Introspect [The Mating Games #3]

Chapter Day 1 Part 2


Why are they so noisy? His wolf grumbled, already not fond of the seven other wolves that they would be sharing an apartment with for the next eight days.

I don’t think they’re being especially noisy, Orion murmured as he stood up from the bed, moving to stretch his arms above his head. I think that we’ve just gotten used to living alone so we’re not accustomed to this much noise.

Maybe, but it’s still annoying.

I agree but there’s always that saying.

What saying?

If you can’t beat them, join them.

Count me out, his wolf snorted before retreating to the back of his mind, opting out of the wolf interaction that Orion was choosing to torture himself with.

As he would be living with these wolves for the next eight days, he wouldn’t be helping his case by making them feel that he believed himself to be superior to them. Especially when in all actuality, he just wasn’t a social person and much preferred his own company over anyone else’s. It didn’t help that he had been pushed into a somewhat isolated life for many, many years now – even when his mother was still alive.

“We were wondering when you would finally join us,” a voice sounded aloud from the group of seven that had gathered around the living room.

“Sorry,” Orion apologised in a quiet voice, not offering an explanation as he moved over to sit down in an empty spot.

“What’s your name, big man and what pack are you from?” the female closest to him asked, a curious expression on her face.

“Orion. Amarok.”

“Amarok?” one of the other wolves questioned, a Beta from what he could sense. “Is that one of the European packs?”

Orion merely nodded in response.

“Turkey?” the wolf from before asked, the curiosity shining clearly in his eyes.

“No, I think it’s Greece,” another wolf piped up – another Beta – as he turned to face him. “Greece, right?”

Another nod though this one was riddled with the urge to shift uncomfortably in hopes that the attention would shift away from him and onto one of the others.

You could be more friendly, you know?

I’m not being unfriendly, Orion said, his lips tugging down into a frown. But I don’t know these people.

I know, but it’s pretty comical to watch, his wolf chuckled.

You’re only saying that because you’re not the one having to go through it, he grumbled back to his wolf, not the least bit fond of being made fun of. Especially by his own wolf.

Fortunately for Orion, the attention was quick to leave him. Instead, it turned on the steward who walked into the apartment with a bright, friendly grin on his face.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Denver and I’ll be your steward for the remainder of your stay on the island. Anything that you need, I’m your man,” his lips tipped higher at the corners as he introduced himself. “Since we all know who I am, I’d love to get to you know you. Let’s start from the right,” he said, pointing right at Orion.

Clearing his throat at all eyes in the room once again on him, he said, “I’m Orion Kallis from the Amarok pack in Greece.”

A momentary silence filled the apartment as they all continued staring at him.

I think they’re expecting you to say a little more. Or at least say something which they don’t already know about you, his wolf told him, chuckling at how awkward and uncomfortable he knew his human was feeling right now.

I don’t have anything else to say.

“Okay, moving on,” Denver chuckled as he turned his attention to the woman that was sat closest to him.

Orion kept his head down but his ears peeled as the other seven took the chance to properly introduce themselves. Three of them were from the Blood Rose pack in England, two from the Imperial Thunder pack in Canada, one from the Grande Bestia pack in Italy and the last from the Baldur pack in Sweden.

Other than all of them being at least fifteen to twenty years younger than him, they also had the fact that they were warriors in common. A few years ago, Orion would have been in the same boat but not anymore.

It was not hidden from him that he was the oldest wolf in werewolf history to ever attend the Mating Games. While most found it interesting and peculiar, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Embarrassed and ashamed because he knew that having to wait this long was a punishment from the Moon Goddess herself.

A punishment which he truly deserved. Now, he just wondered whether he had truly been forgiven or if there was some catch.

The latter made him swallow in a mix of fear and dread, forced to swallow the hard lump in his throat. But before he could allow such fear dominate his thoughts, an authoritative voice forced him back into reality.

“If you could all be kind enough to open up the first app on the Hex Charm, you’ll find the rules and itinerary for the Mating Games,” Denver instructed as he returned to stand in front of everyone, having just finished handing out the last of the exclusive devices to everyone.

Glancing down, Orion blinked in surprise when he found what appeared to look like a state-of-the-art iPad in his hands, but far more superior. And that was only from first glance!

How Denver had managed to deliver this Hex Charm – something which he had heard about from other wolves but never thoughts he would be able to see or experience for himself – to him without him even noticing.

Quick to follow everyone else, Orion tapped the screen to bring the magical device to life.

The Mating Games will take place over the span of 8 short days, and all invitees must follow the following simple rules or behold the wrath of the Moon Goddess:

1.Wolves must partake in every task and for every task that is successfully completed, each wolf will be awarded a ribbon.

2.To successfully win the Mating Games, mates must earn 6 ribbons each from all of the tasks. Wolves that are unable to do so, will be put on trial in front of the Moon Goddess during the ceremony on the 8th and final day.

3.When not currently partaking in a task or unless with prior permission, wolves must stay in their hotel at all times where a strict curfew of midnight is applied to ensure the safety of all visiting wolves.

4.Wolves cannot have sex with or mate with a wolf that is not their mate until after the games have finished.

5.Mates that choose to reject each other will subject themselves to the wrath of the Moon Goddess and must endure whatever punishment that is granted upon them.

6.Sex between mates is permitted but there is to be no marking until the ceremony, have successfully won The Mating Games and they have gained the blessing of the Moon Goddess.

7.Any wolf or wolves found in violation of any of these rules will be subject to the wrath of the Moon Goddess during the ceremony.

8.In under no circumstances will the mistreatment of any wolves be permitted and every wolf involved in this will be subject to whatever punishment the Alpha King sees fit.

Well, the rules don’t seem that bad, Orion hummed to his wolf.

No, but I’m far more interested in the itinerary.

Agreeing with his wolf, Orion swiped along the screen and read over the eight tasks for the eight days.

Are you able to make sense of any of this? his wolf asked, still staring down at the screen with his large, beady eyes. Because none of this is making any sense to me.

Not really, he hummed back but before they could confuse themselves even more, Denver started speaking again.

“And if you all could open up the second app on the Hex Charm, you’ll find today’s task which is the compatibility test.”

With his mind momentarily drifting away from the itinerary which was still a mystery to him, Orion exited the app to open up the only other one on the device. It had loaded up completely without him even being able to take his finger off the screen and at that, his eyebrows shot up in surprise. Not only at the highly impressive speed, but rather the blaring title on the screen.

Seems like we’ve run into our first task, his wolf hummed in a low tone, glancing curiously down at the screen.

Orion didn’t say anything but nodded nonetheless. The moment Denver told them that this was the first task of the day, he shot up and began back toward his room so he could get started on the compatibility test.

Whatever happens, we can’t afford to fuck this up, his wolf warned him.

It’s a compatibility test. I don’t think we can possibly fuck this up, Orion said as he closed the door behind him and moved to take a seat behind the small desk in the room.

The steward said that if we weren’t more than 80% (??) compatible with our mate then we would fail the first task.

Okay, maybe this is more than just a compatibility test then, he sighed before tapping the screen and getting started on the first question.

1. What is your position in your pack?

Chef, Orion answered without needing to think too much about it.

Don’t say it like that, his wolf chastised him lightly. You’re much more than a chef. You used to be a warrior. That’s something that you should mention.

I’m not a warrior anymore.

But we do border patrol every night, his wolf insisted.

Chef, and I’m the head of border patrol, Orion amended his answer, moving onto the next few questions once his wolf was satisfied. Not happy, but satisfied enough to move on.

9. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

I haven’t achieved much in life but for the purpose of this question, I would say my job. Not only does my Alpha and pack trust me to help keep them safe every night, but they entrust me to keep them fed and well-looked after.

That’s a really sad answer, his wolf sighed but couldn’t bring himself to argue his human on this one.

17. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever struggled through?

Being alone, Orion began to answer but just like nearly every previous question, his wolf had something to say.

I know that the whole point of this task is to be honest, but don’t you think that you’re being too honest here?

No, he was quick to deny. I want us to truly be compatible with your mate, and not just put answers that we think could possibly get a higher score.

Yes, but I feel like we’re painting ourselves in a very negative light.

I’m just stating the truth, Orion shrugged. I’m not painting any sort of picture.

Instead of answering, his wolf sighed, allowing his human counterpart to proceed. Not that he stood a chance of winning this argument anyway. Especially not with how stubborn Orion could be.

The hardest thing that I’ve ever had to struggle through is being alone. I’m 42 and have still yet to meet my mate. I don’t have any siblings. For the longest time, it had just been my mother and I, and when she passed a few years ago, things just got so much more. Getting to my and not having a mate just alienated a wolf in a way that I couldn’t even begin to describe. So being alone in general is the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to struggle through; something which I’m still struggling with today. Hopefully, all of that will chance once I finally meet my mate.

25. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Everything, he typed and for once, his wolf didn’t have anything to comment.

33. What will make you a good mate?

I have a lot of love to offer, Orion typed.

And then so much more, his wolf added; the both of them in consensus on this answer.

41. What memory are you fond of most?

It’s been so long, he began but his wolf was not having any of that.

I’ve let you take the lead on all of these answers, but let me have this one, his wolf urged him, the authoritative, commanding tone seeping in.


His wolf dictated while he typed.

I haven’t had much to celebrate as of recent but my fondest memory would be all the time that I spent cooking in the pack kitchen with my mother. I was her sous chef and in return, she taught me everything that she knew, and then some more. I spent my whole childhood in that kitchen with my mother and the other cooks and if I could go back to those times, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

Orion may have only been halfway through the questions but for the first time in a very long time, he was hopeful. He was hopeful of a bright future, endless amounts of happiness but more than all of that, he was hopeful that he wouldn’t be forced to live the rest of his life in isolation.


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Layla Knight


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