Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 20.

The next morning and afternoon came and went, and we were now in high gear preparing to leave for the mission.

They had us dress in Dom Squad uniforms and had us carry their standard issued weapons. I walked over to the group that was going to carry out the detonation.

Team 1 consisted of some of Kipsky's men. The one in charge went by the name Johansson, who was Kipsky's right hand man and was intrusted in setting up the devices. He quickly went over the plan, and told his detail that, I would be accompanying them in the process. He told them I was there protection, and the look they gave me was unconvincing enough. Unbeknownst to them, if everything went south, I was the only one that could get them out unharmed.

I looked over to see Kipsky, and his team going over some final details. Jay was also on Team 2 and he was in direct contact with our inside man. He would be driving the refugees back to base.

The time approached, and it was time to go. I had one more thing to grab, and we were on our way. I retrieved my knife and I concealed it on the inside of my boot, and made my way over to the back of one of the cargo trucks. As I waited for the others to climb in, I felt Raeve grab my arm and pull me to the side of the truck.

"Raeve." Before I could say anything else he kissed me.

"You remembered what I asked you?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied

"You make sure you follow through alright?" He said as he fastened my helmet.

"I will." I said, and with that I made my way back over to the back of the truck where Johansson pulled me in. Next I could hear the sound of the trucks starting, where we then made our way out the hanger.

It was about an hour before we made our way around the mountain side, where we stationed the trucks, and waited for the fleet of cargo trucks to make there way. We stayed silent for a majority of the time. Some of the men, were checking over their weapons and ensuring that each magazine and clip were full.

"When we get to our target, withhold from firing your weapon. We don't want to grab any unnecessary attention." I said to them.

Johansson nodded, but one of his comrades gave out a laugh before saying something in their native tongue. It snyde remark was definitely aimed towards me. I waited till he was done talking, before I displayed my eyes to him. Making sure he saw the colours dance in my eyes.

It shut him up real quick. Johansson found it amusing. We heard a bang come from the driver, which was the signal that it was time to join the line up. Our mannerisms changed immediately, as this was now go time.

We were now apart of the fleet of trucks and we could see the city getting closer. Stage 1 complete. Now to pass the inspection point.

It took awhile to get to us, but the guards were inspecting every vehicle. As I heard them making there way around the vehicle, I looked over to one of Johanssons men. The same one who made the snyde remark. He had his sleeve rolled up, which wasn't standard issue, and to make it worst he had a fucking brand on his arm, that classified him as an Imperium. I quickly jumped from my seat and pulled it down, seconds before the inspection gaurd flashed his light on us. He took a good look at everyone who kept their heads down, before letting us go. I could almost hear everyone take a breath as the truck started to move. Then I heard Johansson utter one word to him, and from the look on this guys face, it wasn't a compliment.

It wasn't to much longer before the trucks were parked and the Dom Squad exited the trucks. I made my way out, and I looked over to see Jay and Kipsky following the other soldiers towards the prisoners bay. He looked over to me and nodded. I took a breath, before Team 1 took to their first destination.

Luckily for us, we could hear the soldiers making small talk, as we walked towards the prisoners bay. In doing so, they stayed preoccupied, as one by one we peeled away from the parade of soldiers, and quickly headed to the underground sewage system.

We had to get through a set of doors, that held an encryption key, and that's where brand boy came into play. He held his hand over the key pad, and we watched as he effortlessly unlocked the door. Our own human computer. He surprisingly came in handy.

We made our way through the sewer system where Johansson, had already mapped out each spot where a device needed to lay. They didn't waste any time and each set off with a device in hand.

I stood in the open, in case anyone decided to take a stroll in the sewers. After few minutes, I could see in the distance, the lights that lit from their helmets as they made there way back to the door.

"Shit! We have a problem boss." Said one of the men.

"What is it?" asked Johansson.

"There's no key pad, which means this door is one way only." He replied.

"If there's a way in there's a way out." I said. "There's an exit further down that will take us up to the boiler room. We just have to make our way through the basement offices, and there should be a door that leads us to the side of the building." I informed them.

They looked at eachother before all turning to me.

"Okay, June do you mind taking the lead? We'll follow." Asked Johansson.

I preferred it. I placed up my field and we made our way towards the exit. As we made our way down I couldn't help thinking how Kipsky was making out.

Kipsky's P.O.V.

The team were making their way to the prisoners bay with the rest of the soldiers. We kept close to eachother, ensuring we didnt do anything out of sorts. Mr. Jay took lead, and made his way over to the security booth where he was handed our list of prisoners. I could see him share a look with the soldier who sat behind the desk, before he made his way over to me. He handed me the list, and we made our way into the court yard, where they had the prisoners lined up in rows.

I read over the sheet to ensure Anja's name was on the list. I took a breath when it was.

I saw as other soldiers with a list of names made there way around the courtyard gathering the specified prisoners. It looked like each truck was going to a different destination. I started walking in front of each prisoner, matching the last names on their shirt to the peice of paper I held in my hand.

I grabbed one after another as I made my way down the list. It didn't take to much longer till I found Anja. Her head was down and she had tears in her eyes. She looked malnourished and the beautiful smile that once filled her cheeks were now replaced with a tremble. It took everything for me not to shoot every single one of those fuckers. She was too scared to even look up, which was good as I couldn't have her recognising me. I grabbed her by the back of the arm, and I could feel she hesitated to follow.

"Keep your head down my love." I whispered to her in Russian.

I saw her head pick up a little, and she finally followed. I handed her to Jay, who then handed her to another one of our team, who then escorted her to the truck. I ended up picking a few more till I came to the bottom of the list.

"Okay let's go." Jay said as he approached me.

"Not yet." I told him. I started walking back.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, but I continued over towards the remaining prisoners.

I didn't know how I was going to find him or if he was still even here. I walked along in front of all of them and whenever I came across a man who looked to be around her father's age I whispered her name as I passed them.


Onto the next. They kept there head down for the most part. Many of them just broken, and unsure where they were being taken.


Still nothing. There wasn't much left to work with. I was reaching the end of the line, and it didn't look promising. I'm sorry June.

I reached the end of the line and a few men stood lined up against the wall.


Suddenly in my peripheral I saw one quickly lift his head up and look back down. I took in a deep breath. Thank God.

I went to him and grabbed him and escorted him myself, making sure to look at my paper to make it look like he was on my list. Jay walked along side us looking at me, as if asking me what I was doing.

"Juniper." I said one more time.

I felt him tense up, which assured me I had the right man.

"What's your name?" I asked him quietly.

He answered. "Richard."

"Does Juniper mean anything to you?" I asked.

I could here his voice shake, and could see tears streaming down his face.

"My daughter." He whispered.

We continued to walk towards the truck. I could see Anja and the others already loaded in the vehicle. I still had my hand on his arm and he tried to rip away. I quickly pulled him back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I told him.

"My daughter." He said his voice still shaking.

"Keep calm Richard. Your daughter is here." I told him.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes. :Where is she being taken? Please tell me." He pleaded.

"This is a rescue mission Richard." He looked at me confused. "June sent me."

Then I watched as he silently broke down before I quickly got him the the truck. I made my way in the back after him, and Jay hopped in the driver's seat and we set off.

I looked back as the rest of the trucks continuing to load their prisoners. We made our way back out the inspection point, and got back on the road for stage 3.

"Come on June." I said as we saw the city getting further and further away from us.

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