IN FULL COLOUR - Dark Fantasy

Chapter 33

Dear reader, you might want to get a bottle of wine ready before you start reading this chapter. Enjoy.


The moment Axel’s shirt hit the ground; I knew there was no turning back. My eyes landed on his chiselled chest and blood started unmercifully pulsing through me, sending bursts of extra oxygen to my heart. I needed it because my heart started beating like a runaway train. I was certain Axel could hear it, because the one side of his mouth twitched up in an almost playful crooked grin, yet he kept his eyes closed, which I was incredibly grateful for.

For a moment I just stared at him, took him in, devoured him with my eyes, in my mind. I felt my pupils dilate and my loins contracting uncomfortably.

I needed to pull myself together. Focus, focus, focus!

Taking a slow, deliberate breath and standing up to reach him easier, I climbed over his left leg and stood with my legs on either side of it, leaning in closer so I could start my exploration of his chest. I held out a shaky hand and placed it gently on his left shoulder. His Addams apple bobbed, and the tingles buzzed and fizzled pleasantly under my touch.

He shifted his weight awkwardly in the chair but kept his eyes closed. I took another, unsteady breath in a lame attempt to calm myself and slid my hand down the contours of his chest, feeling him tremble and yield underneath me. The smell of arousal hung thick in the air, both of ours. It threatened to turn my mind into mush, but I pushed through. Running my unexperienced hands over every inch of his exposed, slightly panting chest.

I loved watching armies of tiny goosebumps erupt over his skin as I moved to a new, unexplored area, awakening the hidden nerve endings that would ultimately be sending messages of both pleasure and desire to his brain whether he could control it or not.

I loved seeing the effect my hands had on him. On his mind and on his body. I wanted more. I wanted to see more and to give more.

My wolf was also pushing to get out, she wanted her mate too. Every single inch of him.

Without any self-control, I leaned in, opened my mouth and brushed my tongue along the side of his left pectoral muscle. He groaned and writhed underneath me, slightly arching off the chair in pure delight. The muscle underneath my tongue twitched and stiffened. His eyes snapped open and staring back at me was his wolf’s golden orbs. I peered at him through my lashes and bent back down, hovering my teeth mere inches away from his nipple.

He had started breathing heavily and his arousal clearly showed on his face, in his eyes. I didn’t even need to look down for confirmation, and I wouldn’t dare either. It would be the end of me, and he still needed my help to pull his wolf all the way out.

His wolf kept his eyes fixed on me as I lowered my head and gently enclosed his nipple with my teeth, biting down on it just enough to create a little pressure, but not enough to hurt him. He was heaving, panting and trembling violently.

I had no doubt he was waging an inner war to keep his hands at bay. To let me do what I intended to do without his interference.

Axel tasted better than I could have ever imagined, and I was sure I was instantly addicted.

More, I wanted more.

When my tongue flicked over his nipple still firmly wedged in between my teeth, I felt the last of his restraints shatter. This was it. It was now or never. Low growls of pure ecstasy rumbled within his chest and I hungrily sucked his hardened peak into my mouth, enveloping it in warmth suction and tingles.

One loud, almost feral growl and his wolf took control of his human body.

At first, he pulled me greedily onto his lap and the next moment, I felt my back hit the soft covers of the bed and him shoving my legs open with his knees. He was already on top of me, clawing at the fabric of my tiny black dress and crashing his lips onto mine.

My arms snaked instinctively and impatiently around his neck, and I pulled him closer. Closer to rub himself against me wherever I needed him, and I needed to feel him everywhere. My skin burned up in anticipation and I felt deep, unsaturated heat building up low within my gut.

His kisses were hungry and determined, as were mine. I couldn’t get enough of him, and I practically moaned into his mouth when he moved his hips against my core.

His wolf had made a promise to me earlier, that I would be his and it seemed he was ready to live up to that promise. His canines elongated and my tongue brushed against them as I deepened our kiss, digging my nails sensually into his back and sucking gently on his tongue.

He loved it because I felt him tremble in between my legs and fur started to spurt from his back, underneath my palms. I thrust my hips upwards and breathed into his mouth, urging him on. A growl. Low and alluring.

I pulled away from him slightly to readjust my face’s position and grazed my teeth along the crook of his neck where my mark would ultimately be, should we ever mate.

I bit down. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to break him.

It did.

He broke.

A loud, guttural howl, and then fur. Claws. Golden eyes.

An enormous beast took shape right above me.

His fur was the purest of white I had ever seen on a wolf and his eyes glowed with undiluted yearning. Desire and longing for a mate that he had been denied for so long.

My heart shattered for this magnificent, powerful animal. How strong and committed he had fought for someone he didn’t even know.

Long, threatening canines gleamed from his gums, shining eerily in the light. Sharp and lethal. Ready to tear into flesh, devour and rip apart. But I felt no fear.

My mouth fell open in awe, he was the most beautiful beast I have ever seen. And as I gazed into his wild eyes, something inside of me broke too. Pure love shone from his golden orbs and my wolf answered his silent call immediately by pushing forward and looking through my eyes. I felt her there but wasn’t ready to let go just yet. They would have their moment, but I wasn’t done with having mine.

Lifting a shaky hand, I slid my fingers through his blonde thick fur, feeling the warmth of his body seeping through and brushing against my skin. I felt so small compared to him. He was magnificent.

Axel’s wolf tilted his head into my touch and something warm trickled down the side of my face. A stray tear. He noticed it immediately and bent down to lick it off. I heard myself giggle and couldn’t remember the last time I felt such joy within me.

The moment was perfect and with a heart ready to burst, I gave control over to my wolf.

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