Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 14.

Raeve's P.O.V

I helped pick June off the floor and we made our way towards her unit. I grabbed a first aid kit. One of many that were designated around the hanger floor. I looked to her, as she held her hand up to her chest, and kept her head low.

When we got to her unit, she went straight for the sink and let the water wash away the blood. I placed the kit on the table and grabbed out the iodine and appropriate bandages.

"June, you ok?" I asked, but she stayed silent. I could see her gritting her teeth, holding back from the pain.

I walked over to her slowly and turned the tap off, taking her hand in mine. I pulled out the stools and had her sit in front of me. I grabbed a bandage and wiped the water and blood as best as I could before cleaning it with iodine. She winced as the sting of it hit her cut. It looked pretty deep and was definitely going to require stitches. I looked at her. She wouldn't even look up to me. I then took another bandage and placed it on her hand, while wrapping it in wrapping gauze.

She had to have been holding the blade very tight to have such a deep laceration. Which makes me think, how hard was Davidson trying to push it in?

"June. You wanna tell me what happened back there?" I took her hand and placed it back to her chest in an upright position to stop any further bleeding.

I waited a few minutes for something from her, but she looked to be lost in thought.

"June, look at me." She finally did. "Can you tell me what I saw back there?"

"I saw the look on your face." She said.

What look. I thought. "What do you mean, what look?"

"Fear." She said, and looked back down.

"June, it wasn't fear." I paused. "I was worried that you got hurt much more worst then you actually did." I took her bandaged hand and held it in mine, tracing my finger along hers.

She looked at me and looked back down. "What about what I did to Davidson?" She asked.

"Trust me, I've seen him in much worst predicaments. He'll be fine. The only thing you managed to hurt was his ego." I chuckled.

She looked down but I could see a small grin forming.

"Why did this happen? Why didn't it work like the last time?" I asked still holding her hand.


"It's because I didn't have my field up." I told him.

He was listening but continued to run his finger along mine.

"That day at...the shack, I incased myself in a force field, which is why I didn't get hurt when I grabbed the blade. Come to think of it, I put one on you aswell." He glanced up to me. "I...I can expand it aswell, which explains the atv's." I told him.

"And what happened in the training room?" He asked still holding my hand.

I was hesitant at first but, at this point there was no denying it.

"It was an energy surge." I told him. "If I concentrate, I can feel the energy radiate throughout my entire body, and I can then release it. What you saw with Davidson was just a tiny example."

"Does it happen like that everytime?" He asked.

I looked at him reluctantly answering his question. "No." I said nervously.

"I can use it to propell things away from me, or if I want to, I can release the energy in small amounts through the palms of my hands. It all depends on the situation really."

"How do you mean?" He asked.

I looked down, cus this wasn't the part I wanted to share.

"Raeve, if...if I wanted to, I could level this place to the ground. I could tell he was holding his breath. "Not....not that I ever would, but that's just an example of my ability. I've never let it get that big. The biggest I've done is perhaps the size of a football field. Even then you don't want to be around me when that happens." I said under my breath.

"Why is that?" He asked still interested.

"If your caught in one of those, you wouldn't have time to blink. You'd be.....obliterated to ash." I informed him.

"Your speaking from experience." He stated, but his voice was still calm.

"Y...yes." I answered. "That day in Gypsy, after the fight, I...I made camp and the group of men I fought found me." He quickly stood up.

"They didn't do anything to you did they!?" He said. The look on his face turning to anger.

"No....I...I didn't let it get that far, but there wasn't much left of them when I was done." I said looking down to my hand.

He took a couple deep breathes and took a seat back down taking my hand again. He removed the bandage to take a look.

"The bleeding stopped. Com'on I'll take you to the infirmary to get this stitched up." He said, standing back up.

"Raeve." I said to him

"Ya." He answered.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"Don't be sorry." He answered. "I'm glad I found you. Let's go get that fixed up.


I took her by the hand, as we made our way towards the infirmary. I was glad she kept her head to the ground, because word seemed to make it's way around the hanger floor about this mornings sparring session. She was the first one of her kind that we've seen, so having someone as powerful as her was something to talk about.

"June." I whispered to her.

"Ya?" She answered.

"Keep our conversation to ourselves for now ok. I don't need anyone knowing, how far you can take your abilities." He warned.

My concern, seemed to make her nervous. I just tightened my grip on her hand, and she did the same. We reached the infirmary, and I had her sit on one of the beds, while I went to grab someone for assistance.

It was weird seeing her this way, as any other time, her demeanor gave off a very different vibe, but perhaps that was just survival mode. Right now she looked vulnerable. The assistant finally showed up to tend to June's hand. I wanted to stay, but right now I needed to go talk to Harry.

I saw the way he looked at her after she set off her energy blast, and I didn't like the feeling it gave off. I told her that I would be right back. I made my way to his office, and by the time I made it to his hallway, it was packed. I pushed my way through, until I reached his door.

"Harry!" I said as I walked into his office, but the sight of Kipsky and his door man stopped me in my tracks. Shit, I forgot about him.

"Ah Raeve, I just sent someone to go looking for you." Said Harry.

Harry turned back to Kipsky and shook his hand.

"You made good on your part. Thank you. We will call upon you when the time comes, and we won't forget our end of the deal." Harry told Kipsky.

Kipsky made his way out with his henchman, and gave me a nod before leaving. Harry followed and shut the door behind him. He turned to me.

"Get it out Raeve, what's pressing you?" Harry asked as he went back to his desk and took a seat.

"It's about June." I said.

"She's amazing." Harry said.

Which was exactly what I didn't want him to say.

"I can see why you brought her here. She will be an excellent asset to us Raeve." He told me. "I've never seen one like her before."

I just stood there, letting him talk.

"I thought you said she was bulletproof or something along that line?" He asked me.

"Well.....she sort of is. She can conjure up force fields, and expand them to others, or put them up elsewhere. I didn't want to tell him everything so I let him do the figuring out part.

"The energy she gave off. That will definitely come in handy." He stated. "Is that the best she can do?" He asked me.

"Y...yes." I replied. "That was the first time I have actually seen it."

His mind was going a thousand miles a minute, and after years working alongside him, it wasn't a good sign. I knew now he was going to want to use her for her ability, sometime soon, I just wasn't sure when.

"Thank you Raeve, that will be all for now." He said nodding towards the door.

I took my leave, and made my way back to June in the infirmary. The assistant was finishing up the last stitch as I walked in and finally wrapped her hand, before giving her the all clear.

June saw me walk in and jumped off the side of the bed. I went to her.

"We need to"

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