Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter More Misunderstandings

Chris couldn’t sleep the entire night. Various things were going around in his mind. First of all, the unexpected attack of the rogues and mainly Adele trying to save him from the silver dagger. Was she concerned about him, or did she want to prove something?

Chris thought about his Mom and all the times she was so concerned about his father and him, but what was the result? In the end, everything was fake for an ulterior motive.

The more Chris thought about it, the more he felt there would be no way Adele would be concerned for him. Instead, she was angry at him as he had told her openly about his feelings for her. Obviously, she wanted to show him how good she was, and in doing that, she didn’t even care about his child.

The following day, Adele woke up and found herself alone in a hospital room. She got up groggily and felt no pain; her wound was already healed. She was thinking about how she landed in a hospital when she remembered the previous night’s events: the betrayal of her mates and the rogue attacks.

She suddenly remembered the hidden attacker and was worried about Chris and Liam. She got up from the bed to look for them when both Chris and Liam entered the room.

“How are you? Are you hurt? What about the rogues?” Adele asked them with concern.

" We are perfectly fine. But what about you? ” asked Chris with contempt.

Adele was troubled at Chris’s tone. ” I am fine, but why do you look so annoyed?”

" Then what do you want me to do? Should I give you an award for your bravery?”

Adele didn’t know what he was talking about. Looking at her looking confused, Chris continued, ” What did you want to prove by interfering in the fight? That you are the most powerful she-wolf? I have heard about you being too ambitious, and yesterday I saw it too.”

" What do you mean?” Adele asked, raising her voice a bit.

" I meant what I said. Had I not told you not to interfere in the fight? Or did you think we are incapable of saving ourselves? Do you think you are better than us?”

" It’s not that. I didn’t think about any of those things and just did it on instinct.”

Chris scoffed. ” Excuses. They are all just petty excuses. The fact is you were itching to show your power, and you didn’t even care for the wellbeing of my child.”

Adele was appalled at Chris’s accusations. ” I just saw the dagger coming towards you and tried to stop it. I was trying to save you.”

" Humph! Save my a**! Do you think I need a woman to save me? And don’t talk about saving me when you can’t even take care of the pups inside you.”

" How dare you? How dare you accuse me of not taking care of my pups?” Adele seethed in anger.

" I will do it again if I have to. You just had one job to sit at a corner, stay out of trouble, and keep my children safe; you couldn’t even do that. It looks like you are not fit to be a mother as well, ” Chris stated with disgust.

Adele saw red. She had an urge to slap Chris across his face, but she controlled herself by clenching her fist. She looked at Liam, expecting him to defend her, but he sat there quietly, listening to them without interfering. What else could she expect from him?

Adele shook her head and said to Chris, ” Who the hell are you to judge me. Look at yourself; you are just a selfish, ungrateful bastard who thinks only about himself. I don’t need acknowledgment from you to know whether I am a good mother or not.”

" Watch your tone. You can’t talk to me like that.”

" Why should I listen to you?”

" I am your Alpha.”

" You are no Alpha of mine. You yourself said you do not consider me your mate, so don’t expect me to sit quietly and obey you. I am leaving now.” Adele was done with listening to his rants and got up to leave. She didn’t expect Chris thought so lowly about her. His accusation of Adele not being a good mother had hurt her deeply. After hearing those words, she didn’t want to stay here even for a minute. She didn’t know when she would be back, but she was sure she needed to get away right now.

" Where are you going? I am not done with you yet,” spat Chris.

Adele stopped in her tracks. ” I need a break from you, so I am going to my pack.”

" When will you be back?”

" I don’t know, maybe never, ” she sneered.

" You can’t do that. You will be giving birth to my child within a few months.”

“I will take care of that myself. I don’t need you.”

Chris couldn’t miss the moment his children would be born into this World. He has been waiting for it for a long time. ” I won’t allow my pups to be born anywhere else but here in the Blackmoon pack. Don’t force me to use my Alpha tone on you.”

“Try me,” scoffed Adele.

" Stop right now.” Chris scowled using his Alpha tone, but it did not have any effect on Adele. She ignored him and continued to leave the room.

Liam approached Chris and said, ” Your Alpha tone won’t work on her. She is the Luna and an Alpha at that.”

Chris gritted his teeth and followed Adele out of the room. His wolf was out, and he gripped Adele’s arm and stopped her.

" I want to talk to your wolf,” Conan growled in anger.

Adele was not perturbed by seeing Chris’s black orbs staring at her furiously. She was about to retort, but Alexa stopped her. " Let me talk to him, Ad.” Adele was not happy but didn’t stop Alexa when she took over.

Conan saw Adele’s now gold eyes and said, " You seem to be smarter than your human. Throw some sense into her and tell her to behave.”

Alexa was not happy hearing her mate speaking so disrespectfully about her human. " I must have stopped her from rejecting you, but that does not mean I agree with whatever you do; after all, you blamed us for being a bad mother,” Alexa sneered.

Conan didn’t expect Alexa to retaliate. He expected her to be a submissive wolf. " Instead of making her understand you are arguing with me? ” he scowled.

" She doesn’t need to understand anything; rather, your human should learn some manners,” Alexa scowled back and left to go to her room.

Conan was enraged. He growled and banged his fist to the wall scaring the pack members who were present there watching their Alpha and Luna fight.

While leaving, Alexa saw some members snickering at her, and a few openly rebuked her. She heard words like “She is so disrespectful.” ” She doesn’t deserve our Alpha.” ” The Luna should be punished.”

The pack members were insulting their Luna in front of their Alpha, and he was least bothered. When her mate himself would not respect her, then why would the pack members? She couldn’t help but think about her old pack where the pack members considered their Luna as their mother.

Maria, who had come to meet Adele in the hospital, saw the scene unfold in front of her. She followed Adele, who hurried towards her room.

Adele was fuming in anger. Never in the 20 years of her life had she felt so humiliated. The hateful words of the pack members had increased her resolve to leave this pack tenfold.

Adele took out a small duffle bag and decided to pack only a few clothes so that her family wouldn’t be suspicious. She didn’t want them to know about her differences with her mates. They would be hurt and worried for her. If her father and brother knew how her mates and pack members treat her, they would never allow her to come back to the Blackmoon pack.

Maria entered her room and panicked, seeing Adele packing her bag. ” Please don’t go, Adele.”

Adele stopped packing and stared at Maria. ” Did you know?”

Maria was confused.” Know what?”

" Did you know about Chris and Liam? Did you know why they got me here?”

Maria’s distressed expression was enough to answer Adele’s question.

“Of course you would know; you are like a mother to them,” she said, dejected.

Maria was the only one here whom Adele could trust, but yet again, she was disappointed. She held back the tears which threatened to spill out of her eyes and continued packing her bag.

Maria approached her and put a hand on her shoulder, and said, ” There’s a reason why I didn’t tell you. Just hear me out once.”

Adele stopped packing and said, ” I understand, Maria. I know you wouldn’t go against your Alpha.”

" It’s not like that.”

" Then what is it? Why are my mates so cruel? Why are the pack members here so insensitive? ” Adele couldn’t stop the tears anymore. Maria hugged her and tried to console her. Adele didn’t stop her and continued to cry in Maria’s arms.

Maria waited for Adele to cry to her heart’s content and let it all out. Once Adele’s sobs slowed down, Maria broke the hug and said, ” First, tell me what happened yesterday. Everyone could hear your painful howl.”

Adele thought about the previous day’s events and told Maria everything that happened in Chris’s office.

Maria was furious listening to Chris and Liam’s behavior with Adele. ” How dare they behave like that? I didn’t expect that from them.” She saw the pain in Adele’s eyes, held her hands, and said, ” Don’t worry, dear. I will talk to them. I am sure they will listen to me.”

“It’s not the matter of talking to them. Their opinion about me hurts me. Forget about loving me as a mate; they don’t even respect me as a human. Chris is very judgmental, and it seems like he has already decided that I am not good for him. I am ready to accept them even if both Chris and Liam are in a relationship, but they don’t want me in any way except as a mother to their pups.”

Recalling the painful incident brought back the tears in Adele’s eyes. ” I can’t take this humiliation anymore. I am leaving now because I don’t want to face them.”

" I understand your pain, dear, but you also need to know that they have a strong reason to behave like that,” says Maria.

" How will I know if they refuse to talk to me?”

" They won’t say anything. They have trust issues, and though it is hurting, you and I both know they don’t trust you yet. You have to build that trust with them so that they can open up to you.”

" How am I supposed to do that when I don’t even know them? When they don’t even want to try to get close to me? When they consider me as invisible?” cried Adele desperately.

" I can help you with that.”


" If they don’t tell you anything, then I will,” said Maria with determination.

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