Chapter Chapter Nine.

Agent Longman was pleased the events of the day were over, Pitney and the two nurses were now under the direct care of the military, it was too early to tell if they had any chance of recovery. Later that day agent Bryan walked with agent Longman across Calgary’s Salt Hill Park.

“Can you tell me anything?” enquired Bryan.

Agent Longman understood her colleague’s request, yet she knew herself of the warning given, and that it was not to be taken lightly.

“Not really, it would seem whoever they were, failed in whatever their mission was; in truth they frightened the life out of me, and I am glad to be here talking with you rather than pushing up some daisies in years to come,” came her reply.

Bryan could see she was visibly unnerved by the incident, yet he felt he had a right to ask such questions. Agent Longman stopped, and then sat to watch a couple that were playing tennis.

“I’m sorry Bryan, I did not mean to be rude, I just…well let’s just say I am concerned that after all of our efforts we seem to be getting no closer, and I honestly also fear we may well lose Pitney.”

Agent Longman offered a mint to her colleague,


“That’s an interesting thought; I have not heard from Cathy’s sister, I have been meaning to ask how she and her son are doing.”

Agent Bryan never really was that close to them; however, he realized the value that Agent Longman placed on that family’s friendship.

“You never did tell me where her husband is,”

Agent Longman paused before she answered,

“I know, as it’s kind of a delicate subject, you see he is serving time for handling stolen goods in France.”

“Was he guilty?” enquired Bryan.

Longman breathed in deeply, held her breath, and then exhaled.

“The evidence did indicate as such, however he swears blind he never knew anything about the items found in his car. It is possible they were planted, however, it was impossible to say if he was or not guilty, so he is serving five years.”

Agent Bryan nodded his head,

“That’s a bit tough if he was innocent,”

“Well I have known the family for some time, and I can honest say he was no saint, but he was also no thief neither. I do not think he was honestly aware of what had been placed into his boot, and his wife took it very badly, and she virtually went to pieces. They had a mortgage to pay and a child to bring up; his money was no longer coming in. They sold the car, but it still left his wife with a young child and no one to financially support them.”

Bryan listened as his partner continued talking.

“Welfare would have stepped in and have taken the child if her father had not returned from his posting. Cathy had wanted to look after the child, but her sister would not allow it, I believe she went to live with her father, and from there she found it easier to cope and everything appeared to have been going real fine.”

“Do they still have their house?”

“Yes, from what I know of it, everything sort of went quiet after that, I never saw that much of her, now as you know she is apparently with her husband’s family somewhere abroad,” replied agent Longman

“Do you happen to know when her husband is due out?” enquired Bryan.

“Yes… he has another two months to go, I do hope the marriage has held, he is really a nice person, and an ex-marine, he was even awarded with a medal for bravery. He saved an officers life and that of three other soldiers out in the second Falkland war, this all came up in the trial but alas it did no good, it was thought that some stupid politician wanted to get back at the US, and he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time,” answered Longman.

That night Agent Longman sat by the kitchen table, this was the first time in her entire working life that she could honestly say she felt like chucking everything in.

Agent Longman reached over, and switched the radio off, and then just sat there. Her coffee had gone cold, and the evening news paper lay on the table unread, the clothes she was wearing from yesterday remained unchanged, and a folder partly opened was laying on the table, she just sat there looking at the documents and wondering what it would take to close the case. In truth, as it was for the moment, she just sat there not knowing what to do or at that, even caring.

It was 06.45 am when the alarm awoke her; and it was with a shudder that she realized that she had been in the chair for the night. As she stood up her aching body complained bitterly, slowly she made her way up the stairs into the bedroom and switched off the alarm.

Dobson stood momentarily to one side; as the officer was marched into his office.

“Soldier it was brought to my attention, that you are one bloody nasty piece of shit, and not fit to even wear that uniform.”

As he was speaking he ripped the ranks from the officer and removed the fire arm.

“From intelligence gathered, it has been decided that you are too be stripped of all rank, and you shall be administered an injection of prolab-three, which in case if you are unaware of its function. It will strip your mind of any memories, so you cannot divulge any form of secrets.”

He paused just looking at the person standing before him, and he noticed his trousers left leg was becoming wet.

“Yes, if I was you I guess I would also be pissing my pants, as you are a worthless piece of shit, and a disgrace to your uniform, you shall remain in the custody of Colchester correction facilities until you die.” At that he ordered the soldiers to escort the ex-officer away.

The alien crafts before him fascinated him and he felt in some way like a child with a new toy. The civilization responsible for its design, had to his knowledge not proved violent, yet here before him was what looked very much like a military fighter, and with an incredible futuristic design.

What had troubled Dobson and others, was the very fact that video footage shot from F16’s and other military crafts, had shown that such alien crafts had been appearing in regular quantities across the world. Their ability to outmanoeuvre our military jets was well known; and their stealth qualities were far advanced to what was in normal use.

The reports of them suddenly appearing over military installations suspended in the air, and with no visible means of propulsion was in itself a military threat, there were now even reports of clusters appearing in the North Sea near Iceland.

Fishing boats were constantly calling in after seen immense black triangular crafts emerging out of the water. The Skippers could see them simply hovering some yards in front of them, yet there were no indication of these crafts showing up on their Radar. Civilian pilots constantly had to change course, as these crafts appeared from nowhere.

F16’s repeatedly gave chase, only to find themselves totally out maneuverer, and in some cases the crafts simply appeared to vanish into thin air. On one occasion, it was reported that four F16’s had accidentally stumbled on a single black triangle craft; it was some three hundred meters in length. Instead of moving away, it stayed exactly where it was, and then each F16 found small orange and red pulsating balls of light, the size of a football, had confronted them.

These probe like objects, simply outmanoeuvred and ran rings around the F16’s, and causing havoc with their electrics, and forcing them to retreat. Now Dobson found he had the responsibility along with others, to reverse engineer this alien craft, detailing in depth the technology required to reproduce such vehicles for our military use.

Inside the craft Dobson sat looking through the pilot’s window, he had noted before that they never use conventional glass, but a polymer, and that had the strength of steel, and yet was totally transparent and lighter than anything we had on earth.

What struck Dobson immediately was the layout, as the craft was designed for war, he recognized some of the instruments from earlier dismantled crafts, however, the propulsion system was different, and also according to the Russians it operated a type of laser defence system, which had cost them their research centre.

Video footage showed one of their scientists dismantling a section from another recovered craft. When they came to one section, something had engaged within the unit, and there was a bright flash of light, which took out two thirds of the research unit.

Dobson felt it could well be an advanced version of Tesla Wave technology, where longitude solar EM waves are used as a repelling force on the atomic nucleus, one very deadly death ray. He was aware that the Russian University’s actually teach basic Tesla principles in their curricula.

If this was an advanced form of Tesla Wave, Dobson felt sure he would be able to reconstruct it, another area Dobson wanted to investigate, also in the apparent anti-gravity unit; as he had developed such units from the three earlier crafts.

According to the Russians, the unit used in this craft was again an advanced unit incorporating that technology. However, Dobson knew it could take many months to detail all components; he needed to have accurate records made in triplicate and giving precise details of the entire craft.

It was this precise method of working that had enabled the military to build the new design of craft, and having incorporated into it, much of the recovered alien technology. For now, he realized as urgent as it evidently was, he needed to proceed with considerable care.

Nelson lay back in his chair, he had his feet up against a coffee table, as he read the new coded orders received from MI6, he carefully held the paper and lit it with a cigarette lighter. It was only ever for his eyes, he was glad of one thing; as Dobson had proved a worthy opponent; and it pleased him to know Dobson finally realized he was on their side.

In truth he had not felt that safe knowing Dobson was at any given time, nearby, and possibly could have been able to have broken his security and have found him.

His reports were often late due to the very nature of his undercover work, reaching over to his jacket he took out his mobile phone, as he flipped it open it stopped its tone. He preferred the older technology as it was more difficult for agencies to track his movements.

“Yes…who am I talking to?” he enquired.

There was a moment’s silence; not many people had his mobile number, which meant it was back to business.

“Nelson…it is Peter, I need to talk with you, can you meet me in say two hours?”

Nelson looked at his watch,

“No, I’m not that close, however I can meet you at Temple station in say three hours, the same place we have met in before.”

It was in fact a lie; Nelson was now residing near the station. The Shire horse was there usual meeting place, however Nelson had just received orders to use the Temple coffee house as a meeting place, as central had set it up for future surveillance. ‘It would seem the net is tightening,’ he thought to himself.

Three hours later, Sir Peter parked his BMW and then looked around, ensuring he was safe, and then walked over to wait at the agreed meeting place.

“You’re early,” said Nelson.

Sir Peter looked around to see whom it was that was talking to him.

“Oh, there you are, listen let’s walk, and I need to talk over some things with you.”

Nelson shook his hand, ensuring that the surveillance camera has the pictures that they needed.

“There’s a good coffee bar over there, I could do with some breakfast”

Sir Peter and Nelson made their way across the station floor and entered a newly opened coffee shop. Sitting at one of the tables, Sir Peter opened his attaché case and pulled out a folder.

“I have received direct orders from Holland, they need Pitney taken out of the picture, and no mistakes or your contract with us will be in jeopardy, do you understand?”

That was a mistake, as Nelson never said a word, and he reached over looked at the file then raised his head to look Sir Peter straight in the eyes.

“I do not take kindly too been threatened, and if you or anyone else ever does it again, then you had better think twice before you walk out alone, even if I am not around, I have associates who from this moment will ensure, that you and anyone else I name will not live longer than two days after they receive word.”

Sir Peter looked uncomfortable,

“I…I am just passing on information, you know it is not me who pulls the final strings,”

Nelson looked deep into his eyes without blinking, the mug in his hand suddenly shattered into pieces, and the blood trickled across the table. Yet Nelson never moved his eyes, until Sir Peter moved his face to one side.

“Yes, well I would say you mean business,” stated Peter.

Nelson picked up the file,

“Oh, there is just one other thing, we are prepared to pay an extra Fifty thousand into an account of your choice if you are able to do away with this Agent Longman and her side kick Agent Bryan.”

Nelson raised his head and looked into his eyes.

“Why have they been getting to close?”

Sir Peter was unsure if Nelson was serious, as he had unnerved him.

“Yes…it would seem she has been asking too many questions, and we feel it will not be long before she puts everything together, that could certainly put Adrian, me and Lord...”

His words were drowned out by an announcement over the station tannoy.

“Just make it look like a car accident, nothing to dramatic,” ordered Sir Peter.

Nelson stood up, picked up the folder, and then looking at Sir Peter, and he put his hand into his pocket, Sir Peter felt a bolt of fear running through him, he was unsure if he was about to produce a gun, pulling out a handkerchief Nelson wiped away the blood. Then reached over and shook Sir Peter’s hand, droplets of sweat fell onto the table from Sir Peter’s forehead.

Nelson was pleased; the surveillance teams had been able to record as well as film the entire conversation. As he walked away, he knew Sir Peter would be running the events of the meeting over in his mind and trying to re-assure himself that he had carried out his orders.

MI6 had used the opportunity to place surveillance equipment in the car phone and a miniature audio recorder and camera inside one of the back speakers. As Sir Peter entered onto a Highway and headed back towards the Vancouver exit, he lifted the receiver to his car-phone, and it was not long before he was talking to Lord Goodwood.

“Richard…its Peter, the meeting went as planned, although that Bloody Nelson scares me, I’m not sure it was a good idea using someone as unstable as him. Once this is over it would be a good idea to terminate him.”

Lord Goodwood inhaled from his pipe and paused for a few seconds and then breathed out.

“You let me worry about Nelson, he is good at his work and reliable, now as long as you gave him the file, then we can be certain the problem will be taken care of. If for some reason they escape or survive then we will know it’s time to terminate Nelson as well.”

Sir Peter heard the phone been put down, he hated been spoken down to, yet Lord Goodwood had far more influence than he knew he could ever muster. Placing his phone down, and he then continued his drive home.

As he left the Highway he glanced in his mirror, to ensure no one had followed him, he had decided to call into the Mall before going home. Later driving through Wexham, he passed the hospital and took the next turning. He had not gone more than a few hundred yards when he heard an explosion and felt his car swerve to one side.

Stopping the car, he got out, one of the cars front wheels was totally flat, what he had not seen was Nelson some yards to his left with a high velocity rifle. As Sir Peter opened his boot, Nelson walked up behind him.

“Do you need any help?”

Sir Peter turned around at the sudden sound of someone’s voice. He dropped a glove as he realized whom it was standing before him.

Nelson quietly spoke, “I told you once before what I would do to you if you ever threatened me again,”

Nelson held in his hand a digital tape recorder; he replayed a recording of Sir Peter’s conversation with Lord Goodwood. Sir Peter fell to his knees; Nelson looked around making sure that they were still alone.

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