The pathway was narrower than the previous ones they’ve been in. The walls were cold and wet. It seemed to take forever to traverse the underground tunnel which has a low ceiling, less than ten feet. Sounds produced muffled echoes. It also seemed that it had been years since the walls had been lighted upon. Only it wasn’t a natural light. Nate turned his flashlight to the ceiling when he felt a drop of water fall on his head. True enough, there were a few cracks. According to Skhy, this tunnel is one of the many which were old passageways under and between the ones usually used by legionnaires, sentries, and faculties. For some reason, the Concordians stopped using them 20 years ago. Since these tunnels weren’t used, they were forgotten.

“How long is this tunnel?” Tessa, who was walking in front of Hunter, asked. In front of her was Skhy. Nate walked behind Hunter while Aira and Clyne were at the end.

“The stairs are…ten minutes ahead,” Skhy answered.

“This is so cool,” Clyne whispered. “What?”

Nate checked his neon wristwatch and realized that they had been walking underground for 45 minutes. They had gone through five sets of stairs and several hallways. He wasn’t claustrophobic but the low atmospheric pressure was getting to him. The day after Skhy told Nate about his visions, he called everyone for a meeting. He purposely didn’t call Ellie. He didn’t tell anyone why. The next day, at 10 in the evening, Skhy, Tessa, Nate, Hunter, Aria, and Clyne went underground to sneak into the Academy’s main building. Lei had to stay behind to keep Hanne company. Skhy had intel about members of the Consortium meeting there. Aria, however, heard that Consortium doesn’t gather inside the Academy because it’s easy to find them.

“I also heard that, but I don’t think all members will be there,” Skhy said when it was just the five of them in the room.

“Do you think we’ll find out something important there?” Tessa asked.

“We’ll see,” Skhy answered. Nate expected Hunter to retort because he hated it if a plan isn’t perfect and there’s no definite conclusion. But he remained silent at that time.

“We’re here,” Skhy said. Nate saw him climbing on the stairs ahead.

“It looks steep,” he said.

“It is,” Tessa replied when she started climbing. Nate’s legs and knees kept hitting the stairs as he climbs so he was also using his hands.

“Stupid stairs,” he heard Aria mumble behind him. “Don’t look, idiot.”

“I’m not,” Clyne complained.

When Nate reached the surface, he raised his flashlight. He saw chains linked on the wall and huge metal balls. Opposite those were prison bars.

“Are we in…” He stopped.

“Dungeon, yes,” Skhy quickly added. Chills ran on the back of his neck. It felt like a cold wind blew behind him.

“Cool,” Clyne whispered as he looked around. “How many cells are there? Are they abandoned too?”

“This isn’t time for trivia,” Aria scolded him. Skhy started shaking the bars. Hunter helped him. Within seconds, the whole frame dropped loudly on the ground. The sound echoed. Nate bit his lower lip then waited for footsteps.

“Don’t worry. No one’s using these,” Hunter said. Nate always forgets that Hunter used to study in the Academy and he and Skhy were friends. But they didn’t tell the group their whole story. He heard some of the rumours about Hunter but he didn’t dare ask him, Skhy, or Clyne. He’ll tell it if he wants to in his own time…

When they exited the cell, Hunter began to lead them through the dungeon. He must have been there more than once. It seemed that after Storm left, Hunter’s relationship with Skhy strengthened. Or is it just me? All the cells had walls between them. Above the bars of each cell was a rusted plate in the shape of a shield. After several lefts and rights, there were climbing another flight of stairs.

“Won’t be surveillance cameras catch us?” Tessa asked.

“There won’t be in this area because it’s forbidden to students and most faculties,” Skhy answered. They arrived in another dark and empty room. Clyne shrieked a little when he stumbled upon layers of cobwebs. Aria immediately shushed him.

“Where is it?” Hunter asked. Nate rushed where Hunter, Skhy, and Tessa were. He positioned his flashlight toward the wall. Skhy had his hands on the wall, searching for something.

“Found it,” Skhy whispered. He touched a place on the wall then backed away. A part of the wall vibrated slightly. It separated from the wall then slowly moved to the right revealing the inside.

“Wow,” Clyne said in amazement. The interior was the same as the walls of the main building. Skhy peaked inside.

“Let’s go,” he said. Everyone followed him silently. The colour and design of the walls might be the same but the ceiling, lights, and tiles were different. Nate had never seen this place before. It was more elegant than the other areas of the main building. Where are we? Skhy suddenly stopped before the corner. Nate listened closely. There were incoming footsteps.

“Everyone is wearing it, right?” Skhy asked. Everyone whispered a ‘yes.’ He was talking about the charm he gave earlier. It was supposed to make their presence invincible especially when they’re extremely close to other magic-users but it doesn’t make the person invincible per se. But the effect only lasts for two hours. The red colour will slowly fade into black. Skhy and Hunter were the only ones in the team who were trained on how to hide their presence and energies. I have to learn that fast.

The sound of the footsteps grew closer. Nate held his breath. Then the sound of the footsteps stopped. The sound of a door opening was heard.

“So irresponsible!” a woman exclaimed. Nate couldn’t see the people. Skhy and Hunter were the ones in front. He also couldn’t see their expressions.

“It’s been two weeks. You’re still saying that” a man said. “They found some of the stolen items.” Someone scoffed.

“But they went off on their own. A Mortemian lair at that!” the woman pointed out. She sounded like a middle-aged woman. Based on their conversation, they were talking about what happened two weeks ago. The Premier was disappointed but he didn’t want to kick them out because of that. Technically, they broke several rules – going outside the target area, going inside the enemies’ lair without orders, and deceiving the sentries. However, since it was their first offense, the Consortium only gave them a warning. The Consortium’s decision arrived after two days. Nate felt bad to the Student Council particularly Aubree. But she said that it was also her decision.

“Hey! Do you know who they are?” Clyne whispered behind Nate.

“Be quiet,” Aria told him. Nate shook his head to answer Clyne. Skhy and Hunter didn’t answer nor move.

“Ever since they arrived, I didn’t have any rest. I’m always on edge,” the woman complained.

“Will you relax, Pietersite,” the man said. Pietersite? I’ve never heard that name before.

“While you’re always relaxing, Larimar,” the woman, Pietersite, said. Larimar?

“They’re named after gemstones,” Clyne said. “Cool.” Nate was amazed at how Clyne sees the good in everything.

“Is there anyone inside?” the man, Larimar, asked.

“Staff,” Pietersite replied.

“Let us in before you scold her,” Larimar exclaimed. “Again.”

“Wait.” Then they stopped talking. No footsteps were heard. Skhy and Hunter backed away from the corner. Nate held his breath.

“Where is Flourite?” Pietersite asked after a few seconds.

“He isn’t here,” Larimar replied. “Also, it’s dangerous to meet like this.” So it’s a secret meeting. Of what?

“I’ll tell the staff to go. Wait,” Pietersite said. Her footsteps were heard retreating.

“You’ll be scolded again, Druzy,” Larimar said. Nate realized that there was a third person.

“It’s a gemstone again,” Clyne whispered near Nate’s ear. What is it with them and gemstones?

“I’m used to her. We shouldn’t mind her and just do our job.” She sounded young. And she sounds familiar. Skhy and Hunter peeked again. Nate noticed that Tessa was fidgeting in front of him.

“Are you ok?” he whispered. Tessa looked him with a troubled expression. Confused, he scanned her legs and arms for injury. There weren’t. She shook her head then faced the other way.

“But you’re so cool,” Larimar said then chuckled. “I always knew you’re the deceiving type.”

“Aren’t we all? We won’t be in Consortium if we aren’t,” the girl, Druzy, replied with a business-like voice. Nate’s eyes widened. They are members of the Consortium?

“I can’t stay long. Maybe 15 minutes,” Druzy added. Footsteps were heard.

“Come in,” the woman said. Their footsteps echoed in the long hallway. The door shut close. Clyne released a loud sigh.

“Interesting,” Aria suddenly said. Skhy and Hunter moved to face them. Tessa was looking at the floor.

“I was mistaken, right?” Tessa asked then looked up to Skhy who looked troubled and confused. Hunter’s usual expression didn’t change. Nate glanced at Aria who seemed lost in thought. They know the people earlier.

“They’re members of Consortium,” Clyne mumbled.

“It’s her,” Skhy replied. Tessa closed her eyes as if she was hurt.

“What are you talking about?” Nate asked. “Do we know them?” Skhy tried to comfort Tessa so Nate turned to Hunter.

“It was Ms. Charlotte Luxemburg,” Hunter replied. Nate frowned. Wait. She’s also a spy for Mortemians, right?

“She’s a member of the Consortium and a spy…” Nate murmured. He brushed his head with his hand then sighed.

“The guy also works here as a Finance Director,” Hunter added. Nate could hear the mockery in his voice.

“Is he a spy too?” he asked more to himself than anyone. This must be one of the secrets the Academy is hiding. Does the Premier know? But the Premier didn’t know who the members of the Consortium are.

“How about the girl?” he suddenly asked. He looked at Hunter then Skhy. Both of them glanced at Tessa who was still staring at the floor.

“Aubree,” Tessa whispered.

“What?” Why is she saying her name?

“The President of the Student Council is one of them,” Tessa replied with a louder voice.

“Sounds about right,” Aria said. Nate couldn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say. Now that he knew, the voice sounded like Aubree’s but more rigid.

“Isn’t that cool? A friend of ours is in Consortium,” Clyne told Tessa. He was trying to cheer her up.

“But they’re trying to get rid of us,” Hunter said. Tessa glared at him a bit. “Sorry,” he quickly added. Clyne suddenly beamed at him.

“Anyway, what are we going to do now?” Aria asked.

“Wait for her. She said she has to go after 15 minutes,” Skhy said. “Maybe we’ll find something.”

“How long before time is up?” Nate asked. He was referring to the charm. Skhy looked at his wristwatch.

“An hour,” he replied. So they waited. Tessa returned to her normal self. She was surprised by the revelation. The Aubree they heard sounded so different from the usual Aubree. When the heard the door opened, Skhy motioned them to follow him. They hid behind a thin wall between two hallways with rectangular spaces. There weren’t any doors on their side. When Aubree’s figure came into his view, he sighed. It’s really her. Do Aurora and Ellie know?

The hallway was long and there were only a few doors. After what seemed like 30 minutes, Aubree stopped. They quietly placed themselves near the wall.

“I told you that I will be the one to call you,” she said. She’s with someone?

“Don’t call this number,” she added. Oh, a phone call. She started walking again.

“I just met them. Call them if you want that information. It’s not my job.” She’s scary when she talks like that.

“It’s not my fault that you didn’t finish your job here,” she exclaimed. Who is she talking to?

“Oh really? So what can the mighty Caspar Storm advise me?” she asked mockingly. Nate stopped in his tracks. He heard the name again. He didn’t notice when his friends also stopped following her.

“Again. Don’t call this number, Ciar Lockhunts.” That’s that last thing he heard then her footsteps slowly disappeared. Nate stood motionless as he stared into space.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.