Imperium: Volume 2

Chapter 6.

Raeve's P.O.V

I spent the majority of the day at base camp 1 with Harry. We had to fill him in with all the details of the recent raids and the new imperium we acquired from Foxtrott. Sure it would have been easier by phone, or transmission, but we thought the best way to relay information was through me. Less possible ways of interception from The Dominion.

"Tell me about this Mathers fellow." Harry asked.

I looked to him. "He seems to be on our side as I've seen him using his medical experience on members of our movement. I'm not sure if it's a ploy or what, but I'm keeping an extra eye on him to ensure that he's not a threat."

We couldnt be too safe. I didn't want something like last time to happen again. I pondered over it as I rubbed the dog tags in my fingers again.

I can't let that happen.

"As long as you keep track on him, he seems like he would be a wonderful asset to us." Harry said.

The same thing he said about June.

"Thank you Raeve for relaying this, your free to go, and give Jay the info I gave you about our new recruits." He said finally before giving me the nod to head back to Lingham. I gave him a final nod before teleporting back to Jay's mission control.

As I appeared, the room was in shambles. Everyone was running around and even Jay looked frantic.

"Raeve!" He yelled.

"What the hell is going on? I leave for half the da-" He quickly cut me off.

"We have a fucking problem!" The look in his eyes confirmed the feeling.

"What's going on!?" I pressed.

"This morning, the team went to go get the kids from camp Delta. Raeve, I don't understand......they fucking knew we were coming."

I quickly tore away from him and looked at the map set on the wall for prisoner camps. I felt my heart skip a beat. June......

I scanned over the map and found the location before teleporting there. All I heard was Jay yelling my name as I disappeared within a fraction of a second.

I teleported a few 100 feet away from where the compound was located and heard nothing. It was silent, and it terrified me. I quickly ran, through the brush, and once I saw the ground at my feet go from green to black, that's when I knew.

June........what the fuck happened here. I looked around and, it looked like a bomb went off, leveling everything in its circumfrance. Their were several small spots around the compound that didn't even looked touched by whatever went off. The flutter in my chest was pounding hard enough to the point it took my breath away.

I went back to base camp, and brought myself to the entrance of the mall. I looked around frantically, looking for a sign of June and the others. Nothing.

I teleported back to Jay, who had his head resting in his hands on the map table. He looked up when I called his name.

"Jay! Any word on them!?"

"Where did you just go?" He asked.

"Jay! answer me!" He could tell I was in a panic.

"No, I'm sorry Raeve. We just picked up a transmission and th-"

Suddenly Sarah burst through the plastic.

"Raeve, they are almost here!"

I didn't hesitate, I quickly rushed to the entrance, where I saw Rowen and some others gathering. Shortly after Sarah came running out, and she had some medical supplies with her, which she quickly ran to Rowen. I heard her say to him.

"Your going to need this." She told him. He just nodded and didn't question anything.

Finally I could hear the truck pull around the corner. We all stood there waiting for the worst.

The truck came to a stop and the back opened up as the team slowly made their way out. I saw Rowen run over to Grayson. He quickly looked over him and I noticed the dried blood that trailed down from both ears. Then Johansson. He looked shell shocked almost. He was too quiet. Something that I wasn't used to seeing. I watched as Jay made his way over to him. One by one the rest of the team made their way out. A sense of relief started to make its way over the base camp. I walked over to where I then saw Kipksy helping June out the back of the truck. She looked weak, and could barely hold herself up.

"June!" I ran over to her, and she gave me a small grin. It relaxed me a bit, knowing that she was ok. Aside from some of the injuries and the state of June, everyone seemed to be ok.

Rowen made his way over to assess her.

"June? How are you feeling?" I watched as he leaned her up against the truck. She just mumbled, and tried to hold her self up. Kipksy gave me this look, that gave me concern. I let him do his thing as I stood behind him watching everything he did.

He took a flashlight and brought it to hers eyes.

"Can you follow this light please?" He asked her. "What happened?" He asked Kipsky.

"I........I dont know....." He answered. He again looked at me. He needed to tell me something. That much I understood.

"June, can you tell me what happened?" He asked her once again.

She just grinned.

"Rowen!" We all looked over to Sarah who had a fearful look on her face.

Then out of nowhere, June threw up all over him. I watched in horror as the blood she threw up stained Rowens shirt. Then all of a sudden she collapsed to the ground and her body began to shake violently.

"June!" I looked in shock as Rowen went down to her.

"She's seizing! turn her to her side." He yelled.


"Raeve!" Sarah called to me.

I couldn't move. My hands thrown up to the back of my head. The pain in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

"Raeve!" I looked over. The tears making it hard to distinguish the features on Sarah's face.

I looked back to see Kipksy and Rowen carrying her lifeless body into the mall. My legs felt heavy as I followed them. We reached the makeshift infirmary, and they laid her down on the bed.

"Take this shit off of her! Quickly." Rowen yelled to the other helpers. I watched as they stripped her of her vest and knives, and saw him grab a pair of scissors. He started cutting up the legs of her pants, then up her shirt.

"Wait! wait....what are you doing!?" He was going to expose her.

Sarah pushed me back, as I started approaching Rowen.

"Raeve, I'll explain as he goes, just go and close the curtain." I looked at her. Now! She said sternly.

I did what she told me. I watched as they exposed her bare chest. The only thing covering her was a blanket that covered her waist down. He hooked her up to a monitor, where it blipped out her pulse. It was weak.

"June.....can you hear me?" Rowen asked as he balled his fist and rubbed it on her sternum.

Then the monitor read 0 heart beat. The sound of the prolonged blip, made me collapse to the floor. June.......

The tears burning my skin as they fell down my cheeks. Sarah went to the floor with me and held me, as the sound of the monitor held its prolonged beep.

"Rowen?" Her voice also shaky, and the tone alone told me, she was crying too.

"Kipksy!! what happened you need to tell me!!!!" Rowen yelled.

I looked up to Kipsky who also had tears in his eyes. He didn't answer at first as he looked at her lifeless body.

"Kipsky!!!" Again Rowen yelled.

"I don't know!" Kipsky replied. "She just exploded, and killed everyone."

Rowen looked at him as he was now on top of her giving her CPR.

"What does that mean?" Rowen asked. "Kipsky play by play! Dammit!"

"I don't know! I just looked at her and her eyes were glowing, and she had a force field on us, then all of a sudden she lit up and was like a surge of energy or something....I don't know how to explain it."

A surge....I heard Rowen say to himself.

He turned to an assistant.

"Hand me the paddles quickly." I watched as someone handed him the paddles to the defibulator.

"Set it to 400!" He yelled. "Clear!"

Her body jolted each time he held the paddles to her.

"800! Clear!"

I watched the monitor. I felt the blood rush to my head, as I held my breath. June.....please......please....

"Fucking max it out! 1000! Clear!"

Her body once again jolting on the bed. He did it once more, and still nothing!

"Come on June!!!" Rowen yelled. After the third attempt, still no heart beat. I watched as he threw the paddles to the ground and started pounding his fist on her chest.

"Come on!" He yelled.

"Rowen..." Sarah said as she calmly approached him. "I think she's...."

"Don't you fucking say it." I could see the tears starting to well in his eyes.

I sat their on the ground with my hands covering my face, as I completely broke down. I could still hear his fist pounding down on her chest. Sarah pleading with him to stop.

"One more time! Give me the paddles! 1000!"

I heard the paddles charge.


I heard the paddles shock her one last time.......then the blip on the monitor beeped.

I quickly looked up as everyone shared the same look of shock. I got up, and looked at her on the table. Suddenly her eyes shot open, with an intense glow, and I watched as her body surged a blast of energy through Rowens body, throwing him across the room.

She shot up and gasped for air. Her eyes still glowing. I watched as Sarah ran over to Rowen, who laid almost torn in half on the floor.

I ran over to June.

"June.......calm down baby...its me.....Raeve." I climbed up onto the bed with her and cupped her face in my hands. June......I whispered....."Just breathe with me baby....just breathe."

I looked back over to Sarah and Rowen, where I saw him gasping for air himself. June's eyes were dancing with colours.

"June........" I looked at her. The only thing that calmed her down was I did what I had to do before. I put my lips to hers.

It forced her to hold her breath, and I didn't let off, till the brightness in her eyes dimmed down. I heard a sob come from her, as she pulled away and pushed her head into my chest. I quickly had Kipsky grab a blanket and I threw it over her as I held her. Her breathing still heavy, but the monitor showing me a increasing heart beat.

I looked back over to Rowen again. He was now standing and Sarah was checking him over. His shirt was pretty much blown off and his body just covered in blood. His and June's.

He made his way back over after, coming back to life, and continued to check her vitals.

"June, how are you feeling." He said out of breath.

I had to give it to him. He was pretty bad ass.

"My body hurts." She replied. I could feel her trembling in my arms.

"Your body is in shock right now. whatever you did.........she looked at him. Don't do it again."

"Agreed." She said.

I looked around the room, as everyone looked relieved that everyone made it out ok.

"Your going to need to rest here." He told her. He then looked at me.

"Raeve, stay here as long as you need too. She's stable gonna go get cleaned up and when I come back we will have a chat."

Rowen started making his way out before I yelled out to him.

"Mathers!" He turned back to me. "Thank you."

He gave me a smile.

"I'll be back shortly." He said and left.

I turned back to June, who was still shaking but her breathing was getting back to normal. I rested my my chin on on the top of her head. The tears still flowing down my face.


"Ya?" She asked.

"Don't do that ever again." I told her.

"Sorry." She said.

I turned her head up to mine. "You should be." I grinned to lighten the mood. She smiled letting out a small chuckle, but it didn't hide the fear from her eyes.

"I can't lose you too." I told her, then kissed her. I held onto her as she relaxed back into me, and I sat there, with her in my arms.

Never again........just breathe Raeve....just breathe.

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