Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Into the Dark Abyss

Darkness. That was all Alexa could see around her. The Dark Abyss had a coating of black fog made up of dark energy, and that energy was coming from the evil witch.

When Alexa was trapped in the moonstone a year back, she was distraught. The lack of trust from her mates whom she had always vouched for, being forced to get separated from her human with whom she had shared her entire life, and to get away from her pups and family was too much to handle.

To top it all, Samara didn’t leave a chance to show her displeasure. Samara was furious that after tasting freedom from thousand years of captivity, she was trapped again by Alexa. She hurled curses one after the other, and Alexa couldn’t respond because she was a wolf and wolves couldn’t talk except through mind-link.

The initial months were so torturous Alexa wanted to end her life. Samara not only put Adele through pain, but Alexa also had to go through it, and in her case, it was even more because she was right in front of Samara and was an easy target to vent her anger on.

After a few months of misery, Alexa tried to look for an escape. On the outside, the moonstone looked like an ordinary stone, but on the inside, it was a pit of darkness with no end. She tried to explore it to find some sort of life in this Godforsaken place, but it seemed like an endless array of dirt and barren land. She longed for water and food, but she couldn’t eat because she was just a spirit and nothing was available here. She yearned for fresh air, but the only thing she felt was dark smoke with a rotten stench.

The only factor that helped Alexa survive the darkest time of her life was Adele and her encouraging words. Adele would constantly talk to Alexa, telling her every single thing that was happening in the outside world. Alexa would desperately wait the entire day just to hear Adele’s voice. Even though Samara caused Adele too much pain, she refused to part away from the moonstone, and Alexa was genuinely grateful for that. If not for Adele’s words, Alexa would have gone insane by now.

Initially, Alexa was angry with the Moon Goddess for giving her such a terrible fate. She was given two mates who were the cause of her suffering right now, and due to them, she had to get associated with this witch who was constantly on her face. After spending nearly half a year in the moonstone sulking about her fate, she decided to take Adele’s advice about praying to the Moon Goddess based on Christian Black’s mate’s hint.

The Moon Goddess was not easy to impress. After praying to her for several months, she appeared when Alexa had lost her cool.

When Samara dared to harm her pups, Alexa couldn’t take it anymore. She growled at Samara, warning her to leave her kids alone, but Samara being the cruel person she was, just smirked at her taking pleasure at her suffering.

That was the final straw. Alexa pounced on Samara, going for the kill.

It was the first time Samara had ever been so scared. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected that a mere wolf would dare to kill her. Above all, she couldn’t use her physical powers in the moonstone.

Alexa held Samara’s neck in between her teeth and was ready to snap it any moment. Samara used her psychic powers to inject pain into Alexa’s head, but Alexa didn’t even budge. After suffering that pain for a year, she had gotten used to it by now.

When Alexa was about to end Samara’s life, the Moon Goddess appeared out of nowhere. Alexa was momentarily stunned to see a bright silvery light as she had seen nothing but darkness for the past year.

" Stop my child!! Don’t kill her now,” The Moon Goddess said, looking at Alexa with concern.

" Who are you?” Alexa asked, amazed at the most beautiful being she had ever seen. She wore a long shimmery white gown and had beautiful silvery-white hair with a crescent moon-shaped headdress.

" I am your mother,” The lady replied with a smile.

" Mother? My mother is Ariel, and she is at the Silverlake pack.”

" Not your biological mother. I am the mother of all nightly creatures.”

Alexa suddenly realized who she was. ” T-The Moon Goddess?” she stuttered in shock.

" Yes, my child!!”

Once Alexa was out of her shock, she sulked in her mind. ” What great timing. She never showed up when I prayed to her for the past six months.”

" I can hear you. I can listen to everything. ” The Moon Goddess chuckled. ” I know I am late, but it’s not easy to meet me.”

" So, did you come here for her?” Alexa pointed at Samara in disgust.

" No, absolutely not. I came for you and especially for the pups.” She then glanced at Samara, who glared back at her with hatred. ” I knew you are evil, but today you have crossed all limits by trying to harm innocent pups.”

" I am forced to do that because of this damn stone you designed to trap me,” Samara spat.

" I wouldn’t have to do that if you had mended your ways,” the Moon Goddess said calmly. ” Anyways, I am not here to waste my time talking to you.” She snapped her fingers, and Samara’s mouth was shut tight. How much ever Samara tried to open her mouth, she couldn’t.

" So, why did you call me?” the Moon Goddess asked.

" You know it. You know everything,” Alexa replied.

“Yes, I do, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to tell me.”

" I want all this torture to end, and I think I found the solution a few minutes ago.” Alexa pointed at Samara and growled. ” I will kill her this instant and end it all.”

" Do you think that’s the best option?” the Moon Goddess asked. ” The purpose of the moonstone was to keep Samara trapped here, and once she is dead, it will be self-destroyed. That means even your spirit will be dead.”

" I don’t care,” Alexa said with determination. ” Living a life like this is already equivalent to death. If I kill Samara, Adele, my pups, my family, and everyone else would be free from her tortures.”

" That’s what you think.”

" What do you mean?”

“Do you think your human would be happy knowing that you sacrificed yourself for her? She is desperate to bring you back, and she would be devastated if you were gone.”

When Alexa thought it like that, she faltered for a moment.

" And not to forget your mates too,” the Moon Goddess added.

" My mates?” Alexa said with disgust. ” I think they would be happy to be rid of me.”

" Contrary to what you believe, they genuinely regret their actions.”

" I don’t think so,” Alexa scoffed.

" They are your mates, so what you think and do with them is your decision. I only help form the mate bond but never try to influence how they take it forward,” the Moon Goddess quipped. ” What I meant to say was your death can cause a significant impact on your mates; they might even die.”

" What?” Alexa was shocked. ” Why?”

" They are already shattered being away from you; once they know you are completely gone, they would literally die of heartbreak. I am not sure about the humans, but their wolves would definitely not survive.”

" You seem to be too concerned about them,” Alexa remarked. She was shaken by what she heard and didn’t know what else to say. She was indeed angry with her mates, but that didn’t mean she wanted them to die.

" I am concerned for all my children. Everything is interrelated. Your pain can cause many others pain and vice versa. One person’s decision can also affect many others’ lives, so think before you leap. You have already witnessed the consequences of your mate’s actions, so do you want to do the same by taking a harsh step yourself?”

" Then what do I do?” Alexa screamed. ” How do I make the witch stop? She endlessly tortures Adele and me, and today, she dared to harm my pups. Do you reckon I sit back and take it all?”

" Of course not, and I think you already have found the solution for your problem. Didn’t you see how scared Samara was when you were about to snap her neck? Though Samara is quite powerful and strong, there is one thing that makes her different from you all.”

" What is it?”

" Her fear of death,” the Moon Goddess said with a smile. ” You are not scared to die for your family’s well-being, but Samara can never do that because she doesn’t love or care for anyone.”

" The way I see it, she has no weakness.”

" Her biggest weakness is her ambition to be immortal and rule the World.

You might think that your love for your family is a weakness, but actually, it is a strength that drives you to move on, and that support is what Samara lacks. Samara is alone, and she loves herself the most. Today she stopped herself only because she knew you are not scared to die in the process of killing her. You just have to maintain that fear in her for the next two years.”

Alexa understood what the Moon Goddess was trying to say, and it was not good to know she was still stuck here. ” I have to suffer for two more years in this hell. What did I do wrong?”

" You didn’t do anything wrong, my child. There are a lot of questions for which even God doesn’t have answers. Why do newborn babies die? Why does someone die in an accident or an illness even if they didn’t harm anyone? Though it is true, our actions often determine what happens to us, but sometimes it is also fate.”

" So you say this is my fate?”

" Yes, dear.”

" Why did you have to trap this witch in the moonstone?” Alexa asked, annoyed. ” Why not destroy her permanently?”

" I can kill her right now with a snap of my fingers, but that’s not my job. I believe in creating life, not destroying it. If Gods and Goddesses did everything, people would take us for granted. We can only show the path; what path to take and how to take it is up to them.”

" So, does that mean it’s impossible to kill Samara,” Alexa asked, appalled.

" Nothing is impossible, my dear wolf,” the Moon Goddess chirped.

" How? How can I do it?” Alexa asked hopefully.

" As I said, I can show you the path; you have to find the destination,” the Moon Goddess said and got ready to leave.

" Wait, are you leaving?” Alexa tried to stop her. ” Please tell me how?”

" Maintain your faith in me, and maybe you might find some clues.”

" Can’t you tell me right now?”

" Nothing is easy in life; you have to work for it. Hope to see you again,” The Moon Goddess was about to disappear when Alexa stopped her again. ” Just one more thing. Please give me the ability to talk to Samara. It’s frustrating to hear her nonsense and not be able to stop her.”

The Moon Goddess chuckled at that. ” I completely understand. Granted.” And just like that, she was gone.

The darkness was back, and with that, Samara was back with her curses. ” How dare she shut me up? What does she think of herself.”

Alexa was irritated and growled at Samara. ” Shut the f**k up, bitch.”

Samara was stunned when she heard Alexa speak. ” H-How? How are you able to talk?”

" You don’t have to know that; instead, you should be worrying about your life now.”

" W-What?” Samara shuddered when she thought of the moment when Alexa almost killed her but still, she had to act strong. ” You can’t kill me. If you do, you will die too.”

" Does it look like I care?” Alexa lied through her teeth. She couldn’t die as she didn’t want others to suffer because of her, but Samara didn’t need to know it. ” If you try to harm Adele or my kids, I swear I would not hesitate to kill you.”

" Huhhh!!” Samara scoffed. ” You are lying. If you die, even your mates will die.”

How did she know that? Alexa thought. She couldn’t have heard her talks with the Moon Goddess as they talked through the mind link.

" I have lived for thousands of years,” Samara smirked. ” Do you think I don’t know how your mate bond works?”

" Whatever, but there is one more thing you need to know then. When it comes to my human and my pups, I give a damn about my mates, so if I have to kill myself and my mates to save my pups and Adele from you, I would gladly do it. So mark my words, if you try to harm them again, it would be the end of you,” Alexa seethed and kicked Samara hard on her face rendering her unconscious.

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