Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 21.


We reached the end of the sewer line. I went first and climbed the ladder that took me to a manhole cover that would take us to the boiler room. I slowly lifted it, to ensure the room was clear before letting the rest of the team ascend.

I gave the clear and Johansson had the rest of his men make there way up first before he followed behind. Once we were all in the boiler room, I had them all crouch down so I could lay out the next course of action.

"Listen carefully. This next part we are essentially making our way into the basement. We will be going up a set of stairs, where it will take us to a long hallway of offices. Whatever you do, if you come across a Dom, do not use your guns. Understood?"

They nodded.

"I'll take the lead, and you just keep up. I'll get us out us out of here." I reassured them.

I got up and made my way over to the top of the stairs that took us to the hallway. I opened it just a crack to peer through and listen for any foot steps.


I went ahead and kept to the sides of the walls, keeping as low to the ground as possible. I looked to my right and could see the hallway took a turn to the right, which I knew was a long stretch. And the door to our exit stood at the end. I waited till all of team 1 were essentially behind me, and I took the lead.

It was dark in the basement, and the only thing lighting our way was the one light on my helmet. I had the others turn theirs off, and our inside man had eyes on the security cameras.

I knew once we made our way out, we would have to make our way over to him, to hand him the control switch and wait for Jays call over the walkie.

We reached the end of the first hall, and I peered around the corner. It was dark aswell accept for the one office to the left that had a light on. Shit. I looked back to the men and gave them the signal we weren't alone. Johansson came up and joined me from the back. He took a look.

We could both see there were at least two men in the office from the silhouette their bodies casted on the frosted windows. I knew we would have to take care of them. I took to the wall and made my way over, staying low to the ground. Johansson followed as the rest of the men stayed behind.

I looked back to him to give him the signal and he got ready. I shifted my rifle so it now rested on my back, and pulled out my knife setting it in my hand. I reached over and lightly knocked on the door to get their attention. I could hear them talking before one made his way to the door. I built up a small amount of energy and held it in.

As soon as he opened the door, I charged. I took him by surprise, and pushed him back into the office with my hand on his face and released the small surge, effectively blasting a hole where his eyes, nose and mouth once were. I looked over to see the other man behind a desk. He quickly got up from his chair pulling his side arm, and I jumped over the desk and ended up in front of him. He was to slow in cocking back the hammer. I quickly grabbed the gun with my hand hitting the release and letting the clip fall to the floor. He went to yell, but I grabbed his wrist with both hands and used the desk to jump up and wrap my leg around his face using the weight of my body to throw us to the floor. We landed and I quickly rolled onto my knee as his scream was being silenced by the back of my leg. I took my knife in hand and while holding his arm up against my torso, I slid my knife down his arm from the wrist to the innards of his elbow, making sure I didn't let his scream echo the halls. I stayed there till he bled out which was only a matter of seconds. The whole thing went down in a flash, and I looked up to Johansson who was looking at the man who once had a face.

"Johansson!" I whispered.

It seemed to snap him out of whatever he was thinking about. He looked at me and I nodded over to the Doms feet that were sticking out the office. He nodded and started pulling the body back in. I got up and dropped the Doms arm, which went limp to the floor, blood still pouring out. I looked around the office and my eyes fixed to the documents that lay unorganized on the desk. I went over to take a look.

I called Johansson over, which he did with no hesitation.

We quickly went over the papers, scanning them to see if anything would jump out to us. It was mainly prisoners profiles. Much like the ones I saw in the binder Raeve showed me. Which was useless to me. I took a pause and looked around further. I saw a filing cabinet against the one wall, but what really peeked my interest was a map that was hanging above it. I walked over to it and took in the details.

It was a map of the continent, and I could see pins marking the other destinations of the prisoner camps.


I quickly grabbed a pen from the desk and circled the pins before taking them out and removing the map from the wall. I folded it up and stuffed it under my bullet proof vest. I turned to Johansson, and he looked at me as the light from my helmet abstructed his vision.

"Let's go." I said, and we took off.

I had the team follow me out the side of the building, where we now had to find our way to the prisoners bay. In the distance, I could see the lot where all the trucks were parked, with ours and a few more that remained. We started walking over to the courtyard. We split up and lined up around the courtyard to look as if we were looking out for any runners and Johansson made his way over to the security booth where our inside man sat. I watched as the soldiers took the last few remaining prisoners as Johansson made his way back out to the courtyard. He nodded, and the other men and I slowly followed the rest of the remaining Dom Squad to there trucks.

Johansson walked along side me, and told me that Jay made the call and stage 3 was officially in motion.

All we had to do was ensure we were the final truck in the fleet and we would meet up with Kipsky and the others....and hopefully with my father in tow.

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