IN FULL COLOUR - Dark Fantasy

Chapter 32


“Since I left you standing there alone in the ballroom,” he said, sounding sad and broken.

Four months.

It has been a little over four months since Axel’s wolf had abandoned him. How he had managed to survive that long without him was beyond me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the agony he must have been in.

“So, is he back? Your wolf, I mean.” I asked after a while when I saw the colours around him had changed into a lighter shade of blue.

“I don’t know.”

Axel’s shoulders slumped and he leaned forward, resting his elbows onto his knees and intertwining his fingers. He looked deep in thought, but still aware of my presence.

“He almost came out when you touched me in the bathroom,” he said, finally looking up to meet my gaze, “and when you teased him.”

My cheeks instantly flooded with red, and I had to look away.

I had to compose myself a bit before I could speak again, it took a few moments. “Why did you fight him back though? When he wanted to come out, with me.”

Axel took a slow deliberate breath, “I was afraid that he might, uh-hurt you,” he said, peering up at me from under his brows.

The way he was looking at me and his wolf’s words from earlier, created a dull, uncomfortable ache, deep within my loins. “My master would be very angry with me if I did the things to you, I am currently sending into his mind,” he had said to me.

My blushing intensified to such an extent that I almost had the urge to fan myself in an attempt to get rid of the heat pulsing underneath my skin.

“Let’s try it,” I finally said, lifting my chin.

Axel’s face snapped towards me, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

“No, no! I mean, let’s try to get him to come back out again. Gently.”

He huffed, “and how do you propose we do that?”

“I-let me try.” He was looking at me with doubt written all over his face. Not uncertainty that he didn’t think I could do it but doubt in whether his wolf would be able to behave. “Please?”

“Gabrielle, if he hurts you, I-”

“He won’t,” I interjected before he could finish his sentence.

Axel eyed me skeptically with worry lines already forming on his forehead.

“Please, just trust me. I can help you; I know I can.”


She was right though. If there was anyone who could help me lure him out, it would be her. I have tried every other possible way and failed miserably every single time. He only wanted her, nothing else, and here she was, offering herself on a silver platter to help me gain my wolf back.

I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve her, but that part I had known from the very first moment I saw her.

“Axel, he won’t hurt me, I am sure of it,” she said again, this time getting up from the bed and moving to where I sat in the white leather chair.

She took off her high heels and kneeled before me, taking a seat on the thick carpet by my feet, patiently waiting for me to give her the green light.

I sincerely hoped she knew what she was getting herself into.

After mulling over multiple scenarios in my mind and scanning my eyes over her confident, caring posture, I finally nodded, and her face lit up like a rose in bloom. She was truly magnificent. Beautiful was an understatement for what she was.

It had taken me almost two weeks just to get myself to breathe whenever I was with her. And now, now she asked me to trust her. To let her draw my savage, instinct-driven wolf out. He would devour her in less than an hour.


She bowed her head respectfully and inched a bit closer to me on her knees.

“Just relax. Lay back.”

I did exactly as she instructed. Closing my eyes and listening only to the sound of her sweet voice.

“Are you cold?” She asked. I shook my head.

“Completely comfortable?” I nodded.

My skin yearned for her touch, and I could feel it heating up in anticipation. I didn’t know what she was going to do, but she asked me to trust her and since I didn’t have any other options left, I was willing to give it a try.

I heard her standing up and moving around, but I didn’t open my eyes. I kept them closed and focused on controlling my breathing. A very valuable warrior exercise I had learned growing up. It helped to clear your mind and slow your heartbeat in order to steady erratic breathing.

It helped and by the time I was fully relaxed, I heard her taking a seat by my feet again but there was something else I didn’t hear before too. Music.

She must have turned it on while I was doing my calming exercises.

It was beautiful. Instrumental, violin and cello music. Sad. The saddest, heart-breaking music I have ever heard, yet I could not stop listening. It was like it spoke to me. Spoke to my soul. Like the sounds communicated every single emotion I had within my broken, battered heart.

“Take it in. Let the music soothe you,” she said in that alluringly sweet voice of hers.

I did just that and felt myself sink deeper into the chair.

At first, only her fingertips grazed my ankles, but soon, she flattened her hands against the curve of my leg, sliding her warm palms up and over the back of my calves. Heat emanated from her touch and pleasant enticing tingles buzzed between us, through us.

I tried desperately, but no matter what I did, my heart didn’t want to listen. It started beating like a drum and a thin layer of sweat quickly covered my brow.

“Stop fighting it. Just let your body enjoy my touch,” I heard her saying before she took my clenched fists into her hands and pried it open with her delicate fingers. I hadn’t even realized I was clenching until she had opened my fists and intertwined our fingers, gently rubbing her thumb over my hand like I had done with her wrist earlier.

She didn’t let go of my hands until she was completely satisfied that I had every muscle in them relaxed. Only then, did she set them back down in my lap and continue her exploration. Up my arms and over my shoulders, taking extra care of rubbing slow and sensual circles over every bulge and curve of my prominent muscles.

The fabric of my shirt got caught on her nails every now and then, disrupting the glorious momentum. But before I could protest, she pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me gaping, vulnerable and utterly exposed, putty in the hands of my gorgeous mate.

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