It was three in the morning. There wasn’t any sound or movement in Hanne’s room. The door was unlock. Her brother advised the girls to make sure that Hanne doesn’t lock her door until the nightmares stopped. Lei was silently sitting on the sofa while watching the movement of the clock. She slept and woke up too early. When she went to the kitchen to fetch a drink, she realized that Tessa was still out so she couldn’t fall asleep again. She kept on wondering if they found something.

Suddenly, she heard Hanne whimpering. She quickly ran to her room. She turned on the light then rushed to her side. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her face seemed like she was in intense pain. She was tossing and turning. Lei immediately shook her awake. She shook her harder when she didn’t open her eyes.

“Hanne! Hanne!” Lei shouted. Hanne’s eyes suddenly opened widely. She inhaled deeply then exhaled loudly. Her expression softened when she saw Lei in her side. Lei was extremely worried. She grabbed the glass of water on Hanne’s table side.

“Please drink,” she said softly. She assisted Hanne to sit up. Sweat rolled down Hanne’s forehead. Her hair was drenched of sweat. She rested her back on the wall. She slowly took sips of water.

“Done?” Lei asked. Two sips…

“Hmm.” Hanne was breathing heavily. She looked defeated and lost.

“I’m sorry, Lei.” Lei bit her lower lip to contain her tears. “I didn’t’…”

After Lei put down the cup, she sat on her bed then slowly enveloped Hanne in a hug. Lei, like everyone in the team, knew the feeling of losing someone important. That’s why Lei wanted to be in her aunt’s side. Whether in East Woodland or Luz Signifer Academy. She was the only family she had left. Now, she doesn’t know where she is.

“I kept...dreaming about...him leaving,” Hanne said between hiccups. “I also dreamt of him...saying cruel words...even though...he left without a word.” There was so much pain in her voice when she said the last few words. Lei patted her shoulder. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to comfort people.

“It hurts,” Hanne whispered between sobs. “Why…” Lei squeezed her hand. Before Lei met her aunt, the word abandonment never entered her mind even when her foster parents died. But when she learned about the magic world and her past, there were a lot of things that remind her of loneliness, loss, and abandonment.

“They have their reasons. Sometimes it’s selfish and unfair. Sometimes we don’t why,” Lei whispered. “But you know, Hanne, if someone leaves or something was lost, someone or something better will come. Sometimes the feeling of sadness, regret, and loss make us forget that there are more good things around us.” Lei released Hanne from her hug. She smiled at her then brushed her beautiful blonde hair.

“I’m…sorry. I must be…a burden to everyone,” Hanne said with her head low. Lei scooted over to sit beside her. Lei made herself comfortable. Lei realized that Hanne wasn’t used to showing her weak side except in front of her brother and Storm. Aria also seemed to know how to read her. Lei was glad that Hanne didn’t ask her to go.

“You don’t have to force yourself to heal. We have different ways to cope,” Lei said as she recounted her sleepless nights after she learned about her real family.

“But I hope you don’t forget how much your brother loves you,” she added. She turned to Hanne who suddenly burst into tears. “And how much your friends care for you. We’re here.”

Hanne nodded then hugged Lei who immediately hugged her back.

“I’m scared that I’ll get abandoned again,” Hanne whispered. She was no longer crying. Lei thought about what she and Skhy had been through together.

“Me too,” she replied.

“I didn’t even tell him I like him.” She scoffed. “A person like him didn’t need to know that.” Hanne’s feelings was transparent. She clearly depended on Storm who was always there to protect and comfort her. But after revealing his true identity, everything seemed to be his plans to manipulate Nate and Hanne to trust him. Skhy trusted him a lot too because of his intelligence, skills, and leadership. Now everyone knew how he became strong.

After half an hour, Hanne went back to sleep. Lei watched her for a few minutes. She called Storm’s name once. Lei remembered that it wasn’t his real name and identity. Ciar Lockhunts…It sounds familiar. Hanne looked more peaceful than earlier so Lei decided to leave her room. She was closing Hanne’s door when the main door opened.

“Tessa. Are you hurt?” Lei asked as she rushed to her. Aria entered after Tessa then closed the door. They sat on the sofa. Both of them looked exhausted. There were cobwebs on their clothes which smelled like earth.

“Sorry about the sofa. I’ll clean it tomorrow,” Tessa said softly.

“No. It’s fine. How is it?” Lei asked. “Uh we can talk about it tomorrow after you rest,” she quickly added. Aria nodded then said ‘good night.’ She had an early class later. Tessa, on the other hand stayed. Lei went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for her. She quickly drunk everything. When she’s done, Tessa sighed.

“Bad news, huh,” Lei interpreted. Tessa didn’t say anything at first.

“Skhy wanted to meet tomorrow,” Tessa said. Lei nodded in understanding. Tessa stood up.

“I’ll tell you everything later,” she said.

“Of course. Rest.” She was about to open the door of her room when she stopped. Lei frowned. Tessa didn’t look back but her body was tensed.

“It seems that… Storm- Ciar did more than spy on us,” she said. Lei’s eyes widened. She realized that they found out more about Storm’s objectives. She had a lot of questions but stayed silent. She waited until Tessa entered her room before she went back to hers. She laid on her bed but couldn’t sleep. She was too curious about what Tessa and the others learned.

“Ciar… Did I hear the name before?” she whispered as she stared at the dark ceiling. Maybe it’s pronounced similar to another name? When her phone lit up, she quickly grabbed it. She expected that Skhy will message them about meeting up later. But the content was an entirely different.

“Someone had information where Ms. Emmy is. I’ll tell you later. She’s safe, don’t worry,” she read. She felt her shoulders relaxed. It felt like a huge weight was removed. There wasn’t a day when she didn’t think about where her aunt is staying. Is she alone?Is someone protecting her? She was so thankful to Skhy for not abandoning his search for her aunt. The day when she left her aunt haunted Lei for days. She regretted going without her.

When she remembered the Mortemians who were pursuing her and Skhy, a sudden realization hit her. One of the Mortemians said that Ciar was waiting for them. Is it the same Ciar? If so, that meant that he was trying to kill her and Skhy. Her chest felt heavy.

Lei didn’t get back to sleep. She just stared at her ceiling until it was time to go to her classes. She wanted for them to end quickly. After her classes, she quickly left the Ave. building. Once outside, she looked around.

“Who are you looking for?” Lei turned, only to see someone from her organization.

“A friend,” she replied.

“Are you expecting someone?” Annie asked. Lei shook her head. Skhy’s class ends the same time as hers so she thought she might see him. They went to their organization room for a short meeting.

“Lei!” Greg exclaimed once she and Annie entered the room. Lei was glad to see him. He had been gone to his senior mission for two weeks. He relayed everything that happened but Lei wasn’t listening. She was preoccupied by her thoughts. She wanted to see Skhy.


“What?” She looked up and saw Greg with a frown. She smiled, knowing that she was caught not listening. The rest of the team were either writing or reading.

“It’s fine. I wanted to tell you something.” Greg whispered the last sentence. Lei stood up to follow him in the corner of the room. She was confused as to why they needed to keep it a secret.

“It’s Cherubea,” he revealed. Lei frowned. What is it?

“You asked me what was the Premier growing in his secret garden, right? It took a while. It was hard.” Her eyes widened when he realized what he was talking about. Skhy asked her to find it out.

“Ah. Sorry. I forgot. Thank you,” she honestly replied. “What is it for?” Greg shrugged. He hasn’t heard of it.

“I haven’t heard of it but I think it’s herbal.”

“Why do you want to know?” Greg asked. “Not everyone knew about the garden.” He curiously stared at her. How to lie?

“I was only curious because you said you’ve been there before.” It was the truth. “It was a casual question.” A lie. She smiled. Greg narrowed his eyes but didn’t ask anymore. After the meeting, Lei didn’t change and immediately went underground. The sun had set but she was still careful that no one was following her. She took out her flashlight. When she entered the arena, she immediately saw Skhy sitting on a rock near the entrance. His back was on her.

“Did you eat?” he asked then turned to look at her. He, too, was in his uniform. He was alone.

“No. Where are the others?” she asked.

“I texted them to eat and change.” He stared at her uniform.

“I forgot to check my phone. I was in a meeting.” He nodded in understanding. He brushed his hair with his fingers. Lei sat on another squared rock. He checked his phone.

“They’re coming,” he informed her. As Lei stared at him, she realized at it’s been so long since it was only the two of them. They met Tessa after a few days together. She realized that among the eight of them, she was the first one to meet him when he was struggling with his mission. Does that even count for anything, Lei?

“I remembered where I heard Ciar’s name.” Skhy turned to her.

“You heard his name before?”

“We both did,” she replied. He looked confused.

“The Mortemians in Woodland. One of them said that Cair is waiting.” Skhy’s eyes widened. He probably didn’t hear because he was too busy thinking of a way to defeat the enemies. He sighed.

“I thought…it was best to tell you about it before the others came,” Lei explained.

“It doesn’t change anything though,” she added. Skhy shook his head.

“It does. Thank you, Lei.” He smiled a little. Lei noticed the dark circles around his eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping properly.

“Are you sleeping properly?” she asked. She was worried that he was carrying all the burdens on his own. She knew that he’s dedicating everything to support the Seven as their guardian and protector until they’re ready. But how about his health?

“…No,” he replied. What was the pause for? “There’s something important I need to tell everyone later.” He stood up. His back was on her. As she stared at his back, there was an emotion bubbling inside of her.

“Can’t you trust me?” Her voice was low and soft.

“What? Of course.” He didn’t turn around. He kept his eyes on the entrance. Lei bit her lower lip to stop herself from talking.

“Then confide with me too. I want to know more…” She closed her eyes tightly. I’m going to regret this later. It’s because it’s been so long since it was just the two of them. But she couldn’t hide the fact to herself that she wants to know more about him. About you. Whether it’s about your past with my sister or the present you. Not just about your missions.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, looking so confused.

“I like you, dammit!”

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