Inferno : Elements Series Book One

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Nine


Just like I thought she would, Gwen has stood up in front of all these much more experienced Warriors and she’s showing them up. Her plan is simple and effective and they can’t even really appreciate it because they’re paralysed by their own surprise. They really didn’t expect her to be able to figure any way out of this. I suppose anyone who doesn’t know her just thinks that she’s been hyped up and exaggerated as the rumours got passed around. I’m fairly certain that she still thinks that her abilities have been exaggerated by all of us too.

“Why the hell should we trust you about this, huh? Who are you to walk in here and start barking orders?”

When will Howard learn to shut his mouth? A quick look at his thoughts tells me all I need to know. He’s still pissed at Gwen for completely emasculating and beating the shit out of him on that first day. He also apparently thinks she’s arrogant and he’s jealous that everyone pays so much attention to her. I settle in, knowing full well that Gwen’s response will verbally eviscerate him.

“You don’t have to trust me, and I’m not barking orders, but we don’t have a lot of time for a lively debate and the longer we stand here the more people are going die out there. But by all means Howard, cause a scene, start a fight and delay us some more. Any time you’d like to speak up with something that’s actually helpful then, by all means, interrupt. Until then, get back to your corner and shut the hell up because the adults have work to do.”

It was so much better than I expected and, though I honestly try, I can’t help the overwhelming fits of laughter that begin to rattle throughout my whole body. To my immense relief, I’m not the only one laughing. Hank is doubled over beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder for support. It doesn’t last long. We are suitably chastised by Gwen and then it’s all back to business.

“Well? You two have had your fun, it’s time to get serious,” she says, her attitude coming through loud and clear. Hank, completely serious and focussed once more, joins her at the table again.

“You’re right, about everything. We didn’t think of your option with the cafeteria but it works. Darius,” Hank orders Darius to come forward. “Get back to the front lines and relay the information. Make sure you do it discreetly; don’t let any nearby Recruiters get wind of your plan. Get them moving toward the cafeteria. Jasper, get more teams together and set them up in the hallways surrounding it. Have them prepared. I don’t want any delays. Let’s get this finished as soon as possible.”

Everyone moves out and the room is almost empty. Gwen is still staring at the map and I can almost see the wheels turning in her mind.

“Where’s Oliver?” She suddenly asks. Worry colours her face and it’s like she only just realise that he wasn’t here.

“He’s our most skilled teleporter so he’s handling the evacuation with the Guardians,” Hank turns to me. “Derek, you should take Gwen to get her weapons. She might need them.”

She doesn’t have any weapons and until this moment I hadn’t realised how utterly ridiculous that was. She should have had weapons weeks ago. Not that she really needs them to kick arse but still, it leaves her at a bit of a disadvantage.

“I don’t have weapons,” she says and as I expected, Hank is shocked.

“Seriously? You should have weapons. Hasn’t Jasper shown you how to choose one?”

He’s never even mentioned weapons during her training, which is ridiculous; she should have been training with her chosen weapon from day one.

“Nope, I haven’t really done any weapons training yet. Everyone has wanted me to focus on my magic. Jasper and I have been working on hand-to-hand combat and offensive magic,” she looks to me and I nod, letting Hank know that it’s true.

“What an idiot! He was supposed to show you how to choose your weapon in your first session, how are you supposed to fight?”

Hank’s anger is understandable. Jasper ignored an important part of his job and I really have no idea why.

“The usual way, you know, with my hands? Also, I’m pretty good with my magic so I’m sure I’ll be just fine.”

Hank hasn’t noticed, but I sure as hell have. Gwen hates it when people think of her as something to be protected. It’s why she got so uppity when I tried to take her into protection. She’ll never think of herself as helpless and she’ll never let anyone think of her as a damsel in need of a knight in shining armour. It’s one of my favourite things about her.

“Sorry, I forgot about all of that. I forgot how powerful you are for a moment there, stick with Derek though. Don’t go running off on your own.”

“Sure thing,” she says, but I’m still going to have to be careful. I know full well that she’ll take off on her own if she feels she has to. I feel better now that there’s a plan in place and I know I’ll be able to keep an eye on Gwen. This would all have been so much more stressful if I was left to worry about where she was.

“Let’s go then, we’ll join Jasper in the hallways behind the cafeteria,” I say, holding the door open for her. She pauses, for just a fraction before she walks ahead of me and starts moving down the corridor. Hank nods to me, finally letting the tension show on is face now that Gwen’s back is turned, and I follow her out.

“Keep her safe.”

His voice echoes in my head as we move off toward the cafeteria.

It’s been ten minutes since we left. We’re waiting with Jasper’s team in the main hallway behind the cafeteria. It’s been silent, Gwen hasn’t said a word. It’s eerie. I don’t know what she’s thinking and I don’t even know if I’ve regained enough of her trust to ask what’s on her mind.


Gwen, who is leaning against the wall, looks up at the sound of her name. Jasper is walking toward her and she doesn’t look too happy about it.

“What’s up?”

Unexpectedly, Jasper extends his hand and passes her a sword. It’s a nice one too. There’s a diamond set into a silver pommel. She draws the sword, a look of uncertainty but also wonder on her face. The silver wraps around the blade, shaped like vines, there are even tiny leaves on them. It’s a beautiful piece. I should know; I’m the one who had it made for her.

“This is yours,” he says.

“I haven’t chosen a weapon yet.” She’s a little confused but it’s obvious that she loves the sword.

“You didn’t have to choose this one. Derek had it made just for you,” explains Jasper. Her head whips up, her eyes boring into mine.

“You had this made for me?”

I feel it…I’m blushing…now I know why she gets so annoyed when she blushes.

“Uh-I…yes. I did. I figured you should have a good weapon, even if you haven’t chosen one yet. I asked Jasper to get it before I came to get you from your apartment.”

Smooth, Derek. Very eloquent.

“Thank you,” she says, and she really means it.

“Anytime,” I feel a smile spread across my face. Why I said ‘anytime’ I have no idea. What a stupid thing to say, like I’m just going to be making swords for her all the time? I watch as she lifts the strap over her head and lowers the scabbard to rest across her shoulders. The pommel is visible just behind her right shoulder. Phew, I guessed the measurements right. She reaches up with her right hand and gracefully draws the sword. There is the soft sound of metal gliding against the leather of the scabbard. Light glints off the blade for just a second before she lowers it to study the blade. It’s a double-edged blade, about three feet in length. The vines continue down the blade, not in silver, but in elegant etchings that cover the surface of the blade. I crafted the sword, but I left the actual artwork to a friend of mine. They out-did themselves. Not in a thousand years would I have been able to create artwork like that.

“It’s beautiful,” she says, more to herself I think.


A voice echoes down the hallway, cutting off my next words. I was about to tell her that there is another sword too, exactly the same, just designed as a matching set. Who knows, swords may end up being her weapon and she may as well have two so that she can learn how to dual wield.

“Jasper, they’re here,” Darius is standing before us, towering over us really, panting as though he’s run a marathon. “We’ve managed to get them to the cafeteria. In less than a minute we will be able to surround them and end this.”

He nods to Gwen, an unexpected show of respect, before he turns and returns to his team of Warriors.

“I can feel them,” Gwen says. I turn and see that her face has fallen. She’s not afraid, she looks more like she’s in pain. “They’re all hurting, the battle has left people with a lot of injuries.”

“Get out of their heads Gwen, it will only distract you,” replies Jasper.

“I’m not in their heads, I can feel it in the vibrations and I can’t exactly turn those off,” she explains.

“Just try your best to ignore them,” I hope that’s good advice. I don’t really know what she’s feeling.

“It’s starting.”

Jasper’s words put an end to our conversation and set the whole group in motion. We should have them trapped and the battle should be won in no time…at least, that’s the plan. You never really know how these things will go.

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