Chapter Chapter Six.

Winston was still finding life to painful, as he felt his entire world had been taken away at the abduction of his family, and in his mind he blamed George Nelson, and all he wanted now was revenge, furthermore he needed to know how Nelson had identified him as having been responsible for rescuing the child from who he thought was an alien agent named Pitney’s.

Placing the flowers by the temporary head stone, Winston just stood there looking into a memory of the past, seemly unaware of any time, or of his surroundings. Judy, Angela’s younger sister walked over to him, taking hold of his hand she tried to take his mind into the present.

“Hay there…if you don’t move soon you will grow roots,”

Winston had always loved his wife’s family, including Angela’s aging parents, and her three younger sisters, their two older brothers and numerous cousins.

“Come on Win, you have to find the strength to move on.”

Tears temporally blinded his eyes; Judy extended an arm around his side, trying to comfort him.

“We all miss them.”

The journey back home seemed an eternity; Judy, Frank and Doug, two of his wife’s brothers, had accompanied Winston in going back into the house for the first time since the abduction.

It was something Winston had feared, the rooms were exactly as they had left everything, with toys needing to be put away, Angela’s had left her night gown on the bed, and her perfume reminded Winston of the romantic times that they had together.

It took all of Winston’s courage and strength to face everything, it was a true blessing to have had family there to help him, yet they themselves were going through pain of their own.

Judy had picked up some mail on her way into the house, and on looking through it; she put aside all the letters that were addressed to Angela, knowing it would be best that Winston opened them another day.

There was only one letter addressed to Winston, Judy handed it over to him, and at first, he put it aside, and just looked around the house, picking up various items, then placing them down again, later that evening, Winston remembered the letter. Opening it, he took out a letter and a group of photographs. As he looked at the photos, the letter fell from his hand; and he slumped to his knees and burst into a torrent of tears.

Frank walked over and took a photo from his hand, Winston was staring into open space, speechless, and the tears were flowing down his face. As Frank looked at the photos to see what they were, he saw the two naked bodies, both presumably having exited the shower, and just before they were so violently abducted from their home, the letter believed to be from Pitney, said, “just a little momentum.”

Dobson had given his excuse for leaving; knowing Cathy was in very good hands, and it was not difficult for the military satellites to lock onto the signal from John’s mobile phone, once the co-ordinates had been verified, Dobson had prearranged with his superiors to have a military task force on standby.

The signal was traced to an old industrial warehouse, and on-site recognizance had later verified that there were two armed individuals, both on the third floor; orders had been given to stand fast unless the hostage’s life was in danger.

Dobson had already spoken, to those who he knew personally on the task force, and they were fully aware of who was in that building, and the type of people they were possibly dealing with, so, it was decided to attack the building with a five-frontal assault.

Sharp shooters who were to be the first team and training their high velocity weapons on the two-armed individuals from an opposite building, the second team had the responsibility of securing the ground floor; the third team was to secure the roof. The fourth team was designated to enter the fifth floor through the windows and with the assistance of helicopters in stealth mode, their assignment was simple, to secure the safety of the hostage.

It was the responsibility of the fifth teams to co-ordinate the mission. John was found to be located moving his wheelchair in one of the adjoining offices, and out of curiosity he had decided to investigate the remaining rooms. There were two thuds heard, as the first team had believing the hostage life to have been in imminent danger.

Therefore, eliminating that source, the fourth team within seconds entered the building through the windows, John hearing the sound of glass breaking, looked behind him to see the source of the noise.

Before him, two armed soldiers were lying flat on the floor, guns in firing position, while another two soldiers followed through the window. Once the hostage was secured, it was the responsibility of the remaining teams to secure the premises. The entire operation was over in seconds and with the hostage been emergency air lifted to safety.

Agent Longman brought in the news to Cathy, after receiving a detailed account from Federal intelligence, Agent Longman looked across to Bryan,

“What I do not understand, is how they found the location so quickly,”

Agent Longman nodded.

“There is far more behind this than we are been told.”

Dobson on hearing the news came rushing in to talk with his Daughter,

“Cathy…Cathy have you heard the news?’”

“Yes dad, yes…God I thank you he is safe,”

They both looked at each other trying to take in the reality of the good news.

“Do you know when I will be able to see him?” asked Cathy, Dobson smiled,

“They have to debrief him first, however, I am sure he will be with you soon.”

Agent Longman walked over placing a hand on Cathy’s shoulder, she could see that Cathy was visibly very emotional. Cathy and John were both Beck’s personal friends, and she had been certain that Cathy would not see her husband alive again.

“I am lost for words; I really just don’t know what to say.”

Cathy hugged her friend Becky and her eyes were full of tears. As for Dobson, he rightly felt contented with the speed and reaction of his old colleague’s.

In the debriefing, John had given them all the relevant information, he had also commented that for whatever reason, that he felt George Nelson had wanted him to be rescued. Later that evening when the family was once again back together, John took the opportunity of talking to his Father in Law while Cathy was making a hot drink.

“I never informed the FBI with regards the phone link, your colleagues were so fast that I almost felt like asking them to do it again, as I missed it the first time.”

Dobson smiled, as he knew from personal experience how efficient and well trained they were.

“I thank you, dad, and this must sound silly, but I actually believe George wanted me rescued, he repeatedly told me that he had not wanted to abduct me, and that orders had come from a higher source.” Stated john.

Dobson nodded.

“I can tell you this, if he wanted you dead, he would have most certainly have gone through with it.”

Cathy walked in carrying a tray with two cups of Cocoa and a tea for her father.

“It’s like a dream; I cannot tell you how scared I was,” said Cathy.

For reasons of security, Dobson had moved Cathy and John out of their home, and they were now staying at, one of his personal homes. It was rarely used due to the nature of his work, and anyway he thought it felt good for the old building to be used once again as a family home, it was usually void of people other than the house staff.

He had acquired the building from his father, and he was himself in the service of Her Majesty and having earned the rank of a Major General before his death, and both his mother and father had eventually died in the house through old age, and they both had made it into their late eighty’s.

Dobson had kept the building with its original features; however, the old farmhouse also now hid a wealth of modern technology, which over the years had been expertly fitted and installed by Dobson.

“Tell me daddy, do you think they will ever catch this Nelson character?”

Dobson looked thoughtfully across to his daughter.

“It is a strange thing how war can affect a person, what I am telling you are officially classed as classified. It would seem this George Nelson was originally a decorated officer, commanding a crack Seal team.”

He had their full attention.

“One of his best friends had saved his life; and it would seem in the process he was shot in the back, with the bullet breaking his spine, Nelson had managed to scramble to cover. From there he eventually crawled back out, under the cover of darkness and dragged his friend to safety. However, it later turned out his friend would never walk again, and apparently George Nelson also lost four men in that mission, plus his best friend was partially paralyzed, and only to later learn that intelligence had deliberately sent them in as a decoy.”

Both Cathy and John were shocked.

“It is said from that moment, he turned into a different man, he always had a hatred of women, for what reason I don’t know, what I do know is had he wanted, then he could have killed John, and taken out most of the team that went in to rescue him. And as for the incendiary devices, they were real enough, it was just…they had been set in such a way that even an amateur could have seen them, and possibly even have disarmed them.”

Cathy looked on thoughtfully, however, it was John, who interrupted,

“I was telling dad before you came in, that somehow I think George was saving face, and that he made it look that he had obeyed orders, yet I was rescued by a crack force from the military, and for whatever reason I honestly think he spared my life.”

Dobson put down his mug of tea.

“I believe he will make a mistake one day, and that will cost him his life, I just pray that others are not lost in the process.”

Agent Bryan walked across the room and handed Agent Longman a folder.

“What is this?” she enquired.

Agent Bryan looked despondent,

“It is the last bit of military intelligence we are going to get; as my source was suddenly transferred to other duties. You can see from the enclosed documents that whoever is investigating this is a high-ranking officer with the SIB. Oh, remember that information you ask me to check on regarding Cathy’s dad, it would seem he is genuine, as he works for a section of the British Foreign Office; apparently, he is working on some sort of joint project. Anyway, it is more of a sedentary type job. If you were thinking he was your mysterious white knight, it would seem you were mistaken, any way he’s far too old for that sort of thing.”

Agent Longman thanked Bryan, and as he was walking away Agent Longman spoke,

“By the way Bryan, did you know he is only four years older than me, and almost the same age as Assistant Director Simms?”

That evening, Agent Longman again went over the gathered information, and she knew the answer to the identity of Pitney’s attempted assassination laid somewhere hidden among the various snippets of gathered intelligence.

The identity of the mysterious child was also still troubling her. Deep in her subconscious Agent Longman was sure she had met her redeemer or would be rescuer, this mysterious person, whosoever it was, had known how to deactivate whatever incendiary devices Nelson had left to guard her, and also, she knew that, with her it was different than John’s abduction.

Nelson had wanted John rescued, and she believed that was not a luxury that had been allowed to her. Whosoever it was who rescued her, must have had access to direct information, as he knew exactly where she was been kept, and whosoever it was, was also responsible for the rescue of those children earlier in France.

Then there was also the mysterious package left with the guards and giving details of the whereabouts of the children that Pitney had abducted.

That action in itself had saved many lives; it also had greatly reduced the risk of allowing certain people to have escaped the ever-enclosing net, as it was folding in on those involved in these unexplained abductions.

What still evaded Agent Longman were the very ring leaders; she knew in no way had she the evidence needed in bringing these people down, also she was sure that Sir Peter and Adrian were among those of whom she wanted.

However, it was also becoming evident, that there was another source, someone that had to date been untouchable. Someone who was possibly responsible in some way for the overall organization, picking up the phone, Agent Longman tapped in a number and then waited.

“Hallow...I am unable to take your call at the moment, please leave me your number and date, plus time of calling after the tone, Thank you.”

Agent Longman hesitated,

‘Damn’ She thought to herself as she put the phone down.

“I hate those damn things.”

Returning to her paper work, she could not help thinking of John, and of how the abductor had gone to all the trouble of setting up a safe house, placed incendiary devices, plus two armed guards to watch over him, and then vacated the area leaving others to suffer whatever fate awaited them.

Pitney had been the excuse for the abduction, whoever it was also had knowledge of Cathy’s involvement, possibly even of the location of the new safe house. It would have been quite easy to have followed Cathy knowing of her involvement, and if so, why had there not been an attempt to silence him sooner.

Could it be that whoever it was, has realized Pitney is able to identify him or her? If that was the case, they must have access to some form of inside information.

These thoughts continued troubling Agent Longman, and she realized whosoever it was, must then also have access to more personal information; it was Agent Bryan who broke Longman’s line of thought.

“Excuse me Becky, I know you said you did not want to be disturbed, it’s just you did say you wanted to know the moment I had any further information.”

Agent Longman looked across to Bryan.

It was a clammy day; Longman was tired and needed a shower.

“Yes…yes what is it?”

Agent Bryan handed Longman an envelope.

“It would seem we received this by courier yesterday, and it is addressed to you personally, and unfortunately the desk clerk put it to one side and forgot about it. In fairness he was very busy at the time.”

Agent Longman never heard Bryan’s mumbling, she was looking at the photographs that had been enclosed along with a short letter; agent Longman glanced over the letter reading it silently.

“Becky, these were taken three days ago, I thought you may be interested in them.”

That was it, no indication as to whom had sent them, or how it was that they had come into their possession. Agent Longman did gain one useful reference point, only ever her closes of friends called her Becky.

“Have you seen these?” asked Agent Longman, as she handed them over to Bryan.

“No…the envelope was addressed to you personally, I don’t believe anyone here has.”

Agent Bryan looked at the photos.

“Isn’t that Nelson, but who is he with?” he inquired.

Agent Longman took back one of the photographs,

“That my friend is Alex Goodwood, He is a multi-millionaire, and was an Admiral, that was until his Father died, from memory, the family made their money in shipping, he took on his father’s title and is now known as Lord Goodwood; what interests me is what he could possibly want with a man like Nelson.”

Agent Bryan glanced at the remaining three Photographs,

“Do you have any idea who took these?”

Agent Longman never answered, she was already trying to connect this Lord Goodwood with her investigation.

“Isn’t that Sir Peter?” enquired agent Bryan.

Agent Longman looked across at Bryan,

“No, it’s the Bloody President, of courses it’s Sir Peter. We were supposed to have him under observation, yet here is evidence that Sir Peter has at some time in the last few days been talking to this Nelson character. If these are recent, then some persons head will roll, why the heck were we not aware of this meeting.” She angrily asked.

Agent Bryan could see this entire case had upset her.

“What about these other people, do we have any idea who they may be?”

“At this moment, No, however I do intend to find out.”

The information supplied was certainly of use, yet it also made Agent Longman feel helpless. This whole investigation had shown breaches in security, and at time ineffectual investigative work.

Bryan knew Agent Longman was proud of her investigative skills, yet this entire case was compiled with error upon error, agent Longman handed the photos back to Bryan.

“I need to know who we had on observation duty at Sir Peter’s home three days ago, no…four days ago; I also want you to find out who these other people are. I shall have to find some way of explaining this to Assistant Director Simms, as tapping Sir Peters phone is one thing, placing this so called Lord Goodwood phone under surveillance is another.”

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