Chapter Chapter Ten.

Winston was recovering from the pain of the past few months, having seen his wife and child in those photographs, had took away his own desire for life.

What he was unaware of, was that Nelson was innocence of the crime, in his mind it was Nelson who was responsible, and Nelson whom himself one day would pay for what had been done to his family.

In truth in the back of Winston’s mind, he felt guilty for ever having taken on the case; his actions had inadvertently put his family at risk. His desire to die was now replaced with a desire for revenge; the driving force within him to stay alive was the knowledge that one day he intended to personally see Nelson begging for mercy before he killed him.

Judy arrived with her two Elder brothers; it was now 11am on a Tuesday morning. Winston had shown the doctors that he was now able to cope with everyday life, and they had decided to release him into the care of his family.

Judy had become attached to Winston, and since her sister’s death she had taken on the responsibility of caring for him, what she had not taken into account was the way her feelings had changed, from one of concern to that of love, and by the time they arrived back at the house it was 2 pm in the afternoon.

Cathy had a half day, and on returning to her home, John had left a message, “Cathy, Dad ’phoned, he sends his love, and he say’s remember all those child hood stories, well they are true. Also, he said that he shall be away for some time, and to take care of your husband and my home for me, talk with you again, love Dad.”

Cathy reviewed the message, before she realized the meaning from within, Dad was now back to working with another Alien Craft, she also realized it would therefore be some time before he would be able to return home. She had grown up close to her father, yet the nature of his work, had at times interfered with the normal family relationships.

Cathy had become accustomed to the long periods of his absence, knowing it involved a level of work that was of the highest level of security. However, John returned home some forty minutes later, Cathy had realized he was counselling and was unsure when he would be finished.

“Hi, how was your day?” enquired Cathy as she greeted her husband.

Cathy put down the Ensign magazine, looking across to John as he made his way into the kitchen,

“You look cold; do you want a warm drink?” she asked.

John smiled,

“No but I could do with a shower and a change of clothing.” He replied.

Cathy walked over and embraced him;

“Do you want to shower alone?” She tantalizingly asked him.

The smile on his face told a story of its own.

“Well it would be nice to have someone to wash my back.” He replied.

Before they made their way to the bathroom, John took out a small package from his attaché case; handing it over to Cathy, he knew she would be like a child wondering what hidden treasures were to be found within.

Lord Goodwood viewed the e-mail message left in his computer’s mailbox. Momentarily he was taken aback by the news of Alex Shatner’s death. It had not yet been made public knowledge, as the police had wanted to inform his next of kin.

He knew this was now a serious problem, as it was Shatner who had given the instructions to have Agent Longman and Agent Bryan killed. What he was unsure of was the nature of his death and of whom it was that had left him the e-mail message.

Placing down his pipe lord Goodwood walked across his study and unlocked a drawer in his desk, there before him lay a Browning 9 mill handgun. Once he had checked the clip was full he put the gun inside his jacket pocket, he knew something was wrong. Picking up his phone, he called Adrian; it was some seconds before Adrian answered.

“Adrian here”

There was a moment’s pause while Lord Goodwood collected his thoughts.

“Adrian it’s Goodwood, have you heard the news regarding Alex Shatner?”

Adrian could sense from the tone of his voice that it was not good news. “No… why what has happened?”

“He’s bloody dead, and someone left me an e-mail message, it was simply signed the Fly.”

Adrian sat down; the news had taken him by surprise.

“I have no idea who the Fly is; do you think this could be some kind of prank?”

Adrian had regained his composure,

“No…no I have no idea myself, have you asked Peter?”

“No, I have not heard from him in a couple of days.”

A member of the Lounge staff interrupted him.

“Excuse me Sir; there is a Miss Longman here to see you”

“I have to go now that bloody FBI Agent Longman is here wanting to talk with me.”

Lord Goodwood put the phone down, he was under the impression Nelson had been instructed to deal with her. Sitting down he pulled the keyboard of his computer towards him, and then accessing the e-mail address box for Nelson, he sent him a message.

Sir Peter was not dead, and he was tired, the room was dark and the cords that bound his wrists together were tight. He was unable to call out due to the parcel tape, which was across his mouth; it also made it difficult for him to breathe. He had no idea where he was being held; only that it had taken a matter of seconds for Nelson to render him unconscious.

The room was dark and cold, and it smelled of damp. His arms were suspended above his head; and the rope which held his naked body secure was designed to suspend him just above the tips of his toes.

As he tried to move his arms he found himself turning around, and there before him against the far wall was a lit candle, its light flickered revealing outlines of coffins. Sir Peter looked in horror as he realized he was imprisoned in some kind of crypt.

A rat scuttled across the floor, and then stopped to investigate the bare feet which were suspended in the air, as it tried to nibble at Sir Peters feet, he desperately tried to scream, and the more violently he moved his body the more the rope cut deep into his skin.

He was totally helpless, and unable to defend himself. He had a fear of dark places, also rats had never amused him, nor had he any desire to end his days as a free meal.

Two lads playing truant from school discovered Sir Peters black BMW immersed in the lake at Black Park. Agent Bryan stood by as the police diving squad investigated the car for any bodies, once the vehicle had been securely fastened to the recovery vehicle, it was slowly dragged onto dry land. Agent Longman walked over to Agent Bryan.

“Well I think we know whom that one belongs to?”

Agent Longman never answered; she just looked on as the vehicle was finally drained of the stagnant water. A constable brought over an attaché case, which was recovered from the back seat, it had been securely encased in a clear view plastic water tight bag.

What concerned Agent Longman more was the clear bag that contained Sir Peters clothing, including his wallet, diary and mobile phone. The divers spent another two days searching the lake for the body that was not to be found.

Agent Longman browsed the diary with interest; it had revealed much that could be used in the search to bring the ringleaders of the abduction ring to justice. There were also some photographs found in the attaché case, which showed Sir Peter with Alex Shatner, lord Goodwood and Adrian together sitting on a bed, all were naked, and just behind them was a child lying on the bed with its back to the camera.

Agent Longman knew that it was not enough to hold them on charges, as the child was unidentifiable. It was however, a start, yet she needed more to ensure that she could arrest them. Agent Bryan brought in a package delivered to the FBI office.

“This was delivered this morning, it arrived with the mailman.”

Longman reached across her desk taking hold of the package, and she could feel that it was possibly a cassette. On opening the package, she pulled out a letter wrapped around an old fashion tape cassette.

“Becky, I hope you enjoyed the Photographs, I have enclosed something I feel you should hear.”

Agent Longman listened to the recorded message of Sir Peter talking with Lord Goodwood. It revealed that a contract had been placed on her life and that of Agent Bryan’s.

“It would seem we have a friend,”

Said Agent Longman, Bryan bit into his lower lip.

“I don’t know if it is a friend or someone seeking revenge, it could be that Sir Peter and Lord Goodwood are being set up. Mind you I’m not going to take this warning lightly” replied agent Longman, “we need to get this information to him upstairs, and quickly” Longman replied.

Pitney’s recovery was set back considerably, as the inhaled gas had reacted with his medication, and his lungs were now apparently irretrievably damaged.

The nurses who were caring for him, had fortunately recovered, and with no long-lasting damage to their health. Pitney lay on his bed, his mobility was now a considerable problem, it was even painful to breathe, and his legs were still paralyzed, which was still due to the earlier injury in his spine. Agent Longman walked over to his bed,

“You look like death; it would seem I was right when I told you, it was not your turn to die yet,” stated Longman.

Pitney never moved he simply lay there, he was living in his own private hell; he had wanted to die more than anything, and each new day brought its own trials, the images of the children were imprinted in his mind, and their eyes seemed to haunt him in the day as well as at night. He could hear their screams as he had prepared them for the aliens, so they could experiment on them; his reward had been the use of children they no longer required.

Now he knew death was the only way of escaping the agony of each new day. Agent Longman took out the photographs of Adrian and Lord Goodwood, she held it where Pitney could not help but see it.

“I thought you told me Adrian didn’t become involved with children.”

Pitney closed his eyes trying to shut out the images before him. Agent Longman threw the photographs on to his chest,

“Why did you lie to me, what pleasure did you get. Did it turn you on to think of me following a blind lead?”

Pitney lay there helpless unable to escape the barrage of questions,

“No…no you have it all wrong, I was there when that photograph was taken, and it was in Lord Goodwood’s home.

There had been a party, the child you can see in the background was there for the use of others, and as for Lord Goodwood and Alex, well, they are lovers.”

Agent Longman felt the revulsion inside her as Pitney continued to explain the events of that day. Her father’s old tape recorder clicked as it failed to shut itself off, she had been meaning to replace it, but never got around to finding the time.

Agent Longman switched it off. She finally had the evidence she needed to bring Adrian and Lord Goodwood to face trial for their crimes.

Pitney’s evidence combined with the surveillance evidence, and that recovered from various raids was enough to hold up in court.

Agent Longman’s only concern now was that Pitney stayed alive long enough to put these men into prison, once Longman had secured that, she cared little as to what happened next. Pitney was filth of the worst kind in her eyes, and she even felt unclean every time she was near him.

Unfortunately, the mercenaries from the safe house incident had unwittingly ingested a slow acting poison; it was never the intention of their paymasters to allow them to survive. Intelligence sources indicated that the men had been recruited from an area in Mexico known for its UFO activity.

Dobson kept himself informed from operatives throughout the world, it was however, a coded letter from a Russian acquaintance that concerned him. Dobson kept re-reading the letter, yet the message remained the same. It translated once deciphered.

“It is believed there is a double agent working with you in MI6.”

This caused Dobson a serious problem, he felt unable to report the matter neither with Commander Phillips nor to his colleague John Whitmore. Although he was certain, it could never be any of them, as he had known John for some thirty years, and Commander Phillips was under constant surveillance due to the nature of his work.

Dobson destroyed the letter, it was important that if there was an agent working undercover, that whosoever it was; that they were not tipped off by them finding and reading his mail.

The world governments had put themselves on its highest level of alert; it had now become evident to the various intelligence agencies, that the Aliens had over a period of many years, been slowly infiltrating their way into positions of power.

Dobson realized now more than ever before, that it was imperative to gain whatever knowledge he could from the craft that was before him. It was entirely possible that an attempt would be made to destroy it, along with all his research. He felt sure now that this is what had happened in the Russian experiment, when their research unit was destroyed by the Tesla wave.

Victor Smallnoff and his wife Anna were to be transferred to RAF Rudloe Manner, along with the captured Alien. Dobson had requested extra security measures to be put in place; he also installed some additional measures of his own, which were unknown to anyone else.

The Alien was placed into a secured room where it was kept under twenty-four-hour videoed surveillance, it was Victor who when given the opportunity to talk with Dobson alone, revealed the startling information, that he had learned how to operate some of the recovered instrumentation.

Placing down a triangular disk he showed John where to place his fingers, and to his amazement John found himself hearing the Aliens thoughts, it was a type of transfer of mental energies which formed a three-dimensional image in his mind.

The closest that he could come to describe it, was like looking at a colour TV picture inside his head. Victor Placed his hand over that of John’s, and the effect was to enable him to have a three-way conversation without any security devices over hearing what was said.

John listened intensively as Victor explained that the Alien had requested to be taken to him in Britain, also that the Russians believe that there were now alien agents working within the highest level of Government.

The Alien looked on, apparently not becoming involved; and for a time, it tried intensively to block out its thoughts; however, John sensed its fear. Later that day walking into the room where the Alien was contained, John kept the translator hidden beneath his jacket.

Looking at the Alien through the Armour-plated glass, he placed his fingers into the holes of the communicator, and the Alien was scared, it had been ill-treated and was feeling alone.

John did his best to communicate, and trying to express friendship; he constantly over a period of days used whatever time available to communicate with it

It was on the fifth day the Alien tired and now drained of energy, and it gave in to John’s constant wish to try and communicate. John had eventually convinced it, and that in another three days the agency had decided to operate on the alien, unless that was, that they found a way of communicating with it.

The Alien revealed its feelings and asks for food, which was to be found in the recovered craft. John gained the trust of the Alien, however he expressed to it his fear, in informing his superiors of his progress, until he could find out who were the agents working against him.

To date he was the only person authorized to enter the room unguarded or alone, although everything was under videoed surveillance, so no one else had the authority or security clearance to enter there.

John was directly accountable to Commander Phillips, and it was the Alien, who revealed to John how to use the device on others without their knowledge, what was important was physical contact.

It was Commander Phillips who John had decided to test the device on, leaving his left hand in his pocket he walked over to the Commander and shook her hand; it was like an explosion of knowledge in his head. He almost fell backwards as the multiple images flashed before him; it took him some seconds to compose himself, as he had not been prepared for the intensity of the experience.

“Sorry Sir, I momentarily lost my balance; I think I have been working too hard without enough rest.”

The Commander looked concerned, she had known Dobson for some years, he had a reputation for pushing himself to his very limits, and she was also aware that he was not becoming any younger.

“Tell me John, I hear you have been spending long periods with the Alien, have you learned anything, it would be one hell of a loss, if I have to hand him over for dissection?”

All this time John was processing the images that had swarmed into his head.

“Sir is it safe to talk in here?”

The Commander looked across to John;

“In what way do you mean safe?”

Dobson kept processing the information until he was satisfied the Commander was not a double agent.

“John are you all right, I just ask you a question?”

“Yes Sir… I apologize, I was deep in thought for a moment. Can we go for a walk and sit inside the recovered craft; I have something of importance to show you?”

John got up hoping the Commander would follow,

“Please Sir, I cannot talk in here, it is important, and I need to show you something.”

The Commander knew John well enough to know he meant what he said, the two then made their way into the room containing the craft. John ask all personnel to vacate for a security check, this was a normal procedure, which he carried out at regular intervals. As they sat inside the craft, John explained the reasons for the secrecy. Although annoyed the Commander realized the implications of what John had shown her, and for the reasons that Dobson had taken such measures.

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