Immortals Of Byolla Bay

Chapter 18 – Rikki

I carried Kinsley in my arms down the stairs to my father’s study knowing he would still be there. Before I could even twist the handle, my brother beat me to it. “We heard her scream, is she alright?” I shook my head, “Not exactly.”

My brother held the door open for us and I walked inside. Kinsley was still crying softly against my chest, half asleep. Mother and Maggie hurried over to inspect her while father and Gene stood behind them with worried looks on their faces. Kinsley stirred and woke up again.

“Kinsley, I need you to tell my father what you told me upstairs about your dream. Please. He is a master at dream interpretation.” She nodded and I sat her down in the same chair she sat in earlier. I pulled away after she was seated, but she reached out for my hand, which I gladly let her take.

My heart swelled to new heights at this simple motion. She was scared and wanted to gain comfort by holding my hand. Maybe the fire doesn’t scare her after all?

She looked at my father, “Drake from the mall was in my dream. He kept chanting something in this language I didn’t understand over and over again with this evil smile on his face. He kept walking closer to me and every step he said his chant until Rikki woke me up. It was the single most scary thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Father scratched his chin, “Do you remember the chant or remember what any of the words may have sounded like?” Kinsley looked down, trying to recall the words. “I think he said ‘do ville min Val seller force’ or something similar to that.” Maggie whimpered and father ran a hand down his face, “Was it ‘du blir min ved valg eller force’ by chance?” Kinsley nodded.

My temper flared, “The keeper of the stars as my witness, he will NOT have her!” I felt Kinsley shrink in the chair and pulled away from me. I instantly regretted letting my temper go and got down on my knees to her level, “My apologies Kinsley. Please forgive my outburst.” She looked at me with wide eyes, but nodded anyways.

Maggie pushed me over and I landed on my back. “Ow! What the hell was that for?” Maggie knelt down by Kinsley and took her hand, “Because you scared her more than she already is! But seriously love, if you only knew what that chant meant you would understand his rage. You see, this is not the first time that moron has used it. He once said it to me.”

Kinsley gasped, “What does it mean?” Maggie pursed her lips then sighed, “It means ‘I will have you by choice or force’. The language is Norse, or Norwegian as you may have heard of it. His name is not Drake either, remember? It’s Drakkar and he’s the sole reason we are here.” My mother knelt on the other side of Kinsley, “You see, Ty told you the beginning of the clans, our ancestors, because it’s very important for you to know what happened to us. When the clans split into four, Ty became king of our clan, and Drakkar soon became king of his. Drakkar and Ty were childhood friends and were at peace until Maggie came of age. He asked for her hand and Ty refused. Drakkar kidnapped Mag that night and we went after him. Ty let him live out of the goodness of his heart.

Instead of Drakkar being grateful, he sought out an Oracle that thrived on vengeance. That Dark Oracle granted him the power to banish his enemies to another realm. He sent us to this world and enslaved our entire clan. Gene was enslaved an extra 200 years for punishment because he crippled Drakkar’s legs, which the Oracle repaired.

We have been here a very long time, forced to live in a world that is not our own. The stars have guided us along our journey and finally delivered Ty a message through a dream. It said the name of this town and that someone here will help us get back home. I honestly believe that person is you, my dear. Too many things have happened to be coincidental. You were meant to meet us, and we are meant to protect you from that psychopath.”

Kinsley looked like we had all lost our minds. If I was in her shoes I’m sure I’d be the same. Father stood up from his desk, “Since we are being honest with her, I think we need to introduce ourselves properly, don’t you think?” Kinsley looked up at him, “What do you mean? I already know your names.”

I shook my head, “No you know our human names. Our given names would make us stand out in this world. My name here is Rikki, but my given is Eerikki.” She smiled, “Eerikki? That’s a beautiful name.” The way my name sounded coming from her mouth was the most wonderful way I’ve ever heard it said.

Maggie perked up, “Mine is Magnhild, so I chose to be called Maggie.” Mother was next, “Mine is Inkeri or Keri as you know.” Gene did a bow, “I’m Hagen or Gene as I’ve come to be known.” Father smiled,” And I’m Tyr, or Ty.”

Kinsley looked amazed as she looked around at all of us. Finally she spoke, “I’m not sure how to make my brain accept all of this, but I promise you I am trying. And anyway I can help you get back home, of course I want to do my best. This is just so much to come to terms with. I’ve never believed in magic or other worlds or anything of the sort. And now there’s this ancient immortal Viking after me and you guys are immortal Vikings, too and it’s” She put her hands on her face and blew out a breath.

“Why don’t you take her back upstairs and let her finish resting. I’m sure we’ve exhausted her enough today. Kinsley I hope you have pleasant dreams from now on, dear.” My father smiled at her.

Kinsley yawned while nodding and stood up. “Do you need me to carry you again or would you like to walk?” I looked down at the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in all my years. She shrugged, “I think I can walk. Will you still be there with me?” Where else would I be? I nodded and we made our way up the stairs.

After I tucked her in she grabbed my hand, “Rikki, do you prefer Eerikki? I just want to know what to call you.” I laughed, “We call ourselves by our human names so we don’t slip up in front of the humans. But you can call me anything you desire. I’ll answer to whatever you want.”

She smiled, “I think I’ll stick with Rikki so I don’t slip up either.” I liked it. “Okay let’s get some sleep. We have school in the morning. If you don’t want to go that’s fine, too.”

She gasped, “Are you crazy? I can’t miss school! The final exams are coming up!” With all she has been through, she is still worried about grades. As I’ve said before, she is the most mature seventeen year old in human history.

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