Chapter Chapter Twenty-One.

John Whitmore’s work had now opened new realms of opportunities far in access of his wildest imaginations. The alliance with the alien known as Owjut had given the military section of Rudloe Manner a feeling of security, enabling them to have full confidence in their ability of defending themselves, and eventually the world from any hostile alien intrusion.

To his knowledge the designs of the modified F26 fighters were now by far the most powerful military crafts ever made available to the world. With new modifications in stealth and weapon capabilities, enabling the military to engage opposing crafts in high altitude combat, and with speed capabilities in excess of thirty-five thousand miles an hour.

It was during a test flight one evening in late November, when satellite surveillance picked up two unidentified objects entering the earth’s atmosphere. Three F26 stealth fighters were instructed to intercept and establish if the incoming crafts were friendly or hostile.

John Dobson was interrupted during his evening meal and requested to return immediately to the operations room, on his arrival he was fully briefed on the events as they were unfolding. As the F26 stealth fighters were closing in; their radar changed from showing two unidentified crafts to six unidentified crafts making it impossible to intercept them all.

Unknown to John Whitmore, and entirely separate and independent of Rudloe Manner, from within the Red Deer Park installation John Dobson gave authorization for three of the five advanced crafts that he had constantly orbiting the earth to observe only the three remaining alien crafts. Their orders were simple; under no situation other than direct confrontation were his crafts to engage in battle.

John Dobson’s intentions of avoiding direct confrontation were due to his not wanting Rudloe Manner or any other establishment to know of the development that had been undertaken on the recovered alien craft from Scotland. Its advanced capabilities far outreached anything operated by those used at Rudloe Manner.

The five crafts in constant orbit, with two crafts in the base were used on a rotation-system. That enabled the Red Deer installation to constantly have an orbiting defense system completely invisible to military Radar, even while they orbited the earth.

The three unidentified crafts that were not been pursued by the F26 stealth fighters had suddenly become invisible to the military Radar, this prevented the authorities from knowing their eventual destination. Unbeknown to Rudloe Manner nor any other military establishment, John Dobson’s installation was fully aware of all said events as they were unfolding. The unidentified crafts headed for the South Pole and were observed entering the sea, but unobserved to the rest of the world.

The remaining two unidentified alien crafts eventually left Earth’s orbit and disappeared into deep space. The events that had just unfolded and observed by the Red deer installation strengthened John Dobson’s belief that the Alien Colony, which was established under the Ice caps of the South Pole was in fact hostile, and that they were using the earth’s military powers to assist them in destroying their opponents, leaving them to eventually be in a position to colonize the earth on the arrival of their mother ship.

With the eventual assistance of selected high-ranking military personnel known to be uncompromised, the Red Deer installation had become the first of three further installations all directly under the umbrella of John Dobson’s organization, working within the framework of the Earth Watch project. It was imperative for this work to remain above Top Secret, and above that of From Military Eyes only, to prevent the project becoming compromised in any form, and enabling the Alien forces to counteract their still limited defences.

Agent Longman had as requested kept a low profile only working outside the FBI complex on the occasions that absolutely demanded her attention or presence. It was three months to the day, after her warning from Deputy Director Simms when she was called to identify the body of a close friend. As Agent Longman entered the room and walked over to where the covered body lay. There was an unexplained explosion totally destroying the entire contents of the examination room and of its occupants.

As Agent Bryan sat in Deputy Director Simms office, he found himself not wanting to accept the evidence before him. Due to the high surveillance on Agent Longman, all her movement had been kept continuously under video surveillance. The loss of a close friend and working partner was something Agent Bryan had found that he had been unprepared for; in the past when Agent Longman had been abducted, Agent Bryan was left with the possibility of her eventual return.

However, now from the evidence before him, he knew he had lost not only a friend, but also someone whom he had grown to love and respect. From an office in England yet another name was removed from those left remaining and waiting to be eliminated. It was Deputy Director Simms who passed over a folder to Agent Bryan, as he opened it and then read its contents he looked up across to his superior with a blank expression; no words were to pass between the two men. As Agent Bryan handed the folder back to Deputy Director Simms he took out the contents and put them through a military grade shredding machine.

The two men sat quietly not wanting to speak; the events that had unfolded that day had been painful enough. Both men realizing now just how much Agent Longman had meant to them as a friend and working colleague.

It was now early December, John and Cathy had been looking forward to spending the next three days away in Vancouver. Cathy’s shift pattern meant that as a couple they very rarely ever had the opportunity of actually having a whole weekend together let alone a long weekend.

John had also been looking forward to visiting a particular shop that specialized in Disability supplies; he had managed to secure from his employers an allowance towards the cost of a new motorized wheelchair, and vehicle. He had long liked the Swift Hi Tec range, and had set his desires on the new Cheater with a fully electrically adjusted Recaro seat, which reclined as well as having elevated footrests and seven speed settings, and with a range of thirty miles.

The chair was fully equipped for outdoor as well as indoor use, giving the user a freedom in mobility rarely found in other models. Although Cathy was in no way as excited as John by the prospect of such a purchase; she was very interested in the new vehicle been offered to him. They were that same weekend planning on taking delivery of a new Ford customized people carrier. With leather seats, and a colour TV, reclining armed seats, fully automatic, and also with air conditioning and power steering.

The weekend also meant they could call in on Agent Bryan and other old friends who lived in that area, what they were not aware of was the events that had started unfolding; that was going to make this a weekend that they would never forget. Some miles away, Lord Goodwood had been finally transferred to a Canadian secured holding unit, it was while been transferred to another secure prison that the vehicle he was traveling within, had been involved in a pre-planned collision. It was while the prisoners were then being taken to hospital that Lord Goodwood was given the opportunity of escaping.

During his stay in prison he had become very bitter and had used all of his resources to establish the identity of those involved in destroying his life and for having put him in prison. Although the FBI and also John Dobson had largely destroyed his organization, there were still elements of high-ranking military and federal personnel who were still on his payroll and prepared to assist him in his escape. It was some of these very same People who had provided Lord Goodwood with a list of those people of whom he now sought his revenge.

During the funeral of Agent Longman, the FBI had the entire area under video surveillance with armed personnel discretely positioned at various advantage points, to ensure there were no further attempts on other serving agents. Later that day from within the Red Deer installation, Agent Longman with the assistance of off world technicians, was undergoing a change in her appearance, making it possible for her to once again merge within the general public unrecognized, and to take up a position of employment once again within the FBI.

The transformation was truly miraculous in every way, even her closes of friends had no idea who they were actually talking with. John Dobson had arranged with Deputy Director Simms to transport Agent Longman second’s before the explosion; and giving the impression of her certain death. Although Agent Longman had no actual knowledge of the location of the installation, she was made very comfortable and well cared for. Her return to active duty had been arranged through Deputy Director Simms and federal personnel who he knew that he could trust. Simms had called Agent Bryan into his office to meet his new working partner, Katherine Roberts.

There new remit was to work in close proximity with John Dobson; certain high-ranking Military and FBI officials had been given the required security clearance. That now enabled Agent Longman who was now known as Katherine Roberts and Agent Bryan to assist the Red Deer installation in identifying those compromised by the aliens from Owjut’s race.

It was believed these aliens had perfected cloning and had in fact infiltrated themselves into positions of power and authority, that John Whitmore’s teams were in fact eliminating those who Owjut’s race wanted out of the way. Or that they were in fact simply a decoy, whose purpose was to take the attention away from other more important personnel.

Cathy and John had enjoyed their first day in Vancouver with great excitement and had taken delivery of their new vehicle. During the early hours of the second day an incendiary device had been attached to the vehicle while both Cathy and John lay asleep in their hotel room. That morning they had a relaxed time not leaving the hotel room until 11 47, and it was not until mid-afternoon that they required the use of their vehicle. Asking at the reception desk, a member of staff collected their keys and was driving it from the car park when an explosion destroyed the vehicle and part of the surrounding area.

Momentarily John and Cathy were unaware that it was their actual vehicle that had been destroyed. They like many other guests were stunned and frightened by the incident, after some minutes Cathy had gone outside to see if she could render assistance to any of the injured. It was then that she realized they had been the intended targets.

John had followed and was only seconds behind her. It was John’s training that enabled him to cope with the situation, quickly he called for Cathy, and then taking her by the hand he returned immediately to the safety of the hotel. Picking up his mobile he reported immediately to his employers the events that had just taken place, arranging with them to have a recovery team collect him and Cathy from the hotel.

Agent Bryan had by chance been only a short distance from the location of the hotel, when he had heard the explosion. Fortunately, he had managed to arrive very quickly onto the scene, not at that time knowing it was Cathy and John who had been the target. As he drove into the sectioned off area, a craft appeared above the hotel, and within seconds john and Cathy were taken to safety.

George Nelson had recovered well from the abduction incident and had managed to fit into his new role with considerable ease. He had taken pride in his mental abilities and had shown on endless occasions his ability to maintain a state of physical fitness; that was remarkable for a man of his age, and he had also wondered why no one had thought it was unusual.

He had however found now on three separate occasions that he was unable to account for certain periods of time, although he had what he thought were memories, they had on occasion proven to be incorrect. Rather than bring his concern to the attention of his superiors he decided to set about investigating this using his own methods.

He was in a very privileged position and having almost limitless access of high technical surveillance equipment, and taking advantage of this, he set about with some very trusted friends, to ensure that wherever he was, certain satellite surveillance, would make a record of all his movements.

It was three weeks later on reviewing the data that he discovered the first anomaly, according to his memory he had on the Wednesday evening in question retired early for the night. Yet before him the surveillance equipment had shown him to be from 100 meters to 9 thousand meters above the earth, only to return some seven hours later awaking in his room.

Realizing the implications Nelson set about using the same equipment to monitor without their knowledge, both John Whitmore and Commander Philips. Praying that his worst suspicions were not true, it was another seven weeks before he felt confident enough to make an intelligent judgment into what was actually happening.

He realized however that at any time his concern could become common knowledge to the wrong people, should this happen he knew his very life would be in considerable danger. On reading through the various documents John Dobson paused then looked over to the group of military personnel.

“I called you here today as we now have positive proof that the Rudloe Manner installation is been used by an alien intelligence. As to what is the purpose of their involvement we can only hazard a guess, that it is a direct threat not only to the Earth Watch project but also one of global concern.”

As he placed the documents back on the table there was a moment’s silence, the gathered personnel were more than aware now of the direct implications of the evidence contained within those documents. It was a semi-retired Admiral who had been recruited back into the service of the Red Deer installation that broke the silence.

“On consideration given to the evidence we have now received, is it now imperative that we take action before it becomes too late, and to ensure that we are more than prepared to face the inevitable invasion.”

That was a statement some of the younger members of the group had hoped would have been avoided. Although they were aware of the possible scenario of an invasion, it was the thought of the unquestioned advantage in their technology, which had given them reason for such concern.

“We are not totally unprepared as I’m sure you gentleman and ladies know, the recovered technology from the crashed craft in Scotland has at the very least given us some insight into certain areas of their technology. We have also learned of methods to prevent them from becoming aware of our intentions, there is also one other ace, that we are able to use.”

Those who had been re-reading the various documents put them aside; John Dobson’s last statement had gained their full attention.

“Within the last three months we have gained intelligence indicating that the planet Proxcnar Sentory has started to become in alignment, with our sun, and is soon to be at its closes point, been only 4.5 light years away. Observations from Hubble have indicated that there are intelligent controlled crafts traveling to one of the three small moons that orbit their planet. It is known that the life forms on that planet are identical in appearance to us with only one exception.”

Momentarily there was stillness within the room. John Dobson looked across to Commander Sergeant Major Robert Denton, as their eyes met, Denton’s head gave a gentle nod indicating yes. At which point from within the sealed room a beam of light momentarily lit the room, and before they’re very eyes stood a woman and a child.

“Allow me to explain before we go any further, this is Marie and the child is named Daniel.

In all respects to the eye, anyone of us could easily have passed this couple not realizing they in fact come from a different planet.”

Denton knew that statement would cause concern.

“Certain sections of our military have been in communication with representatives of their home world for some years now. It would be fair to say a considerable amount of money and time has gone to misinform the general public regarding sighted alien crafts, Marie is here as a scientist overseeing certain genetic and biological tests.

It would seem their world along with ours is equally at risk from the prevailing invading forces, and that at this moment; only time is on both of our sides, however even that is now rapidly running out.”

Each representative within the room was handpicked for their particular expertise in various military fields, the selected personnel had been aware that certain sections of the Rudloe Manner Installation, were working directly with Alien beings. However, what they had not realized, was that there was also a race of Aliens identical in appearance to us. It was once again the older Admiral who spoke first.

“Are we permitted to have access as to what is the difference between us?”

It was Commander Sergeant Major Robert Denton who rose to his feet. Walking over to the new guests within the room, he pulled up two chairs for them to sit on.

“There technology is some 1000 years in advancement of ours, they have been assisting us in progressing further and faster, with an aim to enable us to firstly live in harmony, and secondly use our joint resources in defending our Worlds.

There is however one area of considerable concern, up until the last two years, we were unable to mingle without the risk of becoming susceptible to certain bacteria, which is alien to both of our worlds. As for Mr. Dobson. He was unaware of our involvement with this world until a few months ago; his section was set up pacifically to deal with the threat from another race of Aliens.”

There was stunned silence within the room.

“We felt unable to bring to your awareness our work with Proxcnar Sentory until we were able to give you proof of the infiltration of Rudloe Manner. Now that you have that proof, it is our intention to bring in our expertise in defending ourselves against these two hostile Alien Nations.”

Denton went on to explain how the two worlds had been doing genetic experimentation on various people to bring about an immunization program, explaining how they had taken advantage of the various abductions stories as a partial cover up to their own work.

“Are we to understand that some of these abductions are in fact true, and that there are others who have infiltrated themselves into Rudloe Manner and other military installations across the world?”

There was a moment’s pause,

“We have in fact been abducting people with a similar intention. It would be unprofitable to them if we were all to die out through infection, due to not been able to adapt to various new strains of bacteria.”

The silence was audible,

“Could I ask what you mean by unprofitable?”

“The answer to that is simple; we are no use to them dead. They are an advanced race and will use the survivors basically as a serving race; it would seem that both of our planets are simply a convenient stopping off point for universal domination.”

Once again there was a moments silence from within the room.

“You have not yet explained in detail the ace you mentioned.”

“Allow Maria to explain”

Commented Denton, as Maria got out of her chair she called the child to her side.

“We have long been aware of this hostile Alien race, as our world is closer to theirs, due to the differing orbiting systems of our worlds. We have fortunately through our advanced technology been able to develop better defences.

However, we realized, that in itself would not prevent the eventual colonization of our world. So, we set about to develop a form of bacterial warfare using studies from captured Alien scout ships.”

Her words were interrupted.

“Excuse me but were they not able to read your thoughts?”

“No…you see we have evolved almost identical to your world; however, we have learned how to use a greater percentage of our brainpower. This has given us the ability to prevent others from scanning or reading our thoughts. The majority of people on your world only use something like 10 to 20 or 30%of your actual brainpower. We have with the cooperation of your world governments, been introducing certain genetic changes to selected children and to some adults, to assist them in the greater development of their brain power.”

She indicated by tilting her hand in the direction of the child.

“This child was born on your world, we identified her two years ago as been a suitable candidate to the type of advancement which we have been offering you. She now has the ability in just two years to use over 45% of her brain, we are sure within another three years she will be able to use as much as 75 to 80% of her brains capability.”

Denton interrupted,

“Thank you, Maria, I will soon allow you to witness for yourselves the potential within this child. It is important for you to realize that we are soon to entrust into your care genetically advanced children. Who will be teenagers by the time the invading Aliens attack our worlds, we have chosen these children, as they are our futures hope of survival, and will be able to hide their thoughts from any intrusion.

Enabling them to take advantage of their appearance, you see the invading Aliens will not kill children as to them they are not a threat, and they will eventually grow into useable serving adults.”

The personnel in the room remained speechless. “Each of you here are in positions of controlling vast resources and people who are under your command, you will hopefully voluntarily undergo genetic manipulation, which will assist you in becoming superior in the various fields, that each of you specialize in.

It is also important that you know how to avoid capture, and from becoming compromised. It has been essential to allow the deception to advance, enabling us the time that we needed to prepare ourselves to our optimal advantage.

Those within the room were finding it difficult to comprehend what was been said.

The personnel from Rudloe Manner and other compromised units have been sacrificed to prevent discovery. It has also given us the opportunity of observing in close the aliens working in the various establishments.

The discovery that George Nelson has made, enabled us to know for sure the methods used in abduction and control by the invading Aliens.”

Every face within the room turned to face Mr Nelson.

“Could I ask how this Mr. Nelson was able to deliver this without their discovering his involvement with us?’’

“Yes…you see Mr. Nelson was introduced into the program some seven years ago, he underwent genetic alteration, and advancement to enable him to put himself in a position to be abducted and compromised.

It was while the Aliens were in fact trying to clone Mr. Nelson that he was able to use the situation to our advantage. By blocking his thoughts, he was able to fool them into believing in false information hypnotically implanted into his sub conscious mind.

He was programmed to react within a certain survival mode once anyone tried tampering with his mind; it was this that enabled us to capture one of the Alien crafts. Again, by altering the thought patterns we were able to fool John Whitmore and the remaining personnel into believing the captured craft was similar in every way to the crafts already in their care.”

“How were you able to fool the Aliens, surely they were aware of the deception?”

“We have managed to block out any outside communications for security reasons with their approval, allowing them to believe that if anything was wrong they would know through simply reading our thoughts. So far the deception has worked.”

There was a look of astonishment at the knowledge that George Nelson was actually working for their team. The meeting continued long into the night.

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