Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter A glimpse into the past - Part1

Flashback: 15 years ago at the Blackmoon pack

It was midnight, and a 10-year-old boy with pitch-black hair sleeping soundly on his bed woke up at a low creaking sound. Though he was merely 10, he had an acute sense of hearing because he was a werewolf. He got up from the bed, suddenly alert of his surroundings. The room was dark without a speck of light, but he could smell someone’s presence and that someone was definitely a werewolf.

Chris shook his head and signed, ” Not again, Mom.”

" Sh**! I wanted to surprise you,” said Chris’s Mom, Clara.

" No cursing, honey.”

Clara ignored her mate Shawn and hugged her son tightly. ” Happy Birthday Chrissy.”

Chris whined. ” Don’t call me Chrissy, Mom. It sounds so girly, and I am a big boy now,”

" How much ever big you are, for me, you will always be my little Chrissy,” said Clara.

Chris groaned again, so Clara held up her hands and said, ” Ok, ok, Chris.”

Shawn placed the mini cake in front of Chris and said, ” Happy Birthday, Son.”

" Thanks, Dad,” smiled Chris eyeing the cake. ” Did you bake it?” he asked his Mom.

Shawn grinned and replied before Clara could. ” Oh, she tried to, but before she could burn the kitchen and the entire Packhouse, I intervened.”

Clara snorted, and Chris gave a hearty laugh.

" Aunt Lea baked it. It’s your favorite flavor Blueberry, ” said Clara.

Shawn gave a knife to Chris and said, ” Cut it.”

Chris took the knife and cut the cake while Clara was singing a Happy Birthday song.

Shawn smiled at his mate lovingly and whispered, ” You are more of a child than Chris.”

" Not in the bedroom,” smirked Clara.

" Can’t wait to see, ” purred Shawn with lust in his eyes.

" I can hear you, and you are here for my Birthday, ” said Chris raising his brow giving his parents a mischievous smile.

Clara’s face was utterly red while Shawn said flustered, ” Yes-Yes, I get the first piece.”

Chris cut the cake and brought a piece near Shawn’s mouth, but suddenly he moved it towards his mother and fed it to her. ” My first piece of cake is always for Mom.”

Clara smirked at Shawn and fed a piece of cake to Chris. Chris then gave a second piece to Shawn.

Shawn ate the cake and asked Chris, ” What gift do you want for your birthday?”

" Will you make me the Alpha now? ” Chris asked hopefully.

Shawn playfully hits him on his head and says, ” You are only ten; even your wolf is not awake yet.”

" Just joking, Dad. One day, I will be a better Alpha than you.”

“Yeah, that’s my son,” says Clara and gives Chris a high five.

" Ok, now enough talking and go to sleep; we need to wake up soon and make preparations for the party, ” says Shawn.

Clara makes Chris lay down on the bed and tugs him inside the blanket. She kisses him on the forehead and says, ” Goodnight...Chrissssssy.”

" Mommmm,” Chris whined again, but Clara immediately left the room, bursting into laughter.

Shawn smiles at his mate’s antics. ” Goodnight, son,” wishes Shawn and leaves the room after switching off the lights.

The following day, Chris is woken up by someone pushing him off the bed. He wakes up abruptly and sees himself on the floor. Standing in front of him was his best friend giving him a cheeky smile. ” What the hell, Liam?”

" I was trying to wake you up for past five minutes,” says Liam with a pout.

" Don’t lie. You know I am a light sleeper.”

" Forget that. Let’s go now,” says Liam.

" Where to? It’s not even six in the morning,” signed Chris looking at the clock.

" I want to show you your gift. Come on, get up fast,” says Liam and pulls Chris up from the floor. Both of them slowly tiptoe out of the room and then walk downwards through the stairs. The Alpha’s and Beta’s room was on the first floor in the Packhouse.

Both Chris and Liam go towards the back door, and Chris follows Liam into the forest. After running for a few minutes, Liams stops under a tree.

Chris stops and stares at the top of the old tree. Among the trunk and branches of the tree was a treehouse made out of redwood. A rope ladder suspended in midair above one of the branches.

Chris’s eyes sparkled with joy while Liam put his arm across his shoulder and said, ” Happy Birthday, Buddy.”

Chris gave a broad smile and asked, ” Did you make it?”

Liam nodded and said, ” Yeah, and Dad helped me.”

“It’s fantastic. Thanks, Liam, ” Chris chirped.

" Let’s explore it,” saying this, Liam climbs on the rope ladder, followed by Chris.

As Chris entered the house, he was in awe of it. The interiors featured a built-in bunk bed with plenty of cushions. There was an open window at the right side through which they could get a beautiful view of the river. The treehouse had a very warm feeling to it, and Chris felt calm.

“This can be our new hangout,” says Liam cheerfully.

The next two hours are spent by Chris and Liam exploring and playing at the treehouse. They decided to go back home only after they were hungry.

Chris’s birthday party was in full swing in the evening, and the whole pack was invited. Many games were organized for the kids, and everyone had a great time.

Shawn and Clara were partying with Matthew and Lea, Liam’s parents.

Clara and Lea were cousins and were inseparable since childhood. Even their interests were the same. They were basically from another pack and met their mates when Shawn and Matthew visited their pack. Luckily for Clara and Lea, both their mates were from the same pack. Clara and Lea loved their family a lot and could do anything for them.

The party ended soon primarily for two reasons. One being, from the past few months, there were frequent rogue attacks. So for the pack safety, Shawn had decided to wrap up all the parties and get-togethers earlier than usual.

Secondly, Chris and Liam’s family were going on a trekking trip to a mountain early morning the next day.

Shawn and Matthew frequently went on adventurous trips wherein they could run around in their wolf forms and explore the forests and mountains. Many times on such trips, they had encountered dangers like wild animals, rogue attacks, and even vampires, but Shawn and Matthew were capable of handling them effortlessly.

After Shawn and Matthew found their mates, they were accompanied by them. Chris and Liam had never been on such trips before, but they insisted on going this year, so their parents finally agreed.

The next morning, they all left their Packhouse in their open jeep. They drove for two hours until they reached a valley and parked their vehicle.

They all started climbing the mountains on foot in their human forms. After some time, everyone changed into their wolf forms, whereas Chris climbed on Shawn’s back and Liam on Matthew’s.

Everyone was having a great time, enjoying the mountains when they heard hissing sounds. Matthew and Shawn were immediately alert and sniffed the air to know if there was someone else other than them.

“Vampires,” said Matthew and stood protectively near Lea, and Shawn was beside Clara in a flash.

Clara was worried more for the kids than herself. ” You said this is believed to be a cursed mountain and nobody comes here.”

" We had come here many times before, and we never encountered anyone,” replies Shawn.

" What do we do now? What about the kids?” Lea asked worriedly.

Suddenly a vampire stood in front of them, giving them a blank look. Shawn said to Chris, ” Get down, Chris, and stay with Uncle Matthew, and I am warning you don’t try to be a Hero and just listen to whatever he says.”

Chris knew the seriousness of the situation, so he readily agreed and stood near Matthew.

Shawn stood in front of the others protectively and said, ” Everyone stays together.”

Everybody nodded, and Shawn asked the vampire, ” What do you want?”

The vampire didn’t reply. He stood still for a few minutes and attacked suddenly. Shawn was ready for him and could easily defend his attack.

Matthew stood near the others, looking around and keeping alert.

One rogue wolf was about to lodge a surprise attack on Lea, but Matthew managed to dodge him at the right time. One more rogue attacked simultaneously, but Matthew managed to dive and jumped at the rogue instead.

Both Shawn and Matthew were engaged in fights while Clara and Lea were with the kids.

Clara and Lea changed back into their human form so that they could stick close to their kids. After wearing a long T-shirt, Clara spotted a pair of glowing red eyes peeking at them from behind the trees. She signaled to Lea and pointed towards the direction of the trees. Before Lea could react, a vampire pounced out and dragged her further inside the forest.

“Leaaa...,” Clara screamed.

Even Liam was worried and was trying to run in the direction his Mom was taken, but Chris stopped him by holding him back.

Clara looked at Shawn and Matthew, and they had moved a bit further away, still fighting the vampire and the rogues. She was bothered about Lea’s safety, and she couldn’t allow her best friend to be harmed.

Clara bent down in front of Liam and Chris and said, ” Don’t worry, Liam, I will go and get your Mom. ” She then looked around for a weapon and found two sharp pieces of stick. She placed one each in Chris and Liam’s hands and said, ” If anyone attacks you, you attack them back. Use all the training you have received till now. Stay with each other, and don’t leave your Dad’s sight at any cost.” Chris and Liam both nodded, and Clara kissed them on their forehead. ” Stay safe; I will be back soon,” saying this, she changed into her wolf and sprinted towards the direction Lea was taken.

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