Introspect [The Mating Games #3]

Chapter Day 1 Part 1


This was the day Wendell had been looking forward to for several years and now that it was finally here, he didn’t know how to act.

How was one expected to act on the first day of the renowned Mating Games?

Certainly not like you, his wolf snorted though Wendell didn’t miss the teasing tone in his voice. I think you’re overthinking all of this. You don’t need to worry this much.

That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the first one that she’s going to meet first.

Perhaps, but she’ll be both of our mates.

Wendell sighed and nodded as he continued packing his bag. Single because he would only be gone for eight days and at that, it would only be on the other side of the island. If he needed anything then he could always come back.

I’m not sure Bernie would be a fan of that, his wolf hummed, the amusement evident in his tone.

That’s only because he tried cheating during the Mating Games and failed.

And you think that we’d be able to get away with it.

At least better than him, Wendell grinned as he zipped closed his suitcase and left it next to the bed. He would return to collect it later but for now, it was time for his last breakfast with everyone for the next eight days.

Smiling politely at the few members of palace staff that were going about doing their job, he headed down the hallway to the dining hall at the end of it. Except, unlike most days, the doors opened before he could even reach them.

“Next time you’re here for breakfast, it’ll be with your mate,” Bryant grinned as he met him halfway down the hallway, stopping to give him a friendly pat on the back. “I’m really happy for you, Wendell. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, Bryant,” he grinned up at the former king and the man that was like a second father to him. “Will you not be joining us for breakfast this morning?”

“I’m taking my breakfast for the road,” the former king said, gesturing to where he was holding a mug of coffee in one hand and balancing a large croissant and a slice of buttered toast in the other. “With today being the first day of the Mating Games, and the first Mating Games since Bernard and Talulah took over, I’ve still got some work cut out for me.”

“I would say retirement suits you,” Wendell teased, his lips curling up at the corners. “But it seems like you haven’t quite stepped into the sidelines yet.”

“You can say that again,” Bryant snorted and laughed. “I’m already a little behind schedule so I’ll catch you later, Wendell. Oh, and I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thanks, Bryant,” he smiled softly but the former king was already off. By the time he had the chance to glance over his shoulder, Bryant had disappeared at the end of the hallway.

Chuckling to himself, he continued down the hallway. Nodding in both respect and recognition to the two guards who opened the large set of double doors of the dining hall for him, he walked in.

Not even a moment passed before the teasing started up. Although he found this endearing and humorous more than anything else.

“With how late you were, I was starting to think that you had already headed off for the first day of the Mating Games,” Talulah’s teasing, cheerful voice sounded aloud as he entered into the room; a playful glint in her eyes.

At her words, the table erupted in laughter, even more so as his two younger siblings threw their own playful jabs of their own into the ring.

“You were complaining about me stinking yesterday and today, you’re complaining about my punctuality,” Wendell chuckled as he took his usual seat at the table. “There’s no pleasing you, is there, Talulah?”

“I was just worried that you were looking to take advantage by spying on the preparations that are still going on around the island.”

“You don’t have to worry about me cheating,” he shrugged before he turned to face the wolf sat on his right. “Not as much as Bryant had to worry about Bernard cheating, anyway.”

“Well, it’s a good thing then today’s not about me,” Bernard chuckled, quick to shut down the conversation before it drifted off course.

“How are you feeling, Wendell?” his mother asked from behind him, her eyes glistening with tears.

“I’m feeling great but why are you crying?”

“Your mother is feeling rather emotional today,” his father chuckled from where he was sat beside his wife and mate. “She’s been crying all morning.”

“I’m not emotion,” she denied, reaching out to playfully chastise her mate. “I’m just so happy that my baby boy is going to meet his mate today.”

“I don’t think I’m going to meet her today, mum,” Wendell chuckled, leaning over to pull her in for a hug. Rubbing a soothing hand down her back, he gave his mother a comforting squeeze. “And I’m twenty-two. That means I haven’t been a baby for at least twenty years.”

“Your baby could be twenty and you’d still be my baby,” she sniffled, dabbing under her eyes as they pulled away from the hug. “And you know what I mean. If you don’t meet her today, you’ll definitely meet her tomorrow.”

“Is that correct, Bernie?” Wendell turned to question his friend, a quirked brow directed at him. “Am I going to meet my today or tomorrow? Or will you be torturing me by making me wait until the third day?”

“Now, you know I can’t tell you that,” Bernard chuckled, placing his spoon down in the empty bowl in front of him that was very quickly removed by one of the staff.

“Then what can you tell me?”


“Talulah,” Wendell called out to the one person that he knew would be able to help him now. Both the strength and weakness of the Alpha King. However, she was quick to cut him off before he could even make his request.

“Oh, so now you want my help?” she chuckled, raising a daring brow in his direction.

At her teasing tone, Wendell groaned and leaned back in his seat, not bothering to hide the petulant pout that his lips pulled down into.

This isn’t fair, his wolf complained. We’re going to be the Royal Beta in about two weeks and we can’t even get any information. There’s definitely something wrong about that.

I agree that it’s not fair but even Bernie wasn’t done any favours when he took part in the Mating Games last year.

I still don’t think it’s fair.

“Well, son, it appears that you’re just going to have to wait it out like everyone else,” his father chuckled.

“Personally, I think not knowing anything in advance will make the experience all that more special,” his mother chimed in and even though Wendell didn’t want to, he couldn’t help but agree.

Nonetheless, he hoped to meet his wait sooner rather than later. However, going off the last few Mating Games, he doubted he would meet his mate on the first day. But alas, there really was no knowing.

With how excited Wendell was to get started on the day as it wouldn’t be long before he had to leave for the hotel just in time for the first task of the Mating Games, he rushed through his food. Just when he got up to bid goodbye and excuse himself from the table, his father also rose to his feet.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he glanced over. When he locked eyes with his old man, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to leave the palace just yet.

“I’ll call you later, mum,” Wendell told his mother, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek.

After he had greeted his brothers, Bernard and Talulah farewell for the next eight days, he followed his father out of the dining hall.

“Is there something that you wanted to talk to me about, dad?” Wendell asked curiously as they walked down the hallway to where his room was; right at the very end of it.

“I just want you to know that I’m so proud of you, son,” his father spoke fondly as they walked into his room, closing the door behind them for some privacy. “I remember when I was invited to the Mating Games, exactly twenty-five years ago. Not only was the first day of the Mating Games the first time I met your mother, but it was also the first day of the rest of our lives together.”

“I’m really excited to meet my mate,” Wendell beamed at his father, unable to hold back the wide grin from completely taking over his face.

“That’s exactly how I felt.”

“Any words of advice?”

“I know you’re excited but try not to come across as overbearing or too keen at first, especially since you’re set to be the future Royal Beta. That can be overwhelming for any and every woman.”

“Thanks, dad. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

“Also,” his father continued, the bright glint in his eyes dimming just slightly as the atmosphere around them suddenly turned serious. “I wanted to talk to you about you and your mate taking over the Beta position.”

“Sure,” he said, the unsurety evident in his tone. “What exactly did you want to talk to me about?”

“I know that you’re very much looking forward to it but I don’t want you to feel like the Beta position was forced on you,” his father began, a tender, fatherly expression on his face. “If you wanted to take a year or two to spend time with your mate, I want you to know that no one would mind or judge you in the slightest.”

“Dad,” Wendell started, his lips curling up slightly at the corners. “I really, really appreciate your concern but I promise you that there isn’t anything to worry about. I’m really excited to finally claim my birth right which is the Royal Beta.”

“I know that you’re excited, Wendell,” his father sighed. “Your mother and I just worry sometimes that as the eldest, you’ve grown up too fast.”

“See, that’s where I disagree,” Wendell grinned. “I’ll never be able to wish for a better childhood than the one you and mum gave me. I love the palace and I can’t wait to contribute so much more. Anyway, you know that if you let me, I would have taken over as Beta long ago.”

“Well, be glad that there isn’t long left now,” his father chuckled, pulling him in for a brief hug.

He’s right, his wolf hummed in agreement. There really isn’t long left now.


Among so many other things.

I feel the same way.

Do you think our mate will be apprehensive with taking over the Beta female so soon into the relationship?

Maybe, but we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there, Wendell shrugged, sincerely hoping that that wouldn’t be the case.

After the brief talk with his father, Wendell grabbed his bag and finally headed out of the palace to begin toward the hotel that would be his home for the next eight days.

While he understood that his father was concerned that he was taking on a lot of responsibility, and at such a young age too – it didn’t help that his father hadn’t taken over the role until he was in his late thirties – Wendell wasn’t the least bit worried.

As far as he was concerned, he would have loved to take over the Beta position as soon as he turned eighteen but now, he would be able to do so very soon after meeting his mate, who, frankly, he couldn’t wait to meet.

The thought alone that in a few short days, he would finally meet his mate, the woman that he would build a life with and help run their werewolf kingdom together was enough to make him feel like he was walking on clouds.


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Layla Knight


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