Imperium: Volume 2

Chapter 7.

Rowen' s P.O.V

As I left June and the others, I made my way back to my room. I wasn't surprised as I got some stares along the way. This would be the second time, I've walked through this place soaked in blood. Eventually it would become a typical thing, if these people keep on killing me for fuck sake.

They gave me my own room, since I started helping around the injured and weak. It was a step up from the rows and rows of beds that I had spent the first couple nights in, and the silence allowed me a good sleep, as the days were getting busier and busier.

This was my calling. This was what felt right, there was no mistaking that.

I made it back to my room, to strip what was left on my body. I ripped the rest of my shirt off and looked in the mirror, to see the massive scar that now stretched across my torso.

Jesus......thank god it wasn't my face.

I turned on the shower, and let the water heat up, while I started unfastening my belt and buttons to my pants. I hopped in the shower, and watched as the water, rinsed away the blood that stained my body.

It was almost mesmerizing watching it swirl down the drain. I just stood there, getting lost in my thoughts, thinking about everything that went down in a matter of minutes. It felt like a long time, but recalling it, it would have only been about 15, 20 minutes. How she was even able to come back from that, I don't even know.

What I do know, is whatever she did, fucking killed her, and doing that again might keep her like that for good next time.

I felt the temperature of the water turn cold, and took that as my cue to get out. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist, and quickly ran my hands through my hair shaking out the water. I made my way out the bathroom, and walked towards my bed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I got startled by Sarah standing at my door.

"Jesus! You scared the shit outta me." I said. I looked at her and her face was just blank. I could tell she was staring, and a rosy red started to fill her cheeks.

She quickly turned away. "I'm sorry! Oh my gosh! I....can come back later!"

" it's ok....just give me a second and I'll get dressed." I quickly looked around for an extra set of clothes and slipped on a pair jeans and a t- shirt.

"Okay....we're all good." I told her, and threw the towel over the bed frame.

"What's going on?" I asked. She slowly turned around till she met my gaze.

Her cheeks still filled with red.

"I....just wanted to make sure, you were was a pretty scary situation. And to thank you....for June.."

"Oh my god!" I interrupted. "I snapped at you back there! I'm so sorry Sarah, I shouldn't have.....I ....." I couldn't even finish what I was going to say. I watched as she turned her head to the side, and could see she was trying to fight back tears.

Oh god......what have I done?

"You didn't do anything wrong." She said. "I should be the one apologizing. I....tried to stop you...and if you had given up..she might not be here with us."

"Please don't apologize Sarah." I looked down to the floor. "If I'm being totally honest with you.....I wasn't sure it was going to work. I was just as scared as you were."

She looked at me, but kept silent.

"Thank you......for saving her life Rowen."

She walked towards me and went on her tip toes, as she reached around me and pulled me in for a hug. She was gentle and warm, and her embrace solidified my reason for being here. She pulled back.

"Can I see it?" She asked.

"See what?" I asked.

"The scar?" She didn't even wait for my answer, she went ahead and reached for my shirt and slowly lifted it up, revealing the long scar that went from side to side.

She gasped. She ran her finger along it.

"Does that hurt?" She asked.

Oh god! If it felt like wasn't hurt....what are you doing to me?

"What? Oh my god .....did I hurt you? I'm sorry."

She withdrew her hand away, and held her arms behind her back. "No........sorry....." I looked at her....she had a concerned look on her face. "Everything's fine. You.....just make me nervous." Jesus what was I saying.

"Oh." She said. "Sorry. I tend to make people nervous.....especially when I can read their thoughts."

"Oh god no! not in a bad way........what I mean is....." Oh god now I was blushing.

She started smiling and her cheeks were flushing aswell. OH GOD!! She can read everything I'm thinking right now!!

Think of something else! carrying...sssssssomething.....I can't even think of anything!!

"Ahahahaha Rowen....relax...your mind is going a mile a minute. If it makes you feel any better, I can block you....if you want?" She said.

"Block me?" I asked.

"Yes. I can block your thoughts. All you have to do is let me put up a wall, and the only time I can hear you, is if you focus on me when trying to communicate with me."

I thought it over and looked at her. I was quick to answer. "No....Im good.....however.....she looked at me....whats the range on that thing?"

She smiled. "I'll try and stay out of your head...hows that sound?"

I just put my hands in my pocket, and nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, I try and stay out of Junipers head too." She said, then looked like she regretted saying it.


"Shit!....Dont tell June I said that." She quickly turned away and made her way out.

I laughed to myself as she walked off in such a haste. Speaking of June, I better go check on her. I threw on some socks and shoes, and made my way back to June and Raeve.

She was laying in the bed, and looked to be dressed comfortably with blankets and an I.V. now stemming from her hand. Her eyes were closed, and Raeve was holding her hand while the other was brushing through her hair. He stood up as I walked in, and I dimmed down the lights and held my finger to my mouth to tell him it was ok to be quiet. I looked over the I.V. bag and checked her monitor, to ensure her O2 and heart rate were in good range. I then checked the paperwork, and noticed her blood pressure was a little high, which made sense since she technically died, so I put some medication in her I.V. fluids to help with that. I went over to her to feel her temperature, and she felt a little warm, but wasn't sweating, so I asked the assistant to check regularly. I saw Raeve looking at me, then watched his glance move towards my torso. He looked back up to me, as if to make sure I was ok. I nodded, which seemed to help settle him a bit. I had him walk over to the outside of the room with me, so I could ask him a few questions.

"Raeve, did Kipsky tell you further more what happened?" I asked him.

He looked hesitant at first, which I understood, but I needed to know.

"Raeve, If I'm going to help her you need to give me full closure. What's her ability? What happened?" I asked again.

"Will she be ok?" He asked me worried.

"For now.......shes out of the woods." I took a deep breath. "But if you want my honest opinion, I don't know what happened. Technically she was dead....he quickly looked away and put his hands in his pockets..sorry, she was gone for almost 15 minutes. Right now a regular human, wouldn't be aswell as she is now, but being an Imperium is already defying the laws of nature. I don't know what the hell happened but, perhaps if you tell me, I might be able to peice things together."

He nodded. "Okay. I'll tell to what I know."

We talked for half an hour, in regards to her ability alone, and then what happened from Kipsky's point of view.

So, she can conjure force fields, and build and release energy. she was the one with the tremors. From what Kipksy said earlier, she basically went super nova and released a massive amount of energy, all while shielding the others.

"Has she been using her abilities, alot more then usual?" I asked him.

"Yes.....she's been constantly training, and with the last camps that we freed, she's had to use alot of energy to do what we do." He said.

"Okay....has she showed any signs of illness in the past while?"

He thought about it. "Yes.....a few days ago, she felt fevered and tired. That was after I interrogated you."

" could I forget." I said sarcastically while rubbing my chest.

"Raeve.....listen.....I don't think she should use her ability for awhile. I think she's essentially drained her battery, and was grasping at the straws, at the compound. She used to much, and the constant use of it, is damaging her insides...I looked as a sign of guilt fell on his face. She needs to rest for awhile and get her strength back. Until more missions.......not until we can find a way, where she won't kill herself again."

I looked back at June, to see her breathing still calm. As I looked back to Raeve, his hand was held out.

"Thank you Mathers. I don't.......know what I would have done if you weren't here."

"It's Rowen." I then shook his hand in return. She'll get better in due time. "Now you just make sure she follows Dr.s orders."

He grinned, then walked back in. I followed to finish up her check up then went back to my regular duties of aiding the others.

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