feelings for her. It would only add to the burden on her mind. And
she would pay more attention to Kevin. That was totally the last thing he wanted.
"Plbbt! Is that all this evening about? Don't worry. I know what to do." Daisy didn't like to have a dubious relationship with anyone.
If what Edward had said proved to be true, she would settle the matter effectively and thoroughly. She wouldn't put herself into a
messed up situation, no matter what.
"Are you happy to see me in a bad mood?" Edward flicked her bare forehead. With her promise, he felt relieved. She always
dealt with things briskly.
"Of course! It feels great to make a playboy like you get jealous." Edward took Daisy's words as a mockery.
"Jealous? Who told you I am jealous? Huh?" Edward took Daisy into his arms and started biting her ear gently. His teasing
turned Daisy on and she nearly forgot that they were still in the middle of an argument.
"Sure. You aren't jealous. You just have had this sour face all night because of Kevin." Daisy didn't struggle to break free from his
embrace. He liked to have her in his arms. She had been accustomed to it.
"Have I? Then have a taste to see whether it is really sour." Edward lifted her face and kissed her tenderly. Her mouth, her lips,
he wanted them all. He had been repressing his urge to kiss her while he was mad. But thinking of the reason why he was mad,
he was too proud to make the move. He had been waiting for the best timing. Luckily, Daisy compromised. He loved her even
more for her good sense.
OK. Payback time. Daisy bit him lightly on the tongue. Damn, she had to use her tenderness every time to please this man. Yet,
who was to blame? She loved him so much as to let him get his way every time.

"When did you become a puppy, sexy?" The faint pain on Edward's tongue made him stop. He felt resigned. It seemed Daisy
was angry about something and was trying to get back at him through her teeth. She bit the muscle he used every day.
"So what? You started it." Daisy touched her earlobe. This guy bit her first and now he was blaming her for doing the same thing
to him. Blaming others for the things he started. Typical of him.
"How can you be so petty? It doesn't match up with your profession." Edward pinched her nose hard. But he felt happy inwardly.
He liked the Daisy who joked freely with him, not the one who had been aloof and had pressured him when they first met,
because he didn't want a gap between them, neither mentally nor superficially.
"Soldiers aren't saints. We fight against unfair treatment too so that we can honor the uniform." Most people thought that soldiers
should put civilians first. Yes, civilians were important to Daisy. But when one assaulted her, she was in danger and had to fight
back. Soldiers were also ordinary people with thoughts and emotions.
"We'll talk about this in bed later. I'm gonna take a shower. Feel free to join me." A compulsive germophobe, Edward took a
shower within half an hour after he got home every day. Every minute beyond it, he would get more and more fidgety and
"You wish. I'd rather play computer games in the study. I enjoy the serenity, without reports to write or training or war games to
attend. This lifestyle is awesome! I actually enjoy it." Daisy turned and walked toward the study. But her remarks set Edward's
mind wandering.
Was she tired of military life, which was filled with gun smoke and endless drills? Or had she just said that merely because she
really enjoyed the present moments? Edward wondered, standing under the cold shower. Thinking about the hardships she had
undergone in the past few years, his heart started aching.
He couldn't imagine what had driven her to become a tough military officer. Quite a transformation from the weak girl who had
cried every time she had been bullied. What had made her change? Was it resilience? Willpower?
Almost none of the women he knew were as reasonable as Daisy. She could be angry sometimes, but wouldn't hold onto others'
mistakes and use them as weapons to fight back. For example, she disliked his old lifestyle, but she eventually let it go and
hadn't mentioned it ever again. She wasn't the kind of woman who got paranoid merely because of the past and started hurting
the man she loved. Today, she wouldn't have reacted so strongly if Jessica hadn't provoked her. He knew her.

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