Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 18.

Raeve's P.O.V.

"No fucking way!" I yelled at Harry. "There's no way I'm letting you send her there."

"I'm sorry Raeve, but that's not your decision." He told me.

"She just got here, and the first thing you want to do is send her to the fucking city? It's a fucking suicide mission!"

"Raeve, I understand your upset, but we've already called her, and again it's not up to you." He said calmly.

"Your telling me there is no one else that can do this? Fuck send me, not her." No fucking way I thought.

"Raeve." He said as if annoyed with me.

"The whole Dom Squad is going to be down there, she's not ready for something like this! Send me! Just tell me where he is and I'll fucking do it!"

"Raeve! that's enough!" Harry yelled as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Do you not remember what happened last time!?" I asked with harsh intent.

He knew how much I hated how he used me for my ability, over my dead body I was going to let him do the same to June.

"Of course I remember!" He yelled. "But we didnt have then what we have now. You know this mission Raeve. It's an in and out job, and supposed to be undetected. You think they won't alert the whole Dominion, knowing there's a god damn Imperium trying to take out their leader? Now you forget your place!"

"Fuck you Harry!" I said as I barged my way out his office.

Fuck him! Fuck this place. I pushed my way through all the people that filled the hallway and made my way to the hanger floor trying to find June. I didn't spot her so I then went to the training room. I saw Davidson putting some equipment away and asked if he had seen her. He told me that she left for Harry's office a few minutes ago.

Shit! I must have passed her on my way here. I'll have to wait till she comes back to her unit. I went up to mine and left the door open, so I could see when she came back to hers.

It felt like time was going way to slow, and she couldn't get here fast enough. I made my way out and looked down to the hanger floor where I spotted her. She was moving with purpose and holding her stomach making her way back to her unit.

She was basically running up the stairs and into her unit where she left it propped open a crack, as if she was waiting for something or someone.

I didn't have time to waste. I teleported over. Once I popped in I could see she was pacing back and forth.

"Tell me you didn't." She just looked at me and looked back to the floor. She did.

"What were you thinking of June!? This is exactly the type of shit that I was talking about, and you said yes of all things." I yelled to her.

"Raeve, please." She said as I watched her continuing to pace.

"June! If you think I'm going to let you go, you have another thing coming. It's a fucking suicide mission! I was harsh with my words but I needed to convey the importance of it.

Raeve stop, I have to go. I watched as she brought up her hand to her chest and placed herself up against the wall.

"Like hell you do! June talk to me!" I made my way over to her.

"Raeve don't! You need to back away. Get out of here!" She yelled at me. She hunched over and brought her hands up to her eyes.

"June, your having a panic attack, you need to calm down." I could see she was fighting it, and that's when I saw the glow in her eyes.

"I.....I can't. Go Raeve!" She screamed.

Fuck, I needed to do something quick, before she fully lost control. I scanned her room and stopped when I came to the shower. I quickly turned it on and grabbed her throwing her in there with me. I had her up against the wall and my body pushed against hers.

"June look at me, your going to be ok, I just need you to breathe." I cupped her face with my hands and now could see her eyes were giving off the colours of her energy. I could even feel the atmosphere in the room change.

"Please.....go." She said.

Think Raeve.....think. It wasn't working at all. I needed to think of something, something that would shift her focus. I looked at her, and did the only thing that came to mind.

I crashed my lips onto hers.

I stayed there for a moment holding her lips to mine. The last time, she dropped her field when we kissed and I was hoping for the same outcome. She pulled back for a moment, and in that time I saw the colours that were radiating in her eyes slowly dim to a glow. It wasn't having the full effect that I wanted, so I planted myself on her again, this time with her kissing back.

As we locked lips, I could almost feel as if her energy was going into me. It felt warm and almost euphoric. Her body wasn't as tense anymore, and I knew at that moment it had worked. I had one hand on her waist and the other on her lower back. I could feel her back arch as she pushed her chest onto mine. It made me push into her even more.

I moved her so she was no longer against the wall but towards the shower, so the water was hitting her back. I made my way down her neck as I adjusted the water temperature to a warmer setting before I found my lips on hers again.

I felt her hands make there way off of my neck and down my chest, to the bottom of my shirt where she then pulled it off over my head. The feeling of her touch on my skin, was even more intoxicating and I pulled her more into me.

Her lips were so soft and the way she moved them with mine, was driving me crazy. I wanted to touch her as she was touching me, so I ran my fingers down her side's and pulled her shirt off. My hands now wrapped around her back. I felt the water fall onto her as I glided my hands on her skin. It wasn't until I placed my hand on her upper back, that I realized she wasn't wearing a bra, and her bare chest was now against mine.

My one hand still on her lower back, I krept up my other to the side of her breast, and planted it there. I could hear a soft moan come from her, and it only made me want her more.

As we continued to lock lips, she trailed her hands down my chest and down to my waist, where she then started unfastening my belt, then worked on the buttons to my jeans.

"June." I whispered.

"Just shut up Raeve." She said before returning back to my lips.

I wasn't going to argue with her. I wanted it as much as she did. She took off her pants and I helped with her panties, essentially ripping them off. I picked her up and had her legs wrap around my waist. I firmly planted my hand against the shower wall while my other hand was wrapped around her back, pushing myself into her.

At one point I even thought I heard her door shut, but she didn't seem to notice so I played it off.

We moved with eachother, and I could feel she was slowly climbing to a climax but was holding off. So I grabbed her thigh and I raised it higher on my waist.

The sound coming from both of us, was the outcome of built up tension, and I could feel her body growing more tense. She pulled herself up to me by reaching one hand up on the shower head, and taking hold of it, bringing her almost eye level to me. I pressed my head into her bare chest, as I thrust into her deeper, finally hearing her release.

When she was finished I set her down, as she ran both hands through my hair while planting another kiss.

We finally let ourselves take a breath, and I rested my head to hers, as we breathed heavily on eachother. My grasp still holding on to her. We stayed there as we let the water wash over us.

After awhile of just holding eachother, she looked up to me, and ran her finger across the scar on my face.

"June." I said as I brushed away a locke of hair that fell on her face. She knew all to well what I was going to ask of her, as she looked down.

"Raeve, I know what your going to say, but I have to go." She said to me while sounding regretful.

"Why? Why do you have to go?" I wanted an answer, but I already knew what it was going to be.

"My dad." She said as she laid her head on my chest.

I just stayed silent, as I knew there was no stopping her, even if I wanted to. I just let her stay there as I held her a while longer.

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