Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter A glimpse into the past - Part5

Flashback continued...

Suddenly Sybil remembers about the moonstone and asks Shawn, ” Where’s the moonstone now?”

" I have kept it safely in my locker,” replied Shawn.

" You all have to be careful. Even if Samara is trapped in the stone, she has the power to manipulate anyone. It would be best if you kept the moonstone back below the enchanted rock,” said Sybil.

" That’s not a problem. We will go and do it tomorrow,” Shawn said, referring to himself and Matthew.

“The only time you can do this is during a full moon night. Yesterday was a full moon, so Daniel tried to get your blood. Now you have to wait for one month, so until then, make sure nobody gets influenced by Samara, ” warns Sybil.

" Nothing to worry about. I am sure the witch will not be able to influence anyone here in the Blackwood pack, ” says Shawn confidently.

At that time, Sera wakes up and murmurs, ” Mom...”

Sybil stands up and hugs her daughter, and asks, ” How are you? Are you hurt somewhere?”

" I am okay, Mom. Where were you for so long? Why didn’t you come for me?” cries Sera.

Sybil was in tears hearing her daughter’s question. Seeing her hesitate, Clara replied, “Some bad people had trapped your mom. She fought with them and saved you.”

Sera immediately brightens up and asks, ” Is it, true Mom? You saved me?”

Sybil nods and says, ” Yes, Sera, and they all helped me,” she said, pointing towards Shawn and the others.

Sera gives them a bright smile while Clara calls for Maria and asks her to escort Sera and Sybil to the guest room to rest.

Before leaving, Sybil says, ” I am grateful for your help, and I don’t want to burden you anymore. Tomorrow morning I will leave with my daughter.”

“Where are you from? Which coven do you belong to?” asks Shawn.

Sybil made a sad face and said, ” My ancestors were from the Divine Coven, but it was destroyed many years ago. My great-great-grandmother was the only survivor at that time. Currently, my daughter and I stay with my human mate.”

“Wherever you want to go, I will ask our gamma to drop you there,” says Matthew.

Sybil thanked him, held Sera’s hand, and followed Maria out of the room.

Clara was unable to sleep that night as thoughts of Samara were lingering on her mind. Clara was always curious about such things, and she was someone who was influenced by powerful people. She wanted to know more about Samara, so she decided to go and meet Sybil.

She slowly tiptoes out of the room and goes towards the guest room. Luckily, Sybil was still awake, so she gladly welcomed Clara into her room.

After some small talk, Clara asks, ” Can you tell me more about Samara? Why did she become the way she was?”

Sybil thought about the stories she heard from her Grandma throughout her childhood. They were always forced to hide their identities of being a witch. The supernatural community did not readily accept witches and wizards, and the main reason for that was Samara.

After a few minutes, Sybil looked at Clara and said, ” Thousands of years ago, Samara was a part of the Mystic coven. Her parents died when she was young, and her uncle’s family took her in.”

As Clara heard about Samara, she couldn’t help but recall her parents. Even Clara’s parents died in an accident when she was just five. Lea’s parents, who were her paternal uncle and aunt, took her in.

Sybil interrupted Clara’s thoughts and continued, ” During those days, women were not allowed to use magic, as men wanted women to always be beneath them. Samara disagreed with the ways of her coven elders. From her childhood days, she was very ambitious. Compared to her male peers, she was better at performing magic, so she gradually felt a sense of superiority. Samara challenged the men at every turn, and the men began to feel insecure. The coven elders tried to stop Samara from performing magic, which increased her resolve to defy them even more.”

At this point, Sybil is interrupted by Clara. ” But what’s wrong in that? She was talented and wanted to show her abilities. The elders shouldn’t have stopped her.”

Sybil agreed with Clara. “Yea, that’s true, but her coven members didn’t like her differing views. Nobody supported her, not even her family, except for a man named Jeron, who was a warlock. Jeron was not like the other men, and he appreciated Samara for her skills. Eventually, Samara fell in love with him, and things started to go downhill.”

" Because of their love?” asked Clara confused.

" No, because of Samara’s one-sided love. Samara loved Jeron, but he did not share her feelings. He was already in love with his childhood friend Blaise. Blaise was exactly the type of woman most men sought: beautiful and obedient. She was least bothered about the magic and spells and just believed in looking good and impressing the man she loved.

Samara was furious with jealousy at losing to a girl who, by all standards, was inferior to her. She tried to convince Jeron about her being more deserving of his love, but he was so much in love with Blaise that he rejected Samara.”

" What happened after that?” Clara asked eagerly.

" Samara was not a person who would accept defeat so easily. She aimed to make Jeron fall in love with her and, being as she was, would never do what a normal person would do in this situation. Rather than show Jeron how much she loved him, she chose a more sinister approach.”

" What was that?”

“Love spell. Samara cast a love spell on Jeron. His entire world changed overnight. He ignored Blaise, his family, his friends, and even his duties as a warlock. The only person that mattered to him was Samara. He obsessed over her, and Samara was happy to get what she wanted. ”

" How can you force anyone to love you? Is it even possible?” asked Clara.

" Samara believed in doing the things others considered impossible. She did not care that the love she got from Jeron was not true love because winning over Blaise was more important to her. ”

After a few seconds of pause, Sybil continued, ” The love spell did not last long. Blaise was indeed in love with Jeron, and her persistence was successful. She was able to convince Jeron and break through the spell cast on him. Jeron and everyone else at the Mystic coven realized what Samara had done. Love spell was a forbidden spell, and the witches and wizards were not allowed to use such spells in any case. As a punishment, Samara was banished from her coven. As she saw it, the elders banished her because she was more skilled and powerful than them, and the punishment was just an excuse, so she vowed to exact revenge on them.”

“Samara left the coven at the age of 21 and looked for ways to be more powerful. As her love spell could not last long, she believed the traditional way of magic was not strong enough. She had somehow managed to get her hands on a book on dark magic. The book promised her tremendous power and the ability to do anything she wished to. Obviously, she was drawn to it, and she started practicing the dark spells. Dark magic was not for free; in return, Samara had to sacrifice something. Initially, she began killing animals, but later on, she didn’t hesitate to kill humans for more significant results.”

“Didn’t anyone try to stop her?” asked Clara.

" At the start, Samara did it all secretly. Nobody knew who was behind the random killings happening around the town.

The hatred Samara felt towards those who tried to suppress her combined with the influence of dark magic had turned her into a wicked person. She had lost the ability to distinguish between good and evil. The more she killed, the more effective her magic was. She had invented many new kinds of spells on her own. She even learned how to stop aging with her witchcraft.”

“Once Samara had mastered most of the spells, she laid an attack on the Mystic coven. She easily managed to kill the coven elders as she didn’t care who would die in the midst of their fight. She also killed Blaise and Jeron as she couldn’t see them lead a happy life together. The coven members were shocked at Samara’s powers. Overnight, she had taken over the coven, and those who tried to defy her were killed mercilessly. Most of them obeyed her due to fear of getting killed.”

Clara was shocked. “How did she manage to accomplish all of this on her own?”

" Mystic coven members were peace-loving people. They never resorted to killing. Moreover, they never practiced any harmful and deadly spells, so they couldn’t defend themselves against Samara, who was directly going for a kill.”

“As the days went by, Samara’s greed became greater, and ruling her coven wasn’t enough for her; she wanted to rule the entire World. Samara knew to do that, she would need followers who would be loyal to her. She managed to convince many people that they could achieve anything they wanted by joining forces with her. She was smart enough to play with people’s weaknesses and use them for her benefit. She also specialized in the art of hypnotizing, which helped her a great deal. Within a few years, she had gathered thousands of followers who were equally wicked. Together, they built their army and had taken most of the covens under their control, and those who disagreed with her rule were destroyed. She destroyed even my coven,” said Sybil sadly.

" By now, all the witches and wizards were under Samara’s control. Eventually, she felt she was the greatest among all the supernatural beings, so she decided to target other supernatural creatures as well.”

" You mean the werewolves and the vampires?” asked Clara.

Sybil nodded and said, ” Vampires are secretive people. They were usually hidden, so they couldn’t be easily spotted. So Samara’s main target were the werewolves. Though werewolves cannot perform magic, they were massive in number and physically strong. If she had the werewolves under her control, she could use the combination of magic and strength, and no one could stop her from ruling the World.”

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