In Too Deep

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Violet and Lucas had both headed home and I hadn’t bothered with attempts to make any other friends in the time I’ve been here so that left me alone for the weekend. I have my snooping to do but I thought it would be best to leave that until tomorrow when I will know for sure that most of the students will be gone. It’s Friday evening and I have already done all of my homework, that’s how bored I am. With nothing better to do I decided to get an early night.

My eyelids were heavy and I was almost asleep when I felt a cold breeze. I thought I closed the window? I pulled the covers tighter around me and ignored the sudden chill. I thought nothing more of it until I heard the rustle of clothing getting closer to my bed. I felt fully awake now, all thoughts of sleep gone now that I knew I was not alone. I continued to pretend I was asleep so I wouldn’t alert my intruder.

I felt a large hand stroke my cheek gently. I sprung to life catching them completely off guard, I lunged at them, knocking us both to the floor, I grabbed their arms in a deathly grip, pinning them to the floor by their wrists and straddling them, using telekinesis to flick the light on as we went down. We ended up in the exact same position I was in with Bastien in the gym, what can I say? It stops any attackers from getting away easily.

Looking in to the face of my intruder I found that it was in fact, Bastien again. Why was he sneaking in to my room? There was a difference this time though, he wasn’t smirking; he was just staring wide-eyed at me. What was that expression on his face?

“Y-y-y-you, I um, I mean, your eyes.” He finally stammered out. My eyes? What about my eyes? I was about to ask him when I realised that I wasn’t wearing my coloured contacts. That’s not good.

“Shit!” I said as I jumped off of him. So I’m guessing I’m not keeping calm in this conversation then. Bastien got up from the floor.

“Why are your eyes red?” He questioned me. I could tell by the determined look in his eyes that he wasn’t going to give up until I gave him an answer.

“They were like this when I was born.” I explained.

“What do you usually use to change the colour?” Bastien asked me.

“Contact lenses.” I told him and he nodded. “It’s easier than explaining this to everyone, I tried that once, everyone just gave me funny looks everywhere I went.” I said quietly. We were both silent for a moment.

“How did you switch the light on just now?” He asked suddenly.

“What?” I asked confused.

“When you attacked me again, you didn’t use your hands to turn on the light.” He said.

“Well if you stopped sneaking up on me then I wouldn’t have to attack you. Which reminds me, why are you in my room?” I asked and raised my eyebrow whilst trying to avoid his question. He could not know about another of my powers.

“I, uh. You didn’t answer my question.” Was his reply, I simply just smiled at him.

“Yeah well you didn’t answer mine either.” I said still smiling.

“So let me get this right. You, a mind reader are not going to tell me how you managed to turn a light on without using your hands. That’s interesting isn’t it? A mind reader using a telekinesis power.” He said with a smile, he obviously thought he had me there. Which he kind of did, except for one thing.

“Well let’s see if I’ve got this right. You, a teacher, are not going to tell me why you are in my room at 11pm? That’s interesting isn’t it?” I said mockingly, almost completely copying his words. His smile fell. We stayed silent for a moment, both trying to figure out a way to beat the other. Then a sparkle lit up his eyes, oh crap, what had he thought of?

“Freya can I ask you something please?” He asked me hopefully.

“Ok…” I said warily.

“What is your relationship with Smithy? You seemed very friendly when he came to the Academy on your first day.” Ok I wasn’t expecting that, it seemed completely random.

“We have just known each other a long time that’s all.” I said honestly.

“So he’s not your boyfriend then?” He asked. Geese, why does everyone think that? First Violet and now him.

“No why would you think that?” I said.

“Well I thought you two seemed a little too friendly that first day you were here and then again the other day when he came here to threaten Mr Jackson about limiting your power. I thought that might have been why you ran away from me when we were in the gym.” Bastien explained.

“First of all Smithy is not my boyfriend. Secondly he would have done that for anyone, it is his job after all and I already told you, I ran away from you in the gym because I was surprised. I thought we had already settled that?” I sounded a little defensive but I couldn’t help it.

“Yeah we have, I’m sorry.” He took my hand in his and pulled me close to him.

To my surprise he didn’t say anything else; he just stared in to my eyes. Then he lifted his hand out of my grip and brushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

His eyes travelled over my body and that was when I realised I was only wearing a thin, white, strap top and a very small pair of shorts. I crossed my arms over my chest feeling self - conscious. It didn’t seem like he was having that though as he gently pulled my arms away and pulled me even closer towards him, so I was flush against his chest, he ran his hands up my arms and then wound them in to my hair pulling me in for a kiss.

So this was his way of winning the argument? It seemed to work pretty well as soon my only thoughts were of his lips and the feel of his body against mine. He pulled away too soon for my liking but he was only an inch away from me when he spoke.

“So are you going to report me for sneaking in to your room when you want me here?” He asked returning to our previous conversation.

“And what makes you think I want you here?” I said breathless. He then pulled away completely.

“Well in that case, I’ll just leave.” He said whilst pulling away from me, making his way towards the door. I grabbed his arm as he walked past and pulled him close to me again.

“No.” was all I said and then I kissed him showing him in just one kiss, everything that I felt for him, not that I exactly understood the feelings myself, but I figured he should know before anything else happens. When we eventually pulled away I could see a glint of guilt in his eyes. Which he hid quickly.

“Nothing.” Was his answer when I asked him about it.

Bastien pushed me backwards and he landed on top of me on my bed, I shuffled towards the head of the bed and he crawled up to meet me. He brushed his lips gently against mine, and after a moment pressed them harder, deepening the kiss. His body crushed mine in to the bed, his hard muscular torso preventing me from moving an inch. All I could do was return his kiss, which is exactly what I did.

I don’t know how long we were like that for, his hands unwound from their place in my hair and travelled down my body, resting on my waist. My hands were linked around his neck, he broke the kiss and I took in a deep breath, his lips travelled down my neck, whilst his hands started travelling up my body, underneath my top. I felt his skin against mine, his fingers reaching higher up my torso.

With another intake of breath I caught his hand with mine before it could travel any further up my body. He stopped instantly and looked in to my eyes.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away.” His eyes widened, clearly worried how his actions had affected me.

“It’s ok, I think we both did. I’m just not ready for that.” I bit my bottom lip as I looked away from him. He lifted my chin so my eyes met his.

“Don’t apologise, nothing that you’re uncomfortable with is going to happen. I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.” Bastien rolled off of me and pulled me in to his arms for a hug and I relaxed in to him. “I just couldn’t stay away from you, even though I have been warned.” He whispered in to my hair. I looked up at him.

“Are you sure you’re not in trouble for what happened between us?” I asked, sitting up and looking in to his eyes.

“It’s a unique situation, Mr Jackson wasn’t particularly happy about it, but I’m not going to lose my job over it, so don’t worry.” Bastien told me and I relaxed back in to his arms.

“Why did you say Mr Jackson expected you to report any powers of new students to him?” I asked, referring back to what happened in Science class when we found out about the medallions.

“He likes to be kept updated, so he knows how best to help each student.” Bastien told me.

“Do you really believe that’s the reason?” I asked and he frowned.

“Why would you ask that? Why else would he want to know?” He questioned me.

“No reason I guess.” I shrugged and looked away from him.

An uneasy feeling spread through me, did Bastien know what was going on at Fair Lake? Could he be involved? I really hoped not, but I had to find out for sure. I needed to know if I could trust him. A shiver ran down my spine. Bastien pulled me in closer to his body, wrapping my duvet around me.

He pulled my chin up so our eyes met. Looking in to his deep, blue eyes it was hard not to trust him. For now I had to believe that he was telling me the truth. We spent the rest of the night kissing, cuddling and talking. But mainly kissing.

I realised as I was falling asleep again, that I still didn’t know a lot about him. He would ask me a lot of questions, about family, friends, boyfriends, where I used to live, and my mind reading power. He seemed to be working his way down a list of questions in his mind.

All of his questioning didn’t help to make me feel less uneasy, I didn’t answer everything he asked but when I tried questioning him, he seemed reluctant to answer. It was proving difficult to find out the truth about him. But one thing I had realised, I really liked him, I had to hope that he wasn’t involved in the situation here at Fair Lake.

I don’t know what I’ll do if he is.

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