Chapter Chapter Seven.

Frank turned the car into the drive; looking across to Doug, he reached into the back seat and picked up a holder. Both men were themselves finding their sisters violent abduction difficult to deal with.

“Do you think this Mr. Dobson can help any?” enquired Frank.

Doug looked at his older brother,

“I hope at the very least he can do something, as Winston cannot take much more, if not, then let’s just hope he knows someone who we can turn to,” replied Doug.

As the two men left the car they noticed security camera’s following there every move, hesitantly they walked up to the front door, but before they were able to ring the doorbell, a voice was heard.

“Good morning gentlemen, can I help you?”

Doug gave a wry smile; and Frank looked at his younger brother knowing how he hated pretence.

“Yes, we have an appointment to speak with a Mr. Dobson,” explained Frank.

“One moment please.”

Moments later the doors electric lock opened.

“Please open the door and enter,” came the reply.

Both men walked into the hallway, and before they had taken four paces they could see another door before them, the mysterious voice spoke again,

“One moment please gentlemen,”

The door behind them closed, at that moment the second door opened, and a man sitting at a desk wearing a military MP uniform greeted them.

“I am sorry for the security gentlemen; however, it is necessary; please sit over there, and Mr. Dobson will see you shortly.”

As Frank sat down, Doug noticed even another camera in the far end of the room. “Gad what is this place, there’s bloody camera’s everywhere,” enquired Doug.

“It’s for your safety as well as ours,” answered Dobson.

Doug swung around, and there before him stood Dobson,

“Now please gentlemen would you follow me?”

Both Frank and Doug had not heard Dobson enter,

“Excuse me Sir for been inquisitive, but what is this place?” enquired Frank.

Dobson closed the door behind them as they walked into a smallish but cosy office.

“In good time, I agreed to see you as you mentioned that Winston is in need of help,” stated Dobson.

Frank reached into his pocket and removed the photographs.

“Winston was married to our sister, I believe you have some knowledge as to how she, well died. When we came home with Winston, Judy our sister collected the mail that was in the mailbox and later Winston opened a letter addressed to him; and this is what he saw.”

Dobson reached across the desk and took the package, and he quietly looked at the pictures and browsed through the note.

“Yes, the person Winston became involved with is apparently one very nasty character. Has Winston explained to you how he became involved?” asked Dobson

Frank looked at his brother; both shook their heads indicating no.

“Right, well what is it you want from me?” Dobson enquired.

“We would like to know if there is anything you can possibly do to help him, as he was getting over it until he received these damn photos.”

Dobson though for a while, and then picking up the phone he asked to be connected with a Doctor Evens,

“Judy, it is John Dobson here, it is reference that conversation I had with you regarding Winston Willis, have you given the matter any further thought?” he asked.

Frank and Doug strained to try and hear what was been said, Dobson put the phone down.

“Right…It would seem we can be of assistance to him, I will be in touch within the next two days. Is there anything else before you leave?” Dobson looked at them as he delivered this information.

Doug spoke up.

“Yes…if you don’t mind what actually is this place?” he enquired.

Dobson smiled; he knew whatever answer he chose to give them, it would hide the truth.

“This is a section of the British Civil Service; and we deal with matters relating to or with the Foreign Office,” replied Dobson.

Doug was too embarrassed to say that he did not understand, or at what he was talking about.

Both men got up shook Dodson’s hand and vacated the building, and as the car drove away, Dobson was standing at a window watching them. He felt very bad about having involving Winston, and he thought, had he had the opportunity, that he would have done things differently; as it was, he was unable to change the past.

‘The least that I can do now is to ensure Winston receives the best possible help’, he said to himself.

That evening Cathy and John had decided to retire early, ever since John’s kidnapping, neither had found the passion to make love, and it was not that they were not attracted with each other, it had just become too much for Cathy.

The shock and the thought of losing John, the tension, and stress had left her finding it difficult to relax. John had himself made no advances, as if uninterested, or simply trying to understand Cathy’s feelings, he had decided it better if he held back, and giving her the time, she needed to recover.

That evening John was in the shower, and was washing his hair, he heard the shower curtain been opened,

“Is there room in there for another?” enquired his wife.

John reached across towards the voice, the soap in his eyes was stinging, and feeling the towel which was wrapped around Cathy, he pulled at it.

“You bet, but I need this more than you at the moment,” stated John as the soap stung his eyes.

The towel fell from her body, as John dabbed his eyes, and he could sense her presence near him.

Cathy looked good at any time; just now thought John she probably looks fabulous. John pulled her hand towards him, and letting her sit on his lap, Cathy wriggled her body as the water ran off her hair, and John regained his sight, and then gently applied some Johnson’s PH5 Shower Gel and Moisturizer onto her body.

Cathy closed her eyes, feeling the softness of the lotion moving across her, as it tantalized her. John was well apt at such manoeuvres; he pulled his hands along her sides and over the curvature of her hips, and the water was not that hot as it flowed effortlessly off their bodies.

Turning around Cathy sat facing him, as her own hands started caressing John; the bottle of Moisturizer fell to the floor, and their lips met. The house that night looked down on its new inhabitants, and in its two hundred plus years it had seen the beginnings and endings of many a life, and tonight was going to be no exception.

The next morning as the sun shone through the east-facing window, Cathy could see the beam of light, showing particles of dust dancing in the air. Looking across to John, she could see the man that she had fell in love with, he had remarkable courage, the injury had taken a lot out of him, and leaving him dependent on an electric wheelchair for his mobility and personal needs.

Yet it had not stopped him, his resolve and determinations were evident, in the way that he refused to give in. He was a fighter, a person who thrived on a challenge; and also, their church had been a great help, to them both.

John was hoping to visit the temple again soon; Cathy remembered the Preston Temple in England was now open, and as the church played an important part in both of their lives; she only wished that her Dad would take more of an interest.

He was in no way unhelpful, or condemning in their belief, far from it. He knew of the family values of the Mormon faith, and of how they encouraged good righteous living.

For him it was more a case of not wanting to give up the occasional glass of Brandy, and the cups of tea. Strange she thought, he knows the church is true, and yet he refuses to, or finds it difficult to make such small sacrifices. John turned over facing Cathy,

“Hi…what are you thinking about?” he enquired

He had a smile on his face; Cathy suddenly felt a hand pulling her towards him,

“I don’t know about me, but I certainly know what’s on your mind.” She replied.

It was mid-morning before they both emerged back into the world of the living. Cathy pulled the note from the fridge door, Hi, I called in briefly last night to pick up some papers, you were all in bed, hope all is well, I am away for a few days, be in touch soon. Love Dad.

Agent Longman walked over to Pitney, he was now sitting up and using a wheelchair, his head wound had mostly healed, although it still required some remedial attention.

Pitney now also had the full use of his upper body; the injury to the lower spine had possibly happened in the fall, fortunately, there had been no recurrence of the harassment, from those who were now responsible in looking after him.

“Mr. Brown, it is good to see you, are you feeling better?” enquired agent Longman. Agent Longman pulled up a chair to sit next to him.

“I need to go over a few things with you, and we have been going over the evidence that you gave us, in addition, also that retrieved from your diary, and some other snippets of information that we have obtained.”

Pitney listened intensively.

“We have secured into custody most of those involved in the British and Canadian side of the operation, now we know Sir Peter, Adrian and possibly others are also involved, however, to date I do not have enough evidence to arrest them, and what little that I have, and a good Attorney would quickly destroy or discredit it all.”

Pitney breathed in deeply,

“I have no wish to question my involvement, what I did was wrong, and I realize that now. But I am unsure what else it is that I can give you,” replied Pitney

Agent Longman laid on to the table the photographs that she had received.

“You could possibly see if you can identify any of these people,” she asked him.

Pitney put on his glasses, and then picking up one of the Photo’s, he studied it carefully.

“That is Nelson, George Nelson, he is one very dangerous person, and I personally think he was responsible for the attempt on my life, and this person is Alex Shatner, He is a retired Merchant Banker, he lives somewhere in Gerald’s Cross in England, but these days, he spends much of his time here,” he replied.

Agent Bryan made notes,

“What do you think could be his involvement with Nelson?” enquired Longman.

“At a guess, one of two things, Nelson is either paying him a visit on behalf of someone blackmailing him, or he’s involved in some way with the abductions. If I remember correctly there was a rumour that some years back, of a banker becoming involved.” He replied.

“A rumour, what do you mean a rumour, wouldn’t’ you have known?” enquired agent Longman.

“No…That is not necessary the case, you see the system of identity was operated on the basis of a cell, and nearly everyone involved was only aware of up to eight members in a group. I knew more purely because of my involvement in the actual abduction, and the preparation process.”

He made it sound as if the children were not thought of as human, but only a commodity to be processed, and then sent on.

Agent Longman still found it difficult to handle her emotions, and she knew she could not afford to show her distaste, as it was important in every way to keep Pitney’s co-operation, it was through him and his evidence, which she hoped to eventually put most, if not all of these people away.

“What about the other people, can you identify any of them?” she enquired.

Pitney looked again at the Photographs,

“Well you know this person, that’s Sir Peter and that’s Adrian,” replied Pitney.

Agent Longman reached across and took the photograph from Pitney,

“Show me, which one did you say was Adrian,” she asked

Pitney pointed to a woman in the background. Agent Longman just stared at it; and it took some moments for the acquired knowledge to fully register, as Pitney continued talking.

“Yes, Adrian is not interested in children, he never has been, he is however very wealthy, a joint owner of Julienne’s and one very snazzy cross dresser, and he is, as I guess you can now see, a transvestite.”

He paused for a moment, and then continued talking. “Sir Peter is his Brother, if it was not for this he would never have agreed to allow Julienne’s to become involved in such things,” he stated.

Agent Longman was taken back, as she had in fact rather thought who ever that was, was rather good looking.

“As for the other two gentlemen, I cannot help you.” Stated Pitney.

Agent Longman took the rest of the photographs and put them back into her case.

“Thank you, you have been most helpful.”

She got up walked to the door, and then made her way across the hall and down into the basement security room. Using the fax, she sent the new information into the FBI operations room. She grinned as she could see in her mind, agent Bryan and some of the others, wondering what she meant by the woman actually been Adrian Snell.

Looking across at one of the security monitor, something had caught her attention from the corner of her eye, and in the distance beyond the trees, and the perimeter wall, was a glinting of light occasionally flashing, as the sun caught whatever was there.

“How do I operate the cameras?” Asked Agent Longman, the duty officer looked across,

“What is it that you would like to do Mam?” he inquired.

“Do you see in that monitor, there is an occasional flickering of light?”

Momentarily both sat looking into the screen,

“There, did you see that?” said agent Longman.

“Yes Mam,” replied the soldier.

Then reaching across the duty officer, turned a dial on one of the control units.

“This is the very latest in surveillance, I can not only view a flee on some rats back at a mile, I can also go into infra-red, and use other devices to not only see, but also hear whatever it is that is going on in that area.,” he stated.

Agent Longman was amazed at what she could see. In a patch of ground out of general view, was a car parked, and the two occupants were obviously unaware that they were under surveillance, the motion of the car’s rocking occasionally made the wing mirror catch the reflection of the sun.

“She is very well-endowed Mam” replied the soldier.

“Yes…well I think we both have better things to do than watch what’s going on out there,” replied the slightly embarrassed agent Longman.

As the Duty officer was about to refocus the surveillance camera, Agent Longman heard something on one of the listening devices, which had just been activated.

“Wait, did you hear that?” she asked.

Both listened very carefully,

“What do you make of that?” enquired agent Longman, as the noise returned.

The outside sensors had picked up an unexpected noise

“It sounded like multiple heavy footsteps” replied the soldier.

Quickly other sensors had now been activated, and Agent Longman looked across to the duty officer.

“Put that camera back onto the couple in the car; and have you any other devices in the immediate area?”

Just as Agent Longman had asked that question, one of the surveillance cameras automatically picked up a movement at the far end of the building.

“Damn I think we are under attack, quick sound the alarm,” She shouted.

“I don’t understand it Mam, that area has the same security system as us, and they should have been warned,” replied the stunned soldier.

Both quickly went into action, as if taken over by automatic reflexes.

“Shit…Oh sorry Mam, did you see that, I don’t know what that is they are carrying, but it looks as if it could stop a bloody tank. Look there is more of them over by the East Wing,” stated the agitated soldier.

The young controller was relatively inexperienced and was somewhat fluttered when security control systems had failed to respond. Agent Longman was amazed at the speed of the events, and as they were now unfolding.

“How secure is this building?” Inquired Agent Longman,

“It has been converted by the Military Mam, there are steel shutters on every Window, and the doors are reinforced, and each corridor is sectioned off in its own right. I would say like a strong fortress. We have fifteen minutes until reinforcements arrive, what we can see from here is also being relayed at this very moment via satellite to Military control. They will be fully conversant with whatever it is that is attacking us,” he replied.

Someone had over-ridden the East wings security system, leaving that section of the building unsecured and vulnerable to a hostile intrusion. It appeared teams of crack combat mercenaries were attempting to take control of that section of the building.

Their instructions were simple. Take control, and then hold off as long as possible. They were aware of the risks involved to them; they also realized the chances of escape were low, unless the operation went off exactly as planned.

“We have a problem Mam,” stated the soldier.

Agent Longman looked at the controller,

“For heaven’s sake stop calling me Mam, it makes me feel like your darn mother.”

She looked into the monitors covering another section of the old monastery; eight armed mercenaries had entered the building via unlocked security doors and leading to the center of the building.

“Why did those doors not automatically lock?”

Ask Agent Longman.

“They should have, they must have been sabotaged.”

Sweat was dripping from the young controller’s brow. Agent Longman took out a handgun from its holder, checking the magazine was full she looked back at the duty officer.

“What about our guest is he still safe?”

The duty officer looked at the section of monitors guarding Pitney.

“Yes Ma…sorry, he is in a section of the building that can only be accessed by those three doors. Each door is guarded by two armed agents, which section is away from any external rooms or windows and is also independently covered with its own supply of oxygen for any event of an emergency, this room is the only other room in this wing with those specifications.”

“What about the rest of this house is there other staff and nurses who will be in need of our help?”

“I am sorry Mam, whoever are responsible for this security breach, has prevented us from giving them an opportunity of reaching any real areas of safety.”

As they both watched the events as they were happening on the monitors, they felt powerless, as the remaining intruding task force had entered the building without a single shot having been fired.

“You do realize Mam that we are ourselves possibly trapped in here. It is an automatic safety measure; from here, I can control only our secured area. We can only open it after the hostility has been dealt with; your guest and the two nurses with him are unable to leave even if they had wanted. The same applies to the armed agents; they are unable to open the doors without my releasing these controls”

The mercenaries did exactly as had been requested of them, once the building was under their control, they cut power to the main entrances, and then re-secured the doors and windows, and incendiary devices were then installed at every entrance or exit.

“What are they doing Mam?”

Agent Longman looked at the controller, the cameras gave them a view of various operations taking place throughout the house.

“I am not truly sure, however I would hazard a guess, as they now have the building basically under their control, I guess it is their intention to hold the staff as hostages, and then wait until they receive further orders.”

“If what you say is right, then at a guess I would say they need central control to see some of the incendiary devices, showing them just how serious they are.”

Agents Longman caught another movement this time from a different set of monitors, which had appeared to switch themselves on.

“What is that?”

“It is another unit Mam; they have a guest of their own in the West wing,”

Agent Longman looked in amazement.

“Why was I not made aware of this?”

“For security reasons Mam, it is a need to know basis only.”

Longman could be seen to be visibly annoyed.

“Well I bloody need to know now, who the hell else have we got to worry about?” She was angry and unsettled by the events, which had just taken place.

“I am sorry Mam, at this moment I am not authorized to give you that information, I can tell you that they have exactly the same devices at their control as we do here, and that they are also independent of whatever happens in here.” He replied.

Agent Longman walked up and down the room, as pacing was something she always did when confronted with a serious situation.

“Can you tell if they are in need of assistance?” she asked.

“Yes Mam, their controller is actually watching us now, do you see that camera in the far corner, and he has access to everything we have?”

“Then why was I not able to see him when I came in?’’

“Security Mam…I switched off the screen as I saw you coming, as I said it is a need to know basis only.”

At that moment, Agent Longman’s mobile phone rang.

“Is it all right if I answer my own ’phone?”

The duty officer nodded.

“Agent Longman here,”

There was a brief moment of silence.

“Agent Longman…it is the Chief of security here, I have been monitoring what has been going on. I am now authorized to inform you, there are a High-ranking Russian diplomat in the West wing, also his wife and children, and two ministers from our government. Please do not ask me what they are doing here, as I am not yet authorized to tell you that. I am afraid I also have to warn you they will take preference over you if it comes to the crunch”

“Meaning?” asked agent Longman.

“Meaning they have priority over any other guests in the building, I should warn you that if it comes to it we will have to flood the building with Gas, to immobilize the intruders.” Replied the person speaking to her.

Agent Longman looked across to the Duty officer, he nodded.

“What if they have come prepared, it is evident that they did have inside help and knowledge?”

There was a moment of silence;

“Yes, there is that to consider.”

Agent Longman put her phone away,

“Damn, damn it, why is it always proving so difficult to close this bloody case?”

“I’m sorry Mam.”

Agent Longman waved her hand,

“No, no sorry I was not talking to you, I have a habit of talking to myself. Tell me, can the power be cut off to the secure rooms,” she enquired.

’No Mam but what they can”

At that moment, most of the screens went blank.

“I was about to say, what they can do is cut the power supply to most internal and external monitors, we only have the monitors covering the secure areas now Mam. There is one thought Mam, it could be possible they are not here for your guest,”

Agent Longman gave the idea a moment’s thought,

“Well whoever it is they are after, we are now involved,” she replied.

John had been trawling his way through the Internet, when he came across an article referring to UFOs, and knowing of his father-in-law’s interest he browsed through the web pages, and to his amazement some of the articles were compelling reading.

Parts had even accompanied by short video footage of sighted and unidentified crafts flying over Mexico. There were also reported sightings from across the world. The more he read, the more he wanted to know.

“Cathy can you spare a few moments?”

Cathy put down her book and walked over to where John was working,

“What is it my love?”

John showed her the article about the sightings in Mexico accompanied by the video footage.

“Do you think it is real?”

Cathy looked at John,

“Dad seems to think it is, he was telling me about all sorts of sightings, and about recovered Alien crafts, and of military involvement. He claims the World governments are aware of the situation and are even working with some of them. As for myself, I don’t really know, but I do know that I think dad was telling the truth.”

John decided to down load whatever he could for Dobson to read later. It had kindled a small flame inside him,

“Do you know I think I may use some of my spare time researching into this phenomenon of so called extra-terrestrial intelligence?”

There was a knock on the door,

“It’s only me, is it all right to come in?”

Cathy smiled at the sound of her father’s voice,

“Don’t be silly dad; you don’t need permission to come into your own home.”

As Dobson walked in they both could see he was carrying some parcels, Cathy rushed over.

“Let me help you with those,”

Taking the packages, she placed them on the table.

“What’s this, doing your Christmas shopping early?”

Dobson looked across at John.

“No…as it happens they are for both of you. It is your anniversary in a few days; and it is also very possible that I may be away on business, so I decided to give them to you early.”

Cathy immediately had the little girl in her, as if a child all excited-on Christmas morning. Dobson reached over giving one of the presents to Cathy.

“This one is to both of you,” he said while smiling at his beloved daughter.

Cathy held out her hands she could feel her heart beating faster, quickly she sat next to John and opened the package. It was a solid silver cutlery set,

“Wow…I don’t know what to say, this is fabulous,”

John realized it must have cost a considerable sum.

“The remaining two packages are also for you both, one each,”

Cathy looked at the labels then passed one over to John. As he opened it Cathy could see his face change from been curious to one of a broad smile.

“Dad…how did you know I wanted one of these?”

Dobson looked across at them both,

“It was more a hunch than anything else, I overheard you one evening talking to Cathy, and you mentioned then how much you missed your computer while been here. Although I had given you permission to use one of mine, I know myself what’s it like not having yours to hand.”

John opened the new high-end Dell Area 51 Alien brand laptop; and it was amazingly light yet had every possible bit of hardware that he would ever need.

“Thank you, dad, thank you.”

Cathy picked up her package, it was by far smaller than johns yet beautifully wrapped, as she undid the wrapping paper a tear trickled from her eye, she seemed to know what it was before she opened the box.

As a child her father had shown her it many times, promising that one day it would be passed on to her, and on opening the lid, revealed a beautiful glittering diamond necklace.

“Your grandmother’s mother wore that, she received it as a gift from her husbands’ mother, it was originally made for royalty.”

Cathy had heard the story hundreds of times as a child; and she remembered her mother used to wear it going to gala evening or posh receptions for visiting royalty.

Placing it up against her neck she walked to the mirror to see what it looked like, “Thank you daddy, thank you,”

Dobson could still see the child in her, yet as he saw her reflection in the mirror, he could not help seeing a glimmer of her mother, and this brought back memories of his deep and ever ending love, which he had had for his wife, and before she had so unexpectedly of been killed. Now all he had was memories, which he truly treasured.

‘Oh, how I miss her’ He thought to himself,

“John, I trust you don’t mind but I took the liberty of calling into your home. I down loaded all your information from that heavy old desktop into the new system; you will be able to work from here as if in your own home.”

Fortunately, as the old farmhouse had been partly converted to accommodate Cathy’s mum before she died; as she had suffered a stroke and had needed a wheelchair for her mobility; John took a breath in as the shock of such expensive gifts registered.

“I do not really know what else to say, other than thanks, these are truly magnificent gifts dad.”

In the back of Dodson’s mind, he knew there was the strong possibility of his personal safety been in serious danger, and this case had revealed unexpected connections with senior agents and even high-ranking diplomats, the sort of persons who take serious measures to conceal their identities and protect their interest.

It was 02.47 am when Dobson received a priority one call; his mobile phone had indicated P/1 call incoming. Dobson knew the proceeded all too well; and as he was alone he sat in the office chair of his private study to await the call. Six minutes later, he picked up his mobile phone.

“Dobson here,”

“John…it would seem a military safe house has been taken over by mercenaries, and from what intelligence has been able to tell us, the terrorists are extremely well armed, possibly even with Sam missiles. There is a Mr. Pitney Brown been looked after there, along with a senior Russian Diplomat and his family and two state ministers?”

Dobson interrupted,

“What is the Diplomat doing there?”

He knew he was security cleared to ask such questions.

“It would seem he has been negotiating with the Military regarding secret hardware recovered from a crashed UFO near Siberia.”

“I thought the Russians had denied that it happened?”

There was a moment’s pause.

“They did, however we tracked the incident ourselves by satellite, so did half the bloody worlds military, and it would seem Russia is desperate for cash, so, we have been offered a joint research program, mind you, you can bet the Americans will want to be in on the deal.”

Dobson realized the delicacy of the situation.

“Am I to presume you’re asking me to shelve the investigation, or are you requesting my assistance?” he enquired.

Dobson had been previously involved in Top Secret Military testing in crashed UFO technology for some previous years, and that was until the government had cut back on military funding and also closing project Sky Watch.

“We are asking for both, you do not have to drop your current investigation, just shelve it, we received faxed photos of the downed UFO some months ago, and it would seem it is of a different design to the three that you have previously worked on. It is also armed and has a new type of anti-gravity unit.” Replied his superior.

There was a slight pause.

“The Russians no longer have the equipment needed to reverse engineer this craft, they also believe that there is a definite and imminent threat to world security by these aliens.”

“Were there survivors?”

“Yes, three dead and two in custody, and one of them is been held in the safe house.”

“Was not that a bit risky?” asked Dobson.

“Not as much as you think, I know you are unaware of it, but that building has five sub levels, and the Alien is in the Highest Security unit, it would take a serious task force to break in.”

Dobson lifted a glass and took a sip of malt whisky.

“Do I hear a hint of concern in your voice?”

“Yes…it would seem from intelligence, that there has been an insider in operation, as security was breached with considerable ease, levels one and two have also been breached, and there is enough hardware and military research material in those levels alone to cause major concern.” he replied.

“How do you expect me to be of assistance?” asked Dobson.

It was some seconds before the person spoke.

“Fortunately, we took delivery of the said craft three days ago, and it is currently being held at a different location, however word was apparently out that it was still been held in the safe house. The ministers were…should we say holding on to the Russian and his family for reasons of security.”

“You don’t mean the bloody fools were thinking of back tracking now they had the craft in their possession?” stated Dobson.

There was another long silence from the caller.

“Let’s just say, they were being kept here for reasons of their own safety,”

Dobson realized control had, either got them-selves into some very deep water, or he was not being told everything, and that it was quite possible the Russians had sent in a crack recovery team.

Dobson did not really know what to make of it, as the held Russian and his family was undoubtedly a military scientist, possibly one of their best in the field of ufology.

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