Inferno : Elements Series Book One

Chapter Chapter Forty


He gave me a sword. No, he didn’t just give me a sword, he made it for me. You wouldn’t think receiving a sword as a gift could be sweet, but it is, and it’s perfect. It’s not awkward to hold or anything. It’s wonderful, and the art on the blade…it’s gorgeous.

I have to shake these thoughts, we’re literally going into battle and I don’t have the time to be consumed by thoughts of perfect gifts.

We line up on the cafeterias perimeter and, to my surprise, Derek and Jasper lead me to the front to stand with them and Hank, who must have emerged from a different hallway. Oliver and Anya walk from a hallway to my right, arriving with another group of Warriors. With a single hand signal from Anya they all stop moving and she and Oliver come to join us.

“’Sup, G,” smirks Oliver. “Woah! Nice sword!”

“Hey Olly,” I say, no point remaining so surly with them now. Either I’m about to find out that they’re the traitors and they’re leading the charge, or I’m about to find out that they’re innocent and fight by their sides. We don’t wait long. The Warriors charge into the cafeteria from the three remaining hallways, closely followed by dozens of Recruiters. They come streaming in and, as the Warriors line up with the others who are waiting, the Recruiters freeze. They’ve been forced into the centre of the cafeteria and have formed a defensive circle.

“You are surrounded,” Hank begins. He sounds like a complete badass, commanding and terrifying. I can feel it in the Recruiters auras and the feel of their vibrations, they are completely terrified. “Tell us why you have come.”

He’s not asking for answers, he’s demanding them. I’ll remember that for the next time I need fast info. Someone steps forward, obviously the person in charge of this particular group.

“We will speak only to the Mage. The one who is born of magic.”

Mage? They call me the Mage? Seriously?

“She’s not here. We sent her away with our strongest Warriors, you will never get to her,” growls Hank. It’s a smooth lie but the cocky grin that shows on the other guys face tells me that he knows that Hank is lying through his teeth.

“That’s a nice try, but we know that she is somewhere in this room. She will step forward, or we will attack,” he threatens. And now I know that I misread their auras. Their vibrations did not portray fear, they showed anticipation. They are not as trapped as we think they are. Without even thinking, as usual for me in these types of situations, I find myself stepping forward. Away from Hank and Derek and the ranks of Warriors behind me, and walking further into the centre of the room.

“I will not allow you to hurt anyone here, my sincerest recommendation is that you don’t even make the attempt,” my voice is low and lethal, but I know he heard me. I enjoy the look on his face as his confident mask slips and he flinches, taking a step away from me. “Tell me why you came here.”

He recovers his composure, his mask slipping back into place, and he responds.

“We came to get you, of course. It is your destiny to lead us to victory. By any means necessary, we will be taking you with us.”

Hmm, if his voice didn’t shake while saying the last sentence then I might actually believe him.

“Tell me: Are you here willingly or are you suffering the effects of mind control like so many of your comrades?”

He looks surprised and, for a moment, I think he might be here against his will: at least, until he starts laughing.

“You’ve learnt a lot more than we thought. Good for you, really, well done.”

Something is incredibly wrong. They’re too relaxed. They have an ace up their sleeve and I’m left waiting for them to play it.

“Be ready,” I broadcast to everyone in the room. “This is a show, they’re waiting for something.”

Thankfully, no one gasps or asks ‘who said that?’ No one gives it away that I sent out a message.

“My name is Reginald; I am third in command of what you people are calling ‘The Recruiters.’” I can feel him building his power. With a small hand movement I put up a barrier between the Recruiters and the Warriors, just to be on the safe side. He continues what I’m beginning to suspect is going to be a long and ridiculous monologue. “It is my job to fulfil the wishes of our leader and to see that his dreams for this world are realised. But I am not alone. You snivelling swine have been in the dark for so long now, you never knew. He has been here this whole time, feeding us the information we needed. We have known about this place for many years now, we’ve known where the entrance is for just as long. It has been a constant source of amusement that you were never able to find him. I will say that it has been rather an inconvenience that you found out about him, you forced our hand. This mission was not to be undertaken for some time, but the Mage broke the control within the mind of that lackey. Tell me, would you like to know his identity?”

I was right…long and ridiculous monologue? Check. I square my shoulders and draw my sword. If I’m expecting some surprises then I’m going to be prepared for them. It takes a great deal of strength for me hide my shock as I see and hear everyone else draw their weapons along with me. Are they following my lead? That seems like a mistake, I have no idea what I’m doing.

“Well, that’s surprising. They’re following your lead, how sweet. I suppose that’s a sign.”

I feel it. His power has built up to its breaking point and he’s about to unleash it. He’s a fire user and, just in time, I adjust my shield. The floor begins to shake violently, large fissures appear in the ground and lava begins to spout from their depths. Fire is spiralling from his hands and, even though I knew he was planning something, there is no way I could have anticipated this. My shield protects the Warriors from the flames, but the lava is flowing across the ground and burning its way through their shoes. I can hear screams as it hits their flesh and begins to burn it away. I’ll have to acts fast. Using air, I send a strong gust straight up, lifting everyone into the air and set them floating above the lava. I don’t have long; I’m not sure how long I can hold them there. Using a combination of earth, fire and water I rapidly cool the magma, returning it to solid rock once more. Only one thing left: I have to heal my people. I set them back on the ground and reach out to them, letting my strength flow into them. My hands are glowing and balls of light begin erupting from my palms, moving through the air to their injured targets. Sighs of relief and words of gratitude reach my ears as I let the light fade from my marks and take up my position in front of Reginald once more. His look of astonishment is almost funny…almost. For a moment I think I’ve actually lost control and started laughing, but the sound isn’t coming from me. It’s coming from the centre of the Recruiters defensive circle. There is someone in there, shielded from my sight. I’ve had enough. There are less of them then there are of us and, if I’ve calculated correctly, I’ll be able to immobilise them for hours if necessary. I summon air once more and solidify it around their bodies. They can’t move, no matter how hard they try. I can feel air users trying to break their bonds, but I’m too strong for them. I lift them all into the air. I lift them high enough that, air affinity or not, they won’t survive if I decide to drop them.

“Holy shit,” someone mutters behind me. I can’t risk losing enough concentration to turn and find out who.

“Alright,” I begin. “Move forward and take them in one at a time. I will lower them to you. Make it quick.”

They move immediately, responding to my command without hesitation. It’s incredibly weird and I don’t think I like people submitting to me like that.

What are you doing Gwen? Analyse your feelings later, will you? You don’t have time now.

It takes less than ten minutes before the only person left suspended in the air is Reginald. To my immense satisfaction, the fear in his aura is genuine this time. I’ll subdue him myself.

“What are you going to do with us?” he asks as I approach him.

“I thought I’d arrest you,” I say as I summon diamond from the earth and form it into handcuffs, securing them around his ankles and wrists. “And then I thought I’d throw you into a prison cell.”

I regret that already, it was too cocky and arrogant. I should have just kept my mouth shut. What’s the saying? ‘Pride goeth before a fall.’

I hear footsteps coming down the far hallway. Whoever it is begins to clap as they near the entrance to the cafeteria and I feel my heart drop through the floor. I can see it now. This was a test. They wanted to draw me out, see how I acted in a situation like this. I messed up.

“Well done Gwen.”

I freeze, my whole body locking up completely. Of everyone on my suspect list, he was the person I would have accused last. His whole demeanour is different. He isn’t kind and soft spoken. He is brimming with confidence and I can feel it in his aura, his power and arrogance.

“How?” I finally manage to say, my voice no more than a soft whisper.

“It was easy, for me at least. All I had to do was hide my skill as a mentalist. It’s been easy. And because you never suspected, I was able to get a firm foot hold within your mind. I’ve seen everything you’ve done since the second you descended those stairs and shook my hand on that first day. It’s been quite interesting, to say the least.”

He throws a cocky, knowing look in Derek’s direction and my skin crawls. He was in my head during all of that? Creepy…incredibly, incredibly creepy.

“How could you do this?” I hear Derek ask, moving to my side. I have no doubt that he’ll try to protect me, but I can’t let him do that. The way I’ve treated him over the last two weeks…well I don’t deserve his protection. I should have trusted him. I should have trusted all of them.

“How could I do this?!” the fury in his voice finally lets me see the man he truly is. He is vicious and cruel, I can finally feel it. “The humans are a disgrace to life itself, I should know! My connection to this world is so strong, I can feel everything. All the pain, all the death and destruction! They thirst for power and find themselves at war. They don’t care for the pain and suffering their arrogance and selfishness cause. For centuries I have endured it, tried to fight it and right the damage the human scum have wrought across this world, but they grow in number and their pollution spreads. They show no consideration for life. Plants, animals, I feel it all. They poach and they poison and they don’t care! I will end that. With you, Gwen, I will finally be able to end the suffering. There’s and mine. Now, come with me Gwen. Now.”

He’s doing of all this because of pollution and global warming? Why? With all the power the Elementals have access to…couldn’t they reverse these effects themselves? He’s deluded. I can feel his mind now. It feels slimy and dirty against my senses. He is corrupted beyond reason. He doesn’t want to heal the Earth’s wounds, he wants to eradicate humanity. I won’t let that happen. I won’t let them take me. My shock at his betrayal is no longer paralysing me and I stand tall once more.

“I will not be going anywhere with you. Ever,” I put as much force behind my words as possible. My unease increases as a cruel smile contorts his features.

“I was really hoping you’d say that,” he says, obvious glee in his tone. “Bring them forward.”

Bring who forw…NO!

“Gwen! Help us, please!”

“What’s going on Gwen?!”

They sound terrified. My friends, the first time I see them in nearly three months and it’s because they’ve been kidnapped.

“No! Let them go, now!”

I take hold of Reginald and bring my sword up, letting it rest against the base of his throat.

“Let them go!” I repeat, applying a little more pressure to the blade. Blood begins slowly dripping onto his shirt. I never thought I could be someone capable of doing that. How did it come to this?

He’s laughing at me. Loud, chest-heaving laughter that has him clutching at his sides.

“I’m sorry, it’s just too hilarious. You honestly think I care if any of these pawns live or die? Kill him if you want to, it doesn’t bother me at all, but remember this,” he reaches out, fast as lightning, and punches Carmen in the stomach. She crumples to the floor and I feel Derek’s arms go around my waist. His grip is the only thing stopping me from running over to them. He finishes speaking. “The more time you waste before coming with me, the more time I have to hurt your friends. Here is my offer. You release my men and surrender yourself to me, and I will release your friends.”

There is a glint in his eye and I see everything he decided not to say. He will release my friends Alice and Carmen and then immediately order an attack. My people will be caught off guard and, though we will undoubtedly win, the death toll will be high. I can’t let that happen. I’ll need him to give me his word. I know how weird that sounds, but it’s actually a form of mentalism. Summon your magic as you speak your promise and you will be bound to fulfil it. I can’t let anyone get hurt. I’ve done so much damage already with my distrust over the past few weeks. I could never let them get hurt for me.

“Not a chance. Here is what will happen. You will release my friends in exchange for my surrender. You will be able to take your pawns with you. However, they will not be released from their bonds. You will also give your word that no one will be harmed. The exchange will be made and then you will leave. You will not order an attack. You won’t so much as swat a fucking fly on your way out. Do I make myself clear?”

He takes a moment, pretending to consider my request. It’s pretentious and infuriating. I feel a hand go into mine and look up to see Derek standing by my side.

“Gwen, you can’t do this. Give us a little time, we can figure this out.”

One small scream from Alice makes my decision final. There is a fresh cut on her arm and a knife held lazily in the hand of the man holding her in place. He has a wicked grin on his face and the desire to turn him into a pile of ashes nearly overwhelms me.

“Alright,” he finally says. “I will agree to your terms, but you must make a promise of your own. You will not resist. You will come willingly and without a fight.”

“Fine,” I agree, trying to put as much defiance into my tone as I can. I’ve had enough of his games.

Silly man has forgotten a few thins in the oath he's asked me take. Just small things like not trying to escape. His oath will only hold me until we get to wherever it is he wishes to take me.

“Alright then, shall I go first?” I feel him gather his magic around him, a soft glow creating a film upon his skin. “I give my word that, should you comply with your end of this bargain, I will release your friends and will not allow anyone else to come to harm. Not one of my Warriors will raise a hand against yours. However, should any of your Warriors try to save you, this agreement will be void and I will be permitted to resume my attack.”

The thin layer of light surrounding him glows gold and disappears with a flash. I feel the effects of the magic take hold of him…and now it’s my turn.

I turn my back on him, turning towards Derek and my friends. I lift the scabbard over my head and return my sword to Derek.

“Take care of this for me,” I say, lightly kissing his cheek before I give one final smile to Anya, Oliver, Hank and even Jasper. Anya’s tears and Oliver’s terror are almost enough to force me to change my mind.

“Gwen,” I refuse to look at Derek. I don’t want to see his expression. “Please, you can’t go.”

“I have to, don’t you see? I can feel them now. He was using his power to shield them from me. There are more Recruiters above ground, ready and waiting for the order to attack. I can stop it. I can keep people safe.”

I’m lying, there aren’t any people left above ground. They’re all down here with us, but they can’t know that. They can’t feel the power that is in this room. I can and I know that, even though we would win, we would suffer a great deal of loss. And I could never risk my friends. I step back quickly and, before anyone can respond, I put my shield back up. Not to protect my people, but to keep them from trying to save me. I summon my magic to me and watch it form a thin layer against my skin, just as it did with him. Time for me to make my oath.

“I give my word that should you honour your promise; I will surrender myself to you. I will not fight and I will go with you willingly. However, should you harm anyone in this room I swear that I will kill you and any and all who stand with you,” The light glows gold and disappears. “Satisfied?”

The bastard has the hide to grin.

“I most certainly am. Shall we get a move on with this? I’m getting bored.”

What an arse hole. I walk into the centre of room and wait.

“I will not move further until you’ve released Alice and Carmen.”

I’m expecting a fight, but he just snaps his fingers and orders my friends to move. They run to me, throwing their arms around my shoulders and gripping tight.

“Gwen, please, what’s happening here,” cries Alice.

“Who are these people?” says Carmen.

“Shh, it’s okay. Everything is going to be just fine,” I turn and point to my friends. “This is Hank, Oliver, Anya and Derek. They’ll look after you.”

They take a few steps toward them, trusting me even after they were kidnapped, until they reach the others. I open the barrier enough for them to step through and slam it shut immediately after. I can’t risk anyone getting out and trying to help me. Turning my back, and resisting the temptation to run in the opposite direction, I walk the rest of the way. I’m immediately ensnared by vines being used like rope. They wrap me tightly from head to toe, the thorns embedding themselves deeply into my flesh.


“I’m right here,” he responds immediately, anguish in his eyes.

“Please keep them safe. Explain all of this to them and then…and then erase their memories. Don’t let them remember this. Let them live their lives back home. Make them think I’ve moved away, make them forget me completely if you have to, okay? Just let them be safe.”

He pauses and it feels like decades rather than seconds before he responds.

“You got it.”

I did all that waiting for three little words. I feel awful about how I’m leaving things with them. They think I don’t trust them and after that conversation with Derek a few hours ago…well I imagine he has quite an interesting opinion of me right now and it's possible that I'll never get the chance to fix it. I’ll might never be able to apologise or make things right with them.

I smile at everyone, hiding my emotions and taking in one last look at the people I care about.


I get my final word out just in time. I feel something heavy strike the back of my skull and I crumble, falling to the floor. Someone picks me up and someone else is screaming my name. I feel pressure against the barrier, like someone is trying to smash through it, but my barrier is still in place and I know that no one can interfere. No one can get hurt. I did it. I saved my friends.

“Well,” says Garett. “It’s been fun but Guinevere and I really must go.”

He begins to teleport, I can feel the world falling away as I move through space.

I hear someone scream my name again and it’s the last sound I hear before my world turns black and I sink into the now familiar realm of unconsciousness.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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