In Too Deep

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

I awoke with a pounding headache. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It looked like I was in some kind of dungeon, the only light source was coming from a hole in the wall way up above my head, it didn’t let in much light, and the bars across the opening restricted any kind of escape.

The walls were made of stone that were badly crumbling and it smelt stale, like there wasn’t enough air circulating in the room. There was one door to the room, which was the same design as the others I had seen in the cabin before. At least that let me know where I was.

I looked down at myself, I was still in the black bikini that I had on when I went swimming with Bastien, I shivered as the cold air ran over my skin. There were metal cuffs around my wrists and ankles, which were bolted to the floor, I couldn’t lift my arms even a fraction off the ground.

I tugged against the cuffs but they wouldn’t budge. I tried to rearrange my legs to shake off the numb feeling, but the cuffs around my ankles didn’t allow for much movement either.

There was a needle stuck in my arm with a long tube leading out of it to a bag of liquid. The liquid was running down the tube in to my arm at a steady rhythm. I assumed it must be some kind of sedative, that’s why I feel so weak. I tried using my magic to break my restraints but I didn’t have enough strength to break out of them.

Ugh, my head hurts. Whatever the liquid is it’s making my mind all foggy. I leant my body over, getting my face as close to my arm as I could. I just about managed to reach the needle, which I pulled on gently with my teeth, I left it so the tip of the needle was still in my skin, so it looked like it was still in place, but it wasn’t in my vein any more. I hoped that would be enough to help me regain some of my strength.

I sat bolt upright as the door to the room swung open and in walked Bastien. He closed the door behind him, walked towards where I was sat on the cold hard floor and crouched down so he was at eye level with me.

“Good morning Freya, I see your DNA is making quick work of that sedative. I shall have to increase the amount going in to your bloodstream, again. How are you working it off so quickly? You shouldn’t be able to do that. I gave you enough to knock out an elephant, but it wore off within an hour, I had to set up an IV so it would keep you under. But now your body is adjusting to that as well.” He said as he shook his head slightly, I had no intention on answering his question.

“It’s like you have a metabolism of a shape shifter.” He added with one eyebrow raised. When I still didn’t answer he sighed. “How are you feeling?” Bastien asked. I raised my eyebrow at him.

“You’re kidding right? You’ve chained me up in some grungy room that smells disgusting, drugged me and you have the nerve to ask how I am?” I shouted in his face. He stayed silent for a moment, surprised by my outburst. Why though I couldn’t fathom, I would like to see if his reaction would be any different if he was in the same predicament that I am now.

“And what, no breakfast in bed?” I said sarcastically referring to his courtesy Saturday morning after we had spent our first night together when he woke me up with a buffet breakfast. That felt like a lifetime ago. He looked around the room and then back to me.

“I see no bed.” He said simply.

I glared at him, I couldn’t believe he was acting like this, did he ever care about me at all? I can’t believe I was so stupid, he’s been faking all this time, and I didn’t even realise. And now Violet and Lucas could be hurt, or worse. All because of me.

“Well it wasn’t exactly my choice to sleep on the floor.” I snapped. He shrugged.

“No bed, no breakfast. If you behave, you get a bed. If you don’t behave then you get no bed.” He said with no emotion in his voice.

I couldn’t believe what he was saying. When had things changed? Where did my sweet, caring, gentle Bastien go? Was that ever the real him, or just an act? I glared at him but decided to change my line of questioning.

“What is going on Bastien?” I said slightly calmer, yelling at him wasn’t going to get me the answers I needed. I looked in to his eyes but he still didn’t answer. I sighed. “What were you in jail for?” I asked, remembering our previous conversation through the fog in my head. There was a moment of silence and I was beginning to think he again wasn’t going to reply.

“Rogue super naturals murdered my parents.” He said quietly to me and I could guess where this was going.

“And you went after them?” I guessed.

“In a sense yes.” Bastien’s answer was vague, I raised an eyebrow in question.

“I tracked them down, but when I got to their property, they weren’t there. But their kids were.” Bastien told me and I gasped. I couldn’t believe what he was hinting at.

“You killed their children?” I asked, to make sure I was hearing him right. He nodded.

“I was so angry, I had to take it out on someone, the adults weren’t there-“ He began explaining, he paused when he looked me in the eyes. “Don’t look at me like that. You can’t tell me you’ve never killed anyone.” Bastien accused me.

“Not children.” I said quietly. “What happened then?” I asked, there’s no way the rogues would’ve let him get away with that.

“They were clever, more calculated than I had assumed. They planted evidence to frame me for my parents’ murders.” Bastien explained. “I was then put in jail for the murder of my parents and for the murder of the rogue super naturals’ children.” He said.

There was a moment of silence and it was beginning to get awkward. I didn’t know what to say, I needed to be careful, he already had my chained up in a basement, if I angered him there would be no telling what he would do.

“You said Mr Jackson got you out of jail?” I asked.

“Yes, I did say that.”

“Care to elaborate?” I asked.

“No.” He said sharply. “I have said enough.” He added.

I could tell he was going to leave, but I needed to keep him talking.

“Was it all a lie?” I asked him, he sighed.

“Would you believe me if I said it wasn’t?” Bastien asked me.

“Probably not considering the predicament I’m currently in.” I said to him.

“I guess there’s no point in trying then.” He said with a shrug.

“I can’t believe you’d do this.” My voice was quiet, almost a whisper, the feeling of betrayal made my chest ache.

“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.” Bastien said harshly. That wouldn’t really be difficult I suppose, I knew I didn’t know him that well anyway.

“What about the night we spent together in my bed, did Mr Jackson make you do that too?” I accused him. He didn’t answer, and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I guess this explains why Mr Jackson was ok with a teacher seeing a student, it actually worked in his favour. I played straight in to their plans. How could I have been so stupid?

“I’m surprised you let me say no to you.” I added. His head snapped up to look at me, anger burning in his eyes. So much for not pissing him off.

“I would never force myself on you, you must know that at least.” Bastien said sternly.

“Like you said, I don’t know you.” I said to him. There was a pause whilst we both stared at one another.

His eyes left mine and travelled down my body, and that’s when I knew I was busted. He shook his head.

“Very clever.” He came closer to me and reinserted the needle properly back in to my vein, I tried to fight him off but his grip on my arm was strong, and I was still weak from the sedative.

Bastien pushed my head back against the wall and I felt metal closing around my throat. As he fastened it shut I panicked at the thought of not being able to breath. His eyes met mine, he could hear my heartbeat racing.

“You should have behaved.” Was all he said.

He reached over to the bag of liquid and fiddled with some buttons on the machine that I hadn’t noticed before and the liquid going in to my arm doubled in speed.

“Don’t you dare-“ I began but I could already feel the haze going over my eyes.

“Sleep tight beautiful.” Was the last thing I heard before the darkness once again, took me under.

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