It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 388 He's Right (Part Two)

"Leena, are you asleep?" Kevin's low voice came to her ears just when Leena was daydreaming, dispelling all her thoughts. She
opened her eyes and saw Kevin's handsome face right in front of her, frightening her into sitting up. Her move was so quick and
sudden that she almost bumped into his gorgeous face. Luckily Kevin dodged aside out of his military instinct and adeptness.
But still, his nose was hit.
"Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. Are you okay?" Then Leena reached out to his nose but soon drew back out of pain. She totally
forgot about her injured hand.
"Forget about me. What about your hand? Let me see if you're alright." Kevin frowned with care. Right now he had no energy to
think about his nose. Leena's hand was his primary concern.
"It's alright. I just forgot about it. How about your nose? Does it hurt?" Apologetically, Leena stuck out her tongue and twitched
her mouth. Her smile was no better than her crying face now.
"It's nothing. Let's go. I'll help you with the shower." Kevin's words made Leena's eyes widen in disbelief. 'OMG! Does he even
know what he is talking about? Helping me with the shower? Is he out of mind?' Leena thought in embarrassment.
"Well. Kevin, you don't need to help me. I can do it myself," Leena said, blushing. As much as she doubted her own ability to
bathe herself, she would not acknowledge it and have Kevin help her. Or she would have to be completely naked in front of him.
Leena shook her head gently. No, she couldn't let this happen. Or how could she stay comfortably around Kevin, or anyone who
knew about this?
"This is not open for negotiation. Keep your promises to yourself." Kevin didn't believe that she could do it alone. Besides, just
now Leena forgot and moved her injured hand. So now he didn't quite believe in her promises.
"Seriously, you will help me shower? Or is this your idea of a joke?" Leena was speechless. No, she didn't want a man to wash
her. She didn't even dare to imagine it. She was not bold enough to stand completely naked and let a man move his hands all
over her, even if that man was her husband. Being conservative, she preferred not to bathe rather than let him shower her.
"Don't forget that I'm your lawful husband. I've seen your body. There is no need to be shy." Alright! Kevin didn't know whether he
could control himself, seeing her naked. Hopefully, he wouldn't do anything improper when they were in the shower together.
"That's different." Leena was so ashamed that she almost wanted to bury herself in a hole. They slept only once, and that was
simply because she had been drunk. A drunk woman obviously wouldn't know what she was doing.

"There is nothing different. We're the same people. Don't be embarrassed. You want to walk in yourself or you want me to carry
you in?" Kevin asked earnestly, leaving no room for Leena to retreat.
"I... I... How about not showering?" Leena was almost pleading now. She would rather give up her habit of a daily bath than
accept that possibly sweet shower.
"Looks like you want me to carry you in." Then with an evil smile, Kevin bent down and lifted her up. Leena screamed in fright as
she was still bargaining and never saw this coming.
"Ah! Kevin, you can't do this to me." Leena panicked. She looked at Kevin, hoping that he would change his mind. Yet his face
showed there was no wriggle room.
"Take it easy. I have no interest in your youthful body." Kevin put her on the bathroom floor and looked at her up and down
"If you are not interested, how about you getting out? I can take a shower all by myself." 'How dare you insult my figure. My
body's fully developed. My breasts may not be as large as a D-cup. But they're larger than a C-cup.' Leena complained deep
"Seems like you wish me to take off your clothes as well." Kevin was a doer. Just a few minutes after he said so, he already
stripped Leena and put her into the bathtub. Carefully, he placed her injured hand on a stack of dry towels to protect it from the
spray. Deep down, he regretted making fun of Leena's body. Because no man would ever dismiss such a curvy figure.
Though basked in the warm water, Leena remained fairly stiff. Especially when Kevin's hand moved to her breasts, her heart
almost jumped out. Fortunately, he was a gentleman. He didn't take advantage of her, but focused on showering. As his hand
moved down, Leena grew more nervous. When it was about to reach her private area, she caught his hand with her other hand
that was not injured.
"I can wash this place myself." Leena felt her face was burning hot. 'God, just kill me already. This is too embarrassing. My good
image is ruined."

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