Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 23.

Raeve's P.O.V.

I stood there at the top of the cliff looking over to The Dominions Capital. I gazed over the vast empty space that lay between us and them, looking for the headlights of the vehicles. I couldn't see shit, which meant only two options. One being that they are already working their way around the mountain or two, something went terribly wrong. I paced the ledge with a walkie in hand, awaiting word from Bowdie who was waiting in the hanger floor. It had been hours and it was only a few more until the sun started making its way up the horizon.


"Raeve." I heard Bowdies voice over the walkie and without a moments hesitation I teleported to the hanger floor, where I knew she was.

"Jesus!" She yelled as I appeared up beside her.

She quickly composed herself and told me they were spotted, and should be pulling into the hanger any moment. I took a deep breath, and nervously waited for the truck to pull in.

As we waited I looked to see almost everybody had come down to the hanger floor and the walkways lining up the sides of the shelter were full of people. I saw Harry pacing back and forth near the front of the hanger. He too looked nervous.

Finally we could hear the engine of the truck makes it's way as the lights appeared and lit up the entry way. I've never heard the shelter so quite in my life. Everyone backed up to let the truck pull in. Once it came to a full stop, Harry made his way over to Jay who hopped out of the drivers seat. Harry looked at him and Jay had the biggest smile on his face as they embraced. That's when everyone cheered, and the place went in an uproar.

I slowly made my way through the enormous crowd of people, working my way to the truck. I could see some of Kipsky's men helping down some of the refugees, and could see some of the family members rushing to meet them. It was a wonderful site to see. Many were in tears. Tears of sadness, happiness, and an overwhelming appreciation for the work of the two teams that were sent in. All our hard work was for this moment.

Almost everyone had made it out of the truck except for June. I couldn't see her on the hanger floor and that's when worry started to set in. And as fast as it came, it went away when I saw her hop out the back followed by an older gentleman. I watched as she helped him down and had her arm wrapped around him as he took in the sight of all the faces. He smiled and she did too.

"She did it." I said outloud as a sigh of relief washed over me.

I could see Harry make his way over to her. I wasn't sure how he was going to take it. How June went against his orders. But I watched as he grabbed the man's hand and shook it. A smile still sitting upon his face.

I didn't realise I was holding my breath at that point until, I gasped for air. I could see June looking through the crowd, and that's when I went in. She saw me walking to her, in what felt like a sprint, and I grabbed her and kissed her with everything I had. I might have done it to hard, as she was thrown back a few steps, but I wanted nothing more then to feel her in my arms. I slowly pulled away, where we shared a small chuckle.

Next thing I heard was someone clearing their throat. We looked over and June walked me over to the man I presumed to be her father.

"Raeve, this is my dad." He held out his hand, but I was so happy for June and her father I went in and embraced him. Then when we pulled apart. I shook his hand and introduced myself again.

"Nice to meet you Raeve." He said. "I'm Richard."

I could see the flush in his face and remnants of tears that stained his cheeks.

"So you've been taking care of my Juniper." He said.

I looked at her, as she looked at me and took her hand.

"Nah.....shes been doing that all on her own." I said with a smile.

I could hear Harry talking to Jay, and a man who went by the name Johansson. Kipsky was next to them holding a woman in his arms. It took me back, as all I could see was the wretched reputation his group of men had, but then I remembered what June told me. They had the same interests.

It was perfectly clear to me now. He was the perfect man for the job.

It wasn't too long before Becky made her way to the refugees and were going to escort them to the cafeteria, where she had the kitchen stir up a feast. I walked with June in hand and Richard in hers.

"June." I said to her calmly.

"Ya?" She replied.

"We're not done yet." She looked at me, as she heard the seriousness in my tone.

"I need you to come with me." I told her. She told her dad she would be meeting him in the cafeteria in a short while. And thankfully Becky was in ear shot as she said she would go with Richard.

"Okay Raeve." She said.

I lead her to the winding stairwell that we first took, when she first arrived, and we made our way up to the top. I took her to the ledge and pulled her in front of me overlooking the city.

"Raeve?" She asked.

"Just wait." I told her.

We stood there until we saw a sudden burst of light come from the city. A small bang could be heard as the sound of the detonation crossed the valley, which was then followed by a small fire ball that entered the atmosphere. She tightened her grip on my arms that were wrapped around her, and relaxed her head onto my chest.

"June." I said. "This marks the confirmation of our existence. The Dominion will know that the resistance is no longer just a rumour. This is just the beginning to a long fight that lays ahead of us." I told her.

She stayed silent, and I shifted her so I coud see her face. She had an intensity in her look, much like the one I first saw when I met her in Gypsy. Her eyes began to glow, but this time she was in full control.

She looked at me.

"We'll be ready." She said.

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