Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter A glimpse into the past-Part6

Flashback continued...

“That’s scary. Did she manage to win over the werewolves?” asked Clara.

" Samara was very cunning, so she decided to tackle the werewolves one by one. She started with the smaller packs, which she was able to defeat easily. Later on, she moved on to a few bigger ones. When finally all the werewolves felt threatened, the Alpha’s got together and approached the Alpha of the strongest and the largest pack for help.”

Clara knew the Blackwood pack was the largest and strongest pack for a long time, but she was unsure whether it was the same thousands of years ago.

Sybil cleared her confusion by saying, ” You are right. Even thousands of years ago, your pack was the strongest and the Alpha at that time was Christian Black.”

Clara recalls Sybil telling about Shawn’s ancestors and asks, ” Earlier, you said about Shawn’s ancestors trapping Samara. How did they do it?”

Sybil was about to reply, but they heard the loud sound of the emergency siren ringing around the Packhouse. Clara stands up and says worriedly, ” It’s the emergency alarm.”

Clara goes to the door to see what’s going on when she sees Shawn, who tells her, “The rogues have attacked. Take the women and children to the safety room.”

Clara looks at Sybil in panic and says, ” Get Sera and follow me.”

Sybil picks up her sleeping daughter and follows Clara out of the room. They meet Lea on the way, who was arguing with Chris and Liam.

Clara goes towards her and asks, ” What happened? Why are you guys not heading towards the safety room?”

Lea is relieved to see Clara. ” Thank God, you are here, Clara. The kids are insisting on helping their fathers fight the rogues.”

Clara looks at the kids in shock and says, ” Are you guys out of your mind. You are just ten years old. You can’t fight the rogues now.”

Chris pouts and says, ” We can, Mom. We have been training for two years.”

" This is nothing like your training; it’s more dangerous. You have not even shifted yet.”

" Please, Mom, I can help Dad fight the rogues.”

" If you go, your Dad will be more concerned about your safety rather than concentrating on the rogues. Come on, let’s not waste time here and make sure all the women and children are safe, ” says Clara and drags Chris along, who was followed by Lea and Liam.

Clara and Lea make sure all the women and the pups are in the safety room and then lock the room from inside.

Shawn and Matthew head outside to fight the rogues leaving a few warriors at the Packhouse on guard.

While Shawn and others are busy fighting the rogues, a firefly enters Shawn’s room and looks around as if searching for something.

" What took you so long?” Daniel hears Samara ask him in his mind.

Daniel shifts into his human form and says, ” I am sorry, My Lady. I sent the rogues to attack as soon as I could so that I could send the Alpha and the Beta outside the Packhouse.”

" It’s better you stay in your pest form. After your last debacle, I doubt you will be able to survive if someone comes here suddenly, ” mocks Samara.

Daniel is embarrassed but still changes back into a firefly. The last encounter with Shawn was still fresh in his mind, and now he was in his territory, so he did not want to risk his life.

" Tell me where you are, My Lady, so that I can take you away before somebody comes,” says Daniel.

“No, that’s not required.”

Daniel was confused. ” W-what do you mean, My Lady?”

" I have given you many chances, but none of your plans seem to work. So this time, I will be the one to plan; you just do as I say.”

“Y-yes, My Lady! Tell me what you want me to do?” stuttered Daniel.

“First of all, it’s best that I stay here since I can monitor everyone and manipulate them when necessary,” explains Samara.

“I believe it is not safe for you to be here, My Lady!”

" You fool! Do you think I am so weak?” screams Samara.

“N-No, My Lady! I was concerned for you as the moonstone binds your magical powers,” whispers Daniel.

Samara was furious. ” Are you implying I am useless without magic? I will show you what I can do.”

“Ahhhh...” Daniel screamed when he felt excruciating pain in his head. He tried to fight it, but he felt the pain pass through his entire body. He had even shifted into his human form as he did not have the strength to maintain the shift.

“Please, my lady! I-I am sorry.” he fell on his knees and pleaded when he could no longer bear the pain.

Samara released the hold she had over Daniel, and he fell on the floor, panting heavily.

" Do you still have any doubts?” Samara questioned.

“N-No, My lady! F-Forgive me for my stupidity. I do not doubt your abilities,” Daniel begged in fear.

Samara smirked and said, ” From now on, stop running your mouth and just do as I say. I have already thought of a plan. ”

" Y-yes, My Lady! What should I do?”

" How many rogues are here currently?” asks Samara.

" Around 25.”

" I am sure none of them will be alive for a long time, but still, I need at least one of them to poison Shawn.”

Daniel wanted to ask something but immediately stopped once he remembered Samara’s threat a few seconds ago.

" I can smell a few poisonous plants in this forest. It won’t be enough to kill a werewolf, but at least it can make them unconscious for a few hours.

Daniel couldn’t control his curiosity and reluctantly asked, ” Are you planning to take his blood when he is unconscious?”

Samara gave a sarcastic laugh. “Are you pretending to be dumb, or are you actually dumb? Did you forget what Sybil said? Shawn has to offer his blood on his own.”

Daniel was embarrassed again and felt like hitting himself for his foolishness. He was so scared of Samara that he often made mistakes in her presence.

His great-grandfather Raphael was a loyal follower of Samara. Raphael was the leader of his coven, and the entire vampire coven were her followers. Most of the coven members died in the war between Samara and the werewolves. Raphael was killed in that war by Christian Black, and after that, Christian had managed to trap Samara.

Only a few members of the vampire coven had survived, including Raphael’s son, Raul.

Raul managed to escape the werewolves but was forced into hiding. After staying in hiding for hundreds of years, he joined the Plasma clan.

Though Samara was no longer around, Raul had never stopped looking for her. He visited various places looking for the moonstone and found out that it was hidden at the cursed mountain, but when he went to get the moonstone, even he was killed by the Black family.

Daniel was very close to Raul, and he had always told Daniel stories of Samara’s powers. Raul had said if they free Samara from her trap, then with her help, they could gain anything they wanted.

The vampires at the Plasma clan never supported Samara, so Raul had to do everything secretly. Raul never agreed with the ways of the Plasma clan, but they were forced to agree to the rules of the clan elders. Even Daniel and Michael came to hate them as they grew up.

When Michael and Daniel had grown up and trained, they tried to kill the clan elders, but their plan failed, and they were banished from the Plasma clan.

After they left, Daniel and Michael had referred to the maps made by Raul and finally found the moonstone, but again the Black family interfered and ruined their plans.

Daniel hated them with a passion. They killed his grandfathers, and now even his twin was dead because of Shawn and his Beta. He had vowed to avenge his brother’s death and wouldn’t rest until both Shawn and Matthew were dead.

While Daniel was busy thinking about his past, Samara got irritated by his silence and yelled, ” Don’t waste time. Go and inform the rogue now.”

" Y-Yes, My Lady!” says Daniel, shifts into a fly, and flies out of the room as soon as he could.

Few of the rogues were hiding far away from the pack, scared to face the warriors of the Blackwood Pack. Daniel suddenly appeared before a rogue wolf, and the wolf was scared out of his wits.

" What the hell are you doing here? Instead of fighting, you are hiding away like a coward,” screams Daniel.

The rogue cowered and pleaded, ” P-Please, I don’t want to go there. The wolves are so skilled that we don’t stand a chance.”

" Then I will take you to Samara. Let’s see if you have a chance with her,” says Daniel casually.

The rogue almost pissed his pants at the mention of Samara. If he went to her, either he would die of pain, or she would hypnotize him and force him to go for the fight anyways. So instead of dying of pain it’s better; he faced the warriors and got a painless death.

" I-I am sorry, Sir, I will leave now,” the rogue said and got ready to leave, but Daniel stopped him.

Daniel took out a dagger and spilled the juice of a poisonous leaf onto the blade. He gave the dagger to the rogue and said, ” Make sure you somehow manage to injure the Alpha with this poisonous blade.”

“A-Alpha? How can I face the Alpha? I won’t even be able to stand in front of him for more than a second,” whispers the rogue in fear.

" Then don’t go near him, do it from a distance or ask someone else to do it, but mind you, if you fail, be ready to face Samara’s wrath,” threatened Daniel.

“Y-Yes, Sir,” said the rogue and dashed away before getting any more orders.

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