Chapter Chapter Twenty.

John Whitmore paced the room, he was sure Owjut was to be trusted, yet his concern for the safety of the project was troubling him. It was George Nelson that lay behind his thoughts, if Owjut said he was uncompromised then surely he should accept the fact and put aside his concern and continue with the project.

Yet no amount of brain scanning showed any indication to arouse any form of suspicion, it was something Whitmore was unable to explain. He had expressed his concerns to Commander Phillips and others, he knew if he continued in this line of thought, then he would risk affecting his place on the team, let alone the project.

The project Earth Watch had now developed a small fleet of advanced crafts capable of extreme speed with full stealth qualities; this had been due to the direct intervention of Owjut. He was aware if Owjut and his fellow workers had not made themselves available along with their technology, Earth would still be dependent on the very basic and limited defence that it had acquired from the earlier downed alien crafts.

Some miles away across the water, George Nelson’s team were ready to terminate Sally Daniels, Sarah Winslow sister. The breaking system to her car had a miniature incendiary device attached to it, from a high advantage point; one of the operatives waited observing Sally as she drove her car. As the vehicle approached a serious of sharp hairpin bends that descended down from the mountainous road, a switch was flicked, unknown to Sally the device attached to her car had been activated.

As she desperately tried to apply pressure on the braking system the car failed to respond and gained speed, as it negotiated the ever-increasing bends in the road. Within minutes the car veered over the roads edge, and falling some seven hundred feet, before the impact killed its driver and totally destroyed the car, leaving it a mangled mess of bent and distorted pieces.

Sarah Winslow put her phone down; the blank expression on her face indicated the bad news. Some hours later a police officer arrived to deliver the news to Mr. Daniels, throughout the next three weeks reports were coming in of similar type accidents across the world.

Agent Bryan and Agent Longman were called into Deputy Director Simms’s office. As both agents read through the files that had been handed to them, Deputy Simms sat uncomfortably in his chair; it was Agent Bryan who spoke first.

“I do not understand Sir, why was Agent Longman and I not informed of this any sooner?”

Deputy Director Simms sat looking over towards Agent Longman.

“I was informed of this only a few days ago, I have had Agent Longman under full observation ever since, an operative was caught in the progress of planting a small incendiary device on Agent Longman’s car. He is at present in protective custody as his life is also in danger from those he works for.”

Deputy Director Simms then handed both Agent Bryan and Agent Longman another file.

“I have no need to remind either of you that the contents of that file are highly confidential.”

Both Agent Bryan and Agent Longman sat quietly, while they were reading through the documents.

“His name is Peter Anderson; he was recruited by George Nelson as part of a highly trained assassination team, to take out people believed compromised by an Alien intelligence, which is supposed to have infiltrated its way into our society.”

Agent Longman looked up,

“Oh, I see, so now the section is suddenly going to accept that there are extra-terrestrial forces out there, when I have spent years trying to prove the governments’ involvement of such.”

Deputy Simms could understand Agent Longman’s reaction.

“We have known for years of the existence of extra-terrestrial intelligent life, however proving our government or any other at that, is in alliance with them; is another matter.”

“Can I ask from where this information came?” enquired agent Longman.

Simms looked across to Longman.

“Yes, it was given by no other that someone supposedly on your side who is concerned for your welfare.”

“Does this person have a name?” enquired Bryan.

Simms could see Agent Bryan was more than just a little concerned for Longman’s safety.

“I am in no position to tell you that, other than this particular person if that’s what you could call her, smokes more that the average person.”

Agent Longman and Bryan immediately knew whom Deputy Simms was referring to.

“Is this person in a position to assist in the safety of Agent Longman?” asked Bryan.

Deputy Director Simms could be visibly seen to be uncomfortable with this line of questioning. “I am unable to comment regarding that one”.

Agent Longman threw the file back onto the table, then got out of her chair and paced the room. Both Agent Bryan and Deputy Director Simms knew this was Agent Longman’s way of thinking.

“What I can say is, that she appears to genuinely be concerned for Agent Longman’s safety, as out of character as it is, she put herself at considerable risk in giving me this information. She also stated that Agent Longman was not compromised, and that indicates to me, that she has knowledge of who has been possibly compromised, and quite possibly what they may be doing.”

Agent Longman walked back to the desk.

“Can you arrange a meeting, we need to know what is going on, and as to how far this goes?” enquired Longman.

“No, the moment I do that she is compromised, that would also put the life of myself as well as you in immediate danger”, replied Simms.

Agent Longman had kept reasonably quiet through all this, looking across to Agent Bryan then back to Deputy Director Simms, she placed the folders down on the office desk, and spoke.

“It would seem Deputy Simms has been successful in keeping me alive, for which I am grateful; as I see it we have very few choices, either they are successful in carrying out their operation, or they are led to believe they have successfully carried it out. Alternatively, I go underground and stay hidden until this is all over. In truth I do not like that idea, as it could be months or even years before this is resolved.”

There was a moment’s silence in the room; it was Deputy Simms who eventually spoke first.

“I agree it would be impractical for you to stay hidden and we certainly don’t want them been successful. The only alternative is to let them believe they were successful, until then it would be for your own safety to keep a very low profile.”

John Dobson’s side of the operation had become fully operational; it was the early hours of the morning when Deputy Director Simms awoke to find he had company in his bedroom.

“Do not be alarmed we are not here to hurt you.”

Reaching across his bed Deputy Simms switched on a lamp, from where he lay he could see the door to the room was still locked from the inside, and that the bedroom windows were closed.

“How did you get in here and what is it you want with me?” he enquired. Deputy Director Simms was told to get dressed, then before his eyes the three men including himself were engulfed in a blue light that appeared to come through the bedroom ceiling. Within an instant the room was empty of its occupants, Simms found himself in a new location, and the area was very spacious, although its decor was made from material that he had never before seen.

“Tell me has this something to do with Agent Longman?” Simms enquired. His questions remained unanswered. It was only a matter of seconds before Deputy Simms found himself in yet another room. This time however, he was confronted by armed MP’s who escorted him into an office, he was then ask very politely to wait quietly.

He somehow knew it would do him no good to protest; whosoever it was that had brought him to this meeting, was in control of technology far in advance of anything he had ever seen before.

“Deputy Director Simms please accept my sincere apology in the method used to bring you to this meeting, it is imperative we speak, yet for your own safety it is important you have no knowledge of the location of this establishment and that no one else has knowledge of this meeting.”

Deputy Director Simms looked at the man who walked into the room, he recognized him immediately in been John Dobson.

“Tell me Mr. Dobson what gives you the right to abduct me from my home, and from where has this technology been obtained?”

John Dobson was momentarily surprised that Deputy Director Simms knew his identity.

“I must congratulate you on your intelligence, your section is apparently well informed, I have been forced to bring you here as I am aware of the threat made on Agent Longman, and I know you as well as Agent Bryan and Agent Longman to be trustworthy and truly uncompromised.”

He paused momentarily, took a sip of water and then continued talking.

“Also, if I am to convince you of my proposal, then it was imperative for you see at first hand, that I have the technology to enable it to work. Your Agent Longman is somewhat a hero among many of us; it would be such a waist if she or her partner Agent Bryan were to die.”

Deputy Director Simms took hold of the outstretched hand, as he had known of John Dobson’s involvement in extra-terrestrial investigation through the intelligence sections of the military and Federal sections of government.

“Tell me then Mr. Dobson, how are you able to help, and who informed you of the threat on Agent Longman’s life?”

“Let’s just say we both know a certain person who you recently had a conversation with, she is very concerned for her safety not only that, it was partly through her help that this very installation was funded.”

Deputy Director Simms knew immediately whom he was referring to.

“Are you saying this is a military instillation funded by our government?”

“Now you should know better than that Mr. Simms, this instillation does not officially exist, it would not be in the public interest to know of its existence, nor would we be in operation for long if certain other parties became aware of our operations or of our technology.”

Unknown to Simms, from a darkened smoke-filled corner in another room the entire process was been observed and recorded.

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