In Too Deep

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Violet and I woke early, way before we needed to be ready for class and met up with Lucas to sneak off of campus together. We wanted to get one more training session in before Violet and Lucas went home later today.

After I felt like someone was watching during my run it didn’t feel safe to use the clearing anymore, I had filled Smithy in on our training, and other than asking why I hadn’t gone to him with it sooner, he suggested that we use one of the gyms at the station.

Both Lucas and Violet have really improved over the last few months, Violet blocked attack after attack, all with her eyes closed, using her visions to tell her where I was coming from.

Even with Lucas’ sensing power he could anticipate my next move. And that’s not even mentioning him absolutely drenching me with tidal waves time and time again. Which I could’ve blocked, but Lucas doesn’t know about my powers. It’s not that I don’t trust him, but it’s hard to know how someone will react to that sort of news. And now I’ve left it so long, it has gotten even harder to tell him.

“You’ve both really increased your speed and strength, I’m impressed.” I said.

“Reckon I could beat you in an arm wrestle?” Violet asked with a wink, knowing full well that wasn’t possible. I laughed and shook my head at her, it was hilarious hearing those words come out of her mouth. Even with her tiny frame, she looked determined and strong.

“Maybe in time.” Was all I said.

Smithy came in just as we were finishing up.

“Freya, can I speak with you alone for a moment please?” He asked me.

“They know everything that we do about Fair Lake, so if it’s about that then you can say it in front of Violet and Lucas.” I told Smithy. He raised his eyebrow but didn’t question my decision to tell them.

“I’ve managed to get in touch with a few more of the parents of the deceased students. They wouldn’t agree to meet with me but we did speak on the phone.” Smithy began.

“Did you find anything new out?” I asked, hoping this could answer some of the questions constantly on my mind.

“Not particularly. There was one thing though, they all told me the story of how their daughter died and it was the same. As in exactly the same.” Smithy told us.

“Every single one of them you spoke to said that their daughter got drunk, tripped over in the woods and hit her head?” I asked, Smithy nodded. I thought about this for a moment.

“But what if some of the parents knew each other? Surely they would’ve discussed the coincidence of their children dying the same way?” Violet asked.

“Either none of them spoke to one another about it, or-“ Lucas began.

“They’re lying.” I said with a sudden revelation, interrupting Lucas.

“Lying about what?” Violet asked.

“Which do you think is more likely out of the following; Fair Lake have used the same accident story for around 100 students, and not one of those families have mentioned the specifics of how their daughter died to another of the families. Or, Fair Lake supplied them with the false story to tell anyone who didn’t know how the girls really died.” I asked them.

“You think the parents know how they really died and are lying about it?” Smithy asked, shocked. I nodded.

“Why would they do that?” Lucas asked.

“I’m not sure, maybe Fair Lake has something on them?” I suggested.

“On all of them? That would have to be a lot of dirt to make them lie about the death of their child.” Smithy said, I had to agree, that would have to be some coincidence.

“Or they’re all in on something together.” Violet suggested. We were all silent for a moment whilst we considered this idea. As much as it didn’t make sense, it almost had to be the reason. Although this just led to more questions.

“There’s one more thing I’ve noticed.” Smithy said.

“What is it?” I asked. He handed me print outs of the photographs of the files I sent to him.

“Look at their details, closely.” He told me.

I did as he suggested, I flicked through all the pages, twice to make sure I found what he was suggesting. I looked up at him, my eyes wide. He nodded. Knowing I had spotted what he had.

“The girls who are dying are getting older each year that the Academy is open.” I said, letting Lucas and Violet in on what Smithy had found out. “How did I miss this?” I asked, more to myself than to the others.

“It almost seems like they’re after someone, but they’re not sure who they are, so they’re killing off anyone who could possibly match their description.” Lucas suggested.

“But they all look completely different.” I said. I couldn’t shake what Lucas had said. “Although I have a feeling you may be right. But who could they be after?” I asked. I rubbed my hand over my face, everything we figure out leads to more questions, my head was throbbing, a headache forming behind my eyes.

“Hey, we’ll figure it out.” Violet said, trying to reassure me.

“But it’s not going to happen this morning. The three of you best get going, otherwise you’ll be late. Unless I can convince you not to go back?” Smithy asked hopefully, I shook my head.

“We can’t find out any more information if we don’t go back.” I said, Smithy nodded reluctantly.

“Please be careful, especially the two of you.” Smithy said, looking pointedly at Violet and I.

“We will. You’re right though we better get going. Thanks for letting us use the gym.” I told Smithy.

“You’re welcome, any time.” Smithy said.

We grabbed our things and headed back to Fair Lake, it was pretty convenient that Smithy’s office was so close to the Academy. Although that was probably a good thing, easier to keep an eye on the place that way. We didn’t speak much on the way back, each of us thinking over this new information we had learned.

“You’ll be careful this weekend whilst we’re gone, right?” Violet asked me, I could tell she was worried about me.

“Yes, of course, try not to worry about me. Have fun with your families.” I told them both.

“Just please leave anything reckless and/or dangerous for when we get back, ok?” Lucas said to me and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m being serious.” He added, I nodded.

“I know what you’re really trying to say Lucas. I won’t do anything stupid until you’re back.” I tried to reassure him, I don’t think it particularly worked. Perhaps those weren’t really the right words to say. Perhaps I should’ve said I won’t do anything stupid at all, never mind just waiting until they’re back. All the same, he still laughed at me.

“You’re impossible sometimes.” He told me.

“At least you’ve figured that out sooner rather than later. It saves time further down the line.” I told him, he shook his head at me.

We split up to head to the showers, so we’d be ready in time for classes to start. The warm water washing over my body didn’t do much to relax me. Everything I’ve found out here leads to more questions, more suspicions.

I wish for once the information we found could lead to some actual answers. I know I was disappointed not to find out any dirt on Fair Lake before I arrived here but maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to hope I was right. I never once considered it could be something like this.

I headed to Economics, unsure of what I would find. I knew Bastien hadn’t been fired when I saw him in Science class the other day, but I haven’t seen him since. Maybe Mr Bentlen hadn’t reported him before that day, I could now be going in to class to find a completely new teacher.

I took my seat next to Lucas and started fidgeting with my pen, which didn’t go unnoticed by Lucas. He raised his eyebrow in question but didn’t press me on it. I put my hands in my lap to disguise any further nervous behaviour. My eyes were glued to the door, waiting.

When Bastien walked in I let out a breath that I hadn’t realised I was holding. Our eyes met, mine full of questions, his impossible to read as always. The hour dragged and I struggled to pay attention to what he was saying, although my eyes rarely left him during the entire lesson.

The bell went and I packed away my things as slowly as possible. Lucas noticed what I was doing so he didn’t wait for me. I hadn’t told him about anything that’s happened between Bastien and I, but he seemed to know that something was going on. I was glad he left me to it and didn’t press me for information. As the last student left the room Bastien turned to face me.

“Hey.” Was all I said, why was I so nervous all of a sudden? I needed to snap out of it. He gave me his signature smirk and I blushed. I looked around the room to check we were definitely alone. I decided to get straight to the point.

“I’ve been worried, Mr Bentlen said he was going to report you after what he saw in the music room.” I told him, my words rushing out. He nodded.

“He did.” Was all Bastien said, I gasped.

“Are you going to be fired? What happened?” I hated to ask, but I needed to know.

“I’m not getting fired.” Bastien told me, stepping closer. “Mr Jackson wasn’t exactly pleased but as you’re 18 he didn’t see the need to fire me.” He added. I let out a sigh of relief. I was so sure I had cost him his job. I couldn’t believe Mr Jackson was letting him off with this just because I’m 18. Bastien stared in to my eyes.

“I’ve missed you.” He said softly. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” Bastien lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes at the feel of his touch. “I don’t want to stay away from you.” He whispered.

“Neither do I.” I said quietly, realising it was true.

He leaned in towards me, his lips heading for mine. When the bell rang.

“Crap.” I said, annoyed. Bastien laughed.

“You should probably get to your next class.” He told me, I nodded reluctantly. “Soon.” He promised.

“I’ll hold you to that.” I said with a wink, as I headed out the door.

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