In Too Deep

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Even though my brain was still foggy, I could hear a loud crash, angry voices, and heavy footsteps. I heard a door bang open followed by a familiar voice.

“Freya!” I hadn’t yet figured out whose voice it was but they sounded panicked. There was a slight pressure on my arm, but it was only there for a second before it was gone again. I felt a tap to my left check followed by, “Freya, Freya, wake up!” Why is this person so persistent? It’s rather annoying, I just want to sleep.

“Freya, we have to get going.” I tried to open my eyes but my lids were so heavy and it was really tempting to just go back to sleep. I felt a sharp pain as someone’s hand connected with my face.

“Ouch!” I yelled as my eyes flew open. I blinked a few times and my vision cleared, that’s when I saw who the voice belonged to. “Smithy, why did you feel the need to slap me so hard?” I asked wincing at the pain shooting through my right cheek.

“Sorry I had to, you were going to fall back to sleep, and we need to leave.” He explained.

“What’s going on? What are you doing here? And where the hell is here? It smells disgusting.” I complained, my head felt so foggy. I glanced down at myself, realising I was still wearing a black bikini, and my wrists and ankles were chained to the ground. Noticing my realisation, Smithy took his jacket off and wrapped it around me. I nodded my thanks.

“Well I was going to ask you something along those lines also. I call you to tell you to come to the station right away and hours later I am still sat there waiting for you.” He said.

“How did you find me?” I asked him, no one knew where we were going.

“Um, well. I may have sent out a search party.” He said sheepishly.

“Oh you may have?” I asked and he nodded.

“I had a witch on the police force trace your location.” Smithy explained.

I was beginning to be able to think clearly now and with that my memories started to come back to me.

“Hold on, where’s Bastien?” I asked.

“Who is Bastien?” Smithy asked confused.

“My Economics teacher, he brought me out here to distract me, and then locked me up in here and drugged me when I realised his plans.” I explained.

“Distract you from what?” Smithy asked and I thought carefully, my mind still a little slow from the drugs Bastien had been pumping in to my veins.

“Oh no! Lucas and Violet. They hadn’t returned from visiting their parents and I was getting worried so I was on my way to Mr Jackson’s office to get some answers when I got your call. When I hung up I bumped in to Bastien and he brought me here.” I said with a sudden realisation.

“No one else is here except for us, he must have taken off. I am not very happy that after my call you just decided to go off with your teacher.” Smithy said annoyed.

“Well I wasn’t going to but….” I said and thought back to Sunday.

“But what?” Smithy asked.

“The more I looked in to his eyes the more I…..” I thought back to how easily my worries went away when I was looking in to his eyes. Smithy gave me a questioning look. “The more I looked in to his eyes the more I couldn’t remember what was so urgent.” I explained to him. Smithy thought this over for a moment.

“Freya, it sounds like he hypnotised you.” Smithy told me, looking concerned.

“I didn’t know that was even possible?” I questioned him, is that what Bastien had done? It would certainly explain why I would leave with him when I knew Violet and Lucas were in danger, and I would never ignore Smithy like that.

“Well it’s uncommon but certainly possible.” He answered.

“I can’t believe he’d do that.” I said, completely humiliated, I can’t believe I hadn’t figured this out sooner.

“Hasn’t he only been your teacher for a few months? Why would you presume he wouldn’t do this?” Smithy asked me, still confused. I didn’t answer, I thought back to the few times me and Bastien had spent together when no one else was around.

“There is more to this than I know about isn’t there?” Smithy asked and I nodded. “Alright well let’s get you out of here; we can speak about this later.” I glanced down at my still bound wrists and ankles just as Smithy started pulling on them.

“These are pretty tough. Freya, you push up against them as I pull.” He said to me, thinking that our combined strength would be enough to break them.

Even with the two of us they still wouldn’t budge. Smithy waved one of the men he had brought with him over to help as well. In the end it took me, Smithy and two other men to break the cuffs. What were these made of? After my hands and feet were free we all pulled on the metal around my neck, finally free I felt like I could breathe properly again.

Smithy helped me up from the hard floor but I was a bit wobbly on my feet, my legs were still half asleep. Smithy held me up until I regained my balance. A shiver ran down my spine and I pulled Smithy’s jacket closer to my body.

“Now let’s go. We have much to discuss. And we need to find out what’s going on with Lucas and Violet.” Smithy said and a moment later he transported us back to the station.

When we arrived Smithy pulled me to the side, away from everyone else.

“Freya, can I speak with you please?” Smithy asked. I nodded and he led me in to a small office. “We still don’t fully know what’s going on with that Academy. Until I figure it out, I need you to promise me that you will be extra careful.” He said to me seriously.

“Smithy there is a lot that you don’t know about me, and I thank you for not pushing me to tell you everything. But you don’t need to worry about me so much, I will be fine.” I tried to reassure him, I don’t think it worked too well.

“Freya please don’t underestimate them. I get the feeling that we are in way over our heads. But I need you to know that you can trust me, and I will always be here to help you.” He said to me and I knew that he meant it.

“I will be careful and thank you.” I said. “Why did you call me the other day? What was so important?”

“I found more references to the book in those files you left with me, they seem to think it has to do with your heritage Freya, this could help you find out about your biological family.” He told me and we both fell silent, I had no idea what to make of this, I always thought my family didn’t want me.

“If it’s supposed to be about my heritage, then why can I barely read it?” I questioned.

“It probably takes a skill that you may not have learnt yet. There’s more, in his emails I found discussions with multiple people detailing that they were going to use Lucas and Violet against you.” Smithy told me.

“How did they plan to do that?” I asked.

“It was all in code, so I don’t know exactly. But considering they’re missing, I’m guessing that’s how. They want to draw you out, or use them as a distraction.” Smithy explained.

I rubbed my hand over my face, this whole situation had become rather messy, how had everything gone wrong so quickly?

“We’ll find them.” Smithy reassured me. I nodded, but I didn’t feel convinced. “Is the book still safe?” Smithy asked.

“Yeah it’s back in my room.” I said.

“Will anyone be able to find it?” He asked me and I thought carefully.

“I hid it well but I guess if someone was determined enough they would turn the room upside down in order to find it. I’ll go get it now, that way I can change my clothes at the same time.” I said and Smithy nodded.

“Do you need me to transport you there?” He asked, hoping to confirm his previous suspicion that I could indeed transport myself.

“No need.” I answered, he nodded.

“Not to worry Smithy, I may put you out of your misery and tell you one day. But until then, I best get going.” I said with a smile and a wink, trying to lighten the mood a bit. I was just about to leave when I thought of something. “Smithy, how did you know I was in that cupboard, in Mr Jackson’s office?” I asked him.

“You aren’t the only one who can have secrets Freya, remember that.” He said with a smile and a wink, imitating me, I laughed.

Well I’m guessing Smithy is a lot more powerful than I thought, I wonder what else I don’t know?

“Now get going.” He added. I nodded and disappeared from his sight.

I transported myself straight to my room and changed in to something a lot more comfortable and warmer. I stared at Violet’s neatly made bed, still untouched. I couldn’t help but worry, I hope her and Lucas are ok, if they’re hurt because of me, I would never forgive myself.

Grabbing a bag, I got the book out from its hiding place and started packing. I got my best weapons from their hiding places and put them and some spare clothes in the bag as well, I wasn’t intending on returning here. I made sure I was quick and didn’t make too much noise. No one came in and as far as I know no one was aware that I had been there.

I transported myself back to the station. Crowded in to one room now were me, Smithy and about ten other people that Smithy described as his most trusted officers. Shouldn’t they all be trustworthy? I wondered. Oh well, not my business I suppose.

There were people assigned to figuring out different ways that Violet and Lucas could be found. Some were trying to find them with complicated programmes on computers, others were just looking at maps to try and figure out the most likely places they would have been taken to. And then there were people using magic to search for them.

Even with all of this, it still wasn’t working, we were no closer to finding them then we were an hour ago when we started this search. Smithy pulled me aside while everyone else was working hard.

“Freya, look it’s blatantly obvious that you have more power than you let on.” He said seriously. I was about to speak when he added, “However, I am not going to ask you about that. I am simply saying, that if you somehow have a power that will help us find your friends faster, don’t you think you should use it?” He asked me, looking me dead in the eye. I nodded in answer and walked over to one of the maps that were spread across the table.

I held my hands out, palms facing down, I closed my eyes and thought of Violet. I used a screening spell to find her; it would tell me her exact location. Most witches would need to use crystals for this spell, but that wasn’t necessary for me. Once I found her, I did the same for Lucas.

“Got them, let’s go.” I said and everyone turned to me shocked. “Are you all just going to stand around staring at me? I said I have their locations. If you don’t want to, then you do not have to come with me, I will not hold it against you. But those of you who are willing to help then follow me now.” I said and then walked out the door with Smithy right on my heels.

“That goes for you too Smithy.” I said to him over my shoulder.

“There is no way I am letting you go without me.”

“I can take care of myself.” I said a little annoyed at what he was implying.

“Yeah, I believe you said that the last time we were in a somewhat similar situation.” He responded and I fell quiet. I decided to change the subject.

“They are both being held at their own houses.” I told him.

“That seems a little odd, I would’ve thought they would hide them better than that.” Smithy was concerned, and I understood why, usually abductors don’t make it quite so easy to find the people they’ve taken. Best to approach with caution.

“I can sense that they are both well-guarded. Both of them and their families are tied up and surrounded by armed supernatural guards. I believe they have been given orders not to harm them until further notice. They have also been ordered to kill any intruders if necessary.” I explained to him and those who followed me. No one questioned how I knew this, although some looks were exchanged amongst them.

“Can you get a visual?” One of the men following close behind me asked.

I lead us in to the weapons room to collect armour and ammunition. I pulled out a piece of paper and began drawing the blue prints for both Violet’s and Lucas’ houses. I pointed out where the guards were, where the hostages were and the best exits just in case anything went wrong.

I split everyone in to groups so we could attack from all angles and the guards couldn’t escape with a hostage. I couldn’t believe that’s how I was now referring to my friends, but I had to stay focussed.

“We will need to move quickly and quietly. These men will be highly trained, able to hear a twig snap beneath our feet. We will need to take them down as quickly as we can. Be prepared to kill, if we leave them alive they will only come after us later when we least expect it.” I looked around the group; they were all focused and were taking in everything I was saying.

“Now, this is the last chance if anyone wants to drop out.” I said. I looked around the group and they all met my gaze unflinchingly. “Grab your weapons and let’s go.” I said and lead them out of the building.

Time for a rescue.

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